Emerson Ultrasplice 40 Specification Sheet

Ultrasplice 40
Metal Welding
40 kHz Portable Ultrasonic Wire Splicer
The Branson Ultrasplice-40 joins wires quickly and reliably while providing maximum maneuverability. It splices up to 4 #16 AWG or a total of 6mm sq wires in-line, or in a pig tail configuration. Splicing ultrasonically results in a superior electrical connection over crimping, soldering, or resistance welding, and offers savings in power consumption, elimination of consumables, and longer tool life.
The Ultrasplice 40's convenient design enables the operator to feed wires easily into the splicing nest. A gathering mechanism positions wires accurately and catches frayed wires to ensure a high quality weld. Typically, a weld is completed in less than one half second. Since ultrasonics does not generate appreciable heat, wires can be handled immediately after splicing.
The Ultrasplice 40 can be readily used for wire tipping (the solidification of the ends
of strands of wires to keep them from splaying). This process is especially useful to prevent unravelling when wires must be plugged into a connector. The wire is placed into the large nest area and the Ultrasplice 40 is activated to collect the strands and weld them into a precise configuration.
The Ultrasplice 40 is easily mounted into an automated wire preparation machine for total automation of the tipping process. Production rates in the auto­mated mode can be as high as 60 parts per minute. The rugged construction of this system and long tool life makes the Ultrasplice 40 the perfect method for wire tipping.
Tool life usually exceeds 100,000 welds. Electrical power consumption with ultrasonics averages only 1/30 of the amount used by resistance welding, and ultrasonic welding eliminates the need for costly clips, solder, and flux.
Metal Welding
Every Branson product is backed by our technical staff, who provide our customers with training in operation and maintenance.
The Branson Touch Screen controller monitors and displays all ultrasonic metal weld parameters to maintain the highest standards in weld quality. It features an advanced microprocessor the weld cycle through a power feedback signal. The power in watts applied to the weld is integrated over the weld time to determine the total energy applied. This automatically adjusts the weld cycle to produce perfect quality welds, regardless of part variations.
control that monitors
Control limits on the Touch Screen controller can be pre-set for weld time and power. If any weld falls outside the preset limits, a signal alerts the operator
(93 mm)
Ultrasplice 40
Touch Screen Controller
to isolate the suspect assembly. A printer port and RS232 communication port are standard to support SPC and ISO 9000 requirements.
(257 mm)
(125 mm)
Weight Height Width Length Requirements
Ultrasplice 40 2.3 kg
Electrical requirements are 110 Volts or 200-245 Volts AC, fused at 5 amp 50/60 Hz.
Branson Ultrasonics Corporation 41 Eagle Road, Danbury, CT 06813-1961 (203) 796-0400 • Fax: (203) 796-9838 www.bransonultrasonics.com
e-mail: info@bransonultrasonics.com
125 mm 93 mm 257 mm Pneumatically actuated- 80 psig clean, dry air.
Ultrasplice 40 © Branson Ultrasonics Corporation 2011
The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson
Electric Co. Revised and printed in the U.S.A. 10/2011