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Energy Sistem™ thanks you for buying your new Energy Neo 10. We hope you enjoy it!.
This device belongs to the Energy Tablet Neo family: a new gen eration of communicati on device s based on
Androi d™ operati ng syst em, with which you can access the Internet and communicate anyt ime, any where,
check your e-mails and play any multimedia content (video, music, photos, eBooks, etc.). In addition, there
are th ousands of app licat ions and games av ailabl e so you can get t he most out of y our device. The device has
a 10 .1" IP S screen (1 280x80 0 pix els) cap aciti ve mul ti-touch d ispl ay, Quad C ore AR M Cortex A7 1.2GHz
processor, Bluetooth 4.0, WiFi, HDMI output, rear and front cameras and expandable memory via microSD.
We recommend y ou to read this manu al to enjoy your device in a safe way an d with maximum performance.
Care and maintenanceCare and maintenance
Do not expose your Energy Tablet to impacts , dust, direct su nlight, humid ity or high temperatures.
Do not use abrasi ve or corrosive cl eaners.
Keep the device clean and dust free using a soft, dry cloth.
Charge the battery when the display shows the low battery icon. Only charge with the adapter included in
your tablet.