Product Support Bulletin
Date: 8/7/91
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Epson NB3s Questions and Answers
Originator: MWT
What is the Epson NB3s?
The Epson NB3s is Epson’s first modern notebook computer. Epson actually
pioneered the notebook field back in 1982 with the HX-20. The NB3s offers
the full functionality of an AT-compatible computer, with excellent expansion
What are some of the standard features?
The Epson NB3s includes a 16 MHz 80386SX microprocessor; support for an
optional 80387SX numeric coprocessor; 1 MB of RAM (0 wait state on page
hit); 2 removable, rechargeable NiCad batteries; a 3.5”, 1.44MB floppy disk
drive; 640 x 480, paper-white VGA-compatible LCD; parallel/external FDD, RS232C serial and external VGA analog monitor ports; connector for an external
10-key numeric keypad; MS-DOS 4.01.
What are some of the options and expansion capabilities?
The 1 MB of system RAM can be expanded to either 2MB or 5MB total; 20MB,
40MB and 60MB removable hard drive cartridges can be installed; and the
expansion unit which provides 2 16-bit, AT-type expansion slots, power supply
and a slot for a removable 120MB hard drive cartridge.
How much does the Epson NB3s weigh?
5.8 pounds with the hard drive cartridge and battery installed. The Epson
NB3s and expansion unit together weigh 9.5 pounds. At 1.72” by 8.5” by
11.8”, the Epson NB3s fits easily in a standard briefcase.

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What kind of battery life can you expect from the Epson NB3s?
Testing has revealed, under typical operating conditions, an estimated battery
life of 1 to 1.5 hours. Depending on the configuration and usage, the battery
life could be more or less. Since 2 batteries are included, this equates to 2 to
3 hours of working time.
Are additional batteries available? How are the batteries charged?
Yes, additional batteries are available as an option. The batteries can be
charged in the Epson NB3s by either connecting the standard AC adapter or
installing the NB3s in the expansion unit. There is also an external battery
charger available that can charge up to 2 batteries at a time.
Can batteries be changed “on the fly”?
No! The Epson NB3s must be powered off before changing the battery.
Attempting to change it while the computer is powered on will damage the
battery or computer (possibly both) and void the warranty.
How long does it take to fully charge the battery?
In the Epson NB3s (either with the AC adapter or the expansion unit), it takes
5 hours with the computer turned off to fully charge the battery. When you’re
using the computer, it takes 8 hours for a full charge. The external charger
produces a full charge after 5 hours. Note that if you do not completely
charge a new battery and attempt to use the computer, you may experience
atypical operation.
Are there any other power supply options?
Yes, an automotive cigarette lighter adapter is available.
Q10. How much do the batteries weigh?
A10. Approximately 8 ounces each.

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Q11. What hard drives are being used?
A11. All of the Epson NB3s hard drives are made by Conner Peripherals, the
acknowledged leader in very small, low power hard drives. The models used
are the CP-2024, CP-2044 and CP-2064 for the 20, 40 and 60MB removable
drives for the Epson NB3s itself. The CP-30104 (120MB) is used for the
expansion unit.
Q12. Can the hard drives be changed “on the fly”?
A12. No! As with the battery, changing the drives while the computer is powered
on will damage the hard drive and/or computer and will void the warranty.
Q13. Why do I get a hard drive SETUP error if I change from a 20MB to a 40MB or
60MB hard drive?
A13. The different drives have different physical parameters. This is why you have
to run SETUP and adjust the drive size when you changes drives.
Q14. If the expansion unit hard drive is 120MB, why does it only format out to
A14. The ROM BIOS drive type table only provides standard AT drive types. Drive
type 9 (900 cylinders, 15 heads, 17 sets/track, 112MB) is the closest match to
the translate mode parameters of the CP-30104 hard drive.
Q15. If I have the 120MB hard drive installed in the expansion unit and I boot the
Epson NB3s when it’s not installed on the expansion unit, will I get a SETUP
A15. No. The BIOS was written to take that possibility into account.
Q16. If I have the expansion unit hard drive and no hard drive in the Epson NB3s,
will the system boot from the expansion unit hard drive?
A16. No, the expansion unit drive is treated as a strictly non-bootable device. To
be able to access the expansion unit drive, you must have a hard drive
installed in the NB3s.
Q17. What floppy disk drive is used?
A17. The Seiko Epson SMD-1040. This is the smallest, lowest power consumption
3.5”, 1.44MB floppy disk drive currently available.