Epson MFJ-1278B User Manual

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... 1
COMPUTER INTERFACING......................................................................................4
MFJ Starter Packs .................................................................................................. 4
Computer Interface with MFJ Starter Pack............................................................5
Computer Interface without MFJ Starter Pack.......................................................5
SERIAL PORT SIGNALS............................................................................................5
COMPUTER WITH SPECIFIC SERIAL INTERFACES............................................6
Apple Macintosh.................................................................................................... 6
Commodore C64, C128 and VIC-20...................................................................... 7
IBM PCjr................................................................................................................ 7
Radio Shack Color Computer ................................................................................ 8
Color Computers.................................................................................................... 8
IBM PC/XT/AT/386/486 and compatibles Computer ........................................... 8
Other Computers with Nonstandard Serial Ports....................................................9
TERMINAL SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS............................................................ 10
Apple Macintosh.................................................................................................... 10
Apple II, II+, IIe, IIc .............................................................................................. 10
Commodore C64, C128 and VIC-20...................................................................... 11
IBM PCjr................................................................................................................ 11
IBM and Compatible Computers ........................................................................... 11
Radio Shack Color Computer ................................................................................ 12
Radio Shack Model 100/102 and NEC 8201......................................................... 12
MFJ-1278B SERIAL PORT PIN FUNCTIONS........................................................... 12
COMPUTER BAUD RATE ......................................................................................... 13
Changing Terminal Baud Rate............................................................................... 14
VERIFYING SERIAL PORT OPERATION................................................................ 15
PARALLEL PRINTER PORT...................................................................................... 16
Printer Port Connection.......................................................................................... 16
Printer Consideration ............................................................................................. 17
Printer Port Test..................................................................................................... 17
RADIO INTERFACING............................................................................................... 18
MFJ-1278B Radio Ports ........................................................................................ 18
RADIO PORTS CONNECTION..................................................................................19
HANDHELD RADIO CONNECTION ........................................................................ 20
RADIO INTERFACING METHODS .......................................................................... 21
Method 1: Direct Connection to Microphone and Speaker....................................21
Transmit Audio Level Adjustment for Method I Interface ............................... 21
FSK CONNECTION.....................................................................................................29
GETTING STARTED .................................................................................................. 30
First Steps............................................................................................................... 30
Basic Commands .............................................................................................. 30
SERIAL PORT CONFIGURATION............................................................................ 31
Parity and Word Length......................................................................................... 32
Echos...................................................................................................................... 32
New Lines and Line Wrapping...............................................................................33
THE MFJ-1278B MULTI-MODE MODEM................................................................33
OPERATIONAL MODES............................................................................................ 35
Verifying Operation Status..................................................................................... 35
Mode Switching With the MODE Command.........................................................35
Radio Port Switching ............................................................................................. 36
MEMORY BUFFERS................................................................................................... 36
Loading the Memory Buffers................................................................................. 37
Transmitting the Memory Buffers..........................................................................37
Buffer Serial Numbering........................................................................................37
Memory Repeat and Buffer Repeat Time...............................................................38
Chaining the Memory Buffers................................................................................38
TUNING INDICATOR.................................................................................................39
PACKET OPERATION................................................................................................ 40
VHF Packet............................................................................................................40
A Connecting and Disconnecting Exercise.......................................................40
Digipeating ....................................................................................................... 42
Unsuccessful Connections ................................................................................ 43
Monitoring Channel Activity............................................................................ 43
Your First Packet QSO..................................................................................... 45
Starting the QSO ......................................................................................... 45
Digipeating.................................................................................................. 46
Monitoring on the Air.................................................................................. 47
Special Input Characters................................................................................... 47
BASIC HF PACKET OPERATION.............................................................................49
HF Packet Operation Hints .................................................................................... 50
What is Pactor?...................................................................................................... 51
PACTOR Operation...............................................................................................51
FEC Unproto operation..........................................................................................52
PACTOR ARQ ...................................................................................................... 53
Monitoring........................................................................................................ 53
Monitoring AMTOR ARQ requests.......................................................................54
CONNECT............................................................................................................. 56
SPEEDup/SPEEDdown ......................................................................................... 56
AUTOMATIC ON-LINE COMPRESSION..........................................................56
FLOW CONTROL.................................................................................................56
AMTOR while in PACTOR mode......................................................................... 56
Amtor Detection in Pactor......................................................................................57
PACTOR STATUS INDICATORS..............................................................................57
PACTOR MAILBOX ................................................................................................... 58
Setting Up your Pactor Mailbox............................................................................. 58
General Overview .................................................................................................. 60
Detailed Pactor Mailbox Overview .................................................................. 63
Mailbox Messages.................................................................................................. 67
CW OPERATION......................................................................................................... 68
Receiving CW........................................................................................................ 69
Transmitting CW.................................................................................................... 70
Transmitting from Memory Buffers.................................................................. 71
CW Weighting.................................................................................................. 71
Tuning your Radio ................................................................................................. 72
Random Code Generator........................................................................................72
Setting Up the for Code Practice ...................................................................... 73
CW CONTEST MEMORY KEYER OPERATION..................................................... 74
Sending CW with External Key Paddle ................................................................. 74
MODULATED CW OPERATION............................................................................... 75
BAUDOT RTTY & ASCII OPERATION.................................................................... 76
Setting Up for ASCII and RTTY Operation .......................................................... 76
RTTY and ASCII Receiving.................................................................................. 77
RTTY and ASCII Transmitting.............................................................................. 77
BAUDOT RTTY OPERATION HINTS...............................................................78
Commercial RTTY Reception.......................................................................... 79
AUTOMATIC SIGNAL ANALYSIS...........................................................................80
ASA OPERATION................................................................................................ 80
MARS OPERATION....................................................................................................82
Configuring for MARS .......................................................................................... 82
Operating MARS with MultiCom for IBM............................................................ 83
The MARsmode Command..............................................................................83
MARSMODE 1- QSO Mode ...................................................................... 84
MARSMODE 3- Storage Mode.................................................................. 84
AMTOR OPERATION................................................................................................. 85
Mode A "ARQ"...................................................................................................... 85
Setting up for Mode A Operations....................................................................85
Operating Mode A............................................................................................ 86
Summary of AMTOR Contact Sequence...............................................................90
NAVTEX OPERATION............................................................................................... 91
Navtex Stations and Frequencies ........................................................................... 91
Navtex Operation................................................................................................... 91
FAX OPERATION....................................................................................................... 94
FAX Formats.......................................................................................................... 95
FAX Frequency......................................................................................................96
FAX Installation..................................................................................................... 96
Printer Connection ................................................................................................. 96
Receiving FAX....................................................................................................... 97
Receiving FAX to the Printer ........................................................................... 97
Display FAX Picture on Computer Screen & Save it to Disk........................... 99
Two Level FAX Picture Format.................................................................. 99
Multi-level FAX Picture Raw Data Format.................................................100
Transmitting FAX.................................................................................................. 101
Two Level FAX Transmitting........................................................................... 101
Multi-level FAX Transmitting.......................................................................... 102
Creating FAX Pictures for Transmitting................................................................104
SLOW SCAN TELEVISION OPERATION................................................................105
SSTV Formats........................................................................................................ 106
SSTV Installation...................................................................................................106
Printer Connection............................................................................................ 106
Receiving SSTV Pictures.......................................................................................107
SSTV Printing to the Printer.............................................................................107
Printing SSTV Pictures to the Screen............................................................... 110
Saving SSTV Pictures to Disk.......................................................................... 111
Terminating SSTV Printing.............................................................................. 111
Transmitting SSTV Pictures................................................................................... 111
Creating SSTV Pictures for Transmitting .............................................................. 112
ADVANCED PACKET OPERATION.........................................................................114
SPECIAL CHARACTERS ........................................................................................... 114
PACKET OPERATING MODES................................................................................. 115
Command Mode..................................................................................................... 115
Entering Data-Transfer Modes...............................................................................116
Converse Mode...................................................................................................... 117
Transparent Mode.................................................................................................. 118
FLOW CONTROL........................................................................................................ 119
XON/XOFF Flow Control ..................................................................................... 120
Hardware Flow Control.......................................................................................... 121
Type-in Flow Control............................................................................................. 121
DETAILED VHF PACKET OPERATION.................................................................. 121
Packet Timing...................................................................................................125
Radio Baud Rate...............................................................................................126
Special Protocol Timing...................................................................................127
Monitor Functions..................................................................................................127
Real-Time Clock and Time Stamping.................................................................... 128
Multi-Connect Guide..............................................................................................129
Setting the MFJ-1278B to Normal Operation...................................................129
How do I Invoke Multi-Connect?..................................................................... 129
Easy-Mail Mailbox................................................................................................. 130
Setting Up your Easy-Mail Mailbox................................................................. 131
Mailbox Operation............................................................................................ 136
Additional Mailbox Features ............................................................................ 140
Forwarding:................................................................................................. 140
Eliciting Reverse Forwards: ........................................................................ 141
Remote Heard Log: ..................................................................................... 141
Chat Mode:..................................................................................................141
Page SYSOP:...............................................................................................141
Remote SYSOP:.......................................................................................... 142
Mailbox CText:...........................................................................................142
Idle Timeout:............................................................................................... 142
Abort: .......................................................................................................... 142
Mailbox Messages............................................................................................142
Slotting and Acknowledgment Priority..................................................................144
Description........................................................................................................ 144
New Parameters................................................................................................ 146
Other Related Parameters ................................................................................. 148
Initial Parameter Settings Summary.................................................................. 149
What to Expect ................................................................................................. 149
Packet Picture Transfer.......................................................................................... 151
Printing Packet Pictures thru Built-in Printer Port............................................151
Using PKTPIX ............................................................................................ 151
Packet Picture transfer to the computer screen.................................................151
DETAILED HF PACKET OPERATION..................................................................... 152
Radio Setup for HF Packet Operation .............................................................. 152
Operating HF Packet......................................................................................... 155
MFJ-1278B KISS MODE, TNC-2 MODE, HOST MODE.......................................... 161
KISS INTERFACE FOR TCP/IP..................................................................................161
COMMAND PREFACE............................................................................................... 163
ENTERING COMMANDS .......................................................................................... 163
Command List........................................................................................................ 164
COMMAND NAME ........................................................................................ 164
Link Status Messages............................................................................................. 302
MFJ-1278B SPECIFICATIONS...................................................................................305
GENERAL DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... 306
DETAILED CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................... 307
Oscillator................................................................................................................ 307
Dividers and Baud-rate Generator.......................................................................... 307
CPU Complex........................................................................................................308
Serial Interface....................................................................................................... 308
Watch-dog Timer................................................................................................... 309
Modem................................................................................................................... 309
Power Supply......................................................................................................... 309
RS-232C HANDSHAKING PROTOCOL.................................................................... 310
JUMPER FUNCTIONS................................................................................................ 312
PARALLEL PRINTER PORT PIN FUNCTION,J12................................................... 315
TTL INTERFACE PORT PIN FUNCTION,J5............................................................ 316
MULTI-LEVEL INTERFACE CONNECTOR,J13...................................................... 317
EXTERNAL MODEM INTERFACE CONNECTOR - J14......................................... 317
MODEM DISCONNECT HEADER, J4....................................................................... 318
HF TUNING INDICATOR .......................................................................................... 320
GENERAL TESTS ....................................................................................................... 321
Step 1: Power Supply............................................................................................ 322
Step 2: Obvious Problems.....................................................................................322
Step 3: Assembly Problems................................................................................... 322
Step 4: Cabling Problems......................................................................................323
SPECIFIC SYMPTOMS............................................................................................... 323
Symptom: TNC appears dead ............................................................................... 323
Oscillator and Reset Circuits ............................................................................ 323
Digital Logic Lines........................................................................................... 323
Symptom: Modem won't calibrate or key transmitter............................................ 324
Symptom: Uncopyable transmitted or received packets........................................ 325
TERMINAL INTERFACE TROUBLESHOOTING.................................................... 325
Symptom: MFJ-1278B won't sign on to the terminal............................................325
Symptom: The MFJ-1278B appears to be signing on but only gibberish is
printed on the terminal ........................................................................................... 326
Symptom: The MFJ-1278B signs on OK but won't accept commands ................. 326
Symptom: The MFJ-1278B appears to have "lock-up" i.e. not responding to any
commands .............................................................................................................. 326
EXPLANATION OF PROTOCOL............................................................................... 327
Physical Layer........................................................................................................327
Data Link Layer ..................................................................................................... 327
HDLC FRAMES........................................................................................................... 328
Comprehensive Alignment Procedure....................................................................340
Set Modulator Tones Using Built-in Calibration Software...............................340
Demodulator Center Frequency Alignment ...................................................... 341
Tuning Indicator Alignment...................................................................................342
CW MODEM TUNE-UP PROCEDURE ..................................................................... 346
Detailed CW Demodulator Alignment Procedure..................................................347
AUDIO OUTPUT CALIBRATION ............................................................................. 350
Audio Output Level Adjustment Procedure........................................................... 350
HF RADIO ALIGNMENT ........................................................................................... 352
FIRST METHOD: NOISE AVERAGE FREQUENCY ............................................... 352
CONVERTING THE MFJ-1278B TO "LIKE-TNC 2"................................................354
MFJ-1278B 2400 BPS PACKET.................................................................................. 356
2400 BPS PACKET SETUP.........................................................................................356
2400 BPS Receive Audio Setting........................................................................... 357
2400 BPS Transmit Audio Setting......................................................................... 357
JUMPER FUNCTIONS AND LOCATIONS............................................................... 358
COMMAND SUMMARY............................................................................................ 362
MFJ-1278B/1278BT PARTS LIST .............................................................................. 373
Welcome to the exciting world of Amateur Digital Communications. By choosing the MFJ­1278B, you have chosen the most versatile and powerful Multi-mode Data Controller manufactured for the Amateur Radio Service.
The MFJ-1278B interfaces your radio with any personal computer that has an RS-232 or TTL level Serial Port and a terminal program. While most communications programs will work, MFJ recommends the use of MFJ Starter Pack for those who have IBM or compatible, Macintosh, Amiga or Commodore C64/128 computers. With an IBM or compatible computer, the MFJ Multicom terminal program gives you some added features that a standard terminal program just can not offer. Features such as color SSTV, color FAX, 16 gray level FAX, and color VGA packet picture transfer, just to mention a few. Multicom is menu driven, making it easy to operate all modes offered by the MFJ-1278B. Dedicated functions keys are programmed to operate most functions with a single key stroke.
Even though the MFJ Multicom programs offered for other computers may have features different from the IBM version, they do offer features that will make operating the MFJ­1278B very fun and very easy.
This compact versatile controller employs the genuine TAPR TNC 2 AX.25 protocol packet firmware plus many added features to receive and transmit VHF packet, HF packet, AMTOR, CW, ASCII, RTTY, color FAX, and color SSTV. The new 16 gray level fax board built in the MFJ-1278B gives you the ability to receive and transmit color SSTV and multi-gray level FAX pictures. In addition, MFJ-1278B lets you monitor the new and growing NAVTEX broadcasting system. The MFJ-1278B also has a Contest Memory Keyer mode.
Also a feature which so many have asked about, Pactor has been added to the operating modes. The new Pactor mode gives the user operating features such as Digital Memory ARQ, full On-Line Data Compression, FEC Unproto operation, just to mention a few. Also included with the PACTOR mode is a PACTOR Mailbox. With the Pactor mode also comes the ability to monitor AMTOR ARQ connect requests.
The MFJ-1278B offers the most versatile mailbox available when compared to the mailbox in other controllers. This mailbox allows a dedicated mailbox callsign so that the mailbox stays on while you operate packet. Other features like auto forwarding or reverse forwarding of mail to and from other BBS systems, remote sysop access, sysop paging, mailbox ctext, chat mode and a "has mail" LED indicator. The MFJ-1278B has 32K mailbox memory which is user expandable to 128K or 512K by simply replacing the mailbox memory IC -- a feature that no other controller offers.
The new "packet collision prevention" features -- Prioritized Acknowledgments and Slottime are installed. This new technology helps prevent many packet collisions inherent in the current packet protocol.
The EPROM containing the MFJ-1278B firmware, previously 512K bits, has been expanded to 1 Megabits giving the MFJ-1278B twice the room to grow in.
You also get a Key Paddle input jack so you can use your MFJ-1278B as an Iambic Keyer or Memory Keyer. The ten user-programmable memory buffers are provided for use with the contest memory keyer function. In addition you also get contest serial numbering and a random code generator.
A speaker jack lets you plug in a speaker and monitor transmit and receive audio and CW side tone as it is received and transmitted by your MFJ-1278B. The speaker output also provides for the packet connect signal alarm.
A Centronics compatible parallel printer port (DB-25) lets you directly interface your printer to the MFJ-1278B for printing received text, Packet, FAX and SSTV pictures.
The MFJ-1278B provides dual radio ports for HF and VHF operation. These dual radio ports let you connect 2 radios at the same time in any combination. Independent transmit audio output controls provide even further flexiiblity. This will enable the user to individually adjust the audio output for each radio port. The radio ports are not dedicated to either VHF or HF operation. They are totally independent of each other.
You also get a Threshold control for optimizing your demodulator filter for the different modes of operation. This is a very useful tool when trying to receive signals during bad band conditions.
A 20-pin header provided for the MFJ-1278B to operate packet at 2400 or 9600 baud packet by simply plugging in an optional modem board. The MFJ-1278BT already has a 2400 modem installed. If your MFJ-1278B does not have the 2400 modem installed, it can be purchased separately (MFJ-2400) and installed by you. With the 2400 modem installed, your MFJ-1278B can operate 300, 1200 and 2400 packet. You may also purchased the MFJ-9600 modem board that allows the MFJ-1278B to operate at 9600 baud packet.
The list goes on.... This is just a few of the features available. In short the MFJ-1278B offers
you tons of features that the other multi-mode controllers just can't match. This in conjunction with the new MFJ Multicom (TM) software will put you leagues ahead in the ever changing field of Ham Radio Digital communications.
Items supplied with MFJ-1278B/MFJ-1278BT package
1. One MFJ-1278B or MFJ-1278BT Multi-Mode Data Controller
2. One AC adapter power supply for 110V AC. 240V AC adapter supplied for MFJ­1278BX (export model for country which operate on 220-240V AC).
3. Two open end radio port cables with 5-pin DIN male connectors.
4. One 10-pin connector for the TTL port.
5. One MFJ-1278B Instruction Manual.
6. One MFJ-1278B Fast-Start Manual.
There are many additional items available for the MFJ-1278B. In the table below is a list of these items:
Optional items available for the MFJ-1278B
Model No Description
MFJ-1289 Advanced Starter pack for IBM & compatibles MFJ-1289M Same as MFJ-1289 but on 3.5" Disk MFJ-1282B Starter pack for Commodore C64/128 MFJ-1287B Starter pack for Macintosh MFJ-1290 Starter pack for Amiga MFJ-1272B MFJ-1278B to Microphone switch box MFJ-5024 Radio connecting cable for Icom/Yaesu/RS HTs MFJ-5026 Radio connecting cable for Kenwood HTs MFJ-5080 Radio connecting cable for Yaesu 8-pin radio MFJ-5084 Radio connecting cable for ICOM 8-pin radio MFJ-5086 Radio connecting cable for Kenwood 8-pin radio MFJ-280 Monitor speaker for transmit/receiver audio MFJ-1292 Video digitizer for IBM & compatibles MFJ-48BE Packet encryption EPROM MFJ-43 TNC Real time clock, keeps your 1278B on-time MFJ-44 Internal Scope tuning board MFJ-45B 128K RAM IC for additional mailbox memory MFJ-45C 512K RAM IC for additional mailbox memory MFJ-2400 2400 bps internal modem for packet
You are now ready to connect your MFJ-1278B to your station's computer or terminal. Throughout this manual we will use the term "computer" to refer to the computer or terminal you use to communicate with your MFJ-1278B.
The MFJ-1278B communicates with your computer through a serial port, using signals corresponding to a standard called RS-232C. Why an RS-232C interface? Nearly every computer in production today either incorporates an RS-232C style serial port as a standard feature, or has one available as an optional accessory, either from the computer manufacturer or from a manufacturer of computer accessories. In addition to the RS-232C port, the MFJ­1278B has a built-in TTL port to allow interfacing with computers which need TTL signals such as the Commodore C-64, C-128 or the VIC-20.
In order to use the MFJ-1278B with your computer, the computer must have an RS-232C serial port, or a TTL serial port. Also a program which supports the serial or TTL port must be used. The program will typically be called a modem program, terminal emulator, or communications program.
Since there are so many computers on the market today, it is impractical for this chapter to provide detailed instructions for each computer. Detailed information is given for some of the popular models available in the United States. Also provided is general computer interfacing information.
MFJ Starter Packs
MFJ Enterprises, Inc. offers Starter Packs for some of the most popular computers. These Starter Packs contain a terminal program and a cable for connecting the MFJ-1278B to your computer. The Starter Packs available are as follows:
MFJ-1282B: Commodore VIC-20, C64, C128 in 5-1/4" diskette. MFJ-1283: Commodore VIC-20, C64 on tape. MFJ-1289: IBM PC & compatibles in 5-1/4" diskette.
(Supports color SSTV and 16 gray-level FAX) MFJ-1289M: IBM PC & compatibles in 3-1/2" diskette.
(Supports color SSTV and 16 gray-level FAX) MFJ-1287B: Macintosh, in 3-1/2" diskette.
(Supports color SSTV and 16 gray-level FAX) MFJ-1290: Amiga in 3-1/2" diskette.
(Supports 8 levels SSTV and 8 levels FAX)
Computer Interface with MFJ Starter Pack
If you are using one of the MFJ Starter Packs, you should use the cable provided to connect the MFJ-1278B to your computer. Follow the instruction manual provided with the Starter Pack to operate the terminal program and to connect the MFJ-1278B to your computer. When finished with installation of the MFJ-1278B proceed to the "Computer Baud Rate", for further information about TNC installation. The "Computer Baud Rate" section in this chapter will continue to explain installation of the MFJ-1278B.
Computer Interface without MFJ Starter Pack
If you are not using an MFJ Starter Pack you should follow the instructions in this chapter for computer interfacing.
The serial port connector is on the rear panel your MFJ-1278B. There are several signals available at this connector labeled "RS-232 SERIAL". You will not need all of these serial port signals for normal operation. For some special applications, such as binary file transfers or some Bulletin Board operations, you may want to use more of them. In that case, see MFJ-1278B Serial Port Pin Functions in this chapter.
In Table 2-1 the user will see a list of the serial port pins that must be used, between the MFJ­1278B and the computer. The pins listed are required by the MFJ-1278B for normal operation. Note that the MFJ-1278B connects to a computer exactly as if the MFJ-1278B were a standard RS-232C modem. If you have successfully used your computer with a telephone modem, then hook it up to the MFJ-1278B in the same way. Use whatever program you ordinarily use to communicate with the modem.
Pin Signal Name Description
2 Transmit Data Serial data from your computer to the MFJ-1278B. 3 Receive Data Serial data fromtheMFJ-1278B to your computer. 7 Signal Ground The common ground for both data lines.
Table 2-1. Serial port signals required by MFJ-1278B.
If your computer is listed in Table 2-2, refer to the specific information in the following sections to connect your MFJ-1278B to your computer.
Manufacturer Model
Apple Macintosh (tm) Apple II,II+,IIe,II-gs(tm) Commodore VIC-20 (tm),C-64 (tm),C-128 (tm)
Many computers require a serial port adapter card. These cards incorporate the circuitry necessary to add an RS-232C port to the computer. Some popular models in this category are the Apple II series, the IBM Personal Computer, many Radio Shack computers, and the Sanyo MBC-55X series. If you have one of these computers with an "add-in" serial port, or if you have another computer we haven't mentioned, you should skip to one of the sections on "other computers." If your computer has a 25-pin RS-232C serial port, refer to the section on Other Computers with 25-pin RS-232C Ports. Otherwise refer to the section Other Computers with Nonstandard Serial Ports.
Some computers have no serial port and no adapter is commercially available. Such computers are not suitable for use with the MFJ-1278B.
Apple Macintosh
The Macintosh serial port is an RS-422 compatible port, but it will work fine with the RS­232C serial port on your MFJ-1278B.
MFJ Enterprises, Inc. offers an optional Starter Pack for the Macintosh. The Macintosh Starter Pack is available from MFJ Enterprises, Inc. or any dealer of MFJ products. The Starter Pack includes a cable for
connecting the MFJ-1278B to the Macintosh and a terminal program. The Starter Pack for Macintosh is MFJ-1287B. If you wish to use your own cable, you will need a cable wired as shown in Fig. 2-1.
Macintosh 8 Pin
1 (HSKO) 4 1 1 2 (HSKI) 6 5 2 3 (TXD-) 2 9 3 4 (GND) 7 3 7 5 (RXD-) 3 7 8 6 (TXD+) N/C 6 4 7 (GPi) N/C
Fig. 2-1. Serial port wiring for Apple Macintosh.
Note that pin 1 of the DP-9P connector is not connected inside the Macintosh or the MFJ­1278B. We highly recommend the use of shielded cable, when making interconnections
Commodore C64, C128 and VIC-20
The MFJ-1278B has a built-in TTL-level port for interfacing with the Commodore C64, C128 or the VIC-20 computers. You do not need a RS-232C converter to interface with the MFJ-1278B.
An optional Starter Pack for the C-64, C-128 or the VIC-20 is available from MFJ Enterprises, Inc. or any dealer of MFJ products. The Starter Pack includes a cable from the MFJ-1278B TTL port to the user I/O port on the Commodore computer. Included also is a terminal program. To order, specify MFJ-1282B for software on disk or MFJ-1283 for software on tape. If you wish to construct your own cable, the information below in Figure 2­2A will be helpful:
1 RXD Receive Data B,C 2 DCD Data Carrier Detected H 3 GND Ground (Frame and Signal) N 4 RTS Ready To Send E** 5 TXD Transmit Data M 6 DSR Data Set Ready L 7 CTS Clear to Send K
C-64/128*, VIC-20 Pin#
Fig. 2-2A TTL Port wiring for VIC-20, C64 and C128
*C-128 is used in the C-64 mode for these connections.
**Pin E is not needed when using terminal program referred to in this chapter for the Commodore computers.
The TTL port (J5), is numbered from left to right as viewed from the back panel of the MFJ­1278B. The user's terminal program may not use all of these connections. The MFJ-1278B requires RXD, TXD and GND connected for proper operation. Programs that utilize file transfer and printer routines will probably use RTS and CTS as well. Consult your software documentation.
The PCjr uses standard serial voltage levels for it's RS-232C interface; however, the connector used is non-standard and not readily available from electronic supply dealers. The pin-out information for this connector is refered to in the IBM PCjr Technical Reference Manual.
Radio Shack Color Computer
The Color Computer series (except for the Micro Color Computer) uses a 4-pin DIN-style connector for its serial port. If you wish to construct your own cable, the information in Figure 2-2 will be helpful. All necessary parts should be available from Radio Shack dealers.
Color Computer DB-25P
4 2 2 3 3 7
Fig. 2-2. Serial port wiring for Radio Shack
Color Computers
Radio Shack Model 100/102 and NEC 8201Radio Shack Model 100, serial port interfacingThese computers have built-in standard RS-232C serial ports that are compatible with the MFJ-1278B. You will need a standard male-to-male RS-232C cable to connect the computer to the MFJ-1278B.
IBM PC/XT/AT/386/486 and compatibles Computer
"Include other computers with 25-pin RS-232 Ports"If your computer is an IBM or compatible, you should have a serial port with standard DB-25 or DB-9 pin connector. You may use a standard IBM serial modem cable with the correct gender on each end of the cable.
MFJ Enterprises, Inc. offers optional Starter Pack (MFJ- 1289) for the IBM or compatible computers. A computer connecting cable is included with the Starter Pack. The supplied cable is of male to female gender, to connect your MFJ-1278B to the computer.
For other computers with a 25-pin RS-232C port, consult the manual for your computer or accessory to see which pins it uses to send and receive data on, as well as the pin used for signal ground. Follow the computer manufacturer's recommendations for connecting the serial port to a modem. You may also find the technical information in this section useful.
Your MFJ-1278B is configured as Data Communications Equipment (DCE), the technical term for an RS-232C modem. Most computers are configured as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE). If this is the case for your computer, you may be able to wire pin 2 of the MFJ­1278B connector to pin 2 of your computer's RS-232C port. Then wire pin 3 to pin 3 and pin 7 to pin 7 on the computer's RS-232C port. You can provide these connections with a standard 3-wire male-to-female or male-to-male RS- 232C extension cable, depending on whether your computer has a DB25S or DB25P connector.
If your computer is configured as DCE, you will have to wire pin 2 of your MFJ-1278B to pin 3 of the computer RS-232C connector. Then wire pin 2 of the computer's RS-232C connector to pin 3 of your MFJ-1278B. Please note that pin 7 of the computer's RS-232C connector will still connect to pin 7 of your MFJ-1278B serial port. Some computers may require that pin 5 of the computer serial port connector be connected. Others may require connections for pin 8 and pin 20. You can use the computer's output signals on pins 4 and 6 as shown in Fig. 2-3.
MFJ-1278B RS-232C Computer RS-232C
2 2 3 3 7 7 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 20
Fig. 2-3. Serial port wiring with jumpers for
auxiliary signals.
Other Computers with Nonstandard Serial Ports
Computers with non-standard serial ports must meet the following conditions.First, the signal levels should be RS-232C compatible. The MFJ-1278B requires that the voltage levels sent from the computer be greater than about +3 volts in one state and less than about +1 volt in the other state.
Second, the polarity of the signals must conform to the RS- 232C standard. This means that the low voltage state must correspond to a logical "1" and the high voltage state to a logical "0".
Third, the computer must be able to correctly receive a signal that meets the RS-232C specification. The MFJ-1278B supplies signals that meet this specification.
Make or buy a cable that provides the following connections. The common pin on the computer's RS-232C serial port must be connected to pin 7 on the MFJ-1278B serial port. Connect the line that sends data from the computer to pin 2 on the MFJ-1278B RS-232C port. Connect the line that your computer receives data on to pin 3 on the MFJ-1278B RS­232C port.
There are others that may be compatible with the MFJ
1278B, but have not been tested.
Any software package that enables your computer to act as an ASCII terminal with an ordinary telephone modem should work with your MFJ-1278B. If you have a program that you have used successfully with a telephone modem and that you are familiar with, use that program to communicate with your MFJ-1278B. If you are using a terminal program provided by the MFJ Starter Pack, proceed to the "Computer Baud Rate" section in this chapter. Follow the instruction provided by the program.
If you are not using a MFJ terminal program, then proceed with the instruction for your type of computer.
Note: Some terminal programs require the initialization of DCD before they receive any
characters. This is also true for different types of serial port cards (such as the Apple II+ Super Serial Card). If this is the case, place a jumper across pin 1 and 2 of JMP
1. The DCD LED on the front panel will function normally indicating received packets.
Apple Macintosh
There is an MFJ Starter Pack available for Macintosh, the MFJ-1287B. Included in the MFJ­1287B is a terminal program to allow compatibility between MFJ-1278B and the Macintosh. Also included is a cable to connect the MFJ-1278B to the Macintosh. In Table 2-3 you will find a list of parameters should want to use a terminal program such as MacTerm.
Compatibility Terminal
1200 baud VT100 7 bits/character ANSI even parity UNDERLINE Handshake Xon/Xoff US modem connection 80 Columns "telephone" port ON LINE UTOREPEAT
Table 2-3. MacTerm Parameters for MFJ-1278B
Apple II, II+, IIe, IIc
For the Apple II family of computers with Apple or third- party RS-232C serial cards, you may use ASCII Express Pro, Hayes Smartcom IIe and DataCapture 4.0 for the MFJ-1278B.
Commodore C64, C128 and VIC-20
The optional Starter Pack for the C-64, C-128 and VIC-20 is available from MFJ Enterprises, Inc. or from any dealer of MFJ products. Included in the Starter Pack is a cable to connect the MFJ-1278B TTL port to the user I/O port on the Commodore computer. Also included with the Starter Pack is a terminal program. The terminal program allows compatibility between the MFJ-1278B and the Commodore computer. To order, specify MFJ-1282B for software on disk or MFJ-1283 for software on tape.
If you do not have the MFJ Starter Pack, then you may use the BASIC communications program given in the Programmer's Reference Guide published by Commodore. Use the program listing for "true ASCII," as these computers use a modified ASCII format internally. You will probably want to run your MFJ-1278B at 300 baud on the serial port with these computers.
NOTE: When using the BASIC communications program above, you must first use the "COMMODORE" key to shift to lower case before using this program. Also line 200 should read For J=0 to 64:T%(J)=J:NEXT.
The information given on page 5 of this chapter is used to make a cable for use with the BASIC communications program mentioned above. However, do not use pin E connection for this program.
The IBM PCjr has a built-in terminal program in the BASIC cartridge. Start this program by typing TERM. Refer to your PCjr BASIC manual for details on this program. For best results with PCjr, do not run the MFJ-1278B serial port faster than 1200 baud.
IBM and Compatible Computers
The optional Starter Pack, (MFJ-1289) for the IBM PC and compatible computers is available from MFJ Enterprises, Inc. or from any dealer of MFJ products. Included in this Starter Pack is a graphics terminal program. This program allows compatibility between the MFJ-1278B and the computer. Also included is a cable used to connect the MFJ-1278B to your computer. The MFJ-1289 program allows you to transmit and receive 16 gray level FAX as well as color SSTV pictures. The MFJ-1289 also allows for display of these signals on the computer screen. It will also store the pictures on disk for later viewing or transmitting. This software also sets up compatibility between the MFJ-1278B and the computer when operating the other mode, that the MFJ-1278B has to offer.
You may also use many commercial, "shareware" and public- domain terminal programs for the IBM PC and compatible computers. Special programs written for packet radio and
Radio Shack Color Computer
There are several terminal programs available for the Color Computer. You will probably want to use a commercial program (rather than writing your own) since the Color Computer has a "software UART" that is difficult to program in BASIC.
Some of the terminal programs available are COLORCOM 64, AUTOTERM and RICKEYTERM (for Coco III). Others are WIZ and XTERM for OS-9.
Radio Shack Model 100/102 and NEC 8201
These computers have built-in terminal programs in ROM. Consult your computer's documentation for instructions in their use.
This section describes the pins used on the MFJ-1278B RS-232C serial port connector. It is intended for users with special applications requiring hardware handshaking. This information should not be needed by most users.
Pin # Mnemonic Name
1 FG Frame Ground 2 TXD Transmit Data 3 RXD Receive Data 4 RTS Request To Send 5 CTS Clear To Send 6 DSR Data Set Ready 7 SG Signal Ground 8 DCD Data Carrier Detect 9 --- + 12V unregulated reference 10 --- - 12V unregulated reference
Table 2-4. RS-232C Pin Designations
Pin 1 Frame Ground
The Frame Ground pin is provided for attachment to the chassis of the MFJ-1278B and the chassis of the attached device (computer or terminal). This pin is available at a feed-through hole on the MFJ-1278B PC board near pin 1 of the serial connector. It is not electrically connected anywhere else on the MFJ-1278B circuit board.
Pin 2 Transmit Data
Pin 3 Receive Data
The Receive Data pin is an output line from the MFJ-1278B on which the attached device receives data. The attached device is generally a computer or data terminal.
Pin 4 Request To Send
The Request To Send pin is an input line to the MFJ-1278B on which the attached device requests clearance to transmit data to the MFJ-1278B.
Pin 5 Clear To Send
The Clear To Send pin is an output from the MFJ-1278B signaling the attached device to send or refrain from sending data to the MFJ-1278B. This line is used for systems that require hardware flow control.
Pin 6 Data Set Ready
The Data Set Ready pin is an output from the MFJ-1278B telling the attached device that the MFJ-1278B is operational.
Pin 7 Signal Ground
The Signal Ground pin is the common or return path for all signals between the MFJ-1278B and the attached device.
Pin 8 Data Carrier Detect
The Data Carrier Detect pin is an output from the MFJ-1278B. As normally configured, DCD reflects the status of the CON LED: It is true when an AX.25 connection exists between your MFJ-1278B and another station; it is false when no connection exists. This configuration is useful when the MFJ-1278B is used with a telephone style Bulletin Board system. Since the AX.25 protocol connection, analogous to a modem signal on the telephone, indicates the presence of a user. Shorting pins 1 and 2 of JMP1 on the MFJ-1278B mother board will cause this output to always be true.
The MFJ-1278B performs an AUTOBAUD routine upon each power on cycle of the MFJ­1278B. The AUTOBAUD command is user selectable. The AUTOBAUD command is
time the MFJ-1278B signs on you will not need to press the return key to execute the Autobaud routine. In setting AUTOBAUD to OFF, you should remember that if you change the terminal program baud rate is changed, then MFJ-1278B will no longer be able to match the new baud rate. You must change the baud rate of your terminal program to match the baud rate you set for the MFJ-1278B or you may remove JMP 5 on the MFJ-1278B board to reset the battery back-up RAM. Once reset, the MFJ-1278B will restore all parameters to the default values, including the AUTOBAUD command. The default setting for the AUTOBAUD command is ON. When the MFJ-1278B is powered on after resetting memory, it will attempt to match the new baud rate and sign on after receiving the return key presses sent by the user.
Changing Terminal Baud Rate
The MFJ-1278B RS-232 port will operate at the rate of 300*, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19,200* baud.
The MFJ-1278B employs an AUTOBAUD routine that automatically matches it's terminal baud rate to that of the rate set on the terminal program. The AUTOBAUD routine is executed by pressing the "Return" key several times upon each power on cycle of the MFJ­1278B. This means if the terminal program baud is set at 9600 baud, the MFJ-1278B will set it's terminal speed to 9600 baud to match the program.
We suggest that once you select a terminal baud rate that you wish to operate your MFJ­1278B on, you should set AUTOBAUD command to OFF. Once AUTOBAUD is turned OFF, the MFJ-1278B will automatically sign-on without you having to press the "Return" key. This is important if power a outage occurs, the MFJ-1278B will sign-on when power is on again. If AUTOBAUD is OFF, and the terminal program baud rate does not match the MFJ-1278B, then once the MFJ-1278B is turned off, it will not sign on again. If you reset the MFJ-1278B or the terminal program baud rate, then the MFJ-1278B will sign-on. Once reset, the MFJ-1278B will default AUTOBAUD to ON and it will sign on upon power up and with a few strikes of the return key. The MFJ-1278B can be reset by removing JMP 5 on the main PC board of the MFJ-1278B.
*The MFJ-1278B terminal baud rates of 300 and 19,200 is selectable by a jumper on JMP 18 on the mother board. Please refer to Chart XX on page ?? to locate JMP 18. For 300 baud set the shorting jumper to positions 2-3 and for 19,200 baud set the shorting jumper to positions 1-2. The factory setting for JMP18 is positions 1-2.
1278B, type:
Now that you have a terminal program and the connecting cable for attaching the MFJ-1278B to your computer, you are ready to verify that the MFJ-1278B will communicate with your computer.
1. Turn on your computer. Load and run the terminal program.
2. Set the parameter of the terminal program as follow:
Word Length 8 bits Duplex Full Parity None Stop Bits 1 Baud Rate 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19,200
3. Turn on your MFJ-1278B, and note that the PWR, STA and CON LEDs are lit.
4. If the MFJ-1278B terminal parameters match your terminal program parameter, the
MFJ-1278B will sign on and the STA and CON LEDs will extinguish. If not, you will see an asterisk (*) or other meaningless characters on the screen at this time. This is because the MFJ-1278B has not been set to match the parameter of your terminal program. You will need to execute the AUTOBAUD routine.
5. Execute the AUTOBAUD routine by pressing the RETURN key few times in
succession on your computer. The MFJ-1278B will execute the AUTOBAUD routine and set itself to the terminal program parameter. Your computer screen will display the sign-on message:
After the sign-on message the STA and CON on the MFJ-1278B will extinguish. If the sign­on message fails to appear, you should check the connecting cable between and the computer and the MFJ-1278B. When you can successfully read the sign-on message from the MFJ-
The MFJ-1278B has a parallel printer port in which to attach a parallel printer. The parallel printer port is located on the left-hand side of the MFJ-1278B. The printer port can be used to make hard copies of either text or graphics.
Printer Port Connection
The printer port is configured as a Centronics compatible parallel port. A cable with male DB-25 on one end and a 36 pin Centronics male connector for the printer end should be used. You may use a standard IBM parallel printer cable instead of trying to wire your own. A Printer cable for connection from the MFJ-1278B printer port to a Centronics compatible printer is available from MFJ Enterprises, Inc. Model No. is MFJ-5412.
If you are using a terminal program that supports graphic printing from the computer to the printer, then you should connect the printer to the computer printer port and not to the MFJ­1278B printer port.
The MFJ-1278B printer port is available for printing graphics. This feature can be used whether your terminal program supports graphics printing to the computer screen or not. It can be used to print graphics such as Packet, SSTV or FAX pictures. If you want to print graphics, then you should connect the printer to the MFJ-1278B printer port. In this case the printer must be either EPSON or IBM graphic compatible in order to insure successful graphic receiving to the printer.
The MFJ-1278B printer port configuration is shown in Table 2-5.
MFJ-1278B DB-25
Printer Port Pin #
1 Strobe 2 Data Bit 1 3 Data Bit 2 4 Date Bit 3 5 Data Bit 4 6 Data Bit 5 7 Data Bit 6 8 Data Bit 7
9 Data Bit 8 10 Acknowledge 11 Busy
12 thru 17 No connection 18 thru 25 Ground
Printer Consideration
The MFJ-1278B printer port will work with any printer that is compatible with EPSON or IBM graphics. Printers that are not EPSON or IBM graphics compatible can not be used to print FAX or SSTV pictures.
In addition to being able to print such as weather FAX, FAX and SSTV pictures, the printer connected to the MFJ-1278B printer port can also print incoming text in all modes as it is received on the screen. This means that you can keep a log of all your QSOs. To print text to the printer, you will need to connect an IBM compatible parallel printer to the MFJ­1278B printer port. Printers without Epson compatible graphics will not be able to print Weather FAX, FAX or SSTV.
Printer Port Test
After properly connecting your printer to the MFJ-1278B, you may verify its compatibility as follows:
1. Turn on your computer. Load and run the terminal program.
2. Turn on the MFJ-1278B. The MFJ-1278B should sign-on with the cmd: prompt sign.
3. Type: PRINTTES <CR>
If the printer is connected correctly and is compatible, it will print a string of 223 characters. Again this only shows that the printer connected can print text. It does not necessarily indicate that your printer can print graphics unless it is Epson or IBM graphics compatible.
4. Printing will start with ASCII SPACE (value 32 decimal) and end with the value 255 decimal that is not an ASCII character but may be a graphics character.
5. Once the printer has completed the printing, the MFJ-1278B will return to cmd: prompt sign.
This completes the printer test. If the printer test was satisfactory, proceed to connect your radios to the MFJ-1278B.
The above test is only valid if your printer is connected to the MFJ-1278B parallel port. This test can not be performed if the printer is connected to the parallel port of the computer.
Computer interfacing, covered in the previous chapter, is only half the interfacing task. The other half is connecting your MFJ-1278B to your radios.
MFJ-1278B Radio Ports
Interfacing the MFJ-1278B to your radios involves connecting the following signals at Radio Port 1 and Radio Port 2. The pin outs of Radio Port 1 and Radio Port 2 are shown in Fig. 3-1.
Pin1 Microphone audio, from the MFJ-1278B to your transmitter.
Pin 2 Ground, audio and PTT common.
Pin3 Push-to-talk, to allow the MFJ-1278B to key your transmitter.
Pin 4 Receive audio, from your receiver to the MFJ-1278B.
Pin 5 Squelch input (optional) to allow the MFJ-1278B to detect activity on a
shared-mode channel.
Fig.3-1 Radio Port 1 and Radio Port 2 Connector
This chapter describes how to connect the MFJ-1278B to your radio and how to adjust the receive and transmit audio levels appropriately. The interconnection needs to be well thought out, to minimize pickup of stray audio and RF noise by the lines. If possible, you should set up your station with a monitor speaker and be able to operate on voice without disconnecting the MFJ-1278B.
The MFJ-1278B gives the user two (2) radio ports. This allows for both FM and HF operation from either radio port. Since the radio ports are independent of each other, the user is not restricted to FM or HF operations. The radio ports on the MFJ-1278B allow an FM radio and an HF radio to be connected at all times. In fact you can have any combination of HF radios or VHF radios connected to the radio ports at any time. The pin designations for both radio ports are exactly the same. See Fig. 3-1 for the radio port pin designations. The radio ports on the MFJ-1278B are switched by using the RADio command. We will discuss radio port switching in the next chapter.
Once the user obtains the proper microphone connector (not provided), use Fig. 3-2 to wire the 5 pin DIN cable (provided) to the microphone connector. If two radios are to be used with the MFJ-1278B, you will need to wire two radio cables.
You may obtain the specific pin designations for your radio's microphone connector from your radio's manual. Appendix A at the end of this Instruction Manual lists pin assignments for some of the most popular radios. The accuracy of this information is not guaranteed. You should verify this information with your radio manual.
Fig. 3-2 Radio Connector Pin Diagram
Two 5-pin male DIN cables are provided with the MFJ-1278B. These cables have a 5-pin DIN connector on one end, with the other end of each cable being unterminated. The unterminated end of each cable is for wiring the appropriate microphone connector which matches your radio.
Some HTs key the transmitter by drawing a small amount of current from the microphone input pin (see Fig. 3-3 below). Radios with this type of special keying circuit are ICOM-2AT (tm) and Yaesu FT-x09, FT-x3, FT-727 (tm) and others.
Appendix A at the end of this instruction manual provided pin designation for some of the radios. Also consult the instruction manual of your radio.
If your HT has this type of microphone circuit, you can wire the microphone like the one shown in Fig. 3-3 or you can remove the cover of the MFJ-1278B and install a shorting jumper at JMP L for Radio Port 1 or JMP K for Radio Port 2. Installing JMP K or JMP L will eliminating the need of soldering "Cx" and "Rx" to the microphone cable. "Cx" and "Rx" are installed on the MFJ-1278B mother board. Fig. 3-4 shows the location of JMP L and JMP K connectors. On the MFJ-1278B mother board, the "Rx" resistor for Radio Port 1 is R140 and the "Rx" resistor for Radio Port 2 is R107. If your radio still will not key properly after installing JMP L or JMP K, you may need to change R140 or R107 to a smaller value. Be sure to remove JMP K or JMP L when connecting the MFJ-1278B to another type of radio.
FIG. 3-3 HT Special Keying Circuit
The MFJ-1278B allows radio connection without any modifications to the radio or any signal balancing devices in the cables. There are two types interfacing methods presented in this chapter.
Method 1: Direct Connection to Microphone and Speaker
For Method 1, shown in Fig. 3-5, the MFJ-1278B's audio is fed directly into the microphone connector or similarly connected auxiliary jack. The output of the MFJ-1278B will be adjusted to give a proper modulation level. The receiver audio will be taken from an earphone plug or speaker jack and fed directly to the MFJ-1278B. The user can connect a monitor speaker to the SPEAKER jack of the MFJ-1278B. This allows you to monitor the transmit and receive audio on the channel.
Fig. 3-5 Method One Interconnect.
The transmit audio levels for both radio ports are factory preset at 250 mV p-p to be compatible with the mic input of most radios. However, if the transmit audio is too low or distorted, then adjust the appropriate output level control as stated in the section. Use the following procedure to calibrate:
Transmit Audio Level Adjustment for Method I Interface
1. Connect your MFJ-1278B and radio as shown in Fig. 3-5. Turn on the MFJ-1278B and computer and start your terminal program. Connect the radio to a dummy load and listen to the transmission with another nearby radio.
2. Enter the modem calibration procedure by typing
3. With the MFJ-1278B keying the transmitter and transmitting the higher of the two tones, adjust the transmit audio level as follows. With a small flat-tipped screwdriver, adjust trimpot located on the left side of them MFJ-1278B (R157 for radio 1 or R158 for radio 2) while you listen to the monitoring receiver. Adjusting the trimpot CW increases the output, while CCW decreases the output. Turn the adjustment on the trimpot clockwise (CW) until no increase in output level is heard at the monitoring receiver.
4. Rotate the adjustment on the trimpot counter-clockwise until the audio signal on the monitoring receiver decreases by half of the maximum level. This can be estimated by ear or accurately by measuring the output voltage at the transmit audio pin of the radio port with an oscilloscope or AC voltmeter.
5. Press the K key to return to receive mode and type Q to exit the calibration routine. Be sure to remove JMP4 if you placed it to defeat the watch-dog timer. You have now set your transmitter deviation to approximately the correct level.
If you notice a significant hum level in the monitored audio in Step 3, take measures to remove it. This may require shielded wire (recommended in any event) in your microphone audio circuit. The use of shielded cable is always necessary, in projects such as this. If your transmitter has an adjustable microphone gain control, try reducing the sensitivity of the transmitter microphone circuit and increasing the signal level from the MFJ-1278B to minimize hum or other noise problems.
Setting the Receiver Audio Input Level
The modem in your MFJ-1278B implements an advanced phase coherence type data carrier detection (DCD). There is a threshold control and a sensitive tuning indicator. Together they set the correct receive audio level for the modem, also to optimize the DCD characteristics for the various methods of operation.
With your radio in the receive mode, open the squelch control so that a steady hiss is present on a speaker. Set the volume control to the minimum volume position. The tuning indicator on the MFJ-1278B should drift off to one side of the display and become stationary. It may drift enough to disappear off the end of the display. Slowly advance the audio output level with the volume control until the tuning indicator "springs to life" and dances around a point near the middle of the display. This is the absolute minimum audio level for marginal copy. Continue to advance the volume control until there is approximately twice as much audio present at the receiver output. This can be estimated by ear or measured with an oscilloscope or AC voltmeter. This will be near the correct amount of audio for NBFM operation. Levels higher than this will not degrade the modem performance as long as the receiver audio amplifier is capable of producing the chosen output level without distortion (clipping).
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