The 5400 module is a stable timing source suitable for local reference generation for use
in broadcast, remote trucks and post-production. Dual outputs, available simultaneously
in analog composite and serial digital and an HD tri-level sync reference output are
provided. In addition, more than twenty internally-generated test signals, including black
and color bars, and EDH Error generation are available.
The 5400 can operate from an internal precision frequency reference as a stand alone
master sync generator or lock to a video reference from an external source. The module
can also lock to an external 10 MHz source such as an atomic standard or GPS receiver
for more precision.
Two sets of composite outputs and serial outputs are provided. One serial output together
with a pair of composite outputs form the primary sync generator. A second serial output
together with an associated pair of composite outputs form a separate secondary sync
The test signal generator is always output to the primary outputs. An ID slate with user
programmable text can be overlayed on the test pattern. The secondary sync generator
always outputs color black.
The Primary and Secondary outputs can be timed with respect to the reference to any
point in the television frame. Color framing tracks the reference signal. Timing adjustments for primary and secondary outputs are configured independently and the 5400 can
be configured to output 525 and 625 standards simultaneously.
An optional submodule, the 5410, can be installed to provide audio test signals, AES3id,
word clock or 6 Hz output, analog tone and embedded audio reference outputs. The AES
outputs are synchronous to the 525 and 625 outputs as they share the same time base.
The Primary 601 output will have EDH checksums inserted.
Another feature available when the 5410 submodule is installed is the Make EDH Error
function which deliberately introduce different types of errors in the Primary SDI output.
EDH (Error Detecting and Handling) is a method to detect and indicate loss of data path
integrity and corruption. A CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Character) checksum is computed at
the point of transmission and inserted in a special data packet in the vertical interval of
the signal. At downstream locations, this CRC can be recovered and checked against a
value which has been locally re-computed from the same video data stream. If the transmitted CRC and the re-computed CRC values match, there have been no errors in transmission.
As shown in the block diagram on the following page, the time base reference is selected
from either the Master or Genlock (external) reference. The selected reference passes
through a precision sync separator to derive the required sync components. The separated
sync signal provides the timing reference for the PLLs.
These primary timing signals then pass through timing adjustment and burst detection
circuitry to determine color field sequence. They are then used to generate the test signal
pattern and black test signals in their respective generators. The test signals pass to the
Primary and Secondary serial outputs and also enter composite encoders to provide the
Primary and Secondary composite analog outputs.
Model 5400 Dual Sync Gen/Test Signal Generator