Epson CPD5719 User Manual

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EPSON® Ethernet Card Supplement
This guide includes new information about your EPSON multiprotocol Ethernet interface card and software.
If you are using the card with Apple® Macintosha computers on AppleTalk® or TCP/IP networks, please disregard the Macintosh section in your EPSON Type B Ethernet Interface Card and follow the steps in this supplement.
In addition to the operating systems mentioned in the Ethernet card
User’s Guide, the card also supports Windows 95 and Windows NT
You’ll find the following information in this Supplement:
Initializing the Ethernet card
Using the Ethernet Card with NetWare® on a WAN
Using Macintosh with the Ethernet Card
Using TCP/IP with Windows 95

Initializing the Ethernet Card

After you install the Ethernet card in a printer or reinstall it in a new printer, plug in the printer while pressing down the status sheet button for at least three seconds to initialize the card.
status sheet button

Printing a Status Sheet

You can print a status sheet after you finish initializing the card. Turn on the printer and press the status sheet button. The status sheet gives you information about the Ethernet card including the current configuration, serial number, and address of the card. Keep the status sheet; you need the information to configure the card.

Using the Ethernet Card With NetWare on a WAN

If you use the Ethernet card in a NetWare environment over a WAN (Wide Area Network) and connect it to a general phone line (including ISDN), the card may open the dial-up-router and packets may be sent to the WAN. To avoid this problem and possible phone fees, mask the vendor code in the dial-up-router as shown below:
Vendor code
For details on how to mask the vendor code, ask your network administrator or see your NetWare documentation.
EPSON Ethernet Card Supplement

Using Macintosh with the Ethernet Card

Before configuring the Ethernet card, check to see if the correct printer driver is installed in the Macintosh. Make sure the printer is turned on and the Ethernet card is connected to the network. (See your Ethernet card User’s Guide and your printer User’s Guide for more information.)
The information on Macintosh is explained in the following sections:

Installing EPSON Net!


Monitoring the Printers on Your Network

Configuring the Ethernet Card for AppleTalk
Configuring the Ethernet Card for TCP/IP Using EPSON Net! for Macintosh
Note: lf you are using Macintosh computers on a NetWare network, configure the card using EPSON Net! for NetWare Windows from a Windows workstation or EPSON Net! for NetWare DOS from a DOS workstation. See your Ethernet card User’s Guide for instructions.
lnstalling EPSON Net!
To install EPSON Net! for Macintosh, follow these steps:
Turn on your Macintosh.
Create a folder for EPSON Net! on your hard drive.
Insert the EPSON Net! for Macintosh disk in the drive.
Copy the program from the disk to the folder.
Monitoring the Printers on Your Network
You can monitor and check the status of all printers connected to your network according to the protocol you use.
EPSON Ethernet Card Supplement
To check the status of all printers that are turned on and enabled for a protocol, follow the steps below:
Open the EPSON Net! folder and click the EPSON Net! icon.
The following window appears:
Note: If you don‘t see any printers in the list, try selecting the zone that the
printer is in or all zones by following the steps in the next section.
To exit EPSON Net!, click Quit.

Selecting a Zone

You can select which printers to monitor according to their zone or address. You must select a zone before you configure the Ethernet card in the Configuration dialog box. Follow these steps:
With the EPSON Net! dialog box open, choose Zone from the
Options menu bar.
EPSON Ethernet Card Supplement
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