Emerson UPCBD2 Brochures and Data Sheets

UPCBD2 Distribution Pedestal
Key Features
n Rugged metal housing made of
mill-galvanized steel for durability and low maintenance costs
n Our unique multi-stage paint
process meets or exceeds EPA standards, and provides a tough corrosion-resistant finish for longer life
n Factory installed stand-off
bracket provides easy access to cable conductors
n Factory installed dielectric shield
offers ultraviolet protection of cable conductors
n RUS accepted shield isolation
bonding/grounding bracket assembly accommodates the RUS PE-91 requirements for cable shield isolation; 6 AWG grounding capability
The UPCBD2 houses terminations and splices of small pair-count buried cable.
The UPCBD2 is a round-cornered, square-design telephone distribution pedestal accepted for use by the RUS. Included in the UPCBD2 are: a dielectric shield, stand-off bracket, and shield isolation bonding/grounding bracket assembly.
Additional Information
Installation information is available in Installation Manual 631-200-015.
021300D-UPCBD2 / 0314
UPCBD2 Distribution Pedestal
Recommended Terminal Block Capacity
— Terminal Blocks — — Total Splice —
Catalog Number 6-Pair Unprotected 1-Pair Protected 3-Pair Protected Pairs
145B 281VSR2 381VSR2 RUS Accepted Recommended
UPCBD2 3 3 3 3 pair 12 pair
Note 1: Total number of pairs spliced is dependent on connector use and local practices. Note 2: Above terminal block recommendations relate to mounting on either the stand-off brackets [Catalog Number SB234 (Part No. F604110)] or offset
brackets [Catalog Number OB2 (Part No. F602730)]. Also, additional positive grounding must be provided when using a protected block. In the above pro­tected blocks, “VSR2” denotes gas-tube protection.
Ordering Information
Catalog Number Part Number Description
UPCBD2* F604840 4-in. gray-green pedestal
P34419 F534419 Dielectric shield SB234 F604110 Stand-off bracket GBRBD2 F605113 Bonding and grounding bracket assembly OB2 F602730 Mounting bracket MS1332 F602132 32-inch mounting stake MS1342 F604080 42-inch mounting stake TF75 F600490 1/4-20 security bolt SWG F600270 Grommet, green rubber 3/4" service wire. 50 per pkg.
* Equipped with SB234 bracket.
Note: Stakes and additional mounting hardware are not included and may be ordered separately.
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36.5 " 12" 24.5" 4" 4"
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021300D-UPCBD2 / 0314