This data pack provides detailed installation, configuration and operation information for
the 8500 Series Video Processing Synchronizer module along with the 8410, 8415 or
8510 Audio Processing and 8520 DNR option submodules as part of the Avenue Signal
Integration System.
The module information in this data pack is organized into the following sections:
• 8500 Series Overview
• Applications
• Installation
Configuring Rear BNCs
• Cabling
• Module Configuration and Control
Front Panel Controls and Indicators
Avenue PC Remote Control
Avenue Touch Screen Remote Control
• Troubleshooting
• Software Updating
• Warranty and Factory Service
• Specifications
Model 8500 Series
Video and Audio
Data Pack
Revision 5.1 SW v2.2.6

The 8500 Video Processing Frame Synchronizer, along with its optional submodules,
provides a real "do it all" module. A block diagram of module functions is shown on the
following page.
With component and composite analog inputs as well as serial digital video input, the
8500 accepts nearly any signal in a facility. The SDI input is carried at full uncompressed
bandwidth throughout the entire module and EDH monitoring of the digital input alerts
you to any incoming problem. Analog inputs are 4x oversampled at 12 bits of resolution.
Composite signals are decoded using an adaptive comb filter. The proper 525 or 625
standard is automatically selected by the 8500 module.
Input video is synchronized to a house reference by a TBC/Frame Synchronizer. Noisy and
jittery analog sources are faithfully tracked to provide a steady, genlocked output,
ensuring proper time base correction for virtually any source, even a consumer VHS
machine. Select the SDI input and the 8500 is a serial digital frame sync.
The 8500 has a full-featured Proc Amp for adjustment of every signal parameter. Proc
controls include Video and Chroma Gain, NTSC style hue rotation, Black Balance, and
pedestal. Black and White clips can be set to prevent excessive signal excursions. To help
optimize the settings in the Proc Amp, a Split Screen mode allows you to compare the
processed output with the original material.
A Detail Enhancer recovers information that has been lost due to poor frequency response
in upstream systems.Certain values represented in serial digital component may be illegal
in the NTSC or PAL composite domains. The Predictive Composite Clipper mode identifies picture elements that would be illegal in analog composite, and limits color saturation
and luminance excursions.
Selective (toothed) vertical blanking lets you choose to pass or strip content in the vertical
interval on a line by line and field by field basis.
The 8500 has simultaneous SDI and analog composite outputs. They are fully timed to
your house reference, including the subcarrier and ScH phase of the composite output.
The analog output is constructed at 8x oversampling with 12 bits of quantizing resolution.
The 8520 Digital Video Noise Reducer (DNR) is an optional sub module that can be added
to the 8500 Video Processing Frame Synchronizer. The noise reduction process is downstream of the 8500 Proc Amp controls. The 8520 DNR can be used with any 8500 video
input source. It only adds 4 microseconds to the throughput delay of the 8500, so it does
not introduce problems with system timing. The 8520 DNR is motion and scene adaptive.
It removes unwanted noise and artifacts, making it perfect for MPEG compression preprocessing and satellite or ENG feeds.
Several forms of noise reduction are employed to ensure the best possible performance.
Recursive Temporal Noise filtering includes Simple Recursive, Motion Adaptive and
Motion Adaptive with Impulse filter. Controls are provided for maximum signal to noise
improvement and for noise threshold. These can be set manually or run in automatic
Because the 8500 is an Avenue module, every function and parameter can be controlled
from an Avenue Touch Screen, Express Control Panel, or the Avenue PC Control
Application. While it can be used to control any Avenue module, the Express Panel really
shines when used with the 8500 Signal Acquisition system modules. With dedicated video,
Model 8500 Series Modules

chroma, pedestal, and hue knobs, live shading is easy. The continuous rotation velocity
sensitive knobs are responsive and dependable. Audio levels for multiple groups are easily
accessed as well. All other parameters, including timing and audio delay, are accessed
through an intuitive menu interface. 8500 module memory registers can be used to save
the complete configuration of the module, making it easy to change instantly between
different configurations.
Modules at software version 2.2.0 or later support SNMP (Simple Network Management
Protocol) monitoring. For each applicable signal processing module, module, signal, and
reference status are reported. For complete details on using SNMP monitoring, refer to
the Avenue System Overview in the manual that accompanies each frame.
There are three BNCs on the rear module that can be configured with onboard switches.
One BNC can be set for either SDI or composite video out. The AES 1/2 and 3/4 outputs
(with the 8410 or 8510 submodule installed) can be set independently as SDI video or AES
outputs. With the 8415 submodule installed, the AES 5/6 and 7/8 outputs can be set independently as SDI video or AES outputs.
8500 with 8410 Functional Block Diagram
Model 8500 Series Modules

One of three types of Audio Processing submodules can be installed on the 8500 module.
The audio processors have also been designed to provide superior handling of embedded
audio. The disembedder on the input side follows the timing of the SDI input, even if that
input is asynchronous to the house reference. The embedder on the output side is synchronous to house. This allows embedded audio to be safely bypassed around the video
Framestore with the lip sync properly preserved. Embedded audio content is properly resynchronized. The audio processors have built-in sample rate conversion allowing usage of
asynchronous AES inputs, while synchronous AC-3 or Dolby-E audio signals may also be
The 8410 4 Channel Audio Processor shown in the block diagram on the previous page
is a submodule with flexible architecture that addresses a wide range of audio handling
needs. The submodule accepts two external AES audio inputs and one embedded audio
group from the SDI video input. Two outputs can be routed to the AES outputs while four
outputs can also be embedded into the SDI output signal.
The 8510 4 Channel Audio Processor option shown below can be configured for most
any combination of audio functions the user might desire. There are AES and analog
audio inputs and outputs and the ability to disembed and embed audio on the serial
digital video stream. Disembedded audio or signals from any of the inputs may be mixed,
shuffled or level controlled and any of the channels re-embedded and/or sent to the analog
or AES output connectors. Full audio delay tracking is included as well as the provision to
add fixed delay to correct incoming lip sync errors. There is built in sample rate conversion allowing usage of asynchronous AES inputs, while synchronous AC-3 or Dolby-E
audio signals may also be used. As always, the comprehensive Avenue control system
allows for monitoring and adjustment of all parameters through networked Touch Screen,
Express Panel, or Avenue PC control.
Model 8500 Series Modules
8510 Audio Submodule Block Diagram
AES Input
CH 1/2
AES Input
CH 3/4
Audio I/O
From 8500 SDI Input
4 Channel
24 Bit
8510 Audio Processor Option
Source Selection
Level Adjust
Swap & Shuffle
Channel Mixing
To 8500 SDI Output
Signal Processing
4 Channel
24 Bit
1/2 Out
Switch S4
3/4 Out
Switch S5

The 8415 Audio Processor submodule shown below provides eight channels of digital
audio processing. Digital audio inputs to the 8415 can come from four AES ports and/or
disembedded from the 601 SDI input stream. After processing, digital outputs in both AES
and embedded form are possible.
There are four AES ports, using the four AES BNC connectors on the rear of the chassis.
When an 8415 is installed, these BNCs become bi-directional ports. Each of them can
either be an AES input or an AES output. These four AES ports are associated with pairs
of channels: Ch 1/2, Ch 3/4, Ch 5/6, and Ch 7/8. A port will become an output if it has not
been chosen as an AES input in the Aud In A and B menus.
There are two disembedders on the input side of the 8415 referred to as A and B. These
disembedders are being fed the 601 SDI video input stream in parallel and each of them
can be independently targeted to any of the four possible groups. The A disembedder will
produce two pairs of audio signals, referred to as SDI 1/2 and SDI 3/4.
The B disembedder will also produce two pairs of audio signals referred to as SDI 5/6 and
SDI 7/8. In the B disembedder, the SDI 5/6 pair corresponds to the first and second
channels in the selected group and SDI 7/8 is taken from the third and fourth channels in
that same group.
The disembedded audio can then be processed with level adjustment, channel mixing,
shuffling, and automatic tracking of the delay imposed on the video channel. It can then
be embedded into the video signal downstream of the the frame synchronizer, proc amp,
and DNR functions on the 8500 module.
There are two embedders referred to as A and B to support the eight channels of audio,
one for each group. The embedders are placed in series with the A embedder first and the
B embedder second. Each embedder must be configured for operating mode and the
desired group (1 – 4) in which to embed the audio. The configuration parameters for the
embedders in the Audio Out menu are not identical. There is no Replace All function for
the B embedder as this function occurs in the upstream embedder A.
(Note that using the 8415 requires Ave PC software version 2.0.4 and higher and the
Control module must be running version 2.0.5 or higher. These versions can be downloaded from the Ensemble website.)
8415 Audio Submodule Block Diagram
Model 8500 Series Modules
To 8500 SDI Out
1/2 Out
Switch S4
3/4 Out
Switch S5
Ch 5/6
Ch 7/8
AES Outputs
AES Inputs
CH 3/4
CH 7/8
CH 1/2
CH 5/6
From 8500 SDI In
Dual Audio
8415 Audio Processor Option
Source Selection
Level Adjust
Swap & Shuffle
Channel Mixing
Signal Processing

Model 8500 Series Modules
This section provides some typical applications for utilizing the full versatility of the 8500
Video Processor module and the optional submodules, the 8410, 8415, and 8510 Audio
Processors and the 8520 DNR. Configuration of these applications is covered in the
MODULE CONFIGURATION AND CONTROL section later in this manual.
Satellite or Microwave Reception
As illustrated in the block diagram below, the 8500 will accept input from either an
analog or a serial digital receiver. Both composite video and SDI signals will now be
locked to house and fully timeable, and are simultaneously available at the output. The
8520 DNR submodule with its Adaptive Motion Detection can be employed to clean up
noisy video.
Proper audio/video timing can be assured when the tracking audio delay of the 8510 Audio
Processor is employed. Any timing or delay modifications to the video are tracked by the
8510 whether you wish to use disembedded audio or audio input from an analog or AES
source. Properly timed audio from any of these sources is available directly when routed
to the analog or AES outputs, or it can be re-embedded back onto the SDI video stream. A
fixed delay of up to 1000mS can be inserted by the 8510 to correct for signals which have
previously passed through frame stores without audio delay compensation.
Satellite or Microwave Application Block Diagram
Second Language
Embedded Audio
Audio AES
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
Audio Proc
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
Audio Proc
Composite Video
Disembbedded Audio
nd Language Audio
Both Audios

Compact Systems
A one rack unit (1 RU) Avenue chassis populated with a 5400 TSG and one or two 8500
Series modules makes an ideal signal acquisition system where small size and light
weight are required. With the variety of input formats which the 8500 Video Processing
Frame Synchronizer accepts, it is equally at home with the Y/C feed from a VHS machine,
Y/Pr/Pb from a BetaCam, composite from an analog camera or SDI from a digital camera.
The 5400 TSG feeds reference to the 8500 to allow stable frame sync operation, as well as
providing analog and SDI reference signals for any of the acquisition equipment, along
with a range of analog and SDI test signals. Video noise reduction is available with the
8520 DNR and the 8510 Audio Processor can provide audio gain control, mixing and
embedding to suit the needs of whatever range of requirements the recorder or microwave
transmitter may have. This example is shown below.
Model 8500 Series Modules
Compact Systems Application Example
VHS Player
B Cam
Y Pr Pb
or SDI
or AES
or SDI
or AES
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
Audio Proc
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
Audio Proc
Dual TSG
SDI embedded
SDI embedded
Digital and Analog
Test Signals
1 Rack Unit Frame

Model 8500 Series Modules
News/ENG Vehicle
The wide variety of input feeds often encountered can be easily handled with an Avenue
8500 based system. Inputs are accepted ranging from composite or component video with
analog audio, to SDI with embedded audio, AES audio, or analog audio accompanying the
video stream. Robust signal handling ensures proper time base correction for nearly any
source from a consumer VHS machine to an unlocked portable camera. Proc Amp
functions in the 8500 include video and chroma gain and pedestal, NTSC style hue
rotation and a predictive video signal legalizer. Noisy signals can be cleaned up effectively
with the motion and scene adaptive 8520 DNR. There are operator controls for many
choices including automatic and manual modes. In the manual mode noise reduction
factor is adjustable as is the noise threshold. The show noise and split screen selections
allow viewing of effectiveness of your DNR settings.
Audio is ingested by the 8510 Audio Processor submodule from analog or AES sources
and/or disembedded from the SDI video stream. The internal four channel audio
mixer/router provides level control, mixing of sources and nearly unlimited swap or
shuffle of channels. The 8500 and all other modules may be monitored and adjusted with
the comprehensive Avenue control system. Graphical interface is utilized with the Avenue
PC application running on a laptop or desktop, while the Avenue Touch Screen with touch
and rotary controls can be simultaneously used.
or SDI
PC or Touch Screen Control
of Levels, Inputs, Routing, etc.
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
8510 and 8520
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
8510 and 8520
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
8510 and 8520
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
8510 and 8520
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
8510 and 8520
SDI with Embedded Audio
X-Y Control Panel
8500 Video Proc
8510 Audio Proc
Analog or SDI with
Embedded Audio, or with
AES or Analog Audio
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
8510 Audio Proc
Frame Sync
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
8510 Audio Proc
Dual TSG
Digital and Analog
Test Signals
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
8510 Audio Proc

Model 8500 Series Modules
Remote Truck/OB Van Operation
A convenient and flexible interconnect to a Remote Truck or OB Van is assured with use
of the 8500 Video Processing Frame Synchronize (shown below). An 8500 input may be
analog component, composite or SDI, timed to house or asynchronous. Reference is
supplied to the 8500 and outputs are fully timeable in relation to this reference.
Depending upon the needs of a particular shoot, there are both composite and SDI
outputs simultaneously available. The 8520 DNR submodule has Adaptive Motion
Detection and can be employed to clean up noisy video often found in remote situations.
Analog or AES audio inputs are available, or audio embedded on the SDI stream can be
used. Disembedding and re-embedding of audio to the SDI stream is handled by the 8510
Audio Processor option submodule. Most any combination of channel shuffle, mixing and
gain riding can also be done. Audio outputs are simultaneously available at the AES and
analog connectors. The complete range of mix and level control facilities in the 8510
permit these outputs to be the same as the re-embedded audio, or any other combination
of audio channels.
At the output end of the Remote Truck the 8500 is again used to provide a flexible source.
Whether you need the input to be analog or SDI video, analog, AES or embedded audio,
the 8500 will provide a stable feed to microwave or fiber regardless of which audio or
video output formats may be needed.
Remote Truck/OB Van Application
Bright Eye
Fiber Rcvr
Frame Sync
8500 Video Proc
or SDI
PC or Touch Screen Control
of Input Mode, Proc Functions, etc.
Frame Sync
8510 and 8520
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
8510 Audio Proc
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
8510 and 8520
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
8510 and 8520
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
8510 and 8520
SDI or Analog Video with
Analog, Digital or Embedded Audio
Video and Audio
Production Equipment
Dual TSG
Digital and Analog
Test Signals
8500 Video Proc
Frame Sync
8510 Audio Proc
Bright Eye
Fiber Xmtr
Frame Sync

Rear Module BNC Configuration
There are three configurable rear BNC connectors that can be set using onboard switches
on the rear of the 8500 circuit board for the choices outlined below. AES outputs will
depend on the type of submodule installed. Refer to the illustration on the next page.
• Cpst/SDI Out BNC Configuration – The BNC labeled CPST/SDI can be set
with Switch S1 on the rear of the 8500 circuit board for either CPST (up) for a
composite output or to SDI (down) for an SDI output.The default setting for this
switch is CPST when shipped from the factory.
• AES 1/2 Out /SDI Out BNC (8410 and 8510 submodule) or AES 5/6/SDI (8415
submodule) Configuration – Switch S4 on the rear of the 8500 circuit board
allows the BNC labeled AES 1/2 Out/SDI or AES 5/6/SDI BNC to output either
AES audio or the processed SDI signal of the module (identical to the other SDI
outputs). Set the toggle switch to AES to configure the BNC for AES out or set to
SDI for the SDI output. The default setting for this switch is AES.
• AES 3/4 Out /SDI Out BNC (8410 and 8510 submodule) or AES 7/8/SDI (8415
submodule) Configuration – Switch S5 on the rear of the 8500 circuit board
allows the BNC labeled AES 3/4 Out/SDI or AES 7/8/SDI BNC to output either
AES audio or the processed SDI signal of the module (identical to the other SDI
outputs). Set the toggle switch to AES to configure the BNC for AES out or set to
SDI for the SDI output. The default setting for this switch is AES.
8410, 8415, or 8510 Audio and 8520 DNR Submodule Installation
The optional 8500 Series submodules install on the component side of the 8500 Video
Processing module circuit board. If the options are ordered with the 8500 module, they
will come already installed.
To install the 8410, 8415, or 8510 audio submodule, locate the three connectors on the left
side of the circuit board as shown on the next page and line the connectors up, checking
the alignment. Press carefully into place to seat the submodule.
To install the 8520 DNR submodule, locate the UP arrows on the circuit board and the
submodule. Line up the submodule with the two connectors, matching the UP arrows and
press carefully to seat the submodule.
8500 Video Processing Module
Plug the 8500 module into any one of the slots in the 1 RU or 3 RU frame and install the
plastic overlay provided onto the corresponding group of rear BNC connectors associated
with the module location.There are two different plastic overlays provided with this
module. If you are using the 8415 submodule, use the plastic overlay labeled
8500VAP + 8415 8-Channel.
Note that the plastic overlay has an optional adhesive backing for securing it to the
frame. Use of the adhesive backing is only necessary if you would like the location to be
permanent and is not recommended if you need to change module locations. This module
may be hot-swapped (inserted or removed) without powering down or disturbing performance of the other modules in the system.
Model 8500 Series Modules

Refer to the 3 RU and 1 RU Backplane with 8410 and 8510 Audio Submodule or
3 RU and 1 RU Backplane with 8415 Audio Submodule diagrams on the following
pages for cabling instructions. Note that unless stated otherwise, the 1 RU cabling explanations are identical to those given in the 3 RU diagram.
Configure the three BNCs as described above and follow the correct cabling procedures
depending on how these switches have been configured.
Submodule Installation and BNC Configuration Switches
Model 8500 Series Modules
Set toggle switches to configure BNCs on the rear module.
S4 and S5 will depend on the type of audio processor submodule installed.
S1 (Cpst/SDI)
S4 (8410/8510 — AES 1/2 or SDI) or (8415 — AES 5/6 or SDI)
S5 (8410/8510 — AES 3/4 or SDI) or (8415 — AES 7/8 or SDI)
Match arrows on submodule
and circuit board.
8410, 8415 or
8510 Audio Processor
8520 DNR

1 RU Backplane With 8410 or 8510 Audio Submodule
AES 1/2 and 3/4 In – Connect
AES digital audio to the AES 1/2
and AES 3/4 inputs.
AES 3/4 Out or SDI Out –
Set BNC to output AES 3/4 audio
or SDI video with toggle switch S5
on circuit board.
Model 8500 Series Modules
Ref In – Connect a composite
video input (PAL or NTSC) if you
are using an external reference.
Cpst/Y/Pb In – Connect the
Cpst (composite), Y (Y/C) or
the Pb (component video) input
depending on the type of video
you are using.
SDI/Y In – Connect an SDI or Y
(component) input depending on
the type of video you are using.
Analog Audio Pinouts
Signal Pins Input Output 2 In/2Out
Aud 1 +, –, G 1, 2, 7 Input 1 Output 1 Input 1
Aud 2 +, –, G 5, 4, 8 Input 2 Output 2 Input 2
Aud 3 +, –, G 11, 12, 9 Input 3 Output 3 Output 1
Aud 4 +, –, G 15, 14, 10 Input 4 Output 4 Output 2
Analog Audio – Use the Analog
Audio 15-pin D connector for
cabling analog audio inputs or
outputs when the 8510 option is
installed. Refer to the pinout
diagram and the table below for
cabling information.
C/Pr In – Connect the C (Y/C) or
the Pr (component video) input
depending on the type of video
you are using.
SDI Out – Connect to an SDI
Cpst/SDI Out – Set this
connector to output either SDI
or Composite video with switch
S1 on the 8500 circuit board.
3 RU Backplane With 8410 or 8510 Audio Submodule
AES 1/2 Out or SDI Out –
Set BNC to output AES 1/2 audio
or SDI video with toggle switch S4
on circuit board.
8500 VAP
AES 3/4 Out
/SDI Out
AES 1/2 Out
/SDI Out
Cpst/SDI Out
AES 3/4 In
Cpst/Y/Pb In
AES 1/2 In
C/Pr In
Ref In
Analog Audio

Analog Audio – Use the Analog
Audio 15-pin D connector for
cabling analog audio inputs or
outputs when the 8510 option is
installed. Refer to the pinout
diagram and the table below for
cabling information.
1 RU Backplane With 8415 Submodule
AES 1/2 and 3/4 In or Out –
Use as AES digital audio inputs
or outputs for AES 1/2 and
AES 3/4 inputs.
AES 7/8 In or Out or SDI Out –
Set BNC to input or output AES
7/8 audio or SDI video with toggle
switch S5 on circuit board.
Ref In – Connect a composite
video input (PAL or NTSC) if you
are using an external reference.
Cpst/Y/Pb In – Connect the
Cpst (composite), Y (Y/C) or
the Pb (component video) input
depending on the type of video
you are using.
SDI/Y In – Connect an SDI or Y
(component) input depending on
the type of video you are using.
Analog Audio Pinouts
Signal Pins Input Output 2 In/2Out
Aud 1 +, –, G 1, 2, 7 Input 1 Output 1 Input 1
Aud 2 +, –, G 5, 4, 8 Input 2 Output 2 Input 2
Aud 3 +, –, G 11, 12, 9 Input 3 Output 3 Output 3
Aud 4 +, –, G 15, 14, 10 Input 4 Output 4 Output 4
C/Pr In – Connect the C (Y/C) or
the Pr (component video) input
depending on the type of video
you are using.
NOTE: When the 8415
submodule is installed, the AES
audio BNCs become bi-directional
and can be set as either AES
inputs or outputs in the Aud In
A and B menus.
SDI Out – Connect to an SDI
Cpst/SDI Out – Set this
connector to output either SDI
or Composite video with switch
S1 on the 8500 circuit board.
3 RU Backplane With 8415 Audio Submodule
AES 5/6 In or Out or SDI Out –
Set BNC to input or output AES
5/6 audio or output SDI video with
toggle switch S5 on circuit board.
Model 8500 Series Modules

The configuration parameters for each Avenue module must be selected after installation.
This can be done remotely using one of the Avenue remote control options or locally using
the module front panel controls. Each module has a Remote/Local switch on the front
edge of the circuit board which must first be set to the desired control mode.
The configuration parameter choices for the module will differ between Remote and
Local modes. In Remote mode, the choices are made through software and allow more
selections. The 8500 Parameter Table later in this section summarizes and compares
the various configuration parameters that can be set remotely or locally and the
default/factory settings. It also provides the default User Levels for each control. These
levels can be changed using the Avenue PC application
If you are not using a remote control option, the module parameters must be configured
from the front panel switches. Parameters that have no front panel control will be set to a
default value. The Local switches are illustrated in the Front Panel Controls and
Indicators section following the 8500 Parameter Table. The Local switches are
inactive when the Remote/Local switch is in the Remote position.
In the Remote mode, Avenue module parameters can be configured and controlled from
one of the remote control options, the Avenue Touch Screen, Avenue Express Control
Panel, or the Avenue PC Application. Once the module parameters have been set remotely,
the information is stored on the module CPU. This allows the module to be moved to a
different cell in the frame at your discretion without losing the stored information.
For setting the parameters remotely using the Avenue PC option, refer to the Avenue PC
Remote Configuration section of this document.
For setting the parameters remotely using the Avenue Touch Screen option, refer to the
Avenue Touch Screen Remote Configuration section of this document following
Avenue PC.
Express Panel operation is described in the data pack that accompanies the control panel
Configuration Summary
This section provides a general overview of the configuration for the 8500 module. The
controls available for configuration with remote control are summarized and tips and
examples are given for using particular controls to achieve the best results.
Video Processing
The 8500 has a full-featured Proc Amp for adjustment of every signal parameter. Proc
controls include Video and Chroma Gain, NTSC style hue rotation, Black Balance, and
pedestal. Black and White clips can be set to prevent excessive signal excursions. To help
optimize the settings in the Proc Amp, a Split Screen mode allows you to compare the
processed output with the original material.
Certain values represented in serial digital component may be illegal in the NTSC or PAL
composite domains. The Predictive Composite Clipper mode identifies picture elements
that would be illegal in analog composite, and limits color saturation and luminance
excursions. You can be confident that the work you’re doing in digital component will look
its best in composite.
Model 8500 Series Modules

Model 8500 Series Modules
A Detail Enhancer recovers information that has been lost due to poor frequency response
in upstream systems.
Selective (toothed) vertical blanking lets you choose to pass or strip content in the vertical
interval on a line by line and field by field basis.
The 8500 has simultaneous SDI and analog composite outputs. They are fully timed to
your house reference, including the subcarrier and ScH phase of the composite output.
The analog output is constructed at 8x oversampling with 12 bits of quantizing resolution.
The available video processing remote control menus are summarized below:
• Proc Menu: Gain, Chroma, Pedestal and Hue are standard Proc Amp controls.
Whether operating with SDI or analog inputs or outputs the Hue control gives
phase rotation of the color vectors in the manner of an NTSC composite Proc Amp.
• Clip: The Legalizer is a predictive clipper which insures signal levels will not
exceed those permitted in the composite domain. Thus its use can insure a television transmitter will not be presented illegal video input. If Off or Legal are
selected other adjustments are grayed and may not be changed. While Legal automatically puts in values to insure signals will not exceed composite legal limits,
selecting Custom allows the operator to insert a range of clip values.
• Filters: The Lum Sharp and Chr Sharp settings allow shaping of the passband for
reduced or added sharpness. With both selections set to Off or Normal there is no
modification of the video. Bandwidth reduction can be useful in reducing artifacts
when using the 8500 for preprocessing of signals which will receive MPEG compression, while adding sharpness may benefit signals which arrive at the input
with reduced bandwidth.
• Timing: The 8500’s comprehensive range of timing allows complete flexibility in
placement of the output picture relative to the applied reference input. Fine Phase
and Hor Timing take the horizontal timing across the entire line with nanosecond
accuracy. A Vert Timing adjustment completes the range in allowing any output
timing desired by the operator.
• Status: This dynamic monitoring display provides indicators of video and audio
inputs and EDH error status. Options such as the 8510 Audio Processor and 8520
DNR show in the Option window when present.
• Trims: Cb and Cr offsets allow black balance to be corrected while Cb and Cr
gains permit trimming of levels on these two axes. Y/C delay allows the operator to
correct inaccuracy of timing of color information relative to luminance. These trims
are functional regardless of the input or output formats in use.
• Output: The Bypass selection takes the 8500 Proc Amp out of the video path by
routing the signal around it to output. Split mode may be used to compare input
and output signals to observe the effect of adjustments. Note that these are "live"
modes and the bypassed or split video will be fed on downstream to following
equipment. Embedded Audio is removed from the SDI stream when Strip is
selected in the Strip Audio window. Normal four field Color Lock is ordinarily used,
though other color locking modes may be selected to fit specialized needs.

• Blanking: There are Wide, Narrow or Custom blanking choices. Wide gives
blanking through line 20 (NTSC) or line 22 (PAL), while narrow produces blanking
through line 9 (NTSC) or Line 6 (PAL) of both fields. In the Custom mode any individual lines from 9 through 23 may be selectively blanked, with different choices
allowed for each field. Some systems recognize position of the V-bit to control end
of blanking. In the 525 standard V-bit position can be set to line 10, line 20 or line
23. In 625 mode V-bit is fixed at line 23 as this is the only position permitted by
the 625 Standard.
• Memory: Up to five configurations of the 8500 may be saved into memory
registers for later recall. All parameters – gains, input format, filters, blanking, etc.
- are saved in each memory. The 8500 for SDI Input can be used with audio disembedding, channel swapping and re-embedding in a particular application. In
another application it is used with composite input, noise reduction and embedding
of audio from an analog audio input source. These two setups could be stored in
memory registers and one or the other recalled for instant restoration of the
required configuration.
Model 8500 Series Modules

8410, 8415, and 8510 Audio Processor Configuration
The 8510 Audio Processor will accept audio from analog or AES input connectors and can
disembed audio from the incoming SDI video stream. The 8410 does everything the 8510
does, except that it has no analog audio I/O. The 8415 Audio Processor accepts audio from
the AES input connectors and can disembed audio from the incoming SDI video stream.
Between the input and output is a 4x4 audio mixer (8x8 mixer with the 8415) with
tracking audio delay. Any incoming audio can be mixed, level controlled and/or shuffled to
another output channel by means of the integrated audio router. The tracking audio delay
allows synchronization and timing to be maintained with time base corrected video
passing through the video frame synchronizer of the 8500.
A built in sample rate converter allows use of asynchronous AES input signals. The Audio
Processors also support encoded audio formats such as AC-3 and Dolby-E. Because these
data streams cannot tolerate sample rate conversion, they must be input to the Audio
Processors synchronous to the video. All audio processing is performed at the full 24 bit
resolution of the system. At the output side of the submodule the four audio channels
(eight channels with the 8415) may be simultaneously routed to analog (8510 only) and
AES output connectors while also being embedded on the outgoing SDI video. An adapter
is also available to allow the AES I/O to be converted from BNC to 110 ohm balanced.
The available audio processing remote control menus are summarized below:
• Audio In: Status indicators show presence of AES and embedded (SDI) audio
inputs. The In 1/2 Sel and In 3/4 Sel controls provide for selection of inputs to the
audio mixer. The choices for the 8410 and 8510 are AES 1/2, Anlg 1/2, SDI 1/2,
AES 3/4, Anlg 3/4, and SDI 3/4. The 8415 has four additional choices, AES 5/6 and
7/8 and SDI 5/6 and 7/8. Thus any pair of input audio signals can be routed to
either pair of input buses of the output audio mixer. As well (8510 only) the anticipated nominal level of this incoming audio can be set with the Anlg Lvl controls.
• Audio Mode: The Audio Mode control is provided to allow an SDI input with
embedded audio to operate in Audio (normal) or Data (non-audio). The 8500 can
handle both types of content present in AC-3 or Dolby_E signals. Some synchronizing requirements are necessary for supporting these protocols.
Select the Audio mode when the input audio signal is a standard audio signal
carrying two channels of linear audio. No special timing requirements are needed
in this mode.
Use the Data mode when the serial digital audio is a non-audio, or data, signal.
Some special synchronizing requirements must be observed in this mode as
described in the following examples.
SDI Signal with embedded data – For this case, if an SDI signal with
embedded data is applied to the input, the content will be handled by
passing through the 8500 frame store memory to the output of the 8500.
No audio submodule is required.The audio input signal in this case is synchronous to the timing reference. This is normal operation of the 8500 and
no special configuration is necessary.
Data mode signal to be disembedded and output as an AES stream –
This mode requires the use of an audio submodule to disembed the de-serialized SDI input and route the channels to the correct path. If one of the
channels is normal audio, it can be mixed, swapped, shuffled, and delayed
by the audio submodule. If the other channel is non-audio data, it bypasses
Model 8500 Series Modules

the normal audio functions and is carried to the AES output formatter and
When in the Data mode, the AES formatter is driven by the output timing
of the 8500, the original SDI input must be synchronous to the reference
input or the 8500 must be configured to use the SDI signal as the timing
Data mode signal to be disembedded, output as AES, then reembedded – In this case the audio submodule is also required. This case is
similar to the one above, while the disembedded data is re-embedded in the
SDI output of the 8500. The same timing requirements apply.
Original embedded data to be left unchanged with an additional
embedded group to be added – The original embedding in the SDI input
passes through the 8500 processing path. At the same time, an audio
submodule is used to create a second embedded group which is placed in
cascade, following the original audio group which contains the data mode
A data mode signal in AES format is input to the audio submodule –
This example could be used when there is a need to embed the AES data
into the output of the 8500. In this case the AES data input must be synchronous. When being used in this manner, the audio submodule can embed
data mode AES into one pair of channels in an embedded group, while
embedding conventional audio into the other pair.
• Audio Mix: This menu gives full access to the 4x4 or 8x8 audio mixer controls.
Any input channel can be routed to any or all output busses. Sliders or Touch
Screen rotary knobs permit levels to be adjusted from -70dB to +12dB.
Alternatively a value can be put in the numeric window, followed by the Enter key,
and this will become the new gain setting. Default buttons are provided for return
to zero level.
The Tie function is used for stereo operation where gain of a pair of channels is
usually desired to be the same. An invert selection allows inversion of a channel to
permit phase correction.
• Audio Delay: With the Auto Track switched On, audio will be delayed the same
amount as the video passing through the 8500 frame synchronizer thus preserving
lip sync. If incoming audio is early due to signals passing through an upstream
frame sync without a compensating audio delay, Bulk Delay can be used to correct
the problem. Up to 1000 mS of fixed delay can be added to compensate for
upstream timing errors.
Model 8500 Series Modules

Audio Operational Examples
This section describes the audio configuration of the application examples given at the
beginning of this manual. Both the 8410 and 8510 have AES I/O and handle embedded
audio. For analog audio, an 8510 is required.
Audio Example 1: Let’s assume stereo analog audio is arriving from a satellite receiver
(not AES,as shown in the Satellite block diagram). We want to embed this audio on an
outgoing SDI video stream and also provide analog audio for monitoring. In addition we
wish to provide audio for use in an audio console with AES inputs. Tracking audio delay
will be used to maintain proper lip sync. We’ll be using an 8500 with an 8510 submodule.
1. Bring the analog audio into channels 1 and 2. Refer to the connector drawing for
pinout of the 15 pin D connector in the Cabling section.
2. With the In 1/2 Sel choose Anlg 1/2 as the source for channels 1 and 2 of the 4x4
audio mixer.
3. Set Anlg 1 Lvl and Anlg 2 Lvl to the nominal level of the incoming audio.
4. In the Audio Mix menu Select Ch1 for Output Bus 1 and Ch2 for Output Bus 2.
The mixer output buses automatically appear on the designated output pins of the
15 pin D connector in analog form, and on the AES output BNC’s as AES audio.
5. Select Embed On to embed the audio on to the SDI video output stream.
6. In the Aud Delay menu turn On the Auto Track so audio delay will track the video
Audio Example 2: Consider a situation where there is embedded stereo audio on
channels 1 and 2 of the incoming SDI video. A second language stereo feed comes in on
AES channels 1 and 2 as shown in the Microwave block diagram but the level is 4 dB
higher than desired.
1. SDI 1/2 is selected with the In 1/2 Sel so as to feed this audio to channels 1 and 2
of the 4x4 audio mixer.
2. AES 1/2 is selected with the In 3/4 Sel thus bringing the second audio information
into channels 3 and 4 of the 4x4 audio mixer.
3. Tie is selected and the channel 3 and 4 faders set to -4dB to correct the incoming
level discrepancy.
4. All 4 channels are then re-embedded on the outgoing SDI video by selecting Embed
These same 4 channels are also available as 4 analog outputs and AES output channels.
It is now possible to monitor audio using the analog outputs from an 8510 while feeding
the AES outputs to a digital audio mixer for further usage.
Model 8500 Series Modules

Audio Example 3: Here stereo audio embedded on an SDI stream is arriving via
microwave, but lip sync is off by about 65mS due to video passing through upstream
frame stores. We wish to synchronize to house reference and add monaural analog background music to the audio, then re-embed it back into the SDI video stream.
1. SDI 1/2 is selected with the In 1/2 Sel so as to feed the disembedded audio to
channels 1 and 2 of the 4x4 audio mixer.
2. In the Audio Mix menu, select Ch1 for Output Bus 1 and Ch2 for Output Bus 2.
3. Anlg 3/4 is selected with the In 3/4 Sel. The monaural music is fed to channel 3
input with the channel 3 fader set to -10dB for proper background music level.
4. Channels 1 and 2 are selected for Output Bus assigns on this mixer so as to
produce the desired background music mix for re-embedding.
5. A Bulk Delay of 65mS is used to correct for the upstream error.
6. Select Embed On to embed the audio on to the SDI video output stream.
7. Auto Track is set to the On state so the tracking audio delay will the match delay
of the video frame synchronizer thus producing proper delay and correct lip sync.
Model 8500 Series Modules

8520 Digital Noise Reducer Configuration
The 8520 DNR is motion and scene adaptive. It removes unwanted noise and artifacts,
making it perfect for MPEG compression preprocessing and satellite or ENG feeds.
Several forms of noise reduction are employed to ensure the best possible performance.
Recursive Temporal Noise filtering includes Simple Recursive, Motion Adaptive and
Motion Adaptive with Impulse filter. Controls are provided for maximum signal to noise
improvement and for noise threshold. These can be set manually or run in automatic
Motion Adaptive Recursive Noise filtering works on a pixel by pixel basis, comparing the
current frame to frames that have already been filtered. If the change that is detected is
small, it is considered noise, while if it is large, it is considered motion or a scene change.
The detection process uses an LMMSE (Linear Minimum Mean Square Error) filtering
algorithm to evaluate the presence of motion. Combining this algorithm with recursive
temporal filters preserves fine detail while reducing noise in the presence of motion,
including rapidly moving objects and scene changes. Motion trails are minimized while
avoiding hard motion failures that some adaptive noise filters can exhibit.
The DNR menu gives six choices of operating mode:
1. Automatic Lo: A good setting for most material. Noise is reduced and the NR
Factor and Threshold displays will be seen to change dynamically with video
content. A moderate amount of noise is removed with few motion artifacts
2. Automatic Hi: NR Factor and Threshold receive enhanced values for greater
noise reduction with somewhat increased chance for motion artifacts to appear.
3. Adaptive: This manual setting allows the operator full control of all settings. A
better mix of noise reduction vs motion artifacts is possible but, being a manual
mode, it may not be possible for the operator to react optimally to changing scenes.
4. Adaptive/Impulse 1: Same as Adaptive with the addition of an impulse filter for
removal of large, narrow amplitude noise pulses.
5. Adaptive/Impulse 2: Same as Adaptive with the addition of an impulse filter for
removal of a wider bandwidth of noise. More softening of detail will be seen.
6. Non Adaptive: For still pictures, can be set for optimal noise reduction.
A special Luma Tie mode reduces dot crawl artifacts from composite originated material
by identifying cross-color and cross-luminance effects as unwanted noise.
The Show Noise output mode displays what areas of the picture are being affected by the
noise reducer. Noise is represented by white or black, while unaffected areas are represented in gray. This handy mode makes it easy to set optimum adjustments for the
material being processed. The Split Screen mode lets you compare the processed output to
the original signal.
Model 8500 Series Modules

Model 8500 Series Modules
8500 Parameter Table
Input Select
Switch 1:
SDI or Analog
If Analog:
Switch 2:
Cpst or CAV
Switch 3:
Beta or SMPTE
Compst No Setup
Y_C No Setup
Beta No Setup
Composite Level 1
Comb Mode 3 Line
3 line
5 Line
3 Line Level 1
Reference Source
Switch 4: TBC
On (ext ref) or
Off (self ref)
Ext Ref
Master Ref
Video In Ref
Ext Ref Admin
Gain 100% 0 – 150% 100% Admin
Chroma 100% 0 – 150% 100% Admin
Pedestal 0 IRE +/– 30 IRE 0 IRE Admin
Hue 0 IRE +/– 180 degrees 0 degrees Admin
Switch 5:
On or Off
Off Admin
B/W Clip Off
Off Admin
Black Clip –8 IRE –8 to 6.2 IRE –8 IRE Admin
White Clip 110 IRE 95 – 110 IRE 110 IRE Admin
Chr CLip Mode Off
Off Admin
Chr Lo Clip –40 IRE –40 to 7.5 IRE –40 IRE Admin
Chr Hi Clip –140 IRE 100 – 140 IRE 140 IRE Admin

Model 8500 Series Modules
DNR CONTROLS (8520 DNR submodule installed)
DNR Mode
Switch 6:
On (Automatic
Lo) or Off
Automatic Lo
Automatic Hi
Non Adaptive
Automatic Lo Admin
DNR Bypass Normal
Show Noise
Normal Admin
DNR Luma On
Luma Tie
On Admin
Luma NR Factor 6 dB 0 – 20 dB 6 dB Admin
Luma Threshold 25 dB 0 – 25 dB 25 dB Admin
DNR Chroma Off
Off Admin
Chroma NR Factor 6 dB 0 – 20 dB 6 dB Admin
Chroma Threshold 25 dB 0 – 25 dB 25 dB Admin
Chr Sharp Off
Off Admin
Luma Sharp Off
Off Admin
Fine Phase 0 ns +/– 40 ns 0 ns Admin
Horizontal Timing 0 clocks +/– 1716 clocks 0 clocks Admin
Vertical Timing 0 lines +/– 525 lines 0 lines Admin
8500 Parameter Table (Continued)