DRS12031 DRS23031 DRS27731 DRS34631
System Voltage 120/208, 230/400, 220/380, 277/480, 346/600 VAC
127/220 VAC 240/415 VAC 254/440 VAC
Type of Network TT-TN TT-TN TT-TN TT-TN
Modes of Protection L-N; N-PE L-N; N-PE L-N; N-PE L-N; N-PE
Nominal Voltage Un–120 V Un–230 V Un–277 V Un–346 V
Rated Voltage Uc–150 V Uc–320 V Uc–320 V Uc–420 V
Nominal Discharge 1n–20 kA 1n–20 kA 1n–20 kA 1n–20 kA
Current (8 x 20 µs)
Maximum Imax–40 kA Imax–40 kA Imax–40 kA Imax–40 kA
Discharge Current
Voltage Protection Up–1.2 kV Up–1.6 kV Up—1.6 kV Up–2.0 kV
Response Time TS–25 ns TS–25 ns TS–25 ns TS–25 ns
Relative Humidity 95% 95% 95% 95%
Resistance > 103 MV > 103 MV > 103 MV > 103 MV
Test Standards
EN 61643-11 Type 2
IEC61643- 1:1998-02 Class II
Dimensions (Length x Width x Height) 70.8mm x 90.5mm x 68mm
I/O Connections By Screw Terminal: 4-25 mm
By Connection Bus
MOV Encapsulation Material Epoxy Resin
Disconnection Indicator Mechanical Indicator
Status Monitoring Remote Alarm Terminals
Mounting Symmetrical Rail (EN50022/DIN46277-3)
Operation Temperature Range -40°C to +85°C
Degree of Protection IP 20
Disconnection Device Thermal Cutoff System
Housing Material ABS/PA UL94V0
Performance Technical Specifications
TVSS/Surge Protective Devices (SPDs)
Nominal Voltage # of Metal Oxide Varistor Modules*
(Un) (XXX) (X)
120 0
230 1
240 2
277 3
346 4
# of Gas Tube Modules** Higher Rated Voltage***
(X) (Optional)
How to Specify the Appropriate Model
*MOV modules are typically one module per phase and may be wired L-N, L-G or N-G.
**Gas Tube modules typically used in the N-G mode for type TT grounding systems.
***Certain applications require higher rated components in order to survive frequent
voltage rises, in this case order a unit with a “Q” at the end of the part number.
Replacement modules available: Order DRS + U
+ M (for MOV) or G (for Gas Tube)
■ Effectivel y ha ndles high- energy tran sients
on T T, TN- C, T N-S and TN -C-S three-pha se
power systems
■ SPD rat ed Type 2 in acco rdan ce w ith
EN 61643-11; Clas s I & II in accord ance
wi th I EC 6 1643-1
■ Bui lt-i n th erma l co mponen ts disco nnect
SPD from the powe r so urce to av oid
thermal runaw ay con ditions
■ MOV onl y or MOV +Gas Tube models
availab le
■ Fast res ponse time , hi gh surge cur rent
capability, low vol tage prote cti on l evel s
■ Vis ual insp ect ion wind ow on ea ch module
indicates status
■ 3-p ole term inal provi des remo te s tatus
■ DIN rail mounti ng and plug -in module
design allow fo r ea sy i nstallat ion,
maint enan ce a nd rep lace ment of
su rge elem ent
■ 5 yea r wa rrant y
DRS Series
The DRS is a modular surge protective device (SPD) that is designed for easy
installation in control panels using standard DIN rail mounting brackets. The DRS
devices offer both normal and common surge protection up to 40 kA per phase.
Example: DRS 120 3 1 Q