Proteus 2000, Audity 2000, Proteus
Proteus 2000, Audity 2000, Proteus
2500, XL-7, MP-7, PX-7, PK-6, MK-6,
2500, XL-7, MP-7, PX-7, PK-6, MK-6,
XK-6, Vintage Keys, Vintage Pro, Halo
XK-6, Vintage Keys, Vintage Pro, Halo
System Exclusive Specification
System Exclusive Specification
Version 2.2
Version 2.2
System Exclusive Specification
Table of Contents
System Exclusive Specification
MIDI SysEx Specification for the Proteus Family Instruments
Proteus 2000, Audity 2000, Proteus 2500, XL-7, MP-7, PX-7, PK-6,
MK-6, XK-6, Vintage Keys, Vintage Pro, Halo
Focus ................................................................................................... 1
MIDI Standard Universal System Exclusive Messages ............. 2
Device Inquiry...................................................................................... 2
Bulk Tuning Dump Request ................................................................. 3
Bulk Tuning Dump Message ................................................................ 3
Single Note Tuning Change................................................................. 4
Master Volume .................................................................................... 4
System Exclusive Messages ...................................................... 5
Standard Data Format.......................................................................... 5
Parameter Edit/Request Commands ..................................................... 6
Parameter Value Edit ....................................................................................6
Parameter Value Request .............................................................................6
Parameter Min/Max /Default Value .............................................................. 7
Parameter Min/Max /Default Value Request .................................................7
Configuration Commands ................................................................... 8
Hardware Configuration ..............................................................................8
Hardware Configuration Request .................................................................8
Name Commands................................................................................ 9
Generic Name ............................................................................................. 9
Generic Name Request ................................................................................9
Dump Commands ............................................................................. 10
Proteus Preset Dump Format .....................................................................10
Preset Dump Header ..................................................................................11
Preset Dump Data Message .......................................................................12
Preset Common Parameters Dump Message ..............................................12
Preset Common General Parameters Dump Message .................................13
Preset Common Arpeggiator Parameters Dump Message ..........................13
Preset Common Effects Parameters Dump Message ...................................14
Preset Common Link Parameters Dump Message ......................................14
Preset Layer Parameters Dump Message ....................................................14
Preset Layer General Parameters Dump Message .......................................15
E-MU Systems
System Exclusive Specification
Table of Contents
Preset Layer Filter Parameters Dump Message ...........................................15
Preset Layer LFO Parameters Dump Message ............................................. 15
Preset Layer Envelope Parameters Dump Message ..................................... 16
Preset Layer Patchcord Parameters Dump Message ...................................16
Preset Dump Request ................................................................................ 16
Preset Common Parameters Dump Request ............................................... 17
Preset Common General Parameters Dump Request .................................. 18
Preset Common Arpeggiator Parameters Dump Request ........................... 18
Preset Common Effects Parameters Dump Request .................................... 18
Preset Common Link Parameters Dump Request .......................................19
Preset Layer Parameters Dump Request ..................................................... 19
Preset Layer General Parameters Dump Request ........................................ 19
Preset Layer Filter Parameters Dump Request ............................................. 20
Preset Layer LFO Parameters Dump Request .............................................. 20
Preset Layer Envelope Parameters Dump Request ...................................... 21
Preset Layer Patchcord Parameters Dump Request ..................................... 21
Program Change/Preset Map Dump .......................................................... 22
Program Change/Preset Map Dump Request ............................................ 22
Arpeggiator Pattern Dump ........................................................................ 23
Arpeggiator Pattern Dump Request ........................................................... 23
LCD Screen Dump ..................................................................................... 24
LCD Screen Dump Request
LCD Custom Character Palette Message
LCD Custom Character Palette Request
Setup Dump .............................................................................................. 26
Setup Dump Request ................................................................................ 28
Generic Dump Request ............................................................................. 29
Generic Dump ........................................................................................... 29
(Proteus 2000 & Audity 2000 only)
(P-2000 & Audity 2000 only)
(P-2000 & Audity 2000 only) ......... 25
.................. 24
........ 25
Dump Handshaking Messages............................................................ 31
ACK ........................................................................................................... 31
NAK .......................................................................................................... 31
CANCEL .................................................................................................... 31
WAIT ......................................................................................................... 32
EOF ........................................................................................................... 32
Copy Utilities (ROM->RAM, RAM->RAM) ...............................33
Copy Preset ............................................................................................... 33
Copy Arpeggiator Pattern .......................................................................... 34
Copy Master Setup .................................................................................... 34
Copy Pattern ............................................................................................. 35
Copy Song ................................................................................................ 35
Remote Front Panel Control Commands ............................................36
Remote Control Subcommands ................................................................. 36
Remote Control Open Session ................................................................... 36
Remote Control Close Session ................................................................... 37
Remote Control Button Event .................................................................... 37
Remote Control Rotary Event .................................................................... 38
Remote Control LED State Event ................................................................ 39
Proteus & Audity 2000 / Proteus 1000 MIDI SysEx Specification
System Exclusive Specification
Table of Contents
Other Messages ................................................................................. 40
Error Message ............................................................................................40
Randomize Preset ......................................................................................40
Randomize Seed Preset ..............................................................................40
Parameters .............................................................................. 41
Miscellaneous Parameters ..........................................................................41
Multi Mode Channel Select .......................................................................41
Multi Mode Parameters (Channel Specific - Per Channel) .............................41
Multi Mode Parameters (Non-Channel Specific) ..........................................42
Note Trigger Parameters (MP-7, XL-7, P2500, PX-7, PK-6, MK-6, XK-6, Halo,
Vintage Keys) ..............................................................................................43
Programmable Knobs Parameters (MP-7, XL-7, PX-7, P2500) .....................43
Preset Select Trigger Parameters (PK-6, MK-6, XK-6, Halo, Vintage Keys) .....43
Master Parameters ..................................................................................... 43
Local Controller Parameters (XL-7, MP-7, PX-7, PK-6, MK-6, XK-6, Halo,
Vintage Keys) ..............................................................................................45
Master MIDI Parameters ............................................................................46
Master Effects Parameters ..........................................................................48
Master Arpeggiator Parameters ..................................................................48
Arpeggiator Pattern Edit Parameters ..........................................................49
BEATS Trigger Parameters ..........................................................................50
Preset Common General Edit Parameters ...................................................52
Preset Common Arpeggiator Edit Parameters ............................................56
Preset Common Effects Edit Parameters .....................................................57
Preset Common Links Edit Parameters ....................................................... 57
Preset Layer General Edit Parameters .........................................................58
Preset Layer Filter Edit Parameters ..............................................................60
Preset Layer LFOs Edit Parameters ..............................................................60
Preset Layer Envelope Edit Parameters .......................................................62
Preset Layer PatchCords Edit Parameters ....................................................64
Glide Rate (portamento) ............................................................................ 70
Effects Algorithms: .....................................................................................72
Filter Types ................................................................................................73
Filter Parameters ........................................................................................ 74
14-bit Signed 2's Complement Numbers ...................................................77
iv E-MU Systems
MIDI SysEx Specification for
the Proteus Family Instruments
Proteus 2000, Audity 2000, Proteus 2500, XL-7,
MP-7, PX-7, PK-6, MK-6, XK-6, Vintage Keys,
Vintage Pro, Halo
The main focus is to provide an easy to use, easy to implement protocol for
the specific function of editing Proteus family parameters from a remote
system. Typically this would be a computer, with the potential for a large
graphical interface, superior to the standard Proteus or Audity front panel
display. In this document, the name Proteus, will refer to any instrument in
the Proteus family.
The protocol consists of a data format usable over MIDI, as well as any
other transfer media. The data format is simple, flexible, and easy to
expand while maintaining backwards compatibility.
There are a few basic necessary functions that make up a Remote Preset
Editor/Librarian package.
the ability to select the Preset to edit.
the ability to select the Layer to edit.
the ability to send a new individual parameter value to Proteus.
the ability to request from Proteus the value of an individual parameter.
the ability to send a dump of parameters to Proteus.
the ability to request a dump of parameters from Proteus.
the ability to name a Preset.
the ability to request the name of a Preset.
Note: Please refer to the official MMA MIDI specification for specific information about MIDI protocol and generic commands.
Proteus Family MIDI SysEx Specification 1
MIDI Standard Universal System Exclusive Messages
Device Inquiry,
MIDI Standard Universal System
Exclusive Messages
Device Inquiry
Proteus supports the MIDI Standard Non-Real Time System Exclusive
General Information Device Inquiry messages
(sub-ID#1 = 06).
Format: {F0h, 7Eh, <device ID>, 06h, 01h, F7}
<Header> {F0h,7Eh,<device ID>} = Universal System Exclusive Non-real
time header.
06h = General Information (sub-ID#1)
01h = Identity Request (sub-ID#2)
F7h = EOX
Response: {F0h, 7Eh, <device ID>, 06h, 02h, mm, ff, ff, dd, dd, ss, ss, ss,
ss, F7}
<Header> {F0h, 7Eh, <device ID>} = Universal System Exclusive Non-real
time header.
<device ID> = ID the hunk of metal and plastic is set to.
0 - 126 are Unique ID’s,
127 is an All Broadcast ID.
06h = General Information (sub-ID#1)
02h = Identity Reply (sub-ID#2)
mm = 18h (Manufacturers System Exclusive id
ff ff = 04h, 04h (Device family code, 14 bits, LSB
dd dd (Audity) = 02h, 00h (Device family member code, 14
bits, LSB first)
dd dd (Proteus) = 03h, 00h (Device family member code, 14
bits, LSB first)
ss ss ss ss = Software revision level, 4 ASCII characters.
Example: 2 . 5 0 = version 2.50
F7h = EOX
E-MU Systems
MIDI Standard Universal System Exclusive Messages
Bulk Tuning Dump Request,
Bulk Tuning
Dump Request
Bulk Tuning
Format: {F0h, 7Eh, <device ID>, 08h, 00h, tt, F7}
{F0h, 7Eh,<device ID>} = Universal System Exclusive Non-real time
08h = MIDI Tuning Standard (sub-ID#1)
00h = bulk dump request = 00h (sub-ID#2)
tt = tuning program number
F7h = EOX
The receiving unit shall respond by sending the bulk tuning dump message
described in the following section for the tuning number addressed.
A bulk tuning dump comprises frequency data in a 3-byte format (see MMA
MIDI Spec) for all 128 MIDI key numbers, in order from note 0 (earliest
sent) to note 127 (latest sent), enclosed by a system exclusive header and
tail. This message is sent by the receiving instrument in response to a
tuning dump request.
Format: {F0h, 7Eh,<device ID>, 08h, 01h, tt, <tuning name>, [xx yy zz] …
checksum, F7}
{F0h, 7Eh,<device ID>} = Universal System Exclusive Non-real time
08h = MIDI Tuning Standard (sub-ID#1)
01 = bulk dump reply = 01h (sub-ID#2)
tt = tuning program number
<tuning name> = 16 ASCII characters
[xx yy zz = frequency data for one note (repeated 128
chksum = checksum (XOR of 7E, <device ID>, nn, tt
F7h = EOX
Proteus Family MIDI SysEx Specification 3
MIDI Standard Universal System Exclusive Messages
Single Note Tuning Change,
Single Note
The single note tuning change message (Exclusive Real-Time sub-ID#1 =
08h) permits on-the-fly adjustments to any tuning stored in Proteus. These
changes take effect immediately and occur without any audible artifacts if
notes are sounding when the message is received.
Format: {F0h, 7Eh, <device ID>, 08h, 02h, tt, ll, [kk xx yy zz], F7}
{F0h, 7Eh,<device ID>} = Universal System Exclusive Non-real time
08h = MIDI Tuning Standard (sub-ID#1)
02h = note change = 02h (sub-ID#2)
tt = tuning program number (0-127)
ll = number of changes (1 change = 1 set of
[kk xx yy zz])
[kk = MIDI key number
xx yy zz] = frequency data for that key (repeated ‘ll’
number of times)
F7h = EOX
This message permits muliple changes to be embedded in one message for
the purpose of maximizing bandwidth. The number of changes following is
indicated by the byte ‘ll’: the total length of the message equals 8 + (11 x 4)
E-MU Systems
The master volume control on Proteus actually controls a digital attenuator
and thus can be controlled via MIDI. A MIDI Master Volume control could
be used to simultaneously fade out all channels in the module at once, for
Because the Master Volume message addresses the the entire "device"
instead of MIDI "channels", it has been defined as a Universal Real Time
System Exclusive message (sub ID#1 = 04h).
Format: {F0h, 7Eh,<device ID>, 04h, 01h, vv, vv, F7}
{F0h, 7Eh,<device ID>} = Universal System Exclusive Non-real time
04h = Device Control (sub-ID#1)
02h = Master Volume = 01h (sub-ID#2)
vv vv = Volume (lsb first); 00 00 = volume off
F7h = EOX
System Exclusive Messages
Standard Data Format,
System Exclusive Messages
Standard Data
The transfer of Data is organized in the following ways.
<Header>, <Command>, <Count*>, <Packet1>, <Packet2>, ...,
<Checksum*>, <EOX>.
F0h = SysEx message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
xx = Device ID 00h - 7Eh are Unique, 7Fh is an
All Broadcast,
55h = Special Editor designator byte
Determines what function to perform, such as:
Parameter Edit/Request
Preset Name/Request
Gives the number of bytes in a message, such as Parameter Edits of multiple
parameters. *Only used in variable sized messages.
Take several forms, depending on the command. Some commands may not
require a packet at all.
1 Byte XOR(1’s complement) of the sum of the DATA bytes in the message.
*Only used in certain messages. A checksum value of 7Fh means "ignore
F7 = end of SYSEX.
Note: When information requested, it is returned in the Update format,
suitable for use in sending back to the machine to Update it, or return it to
that state.
Proteus Family MIDI SysEx Specification 5
System Exclusive Messages
Parameter Edit/Request Commands, Parameter Value Edit
Parameter Value Edit
00h Reserved. If received, the following 2 MIDI
bytes form a 14 bit command.
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 01h, 02h, <xx, xx, yy, yy>, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
01h = Command::Parameter Value Edit
02h = Byte count(number of Byte pairs)
{xx, xx} = Parameter ID (LSB first)
{yy, yy} = Parameter Data
F7h = EOX
This command is used to change the value of one or more parameters. See
the "Parameters" section for a list of of Parameter ID’s and descriptions.
Please try to avoid sending messages with more than 244 Data Bytes, or 41
Parameter Edits.
Parameter Value
E-MU Systems
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 02h, 01h, xx, xx, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
02h = Command::Parameter Value Request
01h = Byte count(number of Byte pairs)
{xx, xx} = Parameter ID (LSB first)
F7h = EOX
This command is used to request the current value of one or more parameters. See the "Parameters" section for a list of of Parameter ID’s and descriptions. The response is a complete Parameter Value Edit SYSEX message for
each parameter. Please try to avoid sending messages with more than 246
Data Bytes, or 123 Parameter IDs.
System Exclusive Messages
Parameter Edit/Request Commands, Parameter Min/Max /Default Value
Parameter Min/Max
/Default Value
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 03h, xx, xh, yy, yy, zz, zz, qq, qq, rr,
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
03h = Command::Parameter Min/Max/Default
xx, xx = the Parameter ID
yy, yy = Parameter minimum value
zz, zz = Parameter maximum value
qq, qq = Parameter default value
rr = Read Only (0 = Read/Write, 1 = Read Only,
values above 1 reserved)
F7h = EOX
This command conveys the parameter’s minimum, maximum and default
value. It is sent in response to command 04. Sending this command to an
Audity or Proteus has no effect.
Parameter Min/Max
/Default Value
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 04h, xx, xx, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
04h = Command::Parameter Min/Max/Default
Value Request
xx, xx = The Parameter ID
F7h = EOX
This command requests the minimum, maximum, and default values of a
parameter. The data is returned via command 03.
Proteus Family MIDI SysEx Specification 7
System Exclusive Messages
Configuration Commands, Hardware Configuration
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 09h, xx, <xx Bytes>, yy, zz, <yy*zz
Bytes>, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
09h = Command::Configuration Response
xx = Number of General Information Bytes
(General Information Bytes)
aa, aa = Number of User Presets
yy = Number of Simms installed
zz = Number of Information Bytes per Simm
(Information Bytes Repeated for Number of Simms)
aa, aa = Simm ID
bb, bb = Number of Simm Presets
cc, cc = Number of Simm Instruments
F7h = EOX
E-MU Systems
This command is sent via the Hardware Configuration Request command
This is a Read Only system.
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 0Ah, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
0Ah = Command::Configuration Request
F7h = EOX
This command causes a Hardware Configuration command to be sent.
System Exclusive Messages
Name Commands, Generic Name
Generic Name
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 0Bh, tt, xx, xx, yy, yy, <STRING 16>,
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
0Bh = Command::Generic Name
tt = Object Type
1 = Preset
2 = Instrument
3 = (arp)
4 = Setup
5 = Demo
6 = Riff
<xx, xx> = Object Number
<yy, yy> = Object ROM ID
<STRING x> = <Char 1>, <Char 2>, ..., <Char 16>=Object
F7h = EOX
Generic Name
This command is sent via the generic name request command. It conveys
the name of the requested object.
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 0Ch, tt, xx, xx, yy, yy, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
0Ch = Command::Generic Name Request
tt = Object Type
<xx, xx> = Object Number
yy, yy> = Object ROM ID
F7h = EOX
This command causes a generic name command to be sent for the
requested object.
Proteus Family MIDI SysEx Specification 9
System Exclusive Messages
Dump Commands, Proteus Preset Dump Format
Proteus Preset Dump
The transfer of large messages is like the MIDI Sample Dump Standard. In
this standard, large messages are broken up into smaller packets. “ClosedLoop” style dumps require the receiver to acknowledge each packet using
handshake messages. “Open-Loop” style dumps do not require acknowledgement. Custom handshake messages are used because the number of
packets in a dump may exceed a 7-bit packet number, the limit of the
Generic Handshaking Messages as defined in the MIDI specification. See
the section, “Dump Handshaking Messages” on page 31 for details.
When a Dump is requested or initiated, the first element of the dump sent
is the Dump Header. This header contains information on the type of
dump, preset number of the dump, how many bytes are included in the
data, and the number of parameters in each section, which may depend on
the version of Proteus the dump may have come from. As parameters are
added to newer versions of Proteus, the dump format can expand. Older
Proteus versions ignore any expanded dump parameters.
What follows the header message are 255-byte messages that each contain
up to 244 bytes of actual data. The last message may contain LESS than 255
bytes, depending on how much data is left. Generic handshaking messages
will be used to negotiate the transfer. After all the data messages have been
sent, an End Of File message will be sent, closing the transfer.
Preset Dump SubCommands
00h (reserved)
01h Preset Dump Header Closed Loop
02h Preset Dump Data Message Closed Loop
03h Preset Dump Header Open Loop
04h Preset Dump Data Message Open Loop
10h Preset Common Dump Data Message
11h Preset Common General Dump Data Message
12h Preset Common Arp Dump Data Message
13h Preset Common Effects Dump Data Message (Master or
14h Preset Common Links Dump Data Message
20h Preset Layer Dump Data Message
21h Preset Layer Common Dump Data Message
22h Preset Layer Filter Dump Data Message
23h Preset Layer LFO Dump Data Message
24h Preset Layer Envelopes Dump Data Message
25h Preset Layer PatchCords Dump Data Message
10 E-MU Systems
Examples of the Dump Header, and the different types of data within the
Data messages, follow.
System Exclusive Messages
Dump Commands, Preset Dump Header
Preset Dump Header
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 10h, 01h, nn, nn, xx, xx, xx, xx, aa,
aa, bb, bb, cc, cc, dd,dd, ee, ee, ff, ff, gg, gg, hh, hh, ii, ii, jj, jj, kk, kk, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
10h = Command::Preset Dump;
01h = subCommand::Preset Dump Header
(Closed Loop);
03h = subCommand::Preset Dump Header
(Open Loop);
<nn, nn> = Preset Number.
<xx, xx, xx, xx> = Number of Data bytes in the Dump,
LSB first.
<aa, aa> = Number of Preset Common General
Parameters, LSB first.
<bb, bb> = Number of Reserved Parameters, LSB first.
<cc, cc> = Number of Preset Common Effects
Parameters, LSB first.
<dd, dd> = Number of Preset Common Link
Parameters, LSB first.
<ee, ee> = Number of Preset Layers, LSB first.
<ff, ff> = Number of Preset Layer General Parameters,
LSB first.
<gg, gg> = Number of Preset Layer Filter Parameters,
LSB first.
<hh, hh> = Number of Preset Layer LFO Parameters,
LSB first.
<ii, ii> = Number of Preset Layer Envelope
Parameters, LSB first.
<jj ,jj> = Number of Preset Layer PatchCord
Parameters, LSB first.
<kk, kk> = Preset ROM ID
F7h = EOX
This message precedes the Preset Dump Data messages.
Proteus Family MIDI SysEx Specification 11
System Exclusive Messages
Dump Commands, Preset Dump Data Message
Preset Dump Data
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 10h, 02h, pp, pp, <244 Data Bytes>,
<Checksum>, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
10h = Command::Preset Dump
02h = subCommand::Preset Dump Message
(Closed Loop);
04h = subCommand::Preset Dump Message
(Open Loop);
<pp, pp> = Running Packet count, LSB first, begins at 1
<up to 244 Data Bytes>
<Checksum> = 1 Byte = 1’s complement of the sum of {<244
Data Bytes>}
F7h = EOX
Preset Common
Parameters Dump
12 E-MU Systems
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 10h, 10h, <240 Data Bytes>, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
10h = Command::Preset Dump
10h = subCommand::Preset Common Parameter
Dump Message;
<240 Data Bytes>
F7h = EOX
This message dumps the preset data that is not specified to a layer.
System Exclusive Messages
Dump Commands, Preset Common General Parameters Dump Message
Preset Common
General Parameters
Dump Message
Preset Common
Parameters Dump
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 10h, 11h, <126 Data Bytes>, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
10h = Command::Preset Dump
11h = subCommand::Preset Common General
Parameter Dump Message;
<126 Data Bytes>
F7h = EOX
This message dumps only the Preset Common General Parameters.
EXAMPLE:> {F0h,18h, 0Fh,dd, 55h, 10h, 12h, <38 Data Bytes>, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
10h = Command::Preset Dump
12h = subCommand::Preset Common Arpeggiator
Parameter Dump Message;
<38 Data Bytes>
F7h = EOX
This message dumps only the Preset Common Arp Parameters.
Proteus Family MIDI SysEx Specification 13
System Exclusive Messages
Dump Commands, Preset Common Effects Parameters Dump Message
Preset Common
Effects Parameters
Dump Message
Preset Common Link
Parameters Dump
EXAMPLE:> {F0h,18h, 0Fh,dd, 55h, 10h, 13h, <38 Data Bytes>, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
10h = Command::Preset Dump
13h = subCommand::Preset Common Effects
Parameter Dump Message;
<38 Data Bytes>
F7h = EOX
This message dumps only the Preset Common EffectsParameters.
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 10h, 14h, <46 Data Bytes>, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
10h = Command::Preset Dump
14h = subCommand::Preset Common Link
Parameter Dump Message;
<46 Data Bytes>
F7h = EOX
Preset Layer
Parameters Dump
14 E-MU Systems
This message dumps only the Preset Common Link Parameters.
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 10h, 20h,<332 Data Bytes>,F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
10h = Command::Preset Dump
20h = subCommand::Preset Layer Parameter
Dump Message;
<332 Data Bytes>
F7h = EOX
This message dumps all parameters in a given layer.
System Exclusive Messages
Dump Commands, Preset Layer General Parameters Dump Message
Preset Layer General
Parameters Dump
Preset Layer Filter
Parameters Dump
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 10h, 21h, <70 Data Bytes>, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
10h = Command::Preset Dump
21h = subCommand::Preset Layer General
Parameter Dump Message;
<70 Data Bytes>
F7h = EOX
This message dumps all general parameters in a given layer.
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 10h, 22h, <14 Data Bytes>, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
10h = Command::Preset Dump
22h = subCommand::Preset Layer Filter Parameter
Dump Message;
<14 Data Bytes>
F7h = EOX
Preset Layer LFO
Parameters Dump
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 10h, 23h, <28 Data Bytes>, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
10h = Command::Preset Dump
23h = subCommand::Preset Layer LFO Parameter
Dump Message;
<28 Data Bytes>
F7h = EOX
Proteus Family MIDI SysEx Specification 15
System Exclusive Messages
Dump Commands, Preset Layer Envelope Parameters Dump Message
Preset Layer Envelope
Parameters Dump
Preset Layer
Parameters Dump
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 10h, 24h, <92 Data Bytes>, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
10h = Command::Preset Dump
24h = subCommand::Preset Layer Envelope
Parameter Dump Message;
<92 Data Bytes>
F7h = EOX
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 10h, 25h, <152 Data Bytes>, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
10h = Command::Preset Dump
25h = subCommand::Preset Layer PatchCord
Parameter Dump Message;
<152 Data Bytes>
Preset Dump
16 E-MU Systems
F7h = EOX
Preset Dump Request SubCommands
00h (reserved)
02h Preset Dump Request (Closed Loop)
04h Preset Dump Request (Open Loop)
10h Preset Common Parameters Dump Request
11h Preset Common General Params Dump Request
12h Preset Common Arp Parameters Dump Request
13h Preset Common FX Parameters Dump Request
14h Preset Common Link Params Dump Request
20h Preset Layer Parameters Dump Request
21h Preset Layer General Params Dump Request
22h Preset Layer Filter Params Dump Request
23h Preset Layer LFO Parameters Dump Request
24h Preset Layer Envelope Params Dump Request
25h Preset Layer Cord Parameters Dump Request
System Exclusive Messages
Dump Commands, Preset Dump Request
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 11h, 02h, xx, xx, yy, yy, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
11h = Command::Preset Dump
02h = subCommand::Preset Dump Request
(Closed Loop);
04h = subCommand::Preset Dump Request
(Open Loop);
<xx, xx> = Preset number
<yy, yy> = Preset ROM ID number
F7h = EOX
Preset Common
Parameters Dump
This command requests a preset dump. The response is the Preset Dump
SysEx message.
Only one Preset may be dumped to or from the unit at a time!
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 11h, 10h, xx, xx, yy, yy, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
11h = Command::Preset Dump Request
10h = subCommand::Preset Common Parameter
Dump Request;
<xx, xx> = Preset Number (LSB First)
<yy, yy> = Preset ROM ID number
F7h = EOX
Proteus Family MIDI SysEx Specification
System Exclusive Messages
Dump Commands, Preset Common General Parameters Dump Request
Preset Common
General Parameters
Dump Request
Preset Common
Parameters Dump
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 11h, 11h, xx, xx, yy, yy, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
11h = Command::Preset Dump Request
11h = subCommand::Preset Common General
Parameter Dump Request;
<xx, xx> = Preset Number (LSB First)
<yy, yy> = Preset ROM ID number
F7h = EOX
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 11h, 12h, pph, pph, yyh, yyh, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
11h = Command::Preset Dump Request
12h = subCommand::Preset Common Arpeggiator
Parameter Dump Request;
<pph, pph> = Preset Number (LSB First), or -1 for Master
<yy, yy> = Preset ROM ID number
F7h = EOX
Preset Common
Effects Parameters
Dump Request
E-MU Systems
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 11h, 13h, pp, pp, yy, yy, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
11h = Command::Preset Dump Request
13h = subCommand::Preset Common Effects
Parameter Dump Request;
<pp, pp> = Preset Number (LSB first) or -1 for Master
<yy, yy> = Preset ROM ID number
F7h = EOX
System Exclusive Messages
Dump Commands, Preset Common Link Parameters Dump Request
Preset Common Link
Parameters Dump
Preset Layer
Parameters Dump
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 11h, 14h, xx, xx, yy, yy, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
11h = Command::Preset Dump Request
14h = subCommand::Preset Common Link
Parameter Dump Request;
<xx, xx> = Preset Number (LSB First)
<yy, yy> = Preset ROM ID number
F7h = EOX
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 11h, 20h, xx, xx, ll, ll, yy, yy, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
11h = Command::Preset Dump Request
20h = subCommand::Preset Layer Parameter
Dump Request;
Preset Layer General
Parameters Dump
<xx, xx> = Preset Number (LSB First)
<ll, ll> = Layer Number (LSB first)
<yy, yy> = Preset ROM ID number
F7h = EOX
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 11h, 21h, xx, xx, ll, ll, yy, yy, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
11h = Command::Preset Dump Request
21h = subCommand::Preset Layer General
Parameter Dump Request;
<xx, xx> = Preset Number (LSB First)
Proteus Family MIDI SysEx Specification
System Exclusive Messages
Dump Commands, Preset Layer General Parameters Dump Request
<ll, ll> = Layer Number (LSB first)
<yy, yy> = Preset ROM ID number
F7h = EOX
Preset Layer Filter
Parameters Dump
Preset Layer LFO
Parameters Dump
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 11h, 22h, xx, xx, ll, ll, yy, yy, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
11h = Command::Preset Dump Request
22h = subCommand::Preset Layer Filter Parameter
Dump Request;
<xx, xx> = Preset Number (LSB First)
<ll, ll> = Layer Number (LSB first)
<yy, yy> = Preset ROM ID number
F7h = EOX
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 11h, 23h, xx, xx, ll, ll, yy, yy, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
11h = Command::Preset Dump Request
23h = subCommand::Preset Layer LFO Parameter
Dump Request;
<xx, xx> = Preset Number (LSB First)
<ll, ll> = Layer Number (LSB first)
<yy, yy> = Preset ROM ID number
F7h = EOX
20 E-MU Systems
System Exclusive Messages
Dump Commands, Preset Layer Envelope Parameters Dump Request
Preset Layer Envelope
Parameters Dump
Preset Layer
Parameters Dump
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 11h, 24h, xx, xx, ll, ll, yy, yy, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
11h = Command::Preset Dump Request
24h = subCommand::Preset Layer Envelope
Parameter Dump Request;
<xx, xx> = Preset Number (LSB First)
<ll, ll> = Layer Number (LSB first)
<yy, yy> = Preset ROM ID number
F7h = EOX
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 11h, 25h, xx, xx, ll, ll, yy, yy, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
11h = Command::Preset Dump Request
25h = subCommand::Preset Layer PatchCord
Parameter Dump Request;
<xx, xx> = Preset Number (LSB First)
<ll, ll> = Layer Number (LSB first)
<yy, yy> = Preset ROM ID number
F7h = EOX
Proteus Family MIDI SysEx Specification 21
System Exclusive Messages
Dump Commands, Program Change/Preset Map Dump
Program Change/
Preset Map Dump
The Program Change/Preset table maps 128 different Presets to any of 128
Program Changes. The Dump assumes a Program Change order of 0 to 127,
and lists only the Mapped Preset Numbers in that order, and then repeats
the Preset ROM ID’s in that order:
Program Change 0: Preset 112
Program Change 1: Preset 043
Program Change 2: Preset 001
Program Change 127: Preset 058
Preset Numbers are 2 MIDI Bytes, LSB first, for a total of 128*2 or 256 Data
Bytes. Preset ROM ID Numbers are 2 MIDI Bytes, LSB first, for a total of
128*2 or 256 Data Bytes.
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 16h, <256 Data Bytes>, <256 Data
Bytes>, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
16h = Command::Program Change/Preset Map
Program Change/
Preset Map Dump
22 E-MU Systems
<256 Data Bytes Preset Numbers>
<256 Data Bytes Preset ROM ID Numbers>
F7h = EOX
EXAMPLE:> {F0h, 18h, 0Fh, dd, 55h, 17h, F7h}
F0h = sysex message
18h = EMU ID
0Fh = Proteus ID
dd = Device ID
55h = Special Editor designator byte
17h = Command::Program Change/Preset Map
Dump Request
F7h = EOX