Energy Sistem Neo 10 Instruction Manual

(htt ps://camo.git hubus erconten 15ee0a5 ff326886cda7d fc3c23 05f0545d 3f4d 8/687474703a2 f2f737461 7469632e 656e657267797369 7374656d2e636f 6d2f69 6d616765732f6d61 6e75616c732 f3339 3938362 f35333 838623462 313362 3833372e6a7067)
Energy Sistem™ thanks you for buying your new Energy Neo 10. We hope you enjoy it!.
This device belongs to the Energy Tablet Neo family: a new gen eration of communicati on device s based on
Androi d™ operati ng syst em, with which you can access the Internet and communicate anyt ime, any where,
check your e-mails and play any multimedia content (video, music, photos, eBooks, etc.). In addition, there
are th ousands of app licat ions and games av ailabl e so you can get t he most out of y our device. The device has
processor, Bluetooth 4.0, WiFi, HDMI output, rear and front cameras and expandable memory via microSD.
We recommend y ou to read this manu al to enjoy your device in a safe way an d with maximum performance.
Care and maintenanceCare and maintenance
Do not expose your Energy Tablet to impacts , dust, direct su nlight, humid ity or high temperatures.
Do not use abrasi ve or corrosive cl eaners.
Keep the device clean and dust free using a soft, dry cloth.
Charge the battery when the display shows the low battery icon. Only charge with the adapter included in
your tablet.
Do not di sassembl e the devi ce. Any repairs must be carried out by Energy Sistem Soyn tec S.A. qualified
personnel only.
Key FeaturesKey Features
10.1" IPS screen 16:9 (1280x800 pixels).
5 points capacitive multitouch screen.
Quad Core ARM Cortex A7 1.2GHz p rocessor and SGX544MP2 GPU.
8GB G B int ernal memory e xpand able memor y up t o 64GB via mi croSD-H C/XC card s.
Wi-Fi connect ion (802.1 1 b/g/n).
Bluetooth 4.0.
HDMI output @ 720p.
Built-in front camera 0.3Mpx.
Built-in rear camera 2.0 Mpx.
USB -Host.
Built-in speaker 1w.
Built-in omnidirectional microphone.
Motion sensor (accelerometer).
Battery capacity: 3.7v/6.000mAh.
AC/DC ad apt er 100-24 0v 50-60Hz DC 5V /2A.
Product ContentProduct Content
Energy Tablet Neo 10.1.
Quick gui de.
USB cable 2. 0 High-s peed t o connec t the PC.
USB -HOST cab le to c onnect external USB.
AC/DC (Europl ug) 100-240V AC 50-60Hz p ower ad apter.
General OverviewGeneral Overview
(htt ps://camo.git hubus erconten 3dafc1 27f5634 1448d082 d3a842cd9 cfd4 db6bd /687474703a2 f2f73 74617469 632e656e6572 677973 697374656d 2e636f6d 2f696d 616765732f 6d616e7561 6c732f3 33939 38362f3 533393 8303362343 2376263302e6a7067)
1. Rear camera
2. Front camera
3. Speaker
4. Power button
5. Volumen control +/-
6. Touch panel
7. microSD slot/HDMI output/microUSB port
8. Headphone output
9. Power conector
Battery Management/First useBattery Management/First use
Your Energy Tablet has a rechargeable lithium ion battery. Initially the battery is charged at the factory, but it is
highly recommended that you perform a full charge before the first use.
Recharge the battery by connecting the device to the outlet only using the AC/DC 5V included with the product.
The charging time ranges from 2-4 hours, depending on whether the device is off or running. In order to keep the
battery in good condition, we recommend that you turn it off while charging and not leave it charging more than 8
You have several ways to improve the performance and optimize the battery use of your Energy Tablet:
Set your tablet to automatically turn off the display after a few seconds of inactivity in Settings > Display > Sleep
Select an ideal display brightness in Settings > Display > Brightness.
Switching On and OffSwitching On and Off
To switch on your Energy Tablet, press the power button (4) located on the upper left of your device for a few
seconds. When the operating system has loaded, unlock the device to start using it. In order to turn off the device,
hold the power button (4) until you see the power off menu, then select OK.
Briefly pressing the power button (4) locks/unlocks the device, turning the screen on/off and activating the power
saving mode.
Main GesturesMain Gestures
Main gesturesMain gestures
Touch the screen briefly
(htt ps://camo.git hubus erconten a605385ab4 126116678757b d133 fca34ea6c 9/687474703a2f 2f7374 617469632e656e65726779 7369737465 6d2 e636f6d2 f696d61 6765732f6d 616e75616c732f33 39353330 2f35333535363962 3262356233 352e6a7067)
Double tap
Touch the screen twice quickly
(htt ps://camo.git hubus erconten b80dcae0 4fdc6774428bbf 32f6e0e 7e654a6f07/68747470 3a2f2f7374 617469632e656e657267797369 7374656d2 e636f6d2 f696d61 6765732f6d 616e75616c732f 3339353330 2f35333535363962 646439 3830352 e6a7067)
Move your finger over the screen without losing contact
(htt ps://camo.git hubus erconten 8c3b7c1 85b5d06538ec66239 7fd55d 11853 c/687474703 a2f2f737461 7469632 e656e6572677973 697374656d 2e636f6d 2f696d 616765732f6d 616e75616c73 2f333 93533302 f353335353639636664 623531 642e6a7067)
Slide your finger quickly over the screen
(htt ps://camo.git hubus erconten 9a82089a6bd 24bb455 7d05e1b706dc668d 6865b/68747470 3a2f2f 73746174 69632e656e65726779 73697374656d2 e636f6d2 f696d61 6765732f6d 616e75616c732f 33393 533302 f353335353661 61656431 356332 2e6a7067)
Touch the screen for an extended period of time
(htt ps://camo.git hubus erconten 465645584 5bf8b 52066e839 7a3957324ba/687474 703a2f2 f737461 7469632e656e6572 6779736973 74656d2e636f6d 2f696d 616765732f 6d616e7561 6c732f3 33935 33302f 353335353 66165646264 316531 2e6a7067)
Zoom in and out the screen image
(htt ps://camo.git hubus erconten 23d08d 9494 3648cf4 8946d4 9af9f88b12 d17de1/6874 74703a2f 2f7374 617469 632e656e657267797369 7374656d2 e636f6d2 f696d61 6765732f6d 616e75616c732f 3339353330 2f35333535366166633 438393 0302e6a70 67)
Main ScreenMain Screen
(htt ps://camo.git hubus erconten ecfc8d440fdb abdf50a92 a42969 fce57a3858/687474703a2 f2f737461 7469632e 656e65726779736973 74656d2e636f6d 2f696d 616765732f 6d616e7561 6c732f343 23032 372f35333937323 36562333 53831662e6a7067)
1. Search:Search: direct access to Google?s™ search engine
2. Back:Back: allow y ou to come back to the prev ious screen
3. Home:Home: returns to the mai n screen
4. Tasks:Tasks: displ ays recently opened appl ications
5. Music:Music: musi c player.
6. Play store™:Play store™: Google's™ app store
7. Gallery:Gallery: Pict ures: images gal lery
8. Camera:Camera: access to the i ntegrated camera
9. Email:Email: e-mail cli ent
10. Internet:Internet: web brows er
11. Status bar:Status bar: displays information about the wi-fi signal status, battery and clock. Pressing this area di splays
a larger versi on showi ng the dat e. Pres sing i t again ac cesses a bas ic setti ngs menu that manages the Wi -Fi
configuration, gyroscope, screen brightness, notifi cations and the ful l settings menu
12. Main menu:Main menu: Button to access to the apps and wid gets
13. Voice Search:Voice Search: Access to Google?s? voice search and much more
In order to add a Widget to one of your desktops, keep pressing it (1), then select "WIDGETS" (2).
(htt ps://camo.git hubus erconten bb19 649b89 05f5f d8afa059 d45cf 47a5632c ea/687474703a2f2f737461 7469632 e656e6572677973 697374656d 2e636f6d 2f696d 616765732f 6d616e7561 6c732f3 43230 32372f 353339 373239 3532646239 30612 e6a7067)
You can slide your finger to the left or right to see all your installed Widgets. Select the one you want to add to your
desktop by pressing (4) on the widget and then releasing it on the desktop (5).
(htt ps://camo.git hubus erconten 19ea42e82424724 6a3c8d355bac6abb 9d3eef bc/687474 703a2f2 f737461 7469632e 656e65726779736973 74656d2e636f6d 2f696d 616765732f 6d616e7561 6c732f343 23032 372f35333937323 433366562 3961312 e6a7067)
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