Enttec Storm 24 Datasheet

Ethernet to DMX converter
The Storm 24 is the worlds most powerful Ethernet DMX 512 converter. A high density device when you need to convert large amounts of DMX Over Ethernet data into DMX 512 while keeping costs under control. Ideal for any LED pixel mapped project or large traditional rigs. 1U of rack space gives you 24 Universes of DMX 512
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ENTTEC PTY LTD Head office : 17/5 Samantha Court Knoxfield VIC 3180 Australia Tel : +61 3 9763 5755 Fax : +61 3 9763 5688 sales@enttec.com
Controls . Lights . Solutions
ENTTEC AMERICAS 604A Cornerstone Ct. Hillsborough NC 27278 USA Tel & Fax : (888) 454-5922 sales.americas@enttec.com
The most powerful Ethernet to DMX512 converter
With a ground breaking $65 per port system cost, DMX conversion is no longer a high cost item in your pixel mapping budget. RJ45 outputs also lower cabling costs by using standard crimp connectors instead of more expensive XLR connectors. Needing only 1U means you also save on rack space.
Multi-Protocol support
Art-Net 1
Art-Net 2
Art-Net 3
24 DMX512 ports
Break time configurable
DMX refresh rate configurable
Number of channels configurable
Profiles may be selected and viewed
with front panel menus or with web
browser over Ethernet LCD display
Profile storage on hard drive
or import/export to USB key or FTP
10/100/1000 base-T Ethernet port
Jumbo frame support
Inbuilt autoranging (90-260V)
mains power supply 20W consumption
Rack mountable (19" x 1U)
Integral cooling fan
University / professional theatres
Architectural installations
Touring companies / road houses
Performing Arts Centres
Trade shows
Easy cabling
E a s i er a n d l ow er cabling costs using s t a n d a r d R J 4 5 outp u t s . A l t h o u gh XLR connectors are widely used in the entertainment world, w h e n y o u r project isn't traveling the world on a regular basis, RJ45s connectors offer the best price / performance ratio. Using standard shielded CAT5 cable to connect your whole system also helps keep the cost per port down. We use the standard ANSI E1.27-2 specified RJ45 p i n o u t to m a k e sur e m ost equipment connections will be simple.
H43.6mm/1.72” W463mm/18.25” D250mm/10”
70050 - Storm 24
Amazing performance
Using state of the art FPGA programmable logic, ultra fast DDR memory and Gigabit ethernet, all 24 DMX outputs are synchronised within 100us when using Sync mode.
No more image ghosting or jumpy updates
of your content.
No other device offers this level
of performance.