EnGenius ESR350, ESR300 User manual

To install this router, please refer to the Quick Start Guide
included in the product packaging.
To activate and use EnShare
“Using EnShare” also in the product packaging.
refer to the document
Table of Contents
Key Features....................................................................................................6
Technical Specications / Software Features...................................8
Physical Interface..........................................................................................9
Chapter 2 Controlling the Router Through Its
Web Conguration Interface...........................................................10
Logging In.....................................................................................................11
Viewing the Web Conguration Dash Board..................................12
Home Page...................................................................................................13
Web Menus Overview...............................................................................14
Wireless 2.4 GHz..........................................................................................16
Parental Controls........................................................................................17
Guest Network.............................................................................................18
USB Port..........................................................................................................22
Chapter 4 Basic Network Settings.................................................34
Network Settings.......................................................................................35
WAN Settings...............................................................................................37
LAN Settings................................................................................................38
WLAN Settings............................................................................................39
Guest Network............................................................................................40
Conguring the LAN (Local Area Network).....................................41
DHCP Server.................................................................................................42
Conguring Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol.......................43
Enable Static DHCP IP..............................................................................44
Current Static DHCP Table......................................................................45
Conguring Event Logging.....................................................................46
Monitoring Bandwidth Usage................................................................47
Conguring the System Language.....................................................48
Conguring IP Cameras............................................................................49
Conguring Internet Settings...............................................................50
Conguring Dynamic IP...........................................................................51
DNS Servers..................................................................................................52
Conguring Static IP.................................................................................53
Conguring PPPoE.....................................................................................54
Conguring PPTP.......................................................................................55
Chapter 3 Installation Setup Wizard..............................................26
Internet Setup Wizard...............................................................................27
Setting Up Your Internet Connection.................................................28
Setting Your Wireless Security..............................................................29
Setting your Router’s Administrator Password.............................30
Setting your Router’s Time Zone........................................................31
Status and Save Settings.......................................................................33
PPTP Settings..............................................................................................56
Conguring L2TP.......................................................................................57
L2TP Settings..............................................................................................58
Conguring DS-Lite...................................................................................59
Wireless LAN Setup...................................................................................60
Access Point Mode....................................................................................61
Wireless Distribution System Mode....................................................62
WDS Security Settings Screen...............................................................63
Chapter 5 Wireless Encryption.....................................................64
Wi-Fi Protect Access (WPA) Pre-Shared Key..................................65
Conguring Security.................................................................................66
Encryption Type.........................................................................................67
WPA Radius..................................................................................................68
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)...........................................................69
Conguring Filters......................................................................................70
MAC Address Filtering Table.................................................................71
Conguring Wi-Fi Protected Setup....................................................72
Conguring Client List.............................................................................73
Chapter 6 Advanced Settings...........................................................74
Conguring Advanced Settings............................................................75
Setting Up Parental Controls.................................................................77
Adding a Control Policy............................................................................78
Viewing Parental Policies........................................................................81
Guest Network............................................................................................82
Conguring the DHCP Server Setting...............................................83
Conguring a User Setting...................................................................104
USB Port / Enshare..................................................................................105
Viewing File Server.................................................................................106
Viewing DLNA...........................................................................................107
Advanced Network Settings................................................................108
Port Mapping Setup................................................................................109
Current Port Mapping Table................................................................110
Port Forwarding Setup...........................................................................111
Current Port Forwarding Table..........................................................112
Port Triggering Setup............................................................................113
Application Layer Getaway Setup....................................................115
Universal Plug and Play Setup...........................................................116
Internet Group Multicast Protocol Setup.......................................117
Quality of Service Setup.......................................................................118
Priority Queue...........................................................................................119
Bandwidth Allocation.............................................................................120
Viewing the DHCP Client List on the Guest Network.................84
Viewing the IPv6 Connection Status.................................................86
Conguring Static IPv6............................................................................87
Setting Autoconguration.....................................................................88
Conguring PPPoE....................................................................................89
Conguring 6to4........................................................................................91
Viewing local Connections.....................................................................92
Firewall Setup.............................................................................................93
Conguring Advanced Settings...........................................................94
Conguring Demilitarized Zone...........................................................96
Conguring Denial of Service................................................................97
Virtual Private Network Setup..............................................................98
Conguring a VPN Tunnel Prole.........................................................99
SA (Security Association)......................................................................101
Routing Setup...........................................................................................121
Wake on LAN Setup................................................................................122
Tools Setup................................................................................................123
System Time Setting..............................................................................124
Synchronizing Time with a Computer.............................................125
Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS) Setup............................126
Diagnose That Client Devices Are Connected.............................127
Upgrading the Router’s Firmware....................................................128
Backing Up the Router’s Settings.....................................................129
Rebooting the Router............................................................................130
Wall Mounting the Router....................................................................132
FCC Interference Statement...............................................................133
Industry Canada Statement................................................................134
Chapter 1
Product Overview
Product Overview
Key Features
• Wireless N300 IEEE 802.11b/g/n
• Up to 300 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz frequency band
• Built-in 4-Port Fast Ethernet Switch for optimal audio/
visual streaming
• USB Port to share and access media content in the home or
when you’re away from home with EnShare™
• Xtra Range™ Technology for better signal coverage
throughout your home
• Next Generation IPv6 Compliant
• Parental Controls
• Up to 4 Guest Access settings
• Industry-standard Wireless Encryption and Security
• VPN Server Support Lite-Business Applications
• Easy Setup Wizard
Robust and Reliable Wireless Performance
The ESR300 is an Xtra Range Wireless N300 Router with a built-in 4-port Fast Ethernet switch. This cost effective router can connect to DSL or cable modems to provide
high performance Internet access for desktop or laptop
computers, tablets, smartphones and a wide variety of home entertainment devices, like HDTVs, set top boxes, Blu-ray
players and game consoles.
Maximum data rates are based on IEEE 802.11 standards. Actual throughput and range may vary depending on many factors including environmental conditions, distance between devices, radio interference in the operating environment, and mix of devices in the network. EnGenius Technologies, Inc. EnShareTM supports both FAT32 and NTFS USB formats. Transfer speeds of data from your router-attached USB storage device to a remote/mobile device may vary based on Internet uplink and downlink speeds, bandwidth trafc at either send or receive locations, the data retrieval performance of the attached storage device or other factors. EnGenius does not guarantee compatibility with all USB drives. EnGenius does not warrant its products or EnShare from loss of data or loss of productivity time. Features and specications subject to change without notice. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For United States of America: Copyright ©2013 EnGenius Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
The router’s design enables users to connect numerous wired
and wireless devices to it and supports intensive applications
like streaming HD video and sharing of media in the home and
accessing media away from the home with EnShare - Your
Personal Media Cloud.
Product Overview
A Media Sharing Platform
The ESR300 is designed to access and share media for devices on the home network. In addition to connecting
USB Media Anywhere
with EnShare
home entertainment components to any of its available Fast Ethernet ports, the ESR300 also includes a USB port for attaching a USB storage device so wireless devices in the home or away from the home can access media content wherever there is an available Internet connection through EnShare™ - Your Personal Media Cloud.
EnShare is available as an Internet portal for accessing stored media connected to the USB port of the router (See the Using EnShare document in the product packaging). EnShare will also be available as an app for Apple iOS devices (iPads, iPods and iPhones) and Android-based devices (smartphones, tablet PCs, Kindle and other mobile readers) soon. The apps will be available through Apple iTunes Store and Google Play
Attach USB storage to the ESR300 and access video, music, and other media throughout your home or away from home from your smartphone, tablet, or laptop.
More Guest Access Options
The ESR300 also includes up to four (4) separate and discrete
Industry-standard Wireless Security
The router supports a variety of security features and
mechanisms including industry-standard WPA/WPA2 wireless encryption to prevent unauthorized access to your network. It also includes a built-in SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) rewall to help prevent attacks from malicious software (malware)
from the Internet. The router also supports IPv6.
Guest Access options allowing the router’s administrator to
assign different names (SSIDs-Service Set Identiers) for each
login to the home network so friends or visitors can access the
user’s Internet connection without accessing personal data
stored on networked computers in the home.
Technical Specications
Software Features
Device Interface
Fast Ethernet WAN Port 4 Fast Ethernet LAN Ports USB2.0 Port Push Button for WPS Reset Button
IEEE Standards
802.11b/g/n Up to 300 Mbps wireless speed in the 2.4 GHz frequency band
LED Indicators
Power WLAN (Wireless Connection)
Package Contents
ESR300 Router Power Adapter (12V 1A) Quick Start Guide RJ45 Ethernet Cable
Power Specication
External Power Adapter DC In, 12V 1A
Physical/Environmental Conditions
Operating Temperature: 0º~40º Celsius Humidity: 90% or less (non-condensing) Storage Temperature: -20º~60º Celsius Humidity: 95% or less (non-condensing)
Frequency Bands
2.400~2.484 GHz (11b/11g/11n)
Operating Mode
AP Router/WDS
Wireless Features
Auto Channel Selection
Output Power Control
WMM (Wireless Multimedia)
MSSID (Multiple SSID)
Hidden SSID
MAC Address Filtering
802.1X Authentication
DHCP Server/Client
SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection)
Port Forwarding
Port Mapping/Triggering
VPN Server (PPTP/L2TP)
VPN Client (PPTP/L2TP)
VPN Pass-through (PPTP/L2TP/IPSec)
Rule Based (IP Address Ranges, Port Block ICMP
VPN Tunnel (Maximum 5)
IP Filtering
Port Filtering
IPv6 Pass-through
MAC Clone
Trafc Monitor
WAN Type: PPPoE/DHCP/Static IP
USB Features: SAMBA
Physical Interface
Dimensions and Weights
Weight: 0.5 lbs. Diameter: 6.36” Height: 1.64”
When considering the placement of the
remember the following:
It must be close to an electrical
For optimal wireless connectivity,
place the router near the center of
the room if possible, at a high level
Other electronic devices and some
architectural construction materials
or impediments may interfere with the wireless signal(s) of the router
and reduce its range or coverage. Try
to minimize the number of walls or oors that the router’s signal needs to penetrate to connect to other wireless
1 WLAN 2.4 GHz LED 2 Power LED 3 WAN Port/(Internet) Status LED
4 DC Power Jack — connects the ESR Series Router to its DC
power adapter
5 WAN Port — connects the ESR Router to a cable or DSL modem
to access the user’s broadband (Internet) connection
6 LAN Ports (1 – 4) — for connecting home entertainment
components, computers or other Ethernet-enabled devices using Ethernet cables
7 Reset Button — For resetting the router to its factory default
settings by pressing button for more than 11 seconds or until
the Power LED starts ashing. 8 USB Port for connecting a USB Storage Device 9 WPS Button — Wi-Fi Protected Setup button. To associate
another WPS-enabled client device (computer, wireless media
bridge, USB adapter, etc.) press the WPS button for 2 to 5
seconds on the router while also pressing the WPS button on
the end device.
Chapter 2
Controlling the Router Through
Its Web Conguration Interface
Logging In
During the Quick Start Guide procedure, you should have successfully logged into the router’s Web Conguration user
interface (essentially the router’s operating system that controls how it operates) and established some initial settings
and controls for the router.
If you wish to change the router’s settings (establish a new username and password for the person who manages and maintains the router, set Parental Controls, establish a Guest Access-SSID setting for visitors, or any number of other settings) you can log into the Web Conguration again through the web browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox) on your computer or tablet device.
To do this, enter the router’s default IP address of into your browser’s address window.
1. At the login screen enter your username and a password
2. Click Login to continue.
The default login settings are: username: admin
password: admin
It’s highly recommended that, if you haven’t done so already, to change these default names, so your router and the devices
connected to it on your home network are more secure.
Viewing the Web Conguration Dash Board
The Home Page screen of the Web Conguration interface, or dashboard, provides access to the router’s settings and controls.
IP Cam Viewer
USB Storage Sharing
Network Settings
Home Page
Setup Wizard
Home Page
The Home Page displays the areas within the Web Conguration to which you can navigate: Setup Wizard,
Network Settings, USB Storage Sharing, IP Cam Viewer, Language, and Logout
The Home link takes you back to the dashboard screen no matter where you are in the Web Conguration interface.
Setup Wizard
The Setup Wizard link starts the wizard that automatically congures the router.
Network Settings
The Language link displays the menu to set the OSD language.
The Logout link closes the router’s Web Conguration
interface from any screen.
The Network Settings link displays the menus to manually congure the router.
USB Storage Sharing
The USB Storage Sharing link displays the menus to access
shared storage devices connected to the router.
IP Cam Viewer
The IP Cam Viewer link displays the menus to view an IP camera connected to the network.
Web Menus Overview
View and edit settings that affect system functionality.
Operation Mode
Congure the device to be a router or WDS access point.
Displays the summary of the current system status.
Schedule services to start and stop at specic times or intervals.
Event Log
View recorded system operations and network activity events.
View the current network trafc bandwidth usage.
Congure the application menu and GUI language.
IP Camera
View the IP cameras connected to the ESR Series Router.
View and edit settings that affect network connectivity.
Displays a summary of the Internet status and type of connection.
Dynamic IP
Setup a dynamic IP connection to an ISP (Internet Service Provider).
Static IP
Setup a static IP connection to an ISP.
Setup a PPPoE connection to an ISP.
Setup a PPTP connection to an ISP.
Setup an L2TP connection to an ISP.
Wireless 2.4 GHz
View and edit settings for 2.4 GHz wireless network connectivity.
View the current wireless connection status and related information.
Congure the minimum settings required to setup a wireless network connection.
Congure the advanced network settings.
Congure the wireless network security settings.
Establish a list of client devices (computer, tablets, smartphones, printers, etc.) based on their MAC (Media Access Control) numbers that are allowed to wirelessly connect to the 2.4 GHz network.
Automates the connection between a wireless device and your encrypted router using an 8-digit PIN.
Client List
View the 2.4 GHz wireless devices currently connected to the network.
Parental Controls
View and edit settings for parental controls.
Enable or disable the Parental Controls function. The menu also provides informa­tion for conguring parental control policies.
Web Monitor
The menu provides a log of the events for dened parental control policies.
Guest Network
View and edit settings for a guest network.
Enable or disable the Guest Network function.
DHCP Server Setting
Congure the Guest Network DHCP server settings.
DHCP Client List
Congure the Guest Network client list.
View and edit settings for the IPv6 protocol.
Allows you to enable or disable the IPv6 and IPv6 Pass-through functions.
Shows IPv6 LAN connection details.
Static IPv6
Congure the IPv6 protocol.
Auto Conguration
Congure the IPv6 by obtaining the information through the ISP provider.
Congure the PPPoE network protocol, obtain information from your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
Allows IPv6 packets to be transmitted over an IPv4 network.
Link Local
Congure the IPv6 link local address.
View and edit settings for the network rewall.
Enable or disable the network rewall.
Congure virtual private network (VPN) packets.
Redirect packets from the WAN port IP address to a particular IP address on the LAN.
Enable or disable blocking of DoS (Denial of Service) attacks.
Congure access control lists.
View and edit settings for VPN tunnelling.
View the status of current VPN tunnels.
Prole Setting
Manually congure VPN tunnels.
User Setting
Congure users, user ID and password combinations, and assign access to specic VPN tunnels.
Automatically congure VPN tunnels with guidance from the software.
USB Port
For viewing and editing settings for storage sharing.
Enables or disables the EnShare remote access function.
File Sharing
Enables or disables the Samba sharing function.
File Server
Enables and congures the File Server function.
Enables the discovery of DLNA devices (some HDTVs, game consoles, some set top boxes/media players, Blu-ray players, some smartphones, and network attached storage) on the home network.
View and congure advanced system and network settings.
Enable or disable Network Address Translation (NAT).
Port Mapping
Re-direct a range of service port numbers to a specied LAN IP address.
Port Forwarding
Congure server applications to send and receive data from specic ports on the network.
Port Triggering
Congure applications that require multiple connections and different inbound and outbound connections.
Congure the application layer gateway (ALG).
Enable or disable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) functionality.
Enable or disable the Internet Group Multicast Protocol (IGMP).
Congures the network quality of service (QoS) setting by prioritizing the uplink and downlink bandwidth.
Congure static routing.
WOL (Wake On LAN) Congure Wake on LAN to turn on a computer over the network.
For viewing and conguring the router’s operating system and network tools
For setting the administrator’s password used to log into the router.
For conguring the system time on the router.
Maps a static domain name to a dynamic IP address.
To perform a Ping test to verify whether a specic device is connected to the LAN.
For updating the router’s rmware.
For loading or saving the conguration settings to or from a backup le or to
restore the router to its factory default settings.
Reboots the router.
Chapter 3
Installation Setup Wizard
Internet Setup Wizard
Setup Wizard
Use the Wizard to detect and set up the
type of Internet connection you need,
to set up a secure wireless connection, to create an administrator password to
secure the device, or set the router’s date and time properties.
To use the Internet Setup Wizard, follow
these steps:
1. Click the Wizard button to show the
Wizard start screen.
2. Click Next to continue with the setup
Setting Up Your Internet Connection
1. Decide how to set up the Internet connection.
Note:It is recommended to let the device setup the Internet connection automatically.
Select Auto Detect to let the Wizard set up the Internet
Select Manual Setup to set the properties yourself.
2. Click Next to continue or Prev to return to the previous
Note: The connection types available are static IP, PPPoE, Dynamic IP, PPTP, and L2TP.
4. Click Next to continue, Prev to return to the previous
screen, or Cancel to stop the procedure.
If you selected Manual Setup, follow these steps:
3. Select the Internet connection type and enter the connection properties.
Setting Your Wireless Security
Setting wireless encryption.
To encrypt the wireless signal in the ESR300 router, follow these
1. Enter the router name in the wireless Name (SSID) text eld.
2. Select the security level from the Encryption dropdown list.
Important: To ensure the network is secure, it is
recommended to select High for an encryption level.
3. Enter a password in the Encryption Key text eld.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 to encrypt the band
5. Click Next to continue, Prev to return to the previous screen, or
Cancel to stop the procedure.
Setting Your Router’s Administrator Password
Set up a password to log into the ESR Series Router.
1. Enter a password in the New Password text eld.
2. Enter the same password in the Repeat New Password text eld.
3. Click Prev to return to the previous screen, Skip to skip this procedure, Next to
continue, or Cancel to stop the procedure.
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