Ericsson 19D902797G3, 19D902797G7, 19D902797G6 Maintenance Manual

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DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Cover
SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
CIRCUIT ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
POWER AMPLIFIER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Exciter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Low Level Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Power Amplifier Finals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
POWER CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Theory of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Signal Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
BLOCK DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
POWER AMPLFIER READINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
ASSEMBLY DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
PARTS LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
IC DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
OUTLINE DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ASSEMBLY DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
LOW PASS FILTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The UHF Power Amplifier Assembly is a wide band RF
power amplifier operating over the 403-425, 425-45 0 and 450-470 MHz range without tuning. Its main function is to amplify the 10 mW FM signal from the Transmitter Synthe­sizer to the rated RF output at the antenna port. The output of the Power Amplifier Assembly is adjustable from rated power to 3dB lower at the PA output J104.
The assembly consists of a printed wiring board (A1) and associated componen ts, includ ing a power modu le and three RF power transistors, mounted to the heat sink assem­bly. The printed wiring board (A1) contains both the power amplifier circuitry and the power control circuitry.
Unfiltered supply voltage, A+, for the power amplifier circuits enters the assembly via feedthrough capacitor, C1. Power cable W4 routes the A+ from C1 to J103 on the PWB. Filtered A+ voltage for the power control circuit enters the assembly via control cable W13 which connects to the PWB at J201.
The Power Control circuitry sets the output power level by adjusting the PA Power Set level. It keeps the output power constant despite variations in input power, power amplifier gain, or temperature through the use of a feedback control loop in the PA assembly.
The power amplifier section of the PA B oard consists of an Exciter, a Small Signal Gain Stage, a Low Level Amplifier, a Driver, and the Power Amplifier Finals. All these gain stages have an input and output impedance of 50 ohms. Figure 1 is a block diagram showing the signal flow within the Power Am­plifier Assembly.
Exciter (U101)
The Exciter stage uses a broadband silicon monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) amplifier. The signal from transmitter synthesizer, typically 10 dBm (10 mW), is input to the Exciter throug h a 10 dB re s ist i v e pad (R 1, R 2, a nd R31). The Exciter amplifies the resulting 0 dBm (1 mW) signal to 12 dBm (16 mW).
The MMIC requires a 5 volt supply source. The 8 volt regulator (U100) provides the 5 volts to the MMIC via a dropping resistor R30.
Small Signal Gain Stage
The Small Signal Gain Stage consists of Q7 and its asso­ciated bias and matching circuitry. Collector voltage is fed through R39, R40, and L23. Resistor R33 sets the quiescent bias of the part. The transistor input impedance is matched to the 50 ohm output of the Exciter by C59, C61, C62, and C63. L24 provides the necessary output matching. The stage pro­vides 14 dB of gain to amplify the signal from the Exciter to 26 dBm (400 mW).
Low Level Amplifier (U102)
The Low Level Amplifier (LLA) sta ge uses a 50 ohm thick film RF Power Module to amplify and control of the output power. Internally, the module is a three stage amplifier. The power control circuitry controls the gain of the first and second stages by varying the collector voltage level of Q203. The third stage gain remains constant with A+ providing the DC supply voltage.
The signal from the Small Signal Gain stage, typically 26 dBm (400 mW), is input into the LLA. Under typical Power Set conditions, the LLA amplifies the signal to a typical output level of 40.5 dBm (11.2 W).
Driver (Q1)
The driver is a 6 dB RF amplifier consisting of transistor Q1 and its associated circuitry. The signal from the LLA, typically 40.5 dBm (11.2 W), is amplified to 46.5 dBm (45.0 W). The transistor input is matched to 50 ohms by C65, C66, C27, C67, and a piece of printed transmission line. The drive signal is then split with a printed in-phase Wilkenson splitter, providing equal power to each of the final devices.
Power Amplifier Finals (Q2, Q3)
Each of the Power Amplifier Final devices is capable of producing 5.2 (G3) [5.0 ( G6, G7)] dB of gain. The output signal from the Splitter is impedance matched to each of the finals. Under optimum conditions each final amplifies the
43.3 dBm (21 W) (G3) [43.0 d Bm (2 0W) (G6, G7)] power input signal to 48.45 dBm (70 W) (G3) [48.0 dBm (63W) (G6, G7)] output power. The outputs are then impedance matched to the input of the Combiner. The Combiner is a
printed in-phase Wilkinson type which combines (sums) the output power of the finals. This produces an output power of approximately 51.1 dBm (130 W) (G3) [50.5 dBm (110W) (G6, G7)] which is coupled to the directional coupler (part of A1 PWB) and on to the antenna circuits. In addition, the directional coupler samples both forward and reverse power and sends this sample to the Power Control circuitry.
The Power Control circuitry pe rforms three basic func­tions. It keys and unkeys the PA, sets the PA output power, and protects the PA against adverse conditions.
Keying and Unkeying the PA
To key the P A, the digital controller places 5 vo lts on the PA key line, J201-2. Zero volts on the PA key line causes the PA to unkey . If the control cable (W13) is disconnected, with nothing actively driving the PA key line, the PA will remain unkeyed.
PA Output Power Set
PA output power is set according to the level of the Power Set line. Four (4) volts on this line will produce minimum power. As the voltage increases toward eight (8)
Copyright © July 1992, Ericsson GE Mobile Communications Inc.
Table 1 - General Specifications
FREQUENCY 450 MHz - 470 MHz (G3)
403 MHz - 425 MHz (G6) 425 MHz - 450 MHz (G7)
OUTPUT POWER (RF) 65 watts - 130 watts (G3)
55 watts - 110 watts (G6, G7)
INPUT POWER (RF) 10 mW min. into 2:1 VSWR. TEMPERATURE RANGE -30°C TO +60°C (Ambient air) SUPPLY VOLTAGE 13.4 Vdc CURRENT 29 Amps max. (26 A typical @ 130W, 13.4V) (G3)
29 Amps max. (21 A typical @ 110W, 13.4V) (G6, G7) DUTY CYCLE Continuous STABILITY Stable into 3:1 VSWR; all temp.,voltage,freq. 65
watts - 130 watts (G3) or 55 watts - 110 watts (G6, G7) RUGGEDNESS AT HIGH VSWR No damage into open or shorted load.
Figure 1 - Block Diagram
volts, the power will increase to its maximum rated output. The PA output power is initially set for an output of 130 watts (G3), 110 watts (G6, G7) at J104. This is done by adjusting R43 while injecting a 10 mW signal at J1 and applying 8 volts to J201-3. After setting the maximum power level, changing the output power in done by varying the voltage applied on the Power Set line.
PA Protection
The power control also protects the PA against over
temperature and high VSWR conditions.
An over temperature condition exists when the flange
temperature of the final output transistor reaches 80°C. At this point the output power will drop below its set level. The output power will continue to drop such that when the flange temperature reaches 125°C the PA output drops at least 10 dB below its set level.
Reflected power is limited to 25% of the set power. If the output VSWR degrades to worse than 3:1 the forward power will be reduced to limit the reflected power to 25% of the set power. The Power Sensor line indicates when the PA is operating in a cutback condition. If the PA is keyed and the power control is cutting back, the Power Sensor line will drop to zero (0) volts and the PA alarm light on the station will turn on.
Theory of Operation
Power control of the MASTR III Power Amplifier is accomplished with a feedback control loop. The three possi­ble feedback signals a re: representat ion of forward p ower, temperature sensitive scaled representati on of forward power, or representation of reflected power. These three signals are input to a diode summing junction which selects the largest of the three for use as the feedback.
The stripline directional coupler samples the output power and produces a voltage, Vf, pro portional to the for­ward output power. Th e power con trol compares the f orward voltage, Vf, to a reference voltage at U3. The output of U3 controls the current flow thru Q5 and the output of Q203. The collector output of Q203 adjusts the control voltage, Vct1 and Vct2. This control voltage is capable of adjusting the total PA output power since it provides the first two stages DC supply to the Low Level Amplifier, U1.
During over temperature operation, a scaled repre­sentation of the forward power is maintained constant by varying the control voltage line. Thermal resistor RT1 sens­ing an increase in temperature causes the output of U3.1 to increase. If the output of U3.1 becomes larger than the other feedback lines, the output of U3.4 will begin to decrease. This in turn will cause the output of Q203 to decrease reducing the supply voltage to U1. Since the scaling is a
function of temperature the power is reduced as the tempera­ture increases.
Under VSWR cutback operation the reverse voltage, Vr, representative of the reflected output power is held below a threshold by reducing the control voltage as necessary. If Vr increases at U3.1 beyond the preset threshold an increase at U3.4 will result. This causes a subsequent reduction in the control voltage to U1. Thus the power control circuit reduces the output power in order to limit the reflected power to 25% of the set power.
Signal Interface
The signal interface to the MASTR III Power Amplifier is supported by a six position feedthrough connector, J201, with the following pinout:
– PWR Sensor
– PA Key
– PA PWR Set
– NC
– Ground
– Fil A+
Pwr Sensor
This line indicates when the PA is experiencing adve rse conditions. Under normal operation, while the PA is keyed, this line will be proportional to forward power. Minimum power (zero watts) corresponds to 2.5 volts while maximum power corresponds to 4.5 volts. This voltage is not tempera­ture compensated and no effort is made to calibrate this signal to an absolute power level. It is intended to provide a relative indication of forward power and to discriminate between normal and cutback operation.
Zero volts on this line, when the PA is keyed, indicates the forward power is cutback. This power cutback may be due to high reflected power or may be due to high PA temperatures. This fault condition may indicate a problem with the PA or may indicate a system problem external to the Power Amplifier. High VSWR may be due to a poor antenna and high temperature may be due to a blocked cabinet vent. Zero volts on this line, when the PA is keyed, does not indicate zero forward power. Zero volts indicates the PA is protecting itself due to adverse conditions. If the adverse condition, either high VSWR or high temperature is elimi­nated, the power will return to normal and the PWR SEN­SOR voltage will rise above 2.5 volts.
PA Key (Interface Connector pin 2)
This line is used to key and unkey the PA. UNKEY = 0 volt and KEY = 5 volts. The driver of this line must be capable of supplying 5 volts at 1.0 mA. The approp riat e key seq uenc e requires RF from the transmit synthesizer be input to the PA before the KEY line is energized.
PA PWR Set (Interface Connector pin 3)
This line is used to set the RF Power Output of the PA. Minimum power output equals 4 volts and m aximum power output equals 8 volts. The driver of this line must be capable of supplying 8 volts at 1.0 mA.
Fil A+ (Interface Connector pin 6)
This line provides the filtered supply voltage for the Power
Control. The driver of this line must be capable of supplying
13.4 volts ±20% at 100 mA.
1. No Power or low Power at 1. Measure the transmitter output The presence of power at this Antenna Port. power before the duplexer or port is an indication of a
antenna switch (for simplex defective duplexer, switch, or mode). cables.
2. Measure the transmitter output The presence of power at this power before the low pass filter. port is an indication of a
defective filter or cables.
3. Measure the transmitter output The presene of power at this power before the optional isolator port is an indication of a at the PA output port. defective isolator or cables.
2. No power at PA output port 1. Station is in receive mode. and PA ALARM is OFF.
3. No power at PA output port 1. No RF input to PA. Check TX Synthesizer should deliver and PA ALARM is ON. connection between PA and TX a minimum of 10 mW
Synthesizer. (10 dBm) to the PA.
2. Check the logic or DC inputs to the PA from the Interface Board through J201.
a. J201-2 PA KEY 5volts during transmit b. J201-3 POWER SET 4 volts to 8 volts (4 volts
represents zero RF power)
c. J201-6 13.8 VF 13.8 Vdc ±20%
3. Defective PA Replace PA
4. Low power at PA output port 1. Low RF input to PA from TX Power should be a minimum and PA ALRAM is OFF. Synthesizer. of 10 mW (10 dBm) .
2. Check the voltage on J201-3 For nominal output power, (POWER SET). this voltage should be above
7 volts.
3. Check the power supply voltage Voltage should be nominal on the collector of Q1, Q2 13.4 Vdc. and Q3
4. One of the two final PA Replace the defective transistors (Q2 or Q3) is transistor. defective.
5. Low power at PA output port 1. Check for over temperature and/ The power control circuit pro­and PA ALARM is ON. or a high VSWR condition due to tects the PA by cutting back
a mismatch at the output port. the power. In case of a mis-
match, refer to symptom 1.
450-470 110W 65-130W 75W 100W 70W 425-450 90W 55-110W 60W 82W 55W 403-425 90W 55-110W 60W 82W 55W
(50 ohm, -30°C to +60°C) SYMBOL (volts DC)
SUPPLY VOLTAGE A+ 13.4 V ±20% CONTROL VOLTAGE Vct1 0 - 12 V FORWARD VOLTAGE Vf 3 - 7 V REVERSE VOLTAGE Vr 2 - 6 V POWER SENSE J201-1 2.5 - 4 V PA KEY J201-2 5 V POWER SET J201-3 4 - 8 V
13.8 VF J201-6 13.8 V ±20%
Group Low Mid High
Frequency G3
G6 G7
450 MHZ 403 MHZ 425 MHZ
460 MHZ 414 MHZ 437 MHZ
470 MHZ 425 MHZ 450 MHZ
Vct 1 (Volts DC) G3
G6 G7
7 - 10 Volts
6 - 8 Volts 6 - 8 Volts
6 - 8 Volts 6 - 8 Volts 6 - 8 Volts
4 - 6 Volts 6 - 8 Volts 6 - 8 Volts
Vf (Volts DC) G3
G6 G7
5 - 7 Volts 6 - 8 Volts 6 - 8 Volts
5 - 7 Volts 6 - 8 Volts 6 - 8 Volts
5 - 7 Volts 6 - 8 Volts 6 - 8 Volts
Vr (Volts DC) G3
G6 G7
2 - 3 Volts 2 - 3 Volts 2 - 3 Volts
2 - 3 Volts 2 - 3 Volts 2 - 3 Volts
2 - 3 Volts 2 - 3 Volts 2 - 3 Volts
J201 - 1 (Volts DC) G3
G6 G7
2.5 - 4 Volts
2.5 - 4 Volts 25 - 4 Volts
2.5 - 4 Volts
2.5 - 4 Volts 25 - 4 Volts
2.5 - 4 Volts
2.5 - 4 Volts 25 - 4 Volts
J201 - 3 (Volts DC) G3
G6 G7
6 - 8 Volts 6 - 8 Volts 6 - 8 Volts
6 - 8 Volts 6 - 8 Volts 6 - 8 Volts
6 - 8 Volts 6 - 8 Volts 6 - 8 Volts
J201- 6 (Volts DC) G3
G6 G7
13.4 Volts
13.4 Volts
13.4 Volts
13.4 Volts
13.4 Volts
13.4 Volts
13.4 Volts
13.4 Volts
13.4 Volts
(50 ohm, room temperature, 13.4 Vdc supply voltage, and rated output )
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