This user guide provides detailed information for using the BrightEye™ 3
Analog to SDI Converter with Time Base Corrector and Frame Sync.
The information in this user guide is organized into the following sections:
• Product Overview
• Functional Description
• Applications
• Rear Connections
• Operation
• Front Panel Controls and Indicators
• Using The BrightEye Control Application
• Warranty and Factory Service
• Specifications
• Glossary
Analog to SDI
Converter with
TBC and Frame Sync
User Guide
Revision 4.0 SW v1.0.8

BrightEye 3 Analog to SDI Converter with TBC/FS
The BrightEye™ 3 Converter is a Time Base Corrector/Frame Synchronizer with
composite, component and Y/C inputs. Input signals are digitized to 12 bits of resolution and time base corrected by a noise tolerant tracking circuit. An external
reference input allows genlock to a a timing reference such as color black.
BrightEye 3 is great for such applications as capturing consumer VCRs into nonlinear editing systems.
Input selection, gain controls, and TBC enable is provided through the front panel
interface. Input and reference presence are indicated through front panel LEDs.
Control and monitoring can also be done using the BrightEye Control application
from a personal computer with USB support.
Signal I/O and power is supplied to the rear of the unit. It is powered by a
modular style power supply.
A glossary of commonly used video terms is provided at the end of this guide.
The BrightEye 3 converter can perform analog to digital conversion on a variety
of television signal formats, in both the 525/60Hz (NTSC) and 625/50Hz (PAL)
line standards. The converter supports the NTSC and PAL composite standards,
Y/C, and color difference analog component formats along with serial digital (SDI)
As shown in the block diagram on the next page, analog composite video is fed to
the converter on a single BNC connector at 1 volt p-p levels (sync tip to peak
white). The analog signal is clamped (DC restored) and digitized. This digital representation of the original signal is decoded into luminance and color difference
component form using an adaptive comb filter.
Component video inputs in the SMPTE or Beta formats of Luminance (Y), and
color difference (R-Y or Pr, and B-Y or Pb) enter the converter through three BNC
connectors. They are digitized and clamped and then gain-scaled to component
digital levels.
In all cases of analog video input, the resultant digital signal conforms to the
ITU-R 601 standard. This is a 4:2:2 component digital signal with a 27 MHz
sampling rate. The overall amplitude of the signal can be adjusted with the gain
control. This digital signal is fed to the TBC/Frame Synchronizer.

The TBC/Frame Synchronizer performs time base correction and synchronization
on its input signal (either analog or digital) to conform its timing to the house
reference provided on the external reference input (Ref In). This synchronizing
function will automatically align the timing of the converter output so that each
new video frame begins at exactly the same time as it does on the reference
input. Furthermore, since the original input to the converter may be non-synchronous to the reference, the input video may be running slightly fast or slow
with respect to the reference. The synchronizer corrects for this by buffering the
signal through a memory FIFO which can hold up to one frame of video.
The output of the TBC/Frame Synchronizer is serialized as a 270 Mb/s bitstream
and feeds the electrical BNC connector.
BrightEye 3 is powered by a 12 volt DC universal power supply. This power
supply can accept an input voltage between 90 and 230 volts, at 50 or 60 Hertz. It
uses a standard IEC line cord and can be used anywhere in the world. It is
normal for the converter to be quite warm to the touch when operating.
Cpst, Y In
BrightEye 3 Functional Block Diagram
Front Panel or BrightEye PC Controls
Pr, C In
Reference In
Video A-D
Gain Adjust
Video Select
TBC On/Off
Frame Sync

BrightEye 3 Analog to SDI Converter with TBC/FS
The versatility of BrightEye 3 can be utilized in any number of different applications where conversion of composite/Y/C and component analog video to SDI is
Analog to SDI/Optical Conversion and Distribution
One application, shown in the illustration below, utilizes the full functionality of
BrightEye 3 by converting an output from a consumer VCR to an SDI signal for
feeding a non-linear editing system. The use of a reference input also allows the
converted signal to be synchronous with the house reference.
House Ref
BrightEye 3
Cpst In
Ref In

All connections to the BrightEye converter are made on the rear of the unit.
Refer to the illustration below.
Power Connection
Connect a modular power supply to the 12 volt DC power input connection on the
far left. Use the locking ring to secure it.
USB Connector
The USB connector is used to provide more comprehensive control, diagnostics,
and upgrades to the unit from a PC or Mac. Use the BrightEye Control application included on CD-ROM to make adjustments as described in the OPERATION
section of this user guide.
Input/Output BNCS
There are five rear BNC connectors which are used as follows:
The Serial Digital Component output of the converter is presented on this
connector. This output conforms to the ITU-R 601 standard for serial digital
video, with SMPTE 259M serialization at 270 Mb/s.
Pb In
This is an internally terminated, 75 ohm input for the following:
• Beta or SMPTE – Pb input
Pr, C In
This is the internally terminated, 75 ohm input for the following format signals:
• Beta or SMPTE – Pr (Y-R) input
• S-Video (composite) – C input
BrightEye 3 Rear Connectors

BrightEye 3 Analog to SDI Converter with TBC/FS
Cpst, Y In
This is the internally terminated, 75 ohm input for one of the following signal
• Composite (Cpst) – composite input
• S-Video (composite) – Y input
• Beta or SMPTE – Y input
Ref In
The reference input connector accepts a composite video signal which is used as
the genlock and timing reference for the internal TBC/Frame Synchronizer.
Typically the reference signal would be Color Black or Color Bars fed from a
master sync generator. This is an internally terminated 75 ohm input.

Control and operation of the BrightEye 3 converter is performed from the front
panel or with the BrightEye Control application.
Some control settings are only available with BrightEye PC or Mac. These parameters
cannot be monitored or controlled with the front panel.
Front Panel Controls and Indicators
The front panel of the converter, shown in the figure below, provides status indicators and control over video input selection, TBC, and gain.
Status Indicators
The following status indicators are provided on the front panel:
Illuminates green when an input for the currently selected video format is
detected on the input connector. This indicator does not light when either of the
two internally generated test patterns are selected.
Ref (Reference)
Illuminates green when a reference video signal is present on the Ref In
Source Select
The currently selected video input will illuminate green.
TBC/Frame Sync
When illuminated green, the TBC/Frame Sync mode is enabled.
Illuminates green when gain is set to unity or red when gain is other than unity.
Pwr (Power)
Illuminates green when power is applied to the converter and the internal voltage
regulator is functioning correctly.
BrightEye 3 Front Panel