This manual guides you in using the USB Fieldbus Interface to power and/or
configure fieldbus devices. Included here are basic setup, configuration, and
troubleshooting information, as well as guidelines on how to use the
interface with AMS Device Manager and with a third-party FDT Frame
This USB Fieldbus Interface User's Manual contains the following information:
• Chapter 1: Introduction – contains safety messages and information
about this manual.
• Chapter 2: USB Fieldbus Interface – contains information about the
interface, its parts, usage, and features.
• Chapter 3: Software installation and device setup – contains system
requirements, software installation instructions, and device setup
• Chapter 4: USB Fieldbus Interface Configuration utility – contains
information on how to use the utility to power, commission, and/or
configure some parameters of fieldbus devices, including device address
and tag.
• Chapter 5: Using with AMS Device Manager – contains setup
information and instructions in using the interface with AMS Device
Manager to configure fieldbus devices.
• Chapter 6: Using with an FDT Frame Application – contains setup
information and instructions in using the interface with an FDT Frame
Application to configure fieldbus devices.
• Chapter 7: Troubleshooting – contains solutions to the most common
operating problems.
• Appendix A: Approvals and certifications – contains certifications and
approval information.
• Appendix B: Specifications – contains specifications such as operating
temperature, software, electrical information, and environmental
• Appendix D: Remove pre-release driver versions on a Windows 7 or
10 operating system – contains instructions on how to remove previous
driver versions.
User's ManualJanuary 2019
1.1Safety message
Do not connect the USB Fieldbus Interface to a live segment (with an active
DCS Host and power supply attached) if the power indicator light on the
interface is amber in color. Doing so can disrupt communications and may
compromise automation safety.
January 2019User's Manual
2USB Fieldbus Interface
Topics covered in this chapter:
• Overview
• Parts and function
• Power modes
The USB Fieldbus Interface enables two-way communication between a
computer and fieldbus devices. Its primary function is to allow the setup,
configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting of fieldbus devices at any
valid FF address through a computer.
The interface is fully compatible with all FOUNDATION fieldbus (FF) devices
and is always configured as a "visitor."
It is particularly useful in these plant scenarios:
• Workbench setup and troubleshooting of fieldbus devices
• With a laptop in the field to configure, commission, decommission, set
device address, or troubleshoot fieldbus devices
The USB Fieldbus Interface comes with a USB cable, lead set, user's manual*,
and installation CD/DVD*. The user's manual and installation CD/DVD are not
included in the illustration.
User's ManualJanuary 2019
Box ContentsFigure 2-1:
January 2019User's Manual
2.2Parts and function
USB Fieldbus InterfaceFigure 2-2:
1Field connection indicator light
2Power indicator light
3USB portEnables USB connection
4Fieldbus device connection socket Enables fieldbus device or segment connection
(*) See the Indicator light scenarios table.
Indicates the fieldbus device connection status
Indicates the power mode of the interface
User's ManualJanuary 2019
Indicator light scenariosTable 2-1:
indicator light
Normal scenarios
The USB Fieldbus Interface is connected to an externally
powered segment and is able to communicate.
The USB Fieldbus Interface is providing power to a fieldbus
segment and is able to communicate.
Other scenarios
The USB Fieldbus Interface is not connected to a powered
The USB Fieldbus Interface is connected to a computer but
the computer power is off.
The USB FF HSE Server is not running on the connected
The USB Fieldbus Interface is not connected to a powered
The USB Fieldbus Interface is connected to a powered
segment with the wrong polarity.
The USB Fieldbus Interface is connected normally to a
powered segment but the USB FF HSE Server is not running.
The USB Fieldbus Interface is providing power but a short
circuit has been detected on the field connection.
The USB Fieldbus Interface is providing power and
connected to an already powered fieldbus segment with
reverse polarity.
The USB Fieldbus Interface is providing power to a fieldbus
segment and the load on that segment has exceeded its
January 2019User's Manual
2.3Power modes
The USB Fieldbus Interface has two power modes:
• Mode 1 - The interface does not supply power to the connected fieldbus
device or segment. The fieldbus device or segment is powered by an
external source.
Mode 1 is the default.
• Mode 2 - The interface powers the connected fieldbus device or segment
and no external power is needed.
In Mode 2, it can provide current of up to 85 mA (typically sufficient for
three or four fieldbus devices on the same segment).
You can configure Mode 2 using the USB Fieldbus Interface Configuration
utility. For more information, see Section 4.3.
Choose only one power mode. Never attempt to use two power sources at
the same time. Doing so can disrupt communications and may compromise
automation safety.
User's ManualJanuary 2019
3Software installation and device setup
Topics covered in this chapter:
• System requirements
• Install the USB Fieldbus Interface Configuration utility
• Install the Communication DTM software
• Install the Emerson DTM Library
• Setup and connection
• Connect to a live fieldbus segment
Perform software installation and device setup in the following order:
1. Install the USB Fieldbus Interface Configuration utility.
This allows you to configure the USB Fieldbus Interface and connected
fieldbus devices.
2. Install the Communication DTM software.
This enables DTM support for connected fieldbus devices.
3. Install the Emerson DTM Library.
This allows you to use DTMs associated with Emerson devices through an
FDT Frame Application.
Device DTMs are usually acquired from device suppliers. Contact your
device supplier if you have a non-Emerson device and install the
appropriate third-party DTM library.
4. Set up and configure connected fieldbus devices.
3.1System requirements
Supported operating systems
Windows 7 (32- or 64-bit)
Windows 10
Hard disk space
500MB or more
January 2019User's Manual
USB 1.1 or USB 2.0 port
3.2Install the USB Fieldbus Interface Configuration utility
• Do not connect the USB Fieldbus Interface to the computer or to a
fieldbus device or segment until software installation is complete.
• You may be prompted to determine the operating system and the
Windows version (32-bit or 64-bit) running on your computer. Keep this
information handy.
• For installation purposes, the user must use the Administrator account.
1. Insert the USB Fieldbus Interface installation CD/DVD.
Software and driver installation should start automatically.
If AutoRun is not enabled, double-click setup.exe.
2. Follow the prompts on the installation window.
3. Click Finish.
3.3Install the Communication DTM software
1. Insert the USB Fieldbus Interface installation CD/DVD.
2. Navigate to the Emerson USB Fieldbus Interface DTM folder and doubleclick Setup.exe.
3. Click Next and follow the prompts on the installation window.
User's ManualJanuary 2019
Communication DTM installationFigure 3-1:
4. Click Finish.
3.4Install the Emerson DTM Library
1. Insert the USB Fieldbus Interface installation CD/DVD.
2. Navigate to the Emerson DTM Library folder.
The DTM library folder is typically named "Emerson Process Management
FF Device DTM Library v1.x.x".
3. Double-click Setup > Setup.exe.
4. Click Next and follow the prompts on the installation window.
January 2019User's Manual
Emerson DTM Library installationFigure 3-2:
5. Click Close.
User's ManualJanuary 2019
3.5Setup and connection
Install the USB Fieldbus Interface Configuration utility first before setting up
and connecting the USB Fieldbus Interface. For more information, see
Section 3.2
1. Connect the USB Fieldbus Interface to the computer using the USB cable
USB driver installation should start automatically.
2. Connect the interface to a fieldbus device or to a fieldbus segment using
the field leads.
Do not proceed to the next step if you are connecting to a live (powered)
segment. Providing additional power source to an already powered
segment can disrupt communications and may compromise automation
3. Power the connected fieldbus device or segment.
Connect the fieldbus device or the unpowered segment to an external
power source (Mode 1), or provide power using the USB Fieldbus
Interface Configuration utility (Mode 2). For more information on the
power modes, see Section 2.3.
January 2019User's Manual
Sample benchtop connectionFigure 3-3:
3.6Connect to a live fieldbus segment
Do not use the Supply Power option on the USB Fieldbus Interface
Configuration utility when connecting to a live segment. Doing so can disrupt
communications and may compromise automation safety.
1. Make sure the USB Fieldbus Interface is connected to the computer and
that all software and drivers are installed.
2. Plug one end of the field lead to the fieldbus device connection socket of
the interface and connect the other end to the live fieldbus segment.
• The USB Fieldbus Interface draws current of 10 mA from the segment.
Make sure the segment has enough power and has the capacity to
provide this additional current.
• Make sure the lead set is connected to the live fieldbus segment with
the correct polarity.
• Changing the device tag/address is only allowed when the USB
fieldbus Interface is acting as Link Active Scheduler (LAS).
User's ManualJanuary 2019
• When a fieldbus device is acting as a LAS, you can cycle power to the
device, or remove and replace the fieldbus device from the segment to
make the USB Fieldbus interface act as the LAS. You can check the LAS
address next to the segment info to find out which device is the LAS.
January 2019User's Manual
4USB Fieldbus Interface Configuration utility
Topics covered in this chapter:
• Launch the USB Fieldbus Interface Configuration utility
• Start or stop the USB FF HSE Server manually
• Power fieldbus device with the USB Fieldbus Interface Configuration utility
• Set Fieldbus Device Permanent Address/Tag
• Set Fieldbus Device Default Address
• Change the device class
4.1Launch the USB Fieldbus Interface Configuration utility
Click Start > All Programs > Emerson Process Management > USB Fieldbus Interface.
If no fieldbus device is detected after 35 seconds, this dialog is displayed.
Click OK to continue.
No device detected dialogFigure 4-1:
A connected fieldbus device or segment has to be powered by an external
power source or by the USB Fieldbus Interface Configuration utility for it to be
detected. For more information, see Section 7.2.
4.2Start or stop the USB FF HSE Server manually
The USB FF HSE Server automatically starts when you launch the USB Fieldbus
Interface Configuration utility. It is typically not necessary to start or stop the
USB FF HSE Server manually.
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