Emulex StorageTek 4 Gb FC Host Bus User Manual

Sun StorageTek™ PCI Express
Enterprise 4 Gb FC Host Bus
Adapters Emule x Installation Guide
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Contents iii
Preface v
Installing, Connecting, and Testing the Host Bus Adapter 1
System Requirements 1 Installing the HBA 2
To Verify the Packaging Contents 2 To Install the HBA Hardware 3 To Attach the Optical Cable 5 To Apply Power 7 To Verify Proper Installation in SPARC Platforms 7 To Verify Attached Storage to the Installed HBA 12
Installing the HBA Driver with the Solaris 10 OS 14
Packages 14
Patches 15 Sun Product Information Page at Emulex 15 Diagnostic Support 16
A. Declaration of Conformity, Regulatory Compliance, and Safety Statements 17
Declaration of Conformity 19
Regulatory Compliance Statements 21
Safety Agency Compliance Statements 25
iv Sun StorageTek PCI Express Enterprise 4 Gb FC HBA Emulex Installation Guide • December 2005


This guide describes how to install the Sun StorageTek™ Enterprise PCI Express 4 Gb Fibre Channel (FC) Single and Dual Port Host Bus Adapter (HBA). It also explains how to update the driver.
How This Book Is Organized
The single chapter describes how to install the HBA and update the driver. Appendix A provides the safety, regulatory, and compliance information for the
Using UNIX Commands
This document does not contain information about basic UNIX® commands and procedures such as booting the system, shutting it down, and co nfiguring devices. Refer to the following for this information:
Software documentation that you received with your system
Solaris™ Operating System documentation, available at:
Shell Prompts
Shell Prompt
C shell machine-name% C shell superuser machine-name# Bourne shell and Korn shell $ Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser #
Typographic Conventions
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files,
AaBbCc123 Book titles, new words or terms,
* The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.
Meaning Examples
Edit your.login file. and directories; on-screen computer output
What you type, when contrasted with on-screen computer output
words to be emphasized. Replace command-line variables with real names or values.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
% su
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
These are called class options.
You must be superuser to do this.
To d elete a file, type rm filename.
Related Documentation
Application Title Part Number
Latest information Sun StorageTek PCI Express Enterprise 4Gb FC
Host Bus Adapters Emulex Release Notes
Locating documents Accessing Documentation 819-1209-xx
vi Sun StorageTek PCI Express Enterprise 4 Gb FC HBA Emulex Installation Guide • December 2005
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Preface vii
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Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to:
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viii Sun StorageTek PCI Express Enterprise 4 Gb FC HBA Emulex Installation Guide • December 2005

Installing, Connecting, and Testing the Host Bus Adapter

This guide describes how to install and configure your new Sun StorageTek™ PCI Express Enterprise 4 Gb Fibre Channel (FC) Single and Dual Port Host Bus Adapter (HBA). The HBA is also referred to as SG-XPCIE1FC-EM4 (single port) or SG­XPCIE2FC-EM4 (dual port).
It contains the following topics:
“System Requirements” on page 1
“Installing the HBA” on page 2
“Installing the HBA Driver with the Solaris 10 OS” on page 14
“Sun Product Information Page at Emulex” on page 15
“Diagnostic Support” on page 16
Caution – Be sure to keep the Sun StorageTek PCI Express Enterprise 4 Gb FC
Single and Dual Port HBA in the antistatic bag until installation. The HBA contains parts that can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD). Before handling the HBA, use standard methods to discharge static electricity. Place the HBA on the bag when examining it. Retain the bag for future use.

System Requirements

Your system must have at least one PCI Express 4-lane slot to support the Sun StorageTek PCI Express Enterprise 4 Gb FC HBA Emulex.

Installing the HBA

Follow these steps to install the Sun StorageTek PCI Express Enterprise 4 Gb FC HBA Emulex in your system:
“To Verify the Packaging Contents” on page 2
“To Install the HBA Hardware” on page 3
“To Attach the Optical Cable” on page 5
“To Apply Power” on page 7
“To Verify Proper Installation in SPARC Platforms” on page 7
“To Verify Attached Storage to the Installed HBA” on page 12

To Verify the Packaging Contents

Verify that the Sun StorageTek PCI Express Enterprise 4 Gb FC HBA Emulex is shipped with the following items (see
Sun StorageTek PCI Express Enterprise 4 Gb FC HBA Emulex
Extra PCI bracket
Accessing Documentation, 819-1209-xx
Antistatic wrist strap
2 Sun StorageTek PCI Express Ent erprise 4 Gb FC HBA Emulex Installation Guid e • December 2005
Antistatic wrist strap Accessing documentation Extra PCI bracket
Sun StorageTek PCI Express 4 Gb FC Emulex HBA
FIGURE 1 HBA Package Contents

To Install the HBA Hardware

To install the Sun StorageTek PCI Express Enterprise 4 Gb FC HBA Emulex, you need to open the computer and identify an empty PCI Express 4 lane slot. If necessary, consult your computer system manual for instructions to remove the computer cover.
1. Record IEEE and serial numbers.
Each HBA is shipped with a unique 64-bit identifier called the IEEE address. The Fibre Channel industry uses a World Wide Name (WWN) derived from the IEEE address matched to an FC port. This number is needed for FC connectivity.
Installing, Connecting, and Testing the Host Bus Adapter 3
The single channel SG-XPCIE1FC-EM4 will have one IEEE address, the dual channel SG-XPCIE2FC-EM4 will have two IEEE addresses. The IEEE address is used when configuring your system. The serial number is used when communicating with Sun. All numbers are clearly marked on the board. Record these numbers before installation.
2. Shut down, power off, and unplug the computer.
3. Remove the computer case.
4. Remove the blank panel from an empty PCI Express slot.
5. (Optional) Perform the following steps to replace the PCI bracket.
Note – The HBA comes with a low-profile PCI bracket installed. This bracket is
approximately 3.11 in. (7.9 cm) long. A standard mounting bracket, which is approximately 4.75 in. (12.6 cm), is provided with each X-option order.
a. Remove the mounting bracket screws from the HBA (see
FIGURE 2 Removing the Bracket Screws
b. Rem ove the bracket and store it for future use. c. Align the new mounting bracket tabs with the holes in the HBA.
Note – Be careful not to push the bracket past the transceiver housing’s grounding
tabs. Ensure that the LEDs are properly aligned with the holes in the bracket.
d. Replace the screws that attach the HBA to the bracket.
6. Insert the HBA into the empty PCI Express 4-lane slot. Press firmly until the adapter is seated.
4 Sun StorageTek PCI Express Ent erprise 4 Gb FC HBA Emulex Installation Guid e • December 2005
7. Secure the HBA’s mounting bracket to the case with the panel screw or clip.
8. Replace the computer case and tighten the case screws.
The HBA is now installed in the computer and is ready for the optical cable attachment.

To Attach the Optical Cable

Note – The HBA does not allow normal data transmission on an optical link unless
it is connected to another similar or compatible Fibre Channel product (that is, multimode to multimode).
Use multimode fiber-optic cable, intended for short-wave lasers, that adheres to the specifications in
TABLE 1 Optical Cable Specifications
Fiber-Optic Cable Maximum Length Minimum Length Connector
62.5/125 µm (multimode)
50/125 (multimode)
300 meters at 1.0625 Gbit/sec 150 meters at 2.125 Gbit/sec 70 meters at 4.25 Gbit/sec
500 meters at 1.0625 Gbit/sec 300 meters at 2.125 Gbit/sec 150 meters at 4.25 Gbit/sec
2 meters LC
2 meters LC
TABLE2 summarizes the LED status conditions.
TABLE 2 LED Status
Green LED Yellow LED State
Off Off Wake-Up Failure (Dead Board) Off On POST failure (Dead Board) Off Slow Blink Wake-Up Failure Monitor Off Fast Blink Failure in POST Off Flashing POST Processing in Progress On Off Failure While Functioning On On Failure While Functioning On 1 Fast Blink 1 Gb Link Rate – Normal, Link up
Installing, Connecting, and Testing the Host Bus Adapter 5
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