Emerson Unidrive Classic, Unidrive SP Technical Note

Technical Note
efesotomasyon.com - Control Techniques,emerson,saftronics -ac drive-servo motor
CTTN # 149
This Technical Note is pertinent for Unidrive SP and Unidrive Classic
Quick Setup/Checkout Guide
There are many considerations when setting up a drive of which safety during commissioning is of primary concern. One should always have a method of E-Stopping the drive and verify that it works before attempting a drive setup. This guide is intended for the technician who is already familiar with the Unidrive Classic or Unidrive SP and is no substitute for the information provided in the User Guides for these products. It is merely a short form guide outlining very basic initial setup steps toward the goal of verification of a drive and motor combination.
Unidrive Classic Unidrive SP
Enable ( typically 30-31 ) Terminal 22-31 Security #0.00= 149 #0.49= L2 Storing/Saving #0.00= 1000 then RESET ( Stop Button ) Setting Defaults #0.00= 1244 then RESET ( Stop Button ) Mode Change #0.00= 1254 then set #0.48= desired mode then RESET Normal Display #0.10 shows Motor rpm Auto Tune #0.40=1 Rotating #0.40=1 Static non-rotating) #0.40=2 Rotating
( motor will go to 2/3 max speed )
Enable needs toggled to move beyond
( Shaft must be unloaded for rotating Autotune !!! )
Performing an Autotune – Show Me
Main Setup Parameters are in Menu 0
#0.02 Max Hz or RPM #0.03 & 0.04 Accel and Decel rates
#0.05 Basic Control Method ie #0.42 = # of motor poles
#0.43 = power factor ( not Service Factor ! Never 1 or greater !!
If you don’t know it leave at 0.85 #0.44 = rated voltage #0.45 = rated RPM #0.46 = rated AMPS #0.47 = rated Frequency
Pad (or 4 )= Keypad operation
CTTN149 V1.3 Page 1 5/26/2009
efesotomasyon.com - Control Techniques,emerson,saftronics -ac drive-servo motor
Other Resources
Unidrive Classic User Guide
Unidrive Classic Advanced User Guide
Unidrive SP User Guide
Unidrive SP Advanced User Guide
Unidrive Classic to Unidrive SP PreConversion Considerations- see CTAN277 Unidrive Classic Replacement Details- see CTAN278
Other SHOW ME Unidrive SP Video Resources
AC Motor Synchronous Speeds
# Poles 50Hz Motor 60Hz Motor
2 3000 3600 4 1500 1800 6 1000 900 8 750 450
Example: If a motors nameplate indicates that its “rated” speed is 3510 rpm, this would infer that the motor is a 60Hz 2 pole design.
Changing a Parameter Selection Modifying Numeric Values Saving Parameter Changes Saving drive data on SMARTCARD Read drive data from SMARTCARD
Accessing parameters outside menu 0
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