Product name: Lithium ion rechargeable battery cell Reference number: SDS-IBT-00026
Establishment / Revision: Dec. 18, 2013
Safety data sheet for product
・Product name: Lithium ion rechargeable battery cell
・Product code: None
(All models Sanyo manufactured and whose capacity is less than or equal to 5.4Ah,
including the cell branded as Panasonic, excluding the cell whose shape is prismatic and
two or more side of short / middle / long side excess 12mm/85mm/110mm.)
・Company name: Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
・Address: 222-1 , Kaminaizen, Sumoto City, Hyogo, Japan
・Telephone number: +81-799-24-4111
・Fax number: +81-799-23-2879
・Emergency telephone number: [Weekday] +81-799-23-3931 [Night and holiday] +81-799-24-4131
・Substance or preparation: Preparation
・Information about the chemical nature of product: *1
Portion Material name Concentration
range (wt %)
Positive electrode Lithium transition metal oxidate (Li[M]m[O]n*2) 20~60
Positive electrode’s base Aluminum 1~10
Negative electrode Carbon 10~30
Negative electrode’s base Copper 1~15
Electrolyte Organic electrolyte principally involves ester
Outer case Aluminum, iron, aluminum laminated plastic 1~30
*1 Not every product includes all of these materials.
*2 The letter M means transition metal and candidates of M are Co, Mn, Ni and Al. One compound
includes one or more of these metals and one product includes one or more of the compounds.
The letter m and n means the number of atoms.
For the battery cell, chemical materials are stored in a hermetically sealed metal or metal laminated plastic
case, designed to withstand temperatures and pressures encountered during normal use. As a result, during
normal use, there is no physical danger of ignition or explosion and chemical danger of hazardous materials'
However, if exposed to a fire, added mechanical shocks, decomposed, added electric stress by miss-use,
the gas release vent will be operated. The battery cell case will be breached at the extreme, hazardous
materials may be released.
Moreover, if heated strongly by the surrounding fire, acrid gas may be emitted.
・Most important hazard and effects
Human health effects:
Inhalation: The steam of the electrolyte has an anesthesia action and stimulates a respiratory tract.
Skin contact: The steam of the electrolyte stimulates a skin. The electrolyte skin contact causes a
sore and stimulation on the skin.
Eye contact: The steam of the electrolyte stimulates eyes. The electrolyte eye contact causes a sore
and stimulation on the eye. Especially, substance that causes a strong inflammation of the eyes is
Environmental effects: Since a battery cell remains in the environment, do not throw out it into the
・Specific hazards:
If the electrolyte contacts with water, it will generate detrimental hydrogen fluoride.
Since the leaked electrolyte is inflammable liquid, do not bring close to fire.
Product name: Lithium ion rechargeable battery cell Reference number: SDS-IBT-00026
Establishment / Revision: Dec. 18, 2013
Spilled internal cell materials
Make the victim blow his/her nose, gargle. Seek medical attention if necessary.
・Skin contact:
Remove contaminated clothes and shoes immediately. Wash extraneous matter or contact region with
soap and plenty of water immediately.
・Eye contact:
Do not rub one’s eyes. Immediately flush eyes with water continuously for at least 15 minutes. Seek
medical attention immediately.
A battery cell and spilled internal cell materials
Make the victim vomit. When it is impossible or the feeling is not well after vomiting, seek medical
・Suitable extinguishing media: Plenty of water, carbon dioxide gas, nitrogen gas, chemical powder fire
extinguishing medium and fire foam.
・Specific hazards: Corrosive gas may be emitted during fire.
・Specific methods of fire-fighting: When the battery burns with other combustibles simultaneously, take fire-
extinguishing method which correspond to the combustibles. Extinguish a fire from the windward as much
as possible.
・Special protective equipment for firefighters:
Respiratory protection: Respiratory equipment of a gas cylinder style or protection-against-dust mask
Hand protection: Protective gloves
Eye protection: Goggle or protective glasses designed to protect against liquid splashes
Skin and body protection: Protective cloth
Spilled internal cell materials, such as electrolyte leaked from a battery cell, are carefully dealt with
according to the followings.
・Precautions for human body:
Remove spilled materials with protective equipment (protective glasses and protective gloves). Do not
inhale the gas as much as possible. Moreover, avoid touching with as much as possible.
・Environmental precautions: Do not throw out into the environment.
・Method of cleaning up: The spilled solids are put into a container. The leaked place is wiped off with dry
・Prevention of secondary hazards: Avoid re-scattering. Do not bring the collected materials close to fire.
・Handling suggestions
・Do not connect the positive terminal to the negative terminal with electrical wire or chain.
・Avoid polarity reverse connection when installing the battery to an instrument.
・Do not wet the battery with water, seawater, drink or acid; or expose to strong oxidizer.
・Do not damage or remove the external tube.
・Keep the battery away from heat and fire.
・Do not disassemble or reconstruct the battery; or solder the battery directly.
・Do not give a mechanical shock or deform.
・Do not use unauthorized charger or other charging method. Terminate charging when the charging
process doesn’t end within specified time.
・Do not store the battery with metalware, water, seawater, strong acid or strong oxidizer.
・Make the charge amount 30~50% then store at room temperature or less (temperature= -20~35 degree
C) in a dry (humidity: 45~85%) place. Avoid direct sunlight, high temperature, and high humidity.
・Use insulative and adequately strong packaging material to prevent short circuit between positive and
negative terminal when the packaging breaks during normal handling. Do not use conductive or easy to
break packaging material.