Supplemental Information for CD-ROMs
The PhotoPC 750Z software CD-ROM may include some of the following
additional software. Plea se read the installatio n instructions in the s oftware’s
accompanying paper or online manual before installing the software.
This supplement includes the following sections.
❏ PDF online manuals
(describes how to read PDF manuals)
❏ Software Installation Instructions
(describes how to install the software)
Some manua ls in cl ude in st ruc tion s f or the reta il ve rsion of the so ftw are. The re ma y
be minor diffe rences betwe en the so ftwar e des cribed and t he soft ware i ncluded on the
PDF online man uals
The following applications include PDF files that function as online manuals.
Follow the instructions below to access the PDF files included on the
Installing Ac robat Reader
To read PDF files, you need to install Acrobat Reader on your computer.
Follow the directions below to install Acrobat Reader.
1. Insert the Pho toPC 750Z software CD-ROM into your CD-R OM drive.
2. If the Select Langu age dialog appears , select you r preferred lang uage. If
3. Click the
4. Click OK.
Adob e
PictureWorks Spin PhotoObject
the dialog box does not appear, open the CD folder and double-click
Reader Ver.3.01 has a check mark next to it in the application list.
Spin™ Panora m a
, then select your preferred language.
Add softwar e
All the software is listed with a check mark next to it by default. If you want to
read the PDF file s befor e inst alling the ot her a pplica tions, c lea r the ch eck ma rks
next to the other applications.
icon on the screen, then make sure that Acrobat
1. Insert the PhotoPC 750Z software CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click
After you finish installation, you can access the PDF files included on the
Acrobat Reader,
Reader 3.01 Installer
select your preferred language, then
Finding the PDF files
To find the online manuals, insert the PhotoPC 750Z software CD- ROM i nto
your CD-ROM drive, then double-click the file icons described below.
Adobe PageMill
The Getting Start ed Guide (Getstart .pdf) and the User Guide (Userguid.pdf)
are located in the Pagemill\English\Userdocs f older. Other PDF files in the
Pagemill folder contain important information not included in the CD
PictureWor ks Spin Panorama
The Getting Started G uide (GETTING STARTED GU IDE.pdf) a nd the Field
Guide (FIELD GUIDE.pdf) are located in the Panorama folder.
PictureWor ks Spin PhotoObject
The Getting Started G uide (GETTING STARTED GU IDE.pdf) a nd the Field
Guide (FIELD GUIDE.pdf) are located in the Photoobj folder.
Adobe PageMill
To access the user’s guide, click
Other PDF files in the Pagemill folder contain important information not
included in the CD booklet.
PictureWor ks Spin Panorama
The Getting Started Guide (Getting Started Guide.pdf) and the Field Guide
(Field Guide.pdf) are located in the Spin Panorama folder.
PictureWor ks Spin PhotoObject
The Getting Started Guide (Getting Started Guide.pdf) and the Field Guide
(Field Guide.pdf) are located in the Spin PhotoObject folder.
Pagemill\Adobe PageM ill 2.0\Engl ish