(htt ps://camo.git hubus erconten t.com/a77383 465645584 5bf8b 52066e839 7a3957324ba/687474 703a2f2 f737461 7469632e656e6572 67797369 7374656d2 e636f6d2 f696d61 6765732f6d 616e75616c 732f33 393533 302f3 533353 53661656462643 165312e6a7067)
Zoom in and out the screen image
(htt ps://camo.git hubus erconten t.com/1 23d08d 9494 3648cf4 8946d4 9af9f88b12 d17de1/6874 74703a2f 2f7374 6174 69632e656e65 726779736973 74656d2e636f6d 2f696d 616765732f 6d616e7561 6c732f333935333 02f35333 5353661666334 383930302 e6a7067)
Main ScreenMain Screen
(htt ps://camo.git hubus erconten t.com/c61 ecfc8d440fdb abdf50a92 a42969 fce57a3858/687474703a2 f2f737461 7469632e 656e657267797369 7374656d2 e636f6d2 f696d61 6765732f6d 616e75616c732f34 32303 2372f3 533393732 33656233 353831662e6a7067)
1. Search:Search: direct access t o Google?s™ search engi ne
2. Back:Back: allow you t o come back to the previous screen
3. Home:Home: returns to th e main screen
4. Tasks:Tasks: disp lays recently opened appl ications
5. Music:Music: musi c player.
6. Play store™:Play store™: Google's™ app store
7. Gallery:Gallery: Pictures: images gallery
8. Camera:Camera: access to the integrated camera
9. Email:Email: e-mail cli ent
10. Internet:Internet: web brows er
11. Status bar:Status bar: disp lays inf ormation about t he wi-fi signal status, battery and clock. Press ing this area displays
a larger versi on showi ng the dat e. Pres sing i t again ac cesses a bas ic setti ngs menu that manages the Wi -Fi
configuration, gyroscope, screen brightness, notifi cations and the full settings menu
12. Main menu:Main menu: Button to access to the apps
13. Voice Search:Voice Search: Access to Google?s? voice search and much more