AMS Trex
WirelessHart® Provisioning App
Commission WirelessHART devices in a fraction
of the time
Read and write device tags from same easy app
Eliminate repetition and transcription error
Product Data Sheet
March 2018
The WirelessHART® Provisioning app allows you to provision
WirelessHART networks in less time, with less chance of error
and in a more secure fashion. The app eliminates the need
to open each device description, allowing you to enter the
network ID and Joinkey once per network instead of for every
device. Then, congure hundreds of devices with a push of a
button, improving accuracy and allowing you to provision an
entire network up to 6x faster.
Easily provision multiple devices in a fraction of the time.
Setting Up a Network
Provisioning wireless devices can be a tedious, repetitive
process that is prone to errors if you don’t have the right tools.
While provisioning is required for a device to securely join the
network, the process involves manually entering a 5-character
network ID and a 32-character joinkey – for every device. This
process can take minutes per device.
Using the WirelessHART Provisioning app for the AMS Trex
Device Communicator, enter the network ID and joinkey before
you go to the eld, then connect to each device, and press send.
With the app, this process takes only seconds per device.
WirelessHart® Provisioning App
Ordering Information
Description Part Number
WirelessHART Provisioning App
Notes: 1) You must include the corresponding AMS Trex unit serial number(s) at time of order.
2) Once purchased, you can download the app from Upgrade Studio.
March 2018
Open App
Open App
Repeat for each device
Enter Network ID
and Join Key once
Approximately 143 seconds per device
Find Wireless
Conguration in settings
Approximately 23 seconds per device
Repeat for each device
Network Info
Network ID and Join Key
Manually enter
time savings
Provision more than 6x
the number of devices
in a given time!
Reliability Solutions
12001 Technology Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 USA
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