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The Epson Discproducer PP-100N Security is the ideal
solution if you need to burn confi dential data onto CD/
DVD media on a regular basis. The system is specially
designed for applications requiring top-level security
and protection of archived data:
• Medicine: data on patients and billing
• Business: fi nancial and research data
• Public sector: police, military and judicial data
Access to the output compart-
ment is restricted to authorised
users. The intelligent
logic verifi es the PIN code
entered by the user.
The ergonomic display
unit supports eight different
Besides sharing the high reliability and
superb quality of the products in the
Epson Discproducer range, PP-100N
Security also features additional
Protection against data
loss and misuse
A PIN-protected door lock pre-
vents unauthorised removal of
burned or blank CD/DVD media.
The “Total Disc Network
Administrator” software ensures
that only the media corresponding
to the specifi ed PIN number can
be output from PP-100N Security.
In the top security mode, employees
need an electronic authorization
by an approver in addition to the
PIN code before they can burn
media on the PP-100N Security.
The PP-100N Security’s integrated
logic can manage up to 80 jobs from
several users using encryption,
so that even if the device is stolen,
no readable data will fall into the
wrong hands.
All the burn jobs are stored in a
log fi le so you can search for them
later whenever you like.
The Epson Discproducer PP-100N
Security was designed in accord-
ance with the Common Criteria
(CC) safety standard and has
been registered for certifi cation.
(ISO 15408)
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