Epson PhotoPC 550 Color Product Information Guide

EPSON PhotoPC 550
shutter button
lens cover
macro switch
front view (lens cover is open)
display panel
timer light
connector cover
Specif ications


Physical Dimensions
Width 4.2 in (106.5 mm) Height 2.6 in (66.8 mm) Depth 1.5 in (37.2 mm) Weight 5.4 oz (153 g), without batter ies
Safety Specifications
Conforms to FCC sp ecif icatio ns. FCC Declara tion of Co nformity on file.
Sources 3 AA batteries (sing le -use alkal in e,
lithium or rechar geabl e N iCd or NiMH)
Optional AC adapte r (B8 67038)
Battery Life At least 300 pictures , incl u ding
downl oa d t ime.
status light
image quality button
erase button
back view
display panel
top view
voice recording button
timer button
shutter button
storage card slot cover
hand strap holder
Product type CCD (charged coupled device)
still fra m e fixed foc u s ca me ra
Image size Super high, 640 × 480 pixels
(low compression) High, 640 × 480 pixels
(standard compression)
Standard, 320 × 240 pixels DPI 144 pixels per inch Bit depth 16 million colors, 24-bit CCD 1/3 inch progressive scan 640 × 480
pixels Serial interface 2.5 mm mini terminal (to camera)
RS-232C compatible (to computer) Serial
Up to 115Kbps communication speed
Internal memory 1MB flash memory Optional exp ansio n
3.3V SSFDC (solid state floppy disk
cards) or SmartMedia cards
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EPSON Photo PC 550
Temperature Operating: 32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C)
Non-operatin g: –4 to 14 0°F (–2 0 to 60°C)
Humidity Operating: 30 to 90% (non-c onde nsing)
Non-operating: 10 to 90% (non-condensing)
Lens f = 6 mm F2.8/8 (equivalent to a 43 mm
lens on a 35 mm camera)
Range 23.6 inch es (60 cm ) to infin ity
3.9 to 21.7 inches (10 to 55 cm, macro
mode) Sensitivity Equivalent to ISO 100 Exposure control Program auto exposure White balance TTL automatic wh ite bal an ce Shutter Automatic electric ir is wit h mechanical
shutter, 1/4 seco nd to 1/ 1000 second

Using Batteries

Installing Batteries

Before you install the batteries, make su re the camera is turned off (the lens cover is closed). Then follow these steps:
1. Turn the camera upside down with the back fac ing you.
2. Open the battery cover by sliding it in the directi on of the arrow, as shown below:
Viewfinder Optical, with cen terin g crosshairs and
edge b ord er Focus Fixed focus Aperture F2.8/8.0
Frequency respon se 200Hz to 2.3Hz at –30D B
400Hz to 1.3Hz at –20D B

Optional AC Adapter

Physical Dimensions
Width 1.97 inches (50 mm) Height 1.18 inches (30 mm)
1.85 inches (47 mm) inclu ding pin s
Depth 3.74 inches ( 95 mm)
Outp ut DC 7V/ 2. 0 A
3. Insert all three batteries into the compartment, positioning the + and - ends as shown below:
battery positions
4. Close the battery cover and slide it to the right until it snaps into place.
Input 110 to 120V AC, 50 to 60H z
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EPSON PhotoPC 550

Handling Batteries

When your PhotoPC 550 batteries wea r out, y ou can rep l ace them with any of the follo wing :
Single-use AA alkaline batteries (Energizer
Single- us e AA li t hi um ba t ter ie s (lo n ge r li fe)Rechargeable AA NiCd batteriesRechargeable AA NiMH batteries
WARNING To avoid the danger of fire or explo s ion, do not mix diffe rent ty pes of batteries. Do not allow the battery contacts to touch metal objects such as coins or keys, which could short out the battery’s circui ts. Read all safety and handling instructions before using batteries.
Note the following when handling batteries: Use the batteries that came with your camera only in
EPSON d i gi t al ca m er a s.
Do not use manganese batteries.Battery life varies depending on the battery type and the

Checking the Display Panel

The battery ico n flas he s whe n y o ur b attery po w er is completely out. At this point, you can’t take pictures until you replace the batteries or use the optional AC adapter.
You should use the battery icon only as a guide to estimate remaining pow e r. S eve ral fa c to rs can af fec t ba tte ry lif e, including the surro u nd ing te mp eratu re and the type of batteries you use. Low temperatures—especially below 50 °F (10 °C)—drain your batteries faster.

Setting Image Quality

PhotoPC 550 ha s thr ee im ag e qua lit y (reso lutio n) s etting s: Standard, High, and Super High.
Press the image quality button on top of the camera to cycle from one setting to the other. The image quality icons (shown below) appear on the display panel.

Standard (S)

Produces color images at 320 × 240 pixels, with standard
compression. The image size is smaller and includes less detail when enlar g ed. T his is id eal for w eb page s and w allet ­size pictures (the picture size is approximately 2.2 × 1.7 inches [43.2 × 55.8 mm]). The camera holds at least 24 pictures in this mode.
The display panel shows the camera’s current settings, the number of pictures remaining, and status of your batteries.
image quality
macro mode
battery sta tu s
voice recording
pictur es remaining
self timer

Checking the Battery

Before you take pictures, check the battery icon on the control panel. The icon sho ws how much battery power you have l eft, in the following stage s.
Full battery p ower ( or AC ad ap ter in u s e) to Battery power is decreasing Battery power low (time to buy new batteries) Battery po w er is alm os t o u t
Change batteries
NOTE When the batter y power is low, image processing is less reliab le.

High (Hi)

Produces color im ages at 640 × 4 80 pix el s with standard compre ssion. Pictures include greate r d etail
and are snapshot size (approximately 3.3 × 4.4 inches [83.8 ×
111.8 mm ]). Th e cam era h o lds at l east 12 pictures in this mode.

Super High (S-Hi)

Produces colo r image s at 64 0 × 480 pixels with low compression. With less compr ession, Super High
images are better for pictures that will be enlarged. The camera holds at least 6 snapshot size (approximately 3.3 × 4.4 inches [83.8 × 111.8 mm]) pictures in this mode.
NOTE You can switch between the settings and mix pictures of varying quality in the camera. The camera’s c a pacity f or storing images wi ll vary accordingly. Depending on the content of your pictures, your camera may hold more than the numbers shown. As long as the display panel shows a number other than zero, you can continue taking pictures.
When you turn the camera off and back on, the image quality setting is the last setting used. When you replace the batteries, the image quality setting defaults to High.
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EPSON Photo PC 550

Taking a Picture

You can capture an imag e w ith Ph oto PC 55 0 as you woul d with any point-and-shoot camera: look through the viewfinder and snap the shutter. Follow these steps to take a picture:
1. Make sure you are at least 23.6 inches (60 cm) away f rom your subject.
2. Turn the camera on; the status light turns green.
status light
shutter button
CAUTION If you set the camer a down while it is processi ng a pictur e, make sure you handle it carefully. The camera may lose your image if you set it down too hard.
When the light stops flashing and turns green, the image is saved and you can tak e ano th er pict ur e. Sav ed images remain in memory for at least a year, even when the camera is turned off and the batte ries are re mo ve d .
NOTE Remember that the camera shuts off automatically after 60 seconds.

Recording Messages Wit h the Microphone

You can use the built-in microphone to annotate your pictures with sound or record a voice message. Follow these steps:
1. Pr es s t he The voice icon appears on the display panel and the status light flashes red.
button until you hear the camera beep.
voice recording icon
3. Look straight through the viewfinder and center your subject within the cross-hairs.
macro cr op marks (see page 5)
4. Hold t he shut t er bu tt o n half w a y do wn to lo ck th e foc us. The status light changes fro m green to or a nge.
NOTE If you do not lock the focus, your pict ures may be blurry.
5. Press the shutter butto n t he rest of th e way down to take the picture.
Hold the camera still until it beeps and the status light starts flashing red. The flashing red light indicates that the camera has captured the image and is processing it. Processing takes about 8 se conds.
2. Hold the camera 4 to 6 inches (10.2 to 15.2 cm) away and speak into the microphone. You can record a message up to six seco nds l o ng. When t he re co rdi ng time is up, the ca mer a beeps twice.
After you record your message, the picture counter decreases by on e . Th e m essa g e i s “at t a c hed ” t o the l a s t pict ure t a ken. Each message uses the same amount of memory as a high­resolution picture and is stored as a .wav file.
If you don’t like the message you recorded, you can record a
button. PhotoP C 550
new message by pressing the
automatically records over the last message.
NOTE You cannot erase a message only; you can only record over it. If you press the ERASE button, you eras e both the image and the atta ched message.
If your camera is connecte d to your computer, you must use the computer’s microphone to record messages.
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