Epygi QUADRO2X, QUADRO2XI, QUADRO4X, QUADRO4XI, QUADRO16x Administrator's Manual

Quadro Manual II: A d min istrator's Guide
Edition 1, June 2013
SW Release 5.3.23 and higher
Quadro Manual II: A d min istrator's Guide
Table of Contents
Manual I: see Installation Guide
Step-by-step guide to install and configure Quad ro basically.
Manual II: Administrator's Guide
About this Ad ministrator's Guide .............................................................................................................. 4
Quadro’s Graphical Interf ace ................................................................................................................... 5
Administrator’s Main Page ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Recurrent Buttons .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Recurrent Functional Buttons ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Enteri ng SIP Ad dresses Correctly ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Administrator’s Menus ............................................................................................................................... 7
System M en u ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
System Configuration Wizard ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Internet Configuration Wizard ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Needed B a ndwidth f or IP Calls .............................................................................................................................. 10
System S ecurity Man ag em ent ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Status .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
General Information ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Network S t atus...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Lines Status ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Memory Status ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
Hardware Status .................................................................................................................................................... 19
SIP Registration Status ............................................................................................................................................ 19
IP Lines Registration Status ...................................................................................................................................... 19
License Status ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
IP Routing Configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Configuration Management .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Legible Configuration Management ............................................................................................................................. 23
Events ................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Time/Date Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 27
Mail Settings ............................................................................................................................................................ 28
SMS Setti ngs ........................................................................................................................................................... 28
Firmware Update....................................................................................................................................................... 29
Automatic Firmware Update ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Networking Tools ...................................................................................................................................................... 31
SNMP Settings ......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Diagnostics.............................................................................................................................................................. 33
System L ogs ........................................................................................................................................................ 34
Automatic Provisioning ................................................................................................................................................ 35
Features ................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Upload Language Pack ............................................................................................................................................... 36
Update Languages for IP Phones ............................................................................................................................... 37
User Rights Management ............................................................................................................................................ 37
Users Menu ................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Extensi ons M an agement ............................................................................................................................................. 40
User Extension Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 42
Pickup Group Extension Settings ................................................................................................................................ 49
Call Park Extension Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 50
Paging Group Extension Settings ............................................................................................................................... 52
Recording Box Extension Settings .............................................................................................................................. 54
Attendant Extension Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 56
Extension Codecs .................................................................................................................................................. 62
Quadro2x, 2xi; Quadro4x, 4xi; Quadro16x, 16xi (SW Version 5.3.x) 2
Quadro Manual II: A d min istrator's Guide
Call Park and Directed Call Park Services ..................................................................................................................... 63
Recording Box ...................................................................................................................................................... 64
Upload Universal Extension Recordings ....................................................................................................................... 65
Upload Universal Ex te n sion Recordings - Hold music ............................................................................................... 65
Add Multiple Extensions ........................................................................................................................................... 65
Receptionist Management ............................................................................................................................................ 66
Extensions Directory .................................................................................................................................................. 70
Authorized Phones Database ........................................................................................................................................ 70
Call Back Services ................................................................................................................................................. 71
Teleph on y M enu ........................................................................................................................................................... 73
Call Statistics ........................................................................................................................................................... 73
RTP Statistics ....................................................................................................................................................... 76
FAX Statistics ....................................................................................................................................................... 77
SIP Settings ............................................................................................................................................................. 77
Host aliases for SIP ................................................................................................................................................ 78
Generate And Install New CA Root Certificate ................................................................................................................ 78
RTP Settings............................................................................................................................................................ 78
NAT Traversal Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 79
Line Sett in gs ............................................................................................................................................................ 82
Onboard Line Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 82
Information on the Caller ID system .................................................................................................................. 83
IP Line Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 84
Supported SIP Phones ...................................................................................................................................... 86
Programmable Key s Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 86
Manage IP Phones Templates ............................................................................................................................ 87
IP Phones Logo ............................................................................................................................................... 88
FXS Gateway Management ............................................................................................................................... 88
Loopback Settings.................................................................................................................................................. 89
Hot Desking ......................................................................................................................................................... 89
FXO Settings ........................................................................................................................................................... 90
ISDN Settings .......................................................................................................................................................... 91
External PSTN Gateways ............................................................................................................................................ 95
Gain Control ............................................................................................................................................................ 96
SIP Tunnel Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 96
Call Routing ............................................................................................................................................................. 98
Local AAA Table .................................................................................................................................................. 104
Global Speed Dial Directory .................................................................................................................................... 105
Allowed Characters and Wildcards ............................................................................................................................ 105
Best Matc hi ng A l g orithm ........................................................................................................................................ 106
VoIP Carrier Wizard ................................................................................................................................................. 109
RADIUS Client Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 110
Voice Mail Common Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 111
Dial Plan Sett ings .................................................................................................................................................... 113
3PCC Settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 113
RTP Streaming Channels .......................................................................................................................................... 113
Call Recording Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 114
Internet Uplink Menu .................................................................................................................................................... 116
PPP/ PPTP Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 116
Advanc ed PP P Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 117
VPN Configuration ................................................................................................................................................... 117
Dynamic DNS Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 124
Firewall and NAT..................................................................................................................................................... 125
Advanced Firewall Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 125
Fil tering Rules ........................................................................................................................................................ 126
Servi ce Pool ....................................................................................................................................................... 127
IP Pool ............................................................................................................................................................. 128
IDS Log ................................................................................................................................................................ 130
Network M en u ........................................................................................................................................................... 131
Quadro2x, 2xi; Quadro4x, 4xi; Quadro16x, 16xi (SW Version 5.3.x) 3
Quadro Manual II: A d min istrator's Guide
DNS Settings ......................................................................................................................................................... 131
DNS Server Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 131
DHCP Server Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 132
Registration Form ....................................................................................................................................................... 134
Administrator’s Additional Features .................................................................................................................................. 135
Incoming Call Blocking and Outgoing Call Blocking............................................................................................................ 135
Voice Mail Profiles ................................................................................................................................................... 135
Logout .................................................................................................................................................................... 138
Appendix: PBX Services for Quadro’s Admini strator .................................................................................. 139
Appendix: Extension User's Welco me Page ............................................................................................. 140
Appendix: Sy stem Default Values .......................................................................................................... 141
Administrator Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 141
Extension Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 147
Appendix: Software License Agreement .................................................................................................. 149
Manual III: see Extension User's Guid e
Describes d e taile d the menus available f o r extension users and includes f u rthe r a ll call cod e s a t a glance.
Quadro2x, 2xi; Quadro4x, 4xi; Quadro16x, 16xi (SW Version 5.3.x) 4
Quadro Manual II: A d min istrator's Guide About this Administrator's Guide

About th is Ad ministrator's Gu ide

The Quadro Manual is divided into three parts:
Manual-I: Installation Guide
gives step-by-step instructions to provision the Quadro IP PBX and configure the phone extensions with the Epygi SIP Server. After successfully configuring the Quadro IP PBX, users will be able to make SIP phone calls to remote Quadro devices, make local calls to the PSTN and acc ess the Internet from devices connected to the LAN.
Manual-II: Administrator's Guide expl ai ns all Q u adro manag em ent menus avai l ab l e for ad m in is t r at ors on l y. It incl u des a list of all System
Default Values.
Manual-III: Ext ensi on Us er's Gui de explains all Quadro management menus availabl e for extens ion us ers. A list of all cal l codes can b e found
there, t oo.
This Administrator's Guide explains all Quadro2x flavors (2x, 2xi), all Quadro4x flavors (4x, 4xi) and all Quadro16x flavors ( 16 x, 16 xi ) . Throughout this Administrator's Guide, the Quadro4x is shown as the reference system. This gui d e c ontains man y ex am pl e s c reen illustrations. Since Qu ad ro IP PBXs of f er a wid e variety of featur es and f unc tionality, th e ex ample scr eens
shown may not appear exactly the same for your particular Quadr o IP PB X as th ey ap pear in this m anual. T he e xamp le s cr eens are f or ill ust rati ve and expl an at ory purposes , an d sh ou ld n ot b e cons trued to repr es en t you r ow n u ni qu e environm ent.
Quadro’s Graphical Interface describ es to the Quadr o's graphic al us e r int erface and expl ai ns al l r ecur r en t but tons. Adminis tr ator’s Menus expl ains t h e Adminis trator's m an ag em ent pages according t o the m enu s t ruc t ure show n on the m ain p age of t h e Q u adro
Adminis trator’s A dditional F eatures explai ns some input -options f or adminis trators only that may be selected f rom the ext ension us er's main
Appendix: PBX Services for Quadro’s Administrator explains PBX features for administrator accessible from the handset. Appendix: Extension User's Welcome Page includes a form that allows the administrator to inform his extens ion user w ith all individu all y n eeded
addresses and phone numbers.
Appendix: System Default Values lists all factory defaults. Appendi x: Software Li cense Agr eement includes the contract for using Quadro's hardware and software.
Quadro2x, 2xi; Quadro4x, 4xi; Quadro16x, 16xi (SW Version 5.3.x) 4
Quadro Manual II: A d min istrator's Guide Quadro's Graphical Interface
Internet Uplink Menu
Network Menu

Quadro’s Graphical Interface

Administrator’s Main Page

When the ad ministr ator l ogs in, th e Quadro M anage men t page is d ispl ayed wit h a t abl e of ac tive c al ls (i nclu di ng i nform ati on about c all peers, call duration and start t i m e) at th e s tartup. T h e button Terminate next to eac h ac t i ve call is us ed t o t er mi nate the c orr es p onding c all. The num b er of t otal active c alls is dis pl ay ed above the tabl e.
Fig. II-1: Quadro4 x M an ag em en t Here the ad mi nis trator m ay access the f ollow i ng s ett in gs and per form the act i ons: By clic king on Sy stem, Users, T elephony, Inter net Uplink or Network th e administrator may access the follow ing settings in eac h respective
category and perform actions specific to each category. The Instal l Chec klist opti on in the Main M enu opens a p age that lis ts the m ost us eful acti ons and the c orresp ondin g hyperl inks f or the Q uadro’s
initial s etu p and c onf ig urati on proc edur e. Fr om t his pag e you c an be link ed t o th e appr op riat e p ages wh ere th e c orres pond ing c onf igu rati on c an be done. Here, you can also save your progress of Quadro’s setup by selecting the corresponding action’s checkbox and pressing Save.
System Menu
System Configuration Wizard
Internet Configuration Wizard
System S ecurity Man ag em ent
IP Routing Configuration
Configuration Management
Time/Date Settings
Mail Settings
SMS Setti ngs
Firmware Update
Networking Tools
SNMP Settings
Upload Language Pack
User Rights Management
The funct ional butt on Renew Wan I P Address appear s on the admi nistrator’s main Quadr o Management page if the Quadro de vic e act s as a DHCP client. The Renew WAN IP Add r ess button is used to obtain a new WAN IP address in case, e.g., the Quadro moves to another network.
The func tional bu tton E stablish Your Internet Conne ction Now respectively T erminate Your Internet Co nnection No w occurs on th e Qu adro Management page if PPPoE is used as WAN i n terface protocol.
The link Please Check Y our Pending Ev ents will be dis played on th e administr ator Main M enu page if n ew s ystem events exis t. Th e link l eads t o the Events page that can be also accessed from the System menu.
Th e li s t of Users curr ent ly logg ed int o the sy ste m is seen in t he lower rig ht corner of th e A d m in istrator's M ai n M en u. I nformati on about I P ad d r es s user acc ess ed Quadro GUI fr om, th e user name user is logged in a nd the time until the next automatic ally logout is provi ded herein. T he curren t version of t h e Q u ad ro's fir m ware and of its boot l oader is also available h ere. The idle session tim eout is s et to 20 min utes. If n o action is perf orm ed during that time, user will be automatically moved to the Login page and will be requested to login again.
Telephony Menu
Call Statistics
SIP Settings
RTP Settings
NAT Traversal Settings
Line Sett in gs
FXO Settings
ISDN Settings
External PSTN Gateways
Gain Control
SIP Tunnel Settings
Call Routing
VoIP Carrier Wizard
RADIUS Client Settings
Voice Mail Common Settings
Dial Plan Sett ings 3PCC Settings
RTP Streaming Channels
Call Recording Settings
PPP/ PPTP Settings
VPN Configuration
Dynamic DNS Settings
Firewall and NAT
Fil tering Rules
Users Menu
Extensi ons M an agement
Receptionist Management
Extensions Directory
Authorized Phones Database
DNS Settings
DNS Server Settings
DHCP Server Settings
Registration Form
(in menu tr ee on l y)
Quadro2x, 2xi; Quadro4x, 4xi; Quadro16x, 16xi (SW Version 5.3.x) 5
Quadro Manual II: A d min istrator's Guide Quadro's Graphical Interface
page of a fixed sequence of pages (used
This button opens the help page belonging to the currently active Quadro
the button will select all

Recurrent Buttons

Throughout this gui d e, you wil l s ee a var i ety of recurr ent buttons. B el ow is a d esc ription of th es e bu ttons. Button Description Button Description
This button leads back to the previous mainly in wizards).
This bu tton leads forward to the next page of a fixed sequence of pag es (used m ai nl y in wizar ds ).
This button discards the latest not yet confirm ed ent ri es .
This is th e last but ton of a f ixed s eq uenc e of pages that completes and saves the entries of an entire sequenc e.
management page. This butt on opens a wind ow w h er e th e las t
inserted IP addr esses ar e listed. It allows the user to m ak e a quick sel ec ti on of an IP address that has been previously used. This will avoid the user needing type it again. Th e clipboar d can hold up to 10 IP addresses and a new IP address will replace the oldest one from the li s t.
This but ton returns you to the page you were previous l y on .
This button confirms an operation you started before.
This button confirms an operation you chose before.
This button discards an operation you chose before.
This bu tton s aves the s ettings modifi ed on th e current l y ac ti ve m an agement p ag e.
This button opens a window where the last inserted S IP addr esses ar e listed. It allows th e user to make a quic k sel ecti on of an IP add ress that has b een previousl y used. This wi ll avoid the user needing type it again. The clipboard can hold up to 10 SIP addresses and a new SIP address will replace the oldest one from the list.

Recurrent Functional Buttons

In connection with the tables, the following are the few buttons you will see:
Functional Butt on Description
Allows add in g a new rec ord to the displayed tabl e. A new page will b e dis pl a yed t o ent er any new settings. Add
Inverse Selection
Refresh in...
Most of th e tables offer th e option to s ort t h e en t ri es i n ascend in g or d escending order by clicking the headings of t h e c ol um ns . A s m all arrow next to the colu mn headin g indicates the direc tion of sor ting - upward or downward. The entries of the table can be selected by using the corresponding checkboxes in ord er to edit or d el et e th em .
Allows mod if ying th e s ett ings of t he r ec ord s elect ed by a ch eckb ox. N ormal ly only one ( 1) rec ord may be s el ected. A new page will be dis played t o enter the modif i ed s ettings.
Deletes t h e s elec t ed entry(s) of a table. A warning mess age will ask for conf ir m ati on befor e del eti ng an existin g entry. Delete Selects all table entry(s) for example for further deletion. Select All Invers es (op posites) an existi ng selection of table entry(s). If no e ntries are s elected, clic king
records. May be show n in the up per right c orn er of a page. It displ ays the numb er of s econ ds rem aini ng unt il th e next r efresh of th e
page will occ ur. It may be us ed t o rel oad the page m anu ally.

Entering SIP Addresses Correct ly

Calls over I P are impl em ent ed bas ed on S essi on In itiat ing P rotoc ol ( SIP) on th e Quadr o. W hen mak ing a call t o a des tin ation t hat is somewhere on the Internet, a SIP address must be provided.
SIP addr esses needs to be specifi ed in on e of t h e f ollowing f orm ats: “display name” <username@ipaddress:port>
“display name” <username@ipaddress> username@ipaddress:port username@ipaddress username
For your convenience, the following combinations can be used:
*@ipaddress - any user from the specified SIP server
username@* - a specified user from any SIP server
*@* - any user from any SIP server
Quadro2x, 2xi; Quadro4x, 4xi; Quadro16x, 16xi (SW Version 5.3.x) 6
The disp lay name and the p ort numb er ar e optional p arameters i n the SIP addr ess. If a port is n ot specifi ed, 506 0 will be set up as th e defaul t one. The r an g e of vali d ports is betw een 1024 and 655 36.
A flexible structure of wildcards is allowed. In comparison with a wildc ar d, th e “ ?” ch aract er s tands f or onl y on e unk now n dig it an d t he “* ” charact er st an ds for an y nu mb er of an y di git s .
Please Note: Wildcards are available for caller addresses only. No
wildcar d characters are allowed f or called p arty address es. Except ions ar e a ddr es s es i n th e Suppl ement ary A ddres ses table th at are us ed by Outgoing Call Blocking and Hiding Caller Information Settings servic es. To us e “*” and “ ?” alone ( as non wildcar d char acters ), use “ \*” and “\?” correspondingly.
Quadro Manual II: A d min istrator's Guide Administrator’s Me n us
DHCP Settings for the LAN are described in the chapters below.

Administrator’s Menus

System Menu

Fig. II-1: System Menu in Dynamo theme
Fig. II-2: System Menu in Plain theme

System Configuratio n Wiz ard

The System Configuration Wizard allows the administrator to define the Quadro’s Local Area Network settings and to specify regional configuration settings t o m ak e Q uadro op erational in its LAN. T he System Confi g urati on Wizard MUST be run up on Qua dro's first start up t o m ak e s ure that it works properly in its network environment. The Wizard allows navigating through the following basic configuration parameters and settings:
System Configuration (see below)
DHCP Settings for the LAN Interface
Regional Set t in gs and P r eferences (see below)
Emergency Codes and PSTN Access Codes Settings (see below)
The LAN c onfigur ation an d region al sett ings will be descr ibed lat er in this chapter.
Please Note: It is strongly recommend ed to leave th e factory
default settings if their meanings are not fully clear to the administrator.
Fig. II-3: System Configuration Wizard - Start page
Quadro2x, 2xi; Quadro4x, 4xi; Quadro16x, 16xi (SW Version 5.3.x) 7
Quadro Manual II: A d min istrator's Guide Administrator’s Me n us
checkbox indicates whether the
Dialing the digits inserted in this text field will provide the PSTN dial
The System Configuration page contains the host name, IP address and Subnet Mask information about the Quadro LAN interface. These settings make Quadro available to the internal network.
The System Configuration page offers the following input options:
Host Name requires a host name for the Quadro device. Domain Name requires the LAN side domain name which the
Quadro belongs to. IP Address requires the Quadro host address for the LAN
interface. Subnet Mask requires the Quadro hosts’ Subnet Mask.
Fig. II-4: System Configuration Wizard - System Configuration page
The Regional Settings and Preferences are used to select settings sp ecif ic t o th e loc ati on of t h e Qu adro. T h is is i mp ortan t f or the functionality of the voice subsystem.
The Re gional Settings an d Preferences p ag e has two dr op d own lists to select the Location (country) and a corresponding Timezone. Quadro will su pport Daylight Savings (DST) correction if it is available for the selected time zone.
This pag e also has a manipu lation radio button group to choose:
System Language – selection is available only when the
cust om Lang uage Pack h as been uploaded and it is used t o enable custom language for system voice messages or returning back to the default language English.
GUI Theme - s election us ed to se lec t th e GU I t hem e s tyl e of
the web based config uration pag es.
The Choo se The me o n Lo gin
GUI them e s elect i on rad io bu tt ons s houl d b e dis play ed on th e Quadr o Login p age. S el ectin g the c heck box will allow us ers to choose the GUI theme before logging into the Quadro. Leavin g the ch eckb ox uns el ected will r equir e the ad minis tr ator to run the System Configuration Wizard to change the theme.
The E mergency Codes and PST N Access Codes S ettings are used to configure the emergency dial plan.
The E mergency Cod es text field requ ires the PSTN nu mbers of the emergency or lifeline services. Multiple emergency codes, separated by commas, can be inserted in this field. For each emergenc y code, a routing pattern will be generated in the Call Routin g T abl e, w hic h wi ll al low fast er and eas ier calls to em er g ency destinations.
The PSTN Access Code dr op down list allows you to select th e prefix code for accessing the PSTN line in the routing mode.
Fig. II-5: System Configuration Wizard - Regional Settings page
tone when dialed from the handset.
Fig. II-6: System Configuration Wizard - Emergency Codes and PSTN Codes Settings page
Quadro2x, 2xi; Quadro4x, 4xi; Quadro16x, 16xi (SW Version 5.3.x) 8
Quadro Manual II: A d min istrator's Guide Administrator’s Me n us
described in the chapters below except thos e f or the IP settings,
not to change the

Internet Configuration Wizard

The Inter net Configurati on Wizard al lows th e administr ator t o configur e the W AN interf ace settin gs and t o adjust Qu adro’s connecti vity with an external network. The Internet Configuration Wizard MUST be r un for Qu adro to be co nne ct ed to the Internet.
All the settings of the Internet Configuration Wizard are which wil l b e desc ribed in this ch apter.
Please Note: It is strongly recommended
factory def ault setti ngs if their meanin gs are not fully cl ear to an admin istrator.
The Wizard allows navigating through the following basic configuration parameters and settings:
Fig. II-7: Internet Configuration Wizard - Start page
Uplink configuration (see below)
For WAN Interface protocol PPPoE:
PPP/ PPTP Settings
WAN Interface Configuration (see below)
DNS Settings
The Swit ch to Auto Pr ov isi oni ng link moves you to the Automatic Provisioning page where Quadro can be configured automatically.
For WAN Interface protocol PPTP:
WAN IP Configuration (see below)
PPP/ PPTP Settings
WAN Interface Configuration (see below)
DNS Settings
For WAN Interface protocol Ethernet:
WAN IP Configuration
WAN Interface Configuration (see below)
DNS Settings
The Uplink Confi guratio n page all ows y ou to s elect th e Quadr o‘s WAN interface con nection t ype and its bandwidt h settings . These settings w ill make Quadro available to the external network.
Depending on the Uplink Interface Protocol selection, the page following the Uplink Configuration page is different. Thus if PPPoE is selected, the next page will be PPP Configuration, while selecting Ethernet will bring up t h e WAN IP Configuration page.
The Uplink Configuration page offers the following components: The WAN Interface Prot ocol radio but tons are us ed to ch oos e th e
protocol dep end in g on t h e req uirements of the ISP ( In t er n et Service Provider):
PPPoE - turns on the PPP over an Ethernet connection.
PPTP – turns on the Point to Point Tunneling Protocol
(PPTP) int erface us ed for the conn ection b etween Q uadro and ADSL modem. A fixed IP address configuration is needed in this case.
Ethernet - turns on the Ethernet connection.
The WAN I nterf ac e Band width settings allow th e s p ecif ication of the ups tream and downstr eam speeds in kb it/s , help ing to ass ur e the quali ty of IP calls. A n IP call looses th e v oice quality if there is no available bandwidth. When approaching the limits of bandwidth capacity, another IP call will be declined.
The bandwidth provided by the ISP has to be specified in the text fields Upstream Speed and Downstream Speed. The default ent ry in b ot h f i eld s is 10000, th e maximum band width of a 10 MB Ethern et. In most c ases, pr oviders offer a smaller b andwidt h than 1 0000 kbit/s . You m ay see th e required bandwidth in the chapter
The Min D ata Rate te xt field requires the amount of ups tream ban dwidth th at ought to r em ain for data ap pl ications even if voice ap plications use the entire avai lable ups tream bandwidth. The value selected here needs to be smaller than the upstream bandwidth and is measured in kbit/s.
Needed Bandwidth for IP Calls.
Fig. II-8: Internet Configuration Wizard - Uplink Configuration page
Quadro2x, 2xi; Quadro4x, 4xi; Quadro16x, 16xi (SW Version 5.3.x) 9
Quadro Manual II: A d min istrator's Guide Administrator’s Me n us
Needed bandwidth in kbit/s using the Codecs:
50 - 105
19 - 74
17 - 71
The WAN IP C onfiguration page is only displ ayed if Ethernet or PPTP has been selected to be the uplink protocol. It offers the follo wing com ponents:
The Assign automatically via DHCP radio-button selection switches to automatic retrieval of the WAN IP address from a DHCP server at the ISP/uplink.
Please Note: DHCP referr ed to here is the on e th at runs on the provider’s side and not the Quadro’s personal DHCP server.
The Assign Manually radio-button switches to the manual adjustment of IP settings. This selection requests the following parameters:
IP Address requires the IP address for t he Quadro WAN interface. Subnet Mask requires the subnet mask for the Quadro device
WAN interface. Default G ateway req uire s the I P ad dress of the r outer wh ere all
packets are to be sent to, for example, to the router of the provider.
The WAN Interface Configurati on page may be used t o modif y th e MA C ad dres s of the Quadro. This might be necessary if the ISP (Internet S ervice P rovid er) re quir es a spec ifi ed MAC addr ess, for example, for authentication. This page offers the following components:
MAC Address Assignment manipulation radio-buttons:
Fig. II-9: Internet Configuration Wizard - WAN IP Configuration page
This Devi ce turns to th e def aul t MAC address of the Quadro.
User Defi ne d requires user defined MAC Address.
The MTU drop d own list allows you t o select the maxim um packet size on the Ethernet (in bytes). MTU is used to fragment the packets before transmitting them to the network. The MTU preferred value is dependent on the Ethernet connection. The default MTU size is 1500 Byt es f or Ethernet and 1400 Bytes for PPPoE.
Fig. II-10: Internet Configuration Wizard - WAN MAC Address Configuration page
Needed Bandwidth for IP Calls
The bandwidth required by an IP call depends on the codecs used and these specifications are listed in the tables below:
Required Bandwidth for Standard Packets:
Size in
Quadro2x, 2xi; Quadro4x, 4xi; Quadro16x, 16xi (SW Version 5.3.x) 10
20 84 37 45 53 61 29 - 84 53 30 76 30 38 45 53 22 27 76 45
G.726-16 G.726-24 G.726-32 G.726-40 G.729a
G.722 G.722.1
Quadro Manual II: A d min istrator's Guide Administrator’s Me n us
Needed bandwidth in kbit/s using the Codecs:
33 - 89
Needed bandwidth in kbit/s using the Codecs:
92 - 148
49 - 105
30 - 85
26 - 80
page includes the following
allows selecting the Security Level
PSTN, disabled
The minimum strength of the IP Line
The minimum strength of the IP Line passwords
warnings on the IP Line passwords, disabled IDS,
Needed Bandwidth for Encrypted Packets when using a SRTP:
Packet Size in
G.711u/G.711a G.726-16 G.726-24 G.726-32 G.726-40 G.729a
10 114 66 74 82 90 58 - 114 82
40 76 28 36 44 52 20 - 76 44 50 74 26 34 42 50 18 - 74 42 60 72 24 32 40 48 16 22 72 40
Required Bandwidth for Encrypt ed P a ck et s when a VPN is used:
Size in
G.711u/G.711a G.726-16 G.726-24 G.726-32 G.726-40 G.729a
G.722 G.722.1
G.722 G.722.1

System Security Management

The System Security Management offers a possibility of managing the global security levels, running the system securit y d i agnostics pr ogram and receivi ng compl ete rep orts on the Q uadro c onfigurat ion s ecurity. It includes three pages- the Syste m Security Settings page, System Se curity Diagnostics page and the SIP IDS Settings page.
The System Security Settings components:
The Security Level table ­definin g requir ements to the IP Lines' pass word strength an d the Security Report granularity. The security levels are as follows:
Low - There are no spec if ic r estr ic t i ons on th e strengt h of
the saved password. Only the critical warnings on the Call Routing Rules to PSTN and IP­Firewall and IDS will be generated in Security Report.
Medium -
passwords should be "good". The Security Report will generate warnin gs on al l unsecur ed Call Routi ng ru l es, IP Line p assw ords, F irewall level (if it is s et to l ower than "Medium" ) and disab l ed IDS .
High -
should be "strong". The Security Report will generate unsecured SIP, and unsecured Routing Rules to SIP,
PSTN and IP-PST N and als o r egar ding t h e Firew all lev el if it is set to lower than "High".
Fig. II-11: Quadro System Security Management page
The Sy stem Security Dia gnostics p age allows r unning the s ecurity aud it and gett ing the secur ity reports . The Start S ecurity Audit functional button is used for r u nn in g the s ecurity aud it. The Qu ad ro Security A udit is a sec urity repor t in g system, w hic h g en erates the warni ngs regardi ng the Quadr os w eak n esses relat i ve t o the sel ect ed Security L ev el. The w arnings m ay var y d ep ending on t he select ed gl obal Security Level. The Security Audit will detect the security related configuration issues in Firewall, IDS, IP Line passwords, Call Routing and extension settings.
Quadro2x, 2xi; Quadro4x, 4xi; Quadro16x, 16xi (SW Version 5.3.x) 11
+ 25 hidden pages