EnGenius Technologies ENSTACV2 User Manual

User Manual
Business Solutions
AC867 5GHz
Outdoor Long Range WirelessAccess Point
version 1.0
To installthis AccessPoint pleasereferto the
QuickInstallationGuideincludedin theproductpackaging.
Chapter 1 Product Overview............................................... 4
Key Features/Introduction........................................................ 5
System Requirements............................................................... 6
Package Contents......................................................................... 7
Technical Specifications.............................................................. 8
Physical Interface.......................................................................... 10
Chapter 2 Before You Begin................................................. 12
Computer Settings....................................................................... 13
Hardware Installation...........................................................17/21
Mounting the Device...................................................18/22
Chapter 3 Configuring Your Access Point......................... 24
Default Settings./Web Configuration................................ 25
Chapter 4 Building a Wireless Network........................... 26
Access Point ................................................................................ 27
Client Bridge Mode...................................................................... 28
WDS AP Mode....................................................................................29
WDS Bridge Mode........................................................................ 30
WDS Station Mode....................................................................... 31
Chapter 5 Status....................................................................32
Main Status..................................................................................... 33
Connection...................................................................................... 35
Chapter 6 Network .............................................................. 37
Basic IP Settings............................................................................38
Spanning Tree Protocol Setting............................................. 38
Chapter 7 Wireless.................................................................40
Wireless Settings.......................................................................... 41
Wireless Network.......................................................................... 42
SSID Profile...................................................................................... 43
Wireless Security.......................................................................... 45
Fast Roaming...................................................................................46
Wireless MAC Filtering............................................................... 47
Wireless Traffic Shaping.............................................................45
Guest Network Settings............................................................ 49
Chapter 8 Management ........................................................51
Advanced Settings....................................................................... 52
CLI Settings/Email Alert............................................................. 53
Time Zone........................................................................................ 55
Auto Reboot Settings................................................................ 56
Wi-Fi Scheduler............................................................................... 57
Tools.................................................................................................. 58
Account/Firmware........................................................................ 60
Backup/Restore............................................................................. 61
Log...................................................................................................... 63
Logout/Reset................................................................................. 64
Appendix................................................................................. 65
FCC Interference Statement................................................... 66
IC Interference Statement..............................................................68
Professional installation instruction(IC).........................................70
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Product Overview
Maximum data rates are based on IEEE 802.11 standards. Actual throughput and range may vary depending on many factors including environmental conditions, distance
between devices, radio interference in theoperating environment, and mix of devices in the network. Features and specifications subject to change without notice. Trademarks and
registered trademarks arethe propertyof theirrespectiveowners.For United Statesof America: Copyright© 2018 EnGenius Technologies,Inc.All rightsreserved.
Key Features
Supports IEEE802.11ac/a/n wireless standards with up to 867 Mbps data rate.
Internal 15.5dBi high gain directional antenna(EnStation5-
ACv2/EnStationACv2);Internal 13.42dBi high gain directional antenna(ENS500-ACv2);
External 5.17dBi dipoleantenna(ENS500EXT-ACv2)
ENS500EXT-ACv2/ENS500-ACv2/EnStation5-ACv2 Can be used
with included 24V PoE adapter
EnStationACv2 Can be used with included 54V PoE adapter
Secured Guest Network optionavailable
Advanced 256-QAM technology toachieve optimal performance
throughout ultra-long distance
The EnStation5-ACv2/EnStationACv2/ENS500-ACv2/
ENS500EXT-ACv2 is a high-powered, ultra long-range 2x2
Wireless 802.11ac/a/n Outdoor Access Point with speeds
up to 867 Mbps on both its high-powered 5 GHz radios. Builded in EnGenius EnJet solution, AP can transmit data more efficiently, avoid collisions,and reduce latency and packet losses. It can be configured as an: Access Point, Client Bridge or WDS (AP & Station) when EnJet enable, or Access Point, Client Bridge or WDS (AP, Station & Bridge) when EnJet disable. The EnStation5-ACv2/EnStationACv2/
ENS500-ACv2/ENS500EXT-ACv2 is designed to operate in a variety of outdoor environments. Its high-powered, long-
range characteristicsmake it acost effective alternative to
ordinaryAccess Points thatdon’thave the range andreach to connect to a growing number of wireless CPEs who wish to connect to a business network. The EnStation5-
En St at i on5 -A Cv2 /
ACv2/EnStationACv2/ENS500-ACv2/ENS500EXT-ACv2 supports the 5 GHz frequency band for communicating to other 5GHz frequency bands Access Points concurrently.
Several EnStation5-ACv2/EnStationACv2/ENS500-ACv2/
ENS500EXT-ACv2s can be networked in a campus setting using the 5 GHz band between countries, which is easy to be installed in virtually any location with its included PoE (Power over Ethernet) Adapter for quick outdoor installation. The EnStation5-ACv2/EnStationACv2/ ENS500-ACv2/ENS500EXT-ACv2 enables network administrators to control its transmit power and features settings for selecting VHT80 bandwidth to perform ture AC transmission. When EnJet enable, administrators can adjust the AP time slot and Station Priority to maximize transmissionefficiency.It alsosupportswirelessencryption including Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA2-PSK) Encryption
and IEEE802.1X withRADIUS.)
System Requirements
The following are the Minimum System Requirements in order to configure thedevice.
Computerwith an Ethernetinterfaceor wirelessnetworkcapability
Windows OS (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10), Mac OS, or Linux-based operating
Web-Browsing Application (i.e.: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, or
anothersimilar browserapplication)
Package Contents
The EnStation5-ACv2/EnStationACv2packagecontainsthe followingitems:*
EnStation5-ACv2/EnStationACv2 Customer PremisesEquipment
EnStation5-ACv2 withPoEAdapterEPA2406GR/EnStationACv2 with
PoE AdapterEPA5006GR
Pole MountStrap
Screw SetsKit
Quick InstallationGuide
*(allitemsmustbe in packageto issuea refund):
The ENS500-ACv2/ENS500EXT-ACv2 package contains the followingitems:*
5GHzDetachableAntennas*2 (ENS500EXT-ACv2)
PoE Adapter(EPA2406GR)
Pole MountStrap
Quick InstallationGuide
*(allitemsmustbe in packageto issuearefund):
WDS Bridge WDSStation
Optimal Performance Distance Control (AckTimeout) Multicast Supported Data Rate Selection Auto ChannelSelection BSSIDSupport AP Time Slot Station Priority
Easily Management VLAN Tag / VLANPass-through
Guest Network
QoS: Complaint with IEEE 802.11e/WMM RADIUSAccounting
Wireless STA (Client) connectionlist Traffic Shaping (PerSSID)
Intuitive Tools SNMP v1/v2c/v3support
MIB I/II, Private MIB Save Configuration as Default
CLISupport WiFi-Scheduler/Auto Reboot
E-mail Alert
Reinforcement Security WPA2 Enterprise
Hide SSID in beacons MAC address filtering, up to 32 MACs per SSID
Wireless STA (Client) connectionlist
Standard: IEEE802.11ac wave2/a/n on 5 GHz
Antenna Internal 15.5dBi high gain directional antenna (EnStation5-ACv2/
EnStationACv2) Internal 13.42dBi high gain directional antenna (ENS500-ACv2) External 2*5.17dBi detachable antenna (ENS500EXT-ACv2)
Physical Interface 2 x 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet Port with PoE support
EnStation5-ACv2/EnStationACv2 LAN(PoE) Port supports
24V/54V PoEInput
LED Indicator Power
WLAN LED (Weak, Medium,Strong)
Power Requirements EnStation5-ACv2/EnStationACv2 Include PoE Adapter, 24V
0.6A/54V 0.6A
Operation Modes-EnJetenable
Access Point Client Bridge WDS AP
WDS Station
Operation Modes-EnJetdisable
Access Point Client Bridge WDS AP
Technical Specifications
Https Support
QoS (Quality of Service) Complaint with IEEE 802.11estandard
Physical/Environment Conditions Operating:
Temperature: -20 °C to 60 °C (-4 °F to 140°F) Humidity (non-condensing): 90% or less
Temperature: -30 °C to 80 °C (-22 °F to 176°F ) Humidity (non-condensing): 90% or less
Physical Interface-EnStation5-ACv2/EnStationACv2
Dimensions and Weights
Dimension: 190mm(7.48”) Height: 38mm (1.9”)
Weight: 527g (1.16lbs)
1 WLAN Signal LED: Applied on Client Bridge/WDS
(1)Red: Weak Signal: Connecting quality isbad. (2)Yellow: Connecting quality isNormal.
(3)Green: Connection quality isGood. 2 LAN(PoE) Signal LED 3 LAN Signal LED of the 2nd Port
4 Power Signal:
5 LAN Port 1: GigabitEthernet portforRJ-45 cable. 6 LAN Port 2: Gigabit Ethernet port for RJ-45 cable.
Physical Interface -ENS500-ACv2/ENS500EXT-ACv2
Length: 186 mm(7.32”)
Width: 100 (3.94”)
Depth: 29mm(1.14”)
1 5 GHz Antennas Detachable 5 dBi 5 GHz Omni-directional
Antennas (ENS500EXT-ACv2Only) 2 LAN Port 1 (Proprietary24V PoE): Ethernet portforRJ-45 cable. 3 LAN Port 2 :Ethernet port for RJ-45 cable. 4 LED Indicators: LED lights for Power, LAN Port 1, LAN Port 2,
2.4 GHz Connection and 5GHz Connection.
5 Mounting Holes: Using the provided hardware, the AP can be
attached to a wall or pole.
*Theinstallation angleof antenna must be vertical to the ground.
3 2
1 1
Chapter 2
Before You Begin
Windows XP/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10
In orderto usethe AccessPoint,youmustfirstconfigurethe
TCP/IPv4connectionof yourWindowsOS computersystem.
1a. Clickthe Start button and open the Control Panel
1b. Move your mouse to the lower right hot corner to display the Charms Bar and select the Control Panel in Windows 8 OS.
Computer Settings
WindowsXP Windows7
Windows 8
1c. In Windows 10, click Start to select All APPs to enter
the folder of Windows system for selecting Control Panel.
2a.InWindows XP, clickNetwork Connections.
2b.In Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10, click View
Network Status and Tasks in the Network and Internetsection,thenselectChange adaptersettings.
3. RightclickonLocalAreaConnectionandselectProperties.
4. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then selectProperties.
5. Select Use the following IP address and enter an IP addressthatis different fromtheAccessPointandSubnet mask,thenclick OK.
Note: Ensure that the IP address and Subnet mask are
on the samesubnet as the device.
For example: ENH220EXT IP address:
PC Subnet mask:
Apple Mac OSX
1. Go to System Preferences (Whichcanbe openedin the Applications folder or selecting it in the Apple Menu).
2. Select Network in the Internet & Network section.
3. Highlight Ethernet.
4. In Configure IPv4, selectManually.
5. Enter an IP address that is different from the Access PointandSubnet maskthen press OK.
Note: Ensure that the IP address and Subnet mask are on the same subnetas the device.
For example: ENH900EXT IP address:
PC Subnet mask:
6. Click Apply whendone.
1. Remove the rear bottompanel.
2. Connect one end of the Ethernet cable into the main
LAN port (PoE) of the Access Point and the other endto the AP Ethernet port on the PoE Adapter.
3. Connect the Power cord to the PoE Adapter and plug the other endin to an electrical outlet.
4. Connectthe second Ethernet cable intothe LAN port of
the PoE Adapter and the otherend to the Ethernet port on the computer.
5. Place the panel back intodevice
Note: The EnStationACv2 should ONLY be powered via Ethernetcableconnected to included supportsbothIEEE
802.3at PoE (Power over Ethernet) or the included PoE Adapter. You may use either one as the power source. Do NOTuse both at the same time.
Note:The EnStationACv2cansupplythe 802.3af power
sourcewhenusedwithincludedPoE Adapter.
Hardware Installation
Power Outlet
PoE Adapter
Mounting the EnStation5-ACv2/EnStationACv2
Using the providedhardware, the EnStation5-ACv2can be attached to a wall or a pole.
1. ETD
5. Screw SetKit 6. SealingNut
4. PoleMounting Strap
7. DynamicStick 8. Rubber
2. PoE Adapter& 3. Bracket Power Cord
Wall mounting theEnStation5-ACv2/
1. Put the included rubber into the bracket.
2. Plug the dynamicstickinto the bracket.
3. Screwthe sealing nut andassembledparts,as well as
tighten it.
4. Put the nockwasher on the dynamicstick.
5. Assemblet he mountingpartsto the EnStation. .
6. Determine the mountinglocation.Mark and drill two pilotholes aligning to the screw holesof the bracket
7. Put wall anchors into the holesandinsert screw into the wall anchor.
8. Screwandsecruethe bracketin the place.
Dimension: A: Ø 5.5*18 mm B: Ø 8*25 mm
Pole mounting the EnStation5-ACv2/
1. Put the included rubber into the bracket.
2. Plug the dynamicstickinto the bracket.
3. Screwthe sealing nut andassembledparts,as well as
tighten it.
4. Put the nockwasher on the dynamicstick.
5. Assemblet he mountingpartsto the EnStation. .
6. Thread the open end of the pole strap through the two tabs on thebracket.
7. Lockandtighten polestrapto securebracketto the pole
1. Connect one endof the Ethernet cable intothe LAN port (PoE) of the AP/ Bridge and the other end to the PoE port on the PoE adapter.
2. Connect the Power cord with the PoE Adapter and plug the other endinto an electrical outlet.
3. Connectthe second Ethernet cable into the LAN port of
the PoE adapter and the other end to the Ethernet port on the computer.
4. Screwon the providedantennasto the top of thisdevice.
Note: The AP/Bridge should ONLY be powered via
Ethernet cable connected to the includedPoE Adapter.
This diagramdepicts the hardware configuration.
Note: The AP/Bridge should ONLY be powered via
Ethernet cable connectedto the includedPoE Adapter.
Hardware Installation
Mounting the ENS500-ACv2/ENS500EXT-ACv2
Usingthe provided hardware, the ENS202EXT canbe attached to a wall or a pole.The heightshould not exceed 2 meter.
1. Wall MountingKit
2. PoleMounting Strap (Φ66*12.6 mm)
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