UPCBD Series Pedestal Mounting Plates
Universal Mounting Plate
Mounting Bracket
Mounting Bracket
HIACT Series
Mounting Plate Kit
Mounting Bracket
Stand-Off Bracket
SL120 0
Splice Support Bars
Ordering Information
DPBDKIT345 F1008981 Universal mounting plate, terminal block offset mounting
HIACT100* F605610 High activity mounting plate kit UPCBDS100, UPC600X, UPC1000 series enclosures, RUS accepted
HIACT300* F605630 High activity mounting plate kit UPCBDS300 series enclosures, RUS accepted
SB234 F604110 Stand-off bracket for terminal blocks and load-coil
OB2 F602730 Terminal block offset mounting bracket 281, 283, 381,
OB34 F602710 Terminal block offset mounting bracket 281, 283, 381,
OB5 F602750 Terminal block offset mounting bracket 281, 283, 381,
SL1200 F602420 Splice support bars, 1 pkg, 1 lb. UPC1200 and UPCBD7 series closures
* Above plates used for mounting BT25 or RLS25 blocks (three per plate), load coils, and repeaters.
The HIACT100 has two plates per kit, and the HIACT300 has three plates per kit.
Number Description
bracket 281, 283, 381, 383, 145 and RPT A-Line Series
mounting Term Blocks, 281, 283, 381, 383, 145
and RPT A-Line Series
383, 145 and RPT A-Line Series
383, 145 and RPT A-Line Series
383, 145 and RPT A-Line Series
UPCBD3, 4 and 5 closures
UPCBD2, UPCBD3, and UPCBD4 series closures, RUS accepted
UPCBD2 series closures; RUS accepted
UPCBD3 and UPCBD4 series closures, RUS accepted
UPCBD5 series closures, RUS accepted
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151000D-UPCBD / 0514