$20 Mail-In Rebate when you purchase
WorkForce 30 Color Inkjet Printer from
PC Connection, MacConnection or GovConnection
In order to receive your rebate you must purchase
a qualifying product listed on this form. Offer valid
between October 1, 2008 and December 31,
2008 through PC Connection, MacConnection or
GovConnection. Additionally, the materials and
information listed below are required prior to rebate
payment. Failure to submit any of the following
items will delay or prevent rebate payment.
Apt. No:______________________(We will not deliver to a PO Box)
State:__________________________ Zip code:__________________
1. A clean, clear copy of your proof of purchase
showing purchase of the qualifying product from
PC Connection, MacConnection or GovConnection.
Your proof of purchase must clearly indicate the purchase of the
Printer and must be purchased at full retail price in order to qualify.
Rebate Amount, Qualifying Purch. Price, Model, UPC & Sku:
$20.00 Rebate - WorkForce 30 Color Inkjet Printer
Purchase Price: $69.99
2. A copy of the UPC symbol from the product
packaging (Be sure the numbers printed below
the symbol are included).
3. This completed form.
You must include all requested information
(items 1-3). Send to:
Model: C11CA19201
UPC: 0 10343 86826 7
PCC Sku: 8899621
This offer is available on purchases of a qualifying product listed on this form from PC
Rebate Center
Dept: H46344
P.O. Box 100495
White Bear Lake, MN 55110-0495
Envelope must be postmarked within 30 days of purchase date.
Connection, MacConnection or GovConnection. This form must accompany your
request. Your proof of purchase must be dated between October 1, 2008 and December
31, 2008. The product must be purchased at full retail price in order to qualify. Requests
for rebate must be postmarked within 30 days from purchase date. Limit one rebate per
address, except where prohibited by law. All submissions become property of the Rebate
Center and will not be returned. Please allow 8-12 weeks for receipt of the rebate check.
You may check the status of your rebate by calling 1-866-301-3713 or online at
www.rebate-zone.com/promotions. Offer subject to availability. Offer available while
supplies last. Void where prohibited. Offer valid in the United States only. (CVQ)
**If you are submitting claims for other rebate programs, the claims MUST be
mailed in separate envelopes and addressed to each unique rebate department code.
Your proof of purchase. A copy of the UPC from the product packaging. This completed Form.
Mail-in rebate
Buy an Epson Stylus® C88+, C120, CX7400, CX8400, CX9400Fax, NX300, NX400,
together with any digital camera, personal computer or notebook (including Apple
30, 500, 600, Epson Stylus Photo RX595, RX680, Artisan™ 700 or 800,
up to
Back by mail
Epson Stylus C88+, C120,
CX7400, CX8400, CX9400Fax,
NX300, NX400, WorkForce 30,
500, 600, Epson Stylus Photo
RX595, RX680, Artisan 700 or 800
TERMS AND CONDITIONS : Thi s re bate off er a ppli es o nly t o qu alif yi ng pu rch ase s of t he pr odu ct m ode ls li ste d on t his cou pon w hen pro duc ts ar e pu rcha sed
and delivered in the U.S. or Puerto Rico between November 2, 2008 and January 10, 2009. Qualifying Epson product and digital camera, personal computer
or notebook must be purchased together and appear on the same receipt. Camera phones are excluded from this offer. This offer is not valid for purchases
made in store or online at Amazon.com, Fry's, Best Buy®, OfficeMax®, CDW, Circuit City, Micro Center®, Fred Meyer, Fingerhut, Atlantic Exchange, Walmart.com,
Samsclub.com, ToysRUs, Apple retail stores, Apple.com, Target, Tiger Direct, CompUSA or the Epson Storesm. This offer cannot be combined with any other
Epson bundle mail-in rebate. Fill out this coupon completely, including product serial numbers, and submit it along with 1) a copy of a valid invoice or receipt
with the qualifying products circled ; and 2 ) the original or a copy of the Epson UPC code and serial number label from the product box. Claims must be
postmarked within 30 days from the date of purchase. Offer applies to end user, original customers only. No resellers, distributors or dealers. Of fer is not
tr ans fera ble. Onl y one sub miss ion per E pso n pro duc t pur cha sed . If t his offe r ap pea rs in more tha n one cou pon , you may o nly t ake adv anta ge o f thi s pa rti cula r
offer once. Used and electronic auction products are not eligible. No substitutions or extensions. Offer is subject to product availabilit y. Epson and its agents
have the right to substantiate submissions and to reject claims that do not comply with these terms. Handwritten invoices or receipts will not be accepted.
Rebate checks are void if not cashed within 90 days of issuance and cannot be reis sued. Epson is not responsible for lost, stolen, invalid or incomplete
submissions. In the event a customer has paid less for the Epson product than the specified rebate amount, customer will only be entitled to receive a rebate
check for the actual amount paid by customer for the Epson product before ta xes and shipping. Claims will not be accepted if receipt shows
re tai ler d edu cte d the reb ate a mou nt at the t ime of pu rch ase. St aple s® re quir es, and o the r ret ail ers may r equ ire, use o f th eir o wn in -st ore cou pon
to claim this rebate; please check your receipt or ask the retailer at the time of purchase. You should receive your rebate within 8 weeks from
receipt of a properly completed claim. Keep copies of all materials submitted; originals become the property of Epson and Epson may use the
information provided in accordance with its privacy policy posted on its website. Epson and Epson St ylus are registered trademarks and Epson
Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark of Seiko Epson Corporation. WorkForce and Artisan are trademarks and Epson Store is a service
mark of Epson America, Inc. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks.
Purchases made in Canada require a separate C anadian coupon which can be found at www.epson.ca
If you provide us with an e-mail address, we will update you about the status of this rebate submission.
The information you provide is for Epson’s use only. Epson does not sell, rent or trade data with others. CPD-25 473R7 10/ 08 5K
Any digital camera,
personal computer
or notebook
(including Apple)