EFN324 as an embedded flexible block added. A number of changes
flowed from this, including the following:
Additional CLI commands, and extensions to existing CLI commands.
A virtual MAC description for an embedded node.
Additional topology description.
Replacement of an EFN324 added in section 11.2 on page 82.
Quality of Service for EFN324 added.
Further DHCP Option 82 options added.
PPPoE added.
Configurable first Ethertype added.
The default snmp write_community has been changed, from private
to public. See section 13.8.20 on page 137.
Descriptions of the debugging commands, including packet_logger and
trace_logger commands included, see section 13.10 on page 158.
1.2 Conventions
The following conventions apply to textual instructions (not screen shots):
Tools Options means: Choose the Tools menu item, then choose the
Options menu item.
Bold Courier letters mark field titles in a Graphical User Interface
(GUI), or text typed by the user (input) in files or the Command Line Interface
(CLI, such as Command prompt).
Regular Courier letters mark text output in a CLI.
OK : A button in a GUI.
<Server> is a parameter that should be replaced with the actual value. <>
symbols are not typed.
[argument] the brackets indicate that this argument is optional and can be
omitted. If the argument is used, the brackets must not be typed.