Emerson UPC1000LOC, UPC1248LOC Brochures and Data Sheets

Lift-Off Covers
Key Features
n Rugged metal housing made
of mill-galvanized steel for durability and low maintenance costs
n Our unique multi-stage paint
process meets or exceeds EPA standards, and provides a tough corrosion resistant finish for longer life
n Double-access lift-off covers
offer 360° access to all internal components
n Bonding/grounding bar
provides positive grounding ßof all components
n Adjustable PVC-coated splice
bars permit flexibility in dressing cable conductors and splices
Telephone splice or equipment closures for up to 2,400 pairs.
UPC1000LOC (LOC refers to Lift-Off Covers) and UPC1248LOC are round-cornered rectangular-design telephone splice or equipment enclosures with lift-off covers, housing up to 1800- or 2400-pair. Internal components include four adjustable PVC-coated splice bars, grounding bar, connector, weather stripping, and two mounting stakes.
The UPC1000LOC and UPC1248LOC enclosures serve as above-ground housings for large PIC or filled cable splices, load coils, and other loop treatment devices. They may also be used to house subscriber carrier units when equipped with accessory brackets.
n Close-cell neoprene
door gasketing provides weatherproof protection for internal components
n Removable base cover permits
easy cable placement
n Pad or stake-mount capability
allows installation flexibility for multiple applications (pad mounting capability only for UPC1248LOC)
UPC124 8LO C
1025100D-UPC1000LOC / 0314
UPC1000LOC & UPC1248LOC Lift-Off Covers
Catalog Number A B C D W
UPC1000LOC 48 -in. 14 -in. 33 -in. 11-3/8 -in. 16-1/2 -in. UPC1248LOC 48 -in. 14 -in. 33 -in. 11-3/8 -in. 23-3/4 -in.
Ordering Information
Catalog Number Part Number Description Splice
UPC1000LOC F604342 Gray-green UPC1000 with lift-off covers 1800 pair UPC1248LOC F604052 Gray-green UPC1248 with lift-off covers 2400 pair
PADMT200300 F605650 Pad-mounting bracket for UPC1248LOC HIACT100 F605610 High activity mounting plate kit for UPC1000LOC HIACT200 F605620 High activity mounting plate kit for UPC1248LOC
Note: Total number of pairs spliced is dependent on the connector and local practices.
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025100D-UPC1000LOC / 0314