Epson 835 User Manual

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Epson 835 User Manual

Operation Guide


EasyMP Operation Guide


Projecting Computer Images via a Network


(Network Screen)


Using the Toolbar............................................................


Names and Functions of Each Icon.....................................................


Presentation Mode...............................................................................


Interrupt Disabled................................................................................




Basic Settings ......................................................................................


If No Connected Projectors Appear ................................


Connecting by Specifying an IP Address............................................


Creating Connection Groups.............................................................


Security Countermeasures for Wireless LAN ...............


Using Encrypted Transmissions in Easy Connect Mode ..................


Preventing Unauthorised Access in Easy Connect Mode


(NS Protect).....................................................................................


Setting the Encryption and Authentication Methods for


Wireless LAN Access Point Mode..................................................


Disabling Automatic ESSID Search .................................................


Showing the Presentation (Using the CardPlayer)


Files that Can be Projected by the CardPlayer ............


Using CardPlayer .........................................................


Starting CardPlayer ...........................................................................


Closing CardPlayer............................................................................


CardPlayer Basic Operation ..............................................................


Projecting Scenarios.....................................................


Playing a Scenario .............................................................................


Operation During a Presentation .......................................................


Selecting and Projecting Slides from a Scenario...............................


Editing a Scenario..............................................................................


Projecting Image and Movie Files ................................


Projecting Image and Movie Files.....................................................


Projecting All Image and Movie Files in a Folder In Sequence




Setting Image and Movie Files Display


Conditions and Operation Mode .................................


Preparing a Presentation (Using EMP SlideMaker2)

Procedures for Making a Presentation without a




Files that Can be Included in Scenarios .......................


Creating a Scenario ......................................................


Setting Scenario Properties ...............................................................


Including PowerPoint Files into Scenarios .......................................


Including Image and Movie Files into Scenarios..............................


Editing a Scenario .............................................................................


Sending a Scenario.......................................................


What Do You Do When ................................................


Create a Scenario Easily....................................................................


Checking the Scenario Projection Status at the Computer................


Making Animation Settings ..............................................................


Using a Computer to Set Up, Monitor and Control Projectors

Changing Settings Using a Web Browser (EasyWeb).. 62

Displaying EasyWeb .........................................................................


Projector Setup ..................................................................................


Projector Control ...............................................................................


Using the Mail Notification Function to


Report Problems .........................................................


Setting Mail Notification Function....................................................


If a Problem Notification is Sent by Mail .........................................


Management Using SNMP ...........................................


Projecting Computer Images via a Network (Network Screen)

This chapter explains what to do if a projector that you would like to connect to cannot be found when using Network Screen, and also explains wireless LAN security measures.

Using the Toolbar ...................................................


Names and Functions of Each Icon...............................


Presentation Mode ........................................................


•Changing the image ..............................................................................


Interrupt Disabled ..........................................................




Basic Settings................................................................


If No Connected Projectors Appear ........................


Connecting by Specifying an IP Address ......................


Creating Connection Groups .......................................


•Creating a Group .................................................................................


•Connecting Using a Group..................................................................


•Exporting Groups ................................................................................


•Importing Groups ................................................................................


Security Countermeasures for Wireless LAN........


Using Encrypted Transmissions in


Easy Connect Mode ....................................................


Preventing Unauthorised Access in


Easy Connect Mode (NS Protect) ...............................


Setting the Encryption and Authentication Methods for

Wireless LAN Access Point Mode..............................


Disabling Automatic ESSID Search ............................


Using the Toolbar

EasyMP Operation Guide


Names and Functions of Each Icon

When the computer and the projector are connected to the network, the following toolbar appears on the computer screen. Unless otherwise indicated, the following descriptions show screens for Windows. A similar screen appears on Macintosh computers.



























(10) (11)


(13) (15)





















































The operation of each icon is described below.
























Displays EMP NS Connection help.




















Prevents interruptive connections to projectors







Disabled (for


that are connected to the network. Interruption









prevention turns on and off each time you click











this icon. sp.5




















Causes projectors to project only PowerPoint







mode (for


slideshows. Presentation mode turns on and off each









time you click this icon. sp.4





















You can display or hide the connection status



status screen

window each time you click this icon. When the




connection status window is displayed, icons




with the names of the projectors that are




currently connected are displayed in green. The




connection status window cannot be used for




operations such as changing the connection




status of a projector or connecting new












Shows EasyWeb.







URL display









Operates in the same way as the [Freeze]




function of the projector




.s"Freeze Function" in the User's Guide







A/V Mute

Operates in the same way as the [A/V Mute]




function of the projector. s"A/V Mute




Function" in the User's Guide.








Operates in the same way as the E-Zoom




function of the projector. A setting window is




displayed so that you can enlarge the areas you




want to see. sp.6







Basic settings

This displays a setting window where you can




change settings for items such as brightness,




contrast and colour mode. sp.6




Operates in the same way as the corresponding




items in the projector's "Image" configuration




menu. s "Image" in the User's Guide







Switch video

This operates in the same way as the [Video/S-




Video] button on the projector's control panel.




s"Turning the Power On and Projecting




Images" in the User's Guide






EasyMP Operation Guide

Using the Toolbar




Switch PC

This operates in the same way as the [Computer/




Component] button on the projector's control








s"Turning the Power On and Projecting




Images" in the User's Guide








This disconnects the projector that is currently




being communicated with from the network.








When a projector is connected to the computer




via the network, the top, middle and bottom




indicators flash alternately. If the projector




cannot be connected correctly, the indicators turn












This disconnects the projector that is currently




being communicated with from the network and




then exits EMP NS Connection.








Minimises the toolbar and (if using Windows)




displays the icons within the windows taskbar. If




using a Macintosh, the toolbar is stored in the









Presentation Mode

When "Presentation Mode" is set to "ON", the only images that are sent to the projector when running a PowerPoint slideshow are the images from the slideshow itself. Images that are not part of the slideshow are not projected by the projector, so that the presentation can be given without showing the viewers things like file selection operations that are carried out before the slideshow is run.

The "Image.jpg" file that has been preset for the projector will be projected whenever there is no slideshow being run (lower-left image). This image can be changed to your own preferred image. If no "Image.jpg" file exists, a black screen will be projected (lower-right image).




Black screen


Presentation mode can be set to "ON" or "OFF" before the projector is connected and while the projector is connected.

Presentation mode is automatically set to "OFF" when EMP NS Connection is exited.


EasyMP Operation Guide

Using the Toolbar


f Changing the image

You can change the "Image.jpg" file to your own preferred image by the following procedure.



The following types of image can be used.







File format

JPEG (JPEG2000 images cannot be used.)







Max. size (Width x height)

1600 x 1200 pixels








Image.jpg (Must be this filename)

















Save the preferred image in the Image sub-folder of


the folder that EMP NS Connection has been installed





Example of saving destination:

C:\Program files\EPSON\NSConnection\Image

Installation folder (default)

3 When EMP NS Connection is restarted, the new image will be used for projecting.

Interrupt Disabled

When the interruption prevention function is set to "ON" at a computer that has projectors connected to it, it will no longer be possible to connect to those projectors using other computers. If more than one projector is connected to the computer, the interruption prevention function will be applied to all of the connected projectors.

Other computers will be able to connect to the projectors as soon as the interruption prevention function setting is changed to "OFF".

The interruption prevention function is enabled in automatic ESSID search mode. The interruption prevention function is disabled during IP connect mode.

:When the interruption prevention function is ON

:When the interruption prevention function is OFF

:When in IP connect mode (interruption prevention function is disabled)


The interruption prevention function can be set to "ON" or "OFF" before the projector is connected and while the projector is connected.

The interruption prevention function is automatically set to "OFF" when EMP NS Connection is exited.

If the connection between the projector and the computer is terminated, other computers will then be able to access that projector even if the interruption prevention function is still set to "ON".

If using Windows, the interruption prevention function may be enabled for the projector being searched for. If this is the case, the computer being used for the search will have priority in connecting to the projector when the IP address is specified.


EasyMP Operation Guide

Using the Toolbar




Basic Settings




When you click the "E-Zoom" icon, the following setting window appears, and you can use this window to adjust settings such as the zoom ratio and position.

When you click the "Basic settings" icon, the following setting window appears so that you can make adjustments to items such as brightness, contrast and colour mode.








































































Target projector







Adjusts the E-Zoom ratio.


[+] button: Enlarges images.


[–] button: Reduces images that have been enlarged.


These buttons operate in the same way as the [




] and [


] of







the projector.










This specifies an area that is to be enlarged or reduced.


This works in the same way as using the E-Zoom function of


the projector to move the cursor in order to specify the area to


be enlarged or reduced. s"E-Zoom Function" in the User's












This cancels E-Zoom and returns the images to their original












This shows the name of the projector that is the current target


for operations.


If more than one projector is connected, you can select which


projector is to be the target projector for E-Zoom operations.










Closes the "E-Zoom" window.









Brightness This adjusts the brightness of the projected images. [+] button: Increases brightness.

[–] button: Decreases brightness.

Contrast This adjusts the contrast of the projection area.

[+] button: Increases the difference between light and dark shades. [–] button: Decreases the difference between light and dark shades.

Color mode This operates in the same way as the [Color Mode] function of the projector.

The setting changes as follows each time the [Color Mode] button is clicked.

Dynamic Presentation

sRGB Living RoomTheatre


EasyMP Operation Guide

Using the Toolbar



This shows the name of the projector that is the current target


for operations. If more than one projector is connected, you can


select which projector is to be the target projector for basic


setting operations.




Closes the "Basic settings" window.



If No Connected Projectors Appear

EasyMP Operation Guide


If no connected projectors appear in the projector selection window of EMP NS Connection, check the following points.

If using a wireless LAN, are the projectors set up where signals cannot reach or where signals are weak?

Has the connection mode been set correctly?

Is the subnet correct?

If a projector is connected to a network that has a different subnet, you can connect the projector using IP connect mode. IP connect mode lets you connect projectors by specifying the projector's IP addressg.

If using easy connect mode under Windows, check the following points.

Has automatic ESSIDgsearching been disabled? (Windows 2000/XP only) s"Computer Wireless LAN Settings" in the EasyMP Network Setup Guide

Is the computer's wireless LAN driver compatible with NDIS5.1?

(Windows 2000/XP only)

For the following, is the ESSID (network name) that has been set at the computer identical to the ESSID at the projector?

·When using Windows98/ME

·When setting the automatic ESSID searching to off

If using a Macintosh, check the following points also.

Is the network status correct?

·In easy connect mode, has "AirPort: On" been selected and has the ESSID for the appropriate projector been selected?

·In access point mode, has "AirPort: On" been selected and has the appropriate access point been selected?

·In wired LAN mode, has "AirPort: Off" been selected? s"Starting EMP NS Connection at the Computer" in the EasyMP Network Setup Guide

Connecting by Specifying an IP Address

Use the following procedure to connect a projector using IP connect mode. In the following procedure section, Window's screens are used to explain unless otherwise noted. Similar screens will be displayed under Macintosh.


If using Windows, you can click the "" icon that is displayed in the EMP NS Connection windows to display descriptions of various functions.



Set the projector to EasyMP standby screen.


s"Setting the Projector to Connection Standby Mode" in the


EasyMP Network Setup Guide








Start running EMP NS Connection at the computer.

sSteps 1 to 3 in "Starting EMP NS Connection at the Computer" in the "Connecting the Computer and Projector via the Network" section of the EasyMP Network Setup Guide


EasyMP Operation Guide

If No Connected Projectors Appear


3 Click the "Extension" button in the following window.

5 The following window will be displayed. Click "IP connection" in the top-right corner of the window.

4 Select "Use IP connect mode." and then click the "OK" button.

6 Enter the IP address of the projector that you would like to connect to in the "IP address" box, and then click the "Search" button.


EasyMP Operation Guide

If No Connected Projectors Appear


7 The IP address will appear in the "Projector" list and an icon will appear beside it to show that searching is in progress. If the projector is found, the projector name will be displayed in the "Projector" list. If you would like to add another projector, repeat step 6.

Projectors that have been registered are added to the "Projector" list.

The connection statuses are indicated by the icon colour and shape as follows.

:Not connected

:Connected to other computer

:Currently being searched for

:Specified projector could not be found


Up to a maximum of 16 projectors can be registered. If you try to add 17 or more projectors, the existing projectors will be deleted starting from the first projector that was registered. The maximum number of projectors that can be connected at the same time is four.

When you exit EMP NS Connection and start it the next time, the projectors that were added to the "Projector" list will be deleted. If you would like the same projectors to appear in the list each time you start EMP NS Connection, create a group and register the required projectors as part of that group. sp.11

8 Click the name of the projector to be connected, select the check box for that projector, and then click the "Connect" button.

The computer and projector will be connected via the network, and the computer screen will be projected by the projector.


If you select a projector that is already connecting to another computer, the other computer is automatically disconnected and your computer's image will be projected.

If using Windows, the interruption prevention function may be enabled for the projector being searched for. If this is the case, the computer being used for the search will have priority in connecting to the projector when the IP address is specified.

If you select more than one projector, you can project images from one computer to several projectors. Up to a maximum of four projectors can be used to project images from a single computer.

After you have clicked the "Connect" button, you cannot connect any more projectors.


EasyMP Operation Guide

If No Connected Projectors Appear


Creating Connection Groups

You can register projectors that are frequently accessed via the network into a single group. EMP NS Connection can register up to a maximum of 16 projectors in a single group.

For example, if you have a network where projectors in all branch offices are connected and you would like to project images from projectors at branch offices in a specific area, you can register the projectors at all branch offices in that specific area into a single group. Once a group has been registered, you can connect to the projectors in the specified area simply by selecting that particular group, which eliminates the need to search for projectors and connect them one by one.

Group information can be written (exported) to a file and loaded (imported) from that file. In this way, a network administrator can create and export different groups of projectors, and then the other users can import the groups of projectors that need to be connected to, making it easier to connect to the required projectors.

f Creating a Group

Use the following procedure to create a group.



Carry out steps 1 to 3 in "Connecting by Specifying


an IP Address" to display EMP NS Connection


extended function window. sp.8








Select "Use IP connect mode." and "Use Group List."


and then click the "Advanced" button.








EasyMP Operation Guide

If No Connected Projectors Appear


3 The group detail setting window will be displayed. If

4 Enter the group name in "Connection Group".

creating a new group, click the "New" button.

"New Group" will be displayed in "Connection Group" and the "IP address" and the list of registered projectors will be blank.


To change the projectors that have been registered in a current group, select the group name in "Connection Group" and then continue from step 5.

If you click the "New" button while creating a group or editing an existing group, the message "Group is not saved. Save?" (Windows) or "Save changes to group? If you do not save, all changes will be lost." (Macintosh) will be displayed. If you click "Yes" button, the group that is currently being edited will be saved. If you click "No" button, the group that is currently being edited will not be saved and any changes made to the group will be lost.

5 Enter the IP address for the projector to be registered in "IP address", and then click the "Add>" button.

You can enter numbers from 0 to 255 in each field of the IP address.


You cannot use the addresses "", "127.x.x.x" or " to" (x is a number from 0 to 255).


EasyMP Operation Guide

If No Connected Projectors Appear


6 The IP address will appear in the "Projector" list and an icon will appear beside it to show that searching is in progress. If the projector is found, the projector name will be displayed in the "Projector" list. If you would like to add another projector, repeat step 5.

Projectors that have been registered are added to the "Projector" list.

The connection statuses are indicated by the icon colour and shape as follows.

:Not connected

:Connected to other computer

:Currently being searched for :Specified projector could not be found


Up to a maximum of 16 projectors can be added into a single group. A maximum of four projectors can be actually connected at the same time.

If you would like to delete a projector from the list, select the projector to be deleted and then click the "<Delete" button.

7 Once all the projectors to be registered have been added to the list, click the "OK" button. When the message "Save group. OK?" is displayed, click the "Yes" button.

The group will then be saved.

If you click the "No" button at the message prompt, the group will not be saved.


If you are editing and saving an existing group or if a group with the same name as the group you are saving already exists in the "Connection Group" list, the message "This group name already exists. Overwrite?" (for Windows) or "Okay to update details?" (for Macintosh) will be displayed. Click the "Yes" button to overwrite the existing group. If you would like to use a different name to save the group, click the "No" button, enter the new group name in the "Connection Group" box in the group detail setting window, and then click the "OK" button again.

8 Click the "Close" button.

The group detail setting window will close and the display will return to the extended function window.


If you would like to delete a group, select the group to be deleted in "Connection Group" in the group detail setting window, and then click the "Delete" button.


EasyMP Operation Guide

If No Connected Projectors Appear


f Connecting Using a Group


3 Select the group to connect to from the list in

Use the following procedure to connect to a projector in a group.



"Connection Group", and then click the "OK" button.

If you are continuing on to this procedure after having just created a group





by the procedure in "Creating a Group", start the following procedure from





step 3.











Carry out steps 1 to 3 in "Connecting by Specifying






an IP Address" to display EMP NS Connection






extended function window. sp.8




















Select "Use IP connect mode." and "Use Group List.".


































EasyMP Operation Guide

If No Connected Projectors Appear


4 If the following window is displayed, click "IP connection" in the top-right corner of the window.

If "IP connect mode" appears in the top-left corner of the window, continue on to step 5.

5 The projectors that have been registered in the group will be displayed in the "Projector" list. Click the names of the projectors you want to connect to, and then click the "Connect" button.

The projector names are displayed in EasyMP standby screen.

The connection statuses are indicated by the icon colour and shape as follows.

:Not connected

:Connected to other computer

:Currently being searched for

:Specified projector could not be found


If you select a projector that is already connecting to another computer, the other computer is automatically disconnected and your computer's image will be projected.

If you select more than one projector, you can project images from one computer to several projectors. Up to a maximum of four projectors can be used to project images from a single computer.

After you have clicked the "Connect" button, you cannot connect any more projectors.

The computer and projector will be connected via the network, and the computer screen will be projected by the projector.

EasyMP Operation Guide

If No Connected Projectors Appear

f Exporting Groups

Groups are exported by the following procedure.


This will export all groups in the "Connection Group" list. You cannot export selected groups only.

Create and save at least one group before exporting the groups. sp.11

Groups cannot be imported while creating a group or editing an existing group.


3 Select the export destination folder and enter the filename in the window that is displayed, and then click the "OK" button.

The groups will be exported with the specified filename.


For Windows

The only valid file extension is ".ini".

For Macintosh

The only valid file extension is ".prgp".



Carry out steps 1 and 2 in "Creating a group" to


display the group detail setting window. sp.11








Click on the "Export" button.







EasyMP Operation Guide

If No Connected Projectors Appear

f Importing Groups


Groups cannot be imported while creating a group or editing an existing group.


3 Select the file to be imported in the window that is displayed, and then click the "Open" button.

The groups will be imported and the names of the imported groups will be added to the "Connection Group" list.



Carry out steps 1 and 2 in "Creating a group" to


display the group detail setting window. sp.11








Click on the "Import" button.


For Windows

The only valid file extension is ".ini".

For Macintosh

The only valid file extension is ".prgp".

If you would like to connect to projectors that are included in an imported group, carry out steps 3 to 5 in "Connecting Using a Group". sp.14

EasyMP Operation Guide

Security Countermeasures for Wireless LAN


Because wireless LANs use radio signals to send and receive data, they have the advantage of allowing a device to connect to the network easily as long as they are within range to receive the signals.

A disadvantage of this is that the radio signals can pass through barriers such as walls, so that if security countermeasures are not implemented in some way, transmissions can be intercepted and outsiders can get unauthorised access to the network even without using special tools.

The following security functions are provided in order to solve such problems.

Data encryption

Data is encrypted before it is transmitted. Even if data is intercepted, it cannot be opened and viewed.

Connection limitations (authentication)

A username and password are registered beforehand so that only registered wireless LAN terminals can connect to the network, in order to prevent unauthorised third parties from connecting to the network.


Prevent unauthorized access from outside of the LAN by blocking off unused ports.

The security functions used by this projector vary depending on the mode used to connect to the wireless LAN.

Security Type

For Easy Connect

For Access Point Mode*2








Encrypted transmission









WPA (Home Mode),


LEAPg s p.21







NS Protect*1 sp.20

*1 This can only be used when connecting using a computer that is running Windows XP.

*2 Only valid if the access point being connected to supports the same functions.


EasyMP Operation Guide

Security Countermeasures for Wireless LAN


Using Encrypted Transmissions in Easy Connect

2 Select "Use encrypted communication." and then


click the "OK" button.



You can encrypt the data that is sent from the computer to the projector while Network Screen is running. When the data is encrypted, security can be maintained, but the transmission speeds will become slower.

Follow the procedure below to set encryption. These settings only need to be made once, and will be kept from then on.


1 Carry out steps 1 to 3 in "Connecting by Specifying an IP Address" to display EMP NS Connection extended function window. sp.8


EasyMP Operation Guide

Security Countermeasures for Wireless LAN


Preventing Unauthorised Access in Easy Connect

2 Select "Use NS Protect (In AdHoc mode only)." and

Mode (NS Protect)

then click the "OK" button.


NS Protect is a personal firewall for Network Screen. NS Protect closes all ports except the ports that are required for Network Screen connection and control, so that unauthorised access from outside can be prevented.

To use NS Protect, a user with administrator privileges must login from a Windows XP-based computer. Other users who do not have the privileges can not use the function.

Follow the procedure given below to enable NS Protect. These settings only need to be made once, and will be kept from then on.


1 Carry out steps 1 to 3 in "Connecting by Specifying an IP Address" to display EMP NS Connection extended function window. sp.8

EasyMP Operation Guide

Security Countermeasures for Wireless LAN

Setting the Encryption and Authentication Methods for Wireless LAN Access Point Mode

You can select one encryption/authentication method from the following available options when using wireless LAN access point mode and running Network Screen.


This uses an encryption key (WEP key) to encode the data.

It works so that if the encryption keys at the access point and the projector are not identical to each other, data cannot be transmitted.


This is an encryption standard that improves security which is a weak point of WEP. Several different types of encryption method can be used with WPA, and this projector uses TKIPg. TKIP uses PSK to automatically update the encryption key at a regular fixed interval, which makes it harder to break compared to WEP which uses a constant encryption key.

WPA also includes user authentication functions. WPA authentication provides two methods: using an authentication server, or authenticating between a computer and an access point without the server. The EasyMP supports the latter method (without the server).




Follow the instructions from the network administrator for the network you are using when making these settings.

If using LEAP, you need to make settings at the projector which match the authentication server settings. Check with your network administrator for details on RADIUS server settings.

You can use an Internet web browser to access a browser page for setting and controlling the projector, and you can make the network settings on that browser page (EasyWeb). Because you can use the keyboard to enter setting values with EasyWeb, it is useful to use in order to avoid the inconvenience of entering values using the remote control. sp.62



Insert a wireless LAN card into the card slot of the










Set the projector to EasyMP standby screen.

s"Setting the Projector to Connection Standby Mode" in the

EasyMP Network Setup Guide

This is an authentication method that uses the CCXg wireless LAN security technology developed by Cisco Systems which combines a unique user authorisation function and an encryption function.

You can't use LEAP without an authentication serverg (RADIUS serverg). LEAP uses passwords for authentication without using electronic signatures.

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