UPC Series
Cross-Connect Housings
Key Features
n Rugged metal housing made of
mill-galvanized steel for durability
and low maintenance costs
n Our unique multi-stage paint
process meets or exceeds EPA
standards, and provides a tough
corrosion resistant finish for
longer life
n Double-access hinged doors offer
360° access to all internal
n Removable base cover provides
simplified installation
n Cross-connecting mounting
brackets simplify installation
n Close-cell neoprene door
gasketing provides weatherproof
protection for internal
n Stainless steel door buckle lock
with provision for padlock
ensures security from
unauthorized entry
Telephone cross-connect closures for distribution
and feeder pairs.
UPC1254 is a round-cornered rectangular-design telephone cross-connect enclosure.
Included in this series are R66 Block mounting brackets, bonding and grounding
brackets, weather-stripping, and two mounting stakes.
UPC1254 serves as an above-ground housing for terminating distribution pairs and
feeder pairs through cross-connection. Recommended only for desert-like climate.
Use standard cross connect for all other applications.
n Pad or stake-mount capability
allows installation flexibility for
multiple applications
025300D-UPCXC / 0314

UPC Series Cross-Connect Housings
Catalog Number A B C D W
UPC1254 48-1/4- in. 14-in. 33-1/8-in. 10-1/4-in. 23-in.
Ordering Information
Catalog Number Part Number Description Feeder Distribution
UPC1254 F604290 Gray-green cross-connect housing 600 pair 600 pair
PADMT200300 F605650 Pad-mounting bracket
KITSELFLOK F601900 Replacement door security latch kit
Note: Total number of pairs spliced is dependent on the connector and local practices.
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025300D-UPCXC / 0314