Date: 3/4/2002 Originator: JD
PSB #: PSB.2002.03.001 Authorization:
Reference: TE01-320 Rev. A
Product(s): Perfection 610, 636, 640, 1200, 1240, 1250, 1640, 1650, 2450 & Expression 636, 800, 836XL,
1600, 1640XL, 1680 Series Scanners; StylusScan 2000, 2500
Subject: Compatibility Chart for Macintosh OS X Classic
This bulletin provides information on compatibility for EPSON scanners and Stylus Scan series products running in
Macintosh OS X Classic. Mac OS X provides Classic environment for Mac OS 9.x compatible applications and
device drivers. For purposes of this document, your Macintosh computer requires OS 9.2.1 and 10.1 system
software. To set up Classic, follow the steps below:
1. First install or upgrade your Macintosh system to OS 9.2.1. Then, install OS 10.1 (for details refer to
Apple’s OS X documentation).
2. To start Classic, click the Classic icon in System Preferences. To find System Preferences go to the
Apple Menu or click on the icon in the Dock bar on the desktop. Classic can also be set up to start
automatically during the log in process. (Refer to your Apple documentation for installation and operation
of Macintosh OS X Classic and 9.2.1).
3. To run a Classic application, just double–click on it.
The following Epson models are supported in Classic.
Model Driver Version Connector Type
Perfection 610 TWAIN L 1.00E USB
Perfection 636U TWAIN 3.20A USB
Perfection 640U TWAIN L 2.01A USB
Perfection 1200U TWAIN 4.01A USB
Perfection 1240U TWAIN 5.02A USB
Perfection 1250 TWAIN 5.53A USB
Perfection 1640SU TWAIN 5.02A USB
Perfection 1650 TWAIN 5.53A USB
Perfection 2450 TWAIN 5.53A USB
Expression 1600 TWAIN Pro 2.10A/Pro Network 2.00A * USB
Expression 1640XL TWAIN Pro 2.10A/Pro Network 2.00A * USB
Expression 1680 TWAIN Pro 2.10A/Pro Network 2.00A * USB
Stylus Scan 2000 TWAIN (v.1.10A); Printer (v.6.25E) ** USB
Stylus Scan 2500 TWAIN (v.1.10A); Printer (v.6.25E) ** USB
* Expression Series Scanner Notes:
1. Start your computer in 9.2.1 before you install PageManager. If the Start button does not work, restart the
2. In order to use the Twain Pro network driver, you must have the scanner attached to a PC running Scan
Server. On a PC, the scanner can use a USB, SCSI or FireWire (Windows 2000, Me, XP only) connection.
** Stylus Scan Notes:
You must install Smart Panel from its own folder. Start your computer in 9.2.1. From the Software CD open the
Smart Panel folder. Click on the Epson Smart Panel Installer icon to install. Before you can launch Smart Panel
you must install the Stylus Scan Updater. The file can be downloaded from the Epson web site.
Important Note: MAC OS X Classic supports USB-native and network-capable devices. Classic
does not support MAC Serial, SCSI or FireWire connected devices. Therefore, the Expression
636, 800 and 836XL that all require a SCSI connection, are not supported in Classic.
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Twain Driver Installation:
1. Start your computer in 9.2.1.
2. Install the Twain driver.
3. Connect and power on the scanner.
4. Restart your computer in OS 10.1
5. Start Classic
6. Launch your scanning application
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Date: 10/02/2001
PSB No.: PSB.2001.10.002
Reference: N/A
Originator: JD
Affected Product(s): Presto PageManager for Epson Scanners
Subject: Links to PageManager Patches
This bulletin provides information and links to patches for Newsoft’s Presto PageManager software that is included with several of Epson
scanner products. The links provide instant access to the patch files on Newsoft’s web site.
You can also access the patches by visiting Newsoft’s web site at
pointer over the Support menu icon and click Patch from the drop-down menu. From the Patch Search dialog box, select product
(PageManager) and OS, then click
to copy the patch files to your computer.
The following scanners are bundled with Prest o PageManager:
Perfection 636/636U Perfection 610
Perfection 1200S/1200U Expression 800
Expression 1600 Expression 1680
Expression 1640XL GT-10000
GT-10000+ GT 30000.
Note: To verify the version of PageManager installed on your computer, launch the program and click Help from the menu bar. In the drop-down menu,
click About PageManager.
. When you see the patch site, read the description and instructions. Then click
. On the home page put (do not click) your
Patch Links:
To access the links listed below from the Epson web site, set your browser to
Support page, select your product. Click on the selected link. A
the file to your hard drive. If you want to see a list of all the fixes as well as download and installation instructions for each patch, then
point your browser to
listed below. When you click on the link,
1. If you are running Windows Me and cannot automatically launch PageManager when pressing the scanner’s Start butto n please
use this link to download an update d version of PageManager.
Note: The patch does not support PageManager 4.00.01; see item 2 below.
2. If you are running Windows Me and cannot automatically launch PageManager (v4.0 0.01) when pressing the scanner’s Start
button pleas e use this link to download an updated version of PageManager.
and refer to the instructions given in the section above. To access the patch files use the links
Save As
3. If you are running Wi ndows Me and PageManager hangs when you are launching the program--you see a Watcom SQL 4.0 icon
in the taskbar—please use this link to update PageManager’s database.
dialog box appears. Select your directory and click
From the
to copy
If you still have a problem when using PageManager then please contact Newsoft at 510 445-8616 or visit their web site.