Material Safety Data Sheet
1. Article and Corporate Identification
Product: Epson Ink Cartridge T544300
For use with Epson Stylus Pro 4000 & 9600
Distributor: Epson America, Inc.
3840 Kilroy Airport Way
Long Beach, CA 90806
United States
Tel: 562-276-1369
Fax: 562-997-5799
The EPSON T544300 Ink Cartridge
2. Composition Information
This is an aqueous ink formulation
Ink Composition CAS No.
Proprietary dyes and pigments
Proprietary organic materials
% By Weight
5 -10%
3. Hazard Identification
3.1 Emergency Overview: Ink component is a light magenta liquid that may cause eye irritation. Avoid contact with
eyes or clothing. In the case of skin contact, wash with soap and water. Keep out of reach
of children.
3.2 Potential Health Effects:
Eyes: Ink contact with eye may be mildly irritating. See Section 11 for Toxicology.
Skin: Ink contact with skin may cause irritation, swelling, or redness. It is not expected to cause an allergic skin
reaction. See Section 11 for Toxicology.
Inhalation: Intentional exposure to ink vapors may cause respiratory irritation. See Section 11 for Toxicology.
Ingestion: May cause upset stomach. See Section 11 for Toxicology.
MSDS # T544300 Version 3.52 (USA)
Page 1 of 4 Release Date 05/07

4. First Aid Measures
4.1 Eyes: Immediately flush with room temperature, low pressure, clean water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical
attention if eye irritation continues.
4.2 Skin: Wash surface areas with soap and water. Wash soiled clothing before rewearing. Seek medical attention if
irritation continues.
4.3 Inhalation: Remove subject to ventilated fresh air. Consult physician if necessary
4.4 Ingestion: Seek medical attention if stomach continues to be upset.
5. Fire Fighting Measures
5.1 Flammability: Flash point is greater than 230 deg. F / 110 deg. C (closed cup in accordance with ASTM D3278)
5.2 Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical or carbon dioxide
5.3 Fire Fighting Instructions: No special fire fighting procedures are required other than breathing apparatus. No
special explosion hazards are known.
6. Accidental Release Measures
If a spill occurs, use sponges to wipe-up ink, then rinse area with damp cloth. Place waste in closed container for
disposal. Use proper ventilation. Do not dispose of waste to the sewer. No eye or skin protection required during
clean-up. Wash hands with soap and water.
7. Precautions for Safe Handling and Use
Keep out of reach of children and do not drink ink. Do not store the cartridge in a high or freezing temperatures.
Keep cartridge out of direct sunlight. Do not dismantle cartridge. Do not store cartridges with oxidizing agents or
explosives. Make sure cartridge is dry before insertion into printer housing.
8. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection
8.1 Engineering Controls: None required
8.2 Exposure Controls: None required
8.3 Personal Protection: None required when cartridges are used as intended
9. Physical and Chemical Properties of Ink Formulation
Appearance: Magenta Liquid
pH: 9.0 – 10.0
Boiling point: Approximately 212 deg. F / 100 deg. C
Freezing point: Less than 32 deg. F / O deg. C
Melting point: Less than 32 deg. F / O deg. C
Flash point: Greater than 230 deg. F / 110 deg. C (closed cup, ASTM D3278)
Autoflammability: None
Odor: None
MSDS # T544300 Version 3.52 (USA)
Page 2 of 4 Release Date 05/07