TankMaster Software
Read this manual before working with the product. For personal and system safety, and for optimum product performance,
ensure you thoroughly understand the contents before installing, using, or maintaining this product.
For equipment service or support needs, contact your local Emerson Automation Solutions/Rosemount Tank Gauging
This manual is based on the functionality of TankMaster version 6.G0.
For older TankMaster versions all functionality described in this manual may not be available and the Graphical User Interface
(GUI) may look different.
Safety messages
Physical access
Unauthorized personnel may potentially cause significant damage to and/or misconfiguration of end users’ equipment. This could
be intentional or unintentional and needs to be protected against.
Physical security is an important part of any security program and fundamental to protecting your system. Restrict physical access
by unauthorized personnel to protect end users’ assets. This is true for all systems used within the facility.

Reference Manual Contents
00809-0400-5110 January 2021
Chapter 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Manual overview..........................................................................................................................5
1.2 Technical documentation............................................................................................................ 6
Chapter 2 Install the Rosemount TankMaster Software.............................................................. 9
2.1 Hardware requirements...............................................................................................................9
2.2 Software requirements.............................................................................................................. 10
2.3 Installation procedure................................................................................................................11
TankMaster 3

Contents Reference Manual
January 2021 00809-0400-5110
4 Reference Manual

Reference Manual Introduction
00809-0400-5110 January 2021
1 Introduction
Rosemount TankMaster is an inventory management software package for tank
monitoring and configuration of tank gauging equipment. It provides powerful and easyto-use tools which allows you to configure protocols, devices, and tanks in real time.
The graphical interface gives you a clear overview of installed devices and tanks. For each
tank you can see it’s associated transmitters.
The Rosemount product portfolio includes a wide range of components for small and large
customized tank gauging systems. The system includes various field devices, such as radar
level gauges, temperature transmitters, and pressure transmitters for complete inventory
control. The TankMaster software suite provides you with the tools that you need to
configure and operate a Rosemount Tank Gauging system.
Related information
Technical documentation
1.1 Manual overview
The Rosemount TankMaster Software Installation Manual provides system requirements
for the Rosemount TankMaster software and instructions for installing the software
package. The manual includes the following sections:
Chapter Introduction provides a short introduction to Rosemount TankMaster.
Chapter Install the Rosemount TankMaster Software provides a guide to system
requirements and how to install the TankMaster software package.
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