User’s Guide Update
The vertical lens shift information in your PowerLite® Home Cinema 6100 or Pro
Cinema 7100 User’s Guide is incorrect.
Although you can shift the image up by 96% of the image height, you can shift it
down by only 85% of the image height.
Mise à jour du Guide de l’utilisateur
L’information concernant le positionnement vertical de l’objectif incluse dans le
Guide de l’utilisateur de votre projecteur PowerLite
Home Cinema 6100 ou Pro
Cinema 7100 est incorrecte.
Bien que vous puissiez déplacer l’image vers le haut de 96% de la hauteur de
l’image, vous pouvez seulement déplacer l’image vers le bas de 85% de la hauteur
de l’image.
Actualización del Manual del usuario
La información sobre el ajuste vertical del lente en el Manual del usuario de su
proyector PowerLite
Aunque puede desplazar la imagen hacia arriba en un 96% de la altura de
la imagen, solamente puede desplazarla hacia abajo en un 85% de la altura
de la imagen.
Home Cinema 6100 o Pro Cinema 7100 es incorrecta.
Atualizacão do Manual do usuário
A informacão do deslocamento vertical da lente no Manual do usuário do seu
projetor PowerLite
Apesar de ser possível deslocar a imagem para cima até 96% da altura da imagem,
você pode deslocá-la para baixo somente até 85% da altura da imagem.
Home Cinema 6100 ou Pro Cinema 7100 está incorreta.
© 2008 Epson America, Inc. 10/08
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User’s Guide Updates
for the PowerLite® Home Cinema 6100 and
Home Cinema 6500 UB
Color Mode
The names of the Color Mode settings listed in your manual have changed.
Although the names differ, the settings work as described.
Old name New name
Vivid Dynamic
Cinema Day Living Room
Cinema Night Theatre
HD Theatre Black 1
Silver Screen Theatre Black 2
Lens Shift
The vertical lens shift information for the PowerLite Home Cinema 6100 is
incorrect. Although you can shift the image up by 96% of the image height, you
can shift it down by only 85%.
4-4 Pull-down
The Progressive and Frame Interpolation settings cannot be used when the
4-4 Pull-down option is turned on (PowerLite Home Cinema 6500 UB only).
© 2008 Epson America, Inc. 10/08
Printed in XXXXXX
Pays d’impression : XXXXXX
Impreso en XXXXXX
País de impressão: XXXXXX