Emerson Plantweb User Manual

Plantweb™ Optics v1.5
Plantweb™ Optics System Guide
System Guide
MHM-97911, Rev 10
April 2020
2019 by Emerson. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means without the written permission of Emerson.
This manual is provided for informational purposes. EMERSON MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Emerson shall not be liable for errors, omissions, or inconsistencies that may be contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Emerson. The information in this manual is not all-inclusive and cannot cover all unique situations.
The product(s) described in this manual are covered under existing and pending patents.
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System Guide Contents
MHM-97911, Rev 10
April 2020


Chapter 1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 2 Quick start................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Preparing for installation................................................................................................................ 11
2.2 Installing Plantweb Optics.............................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Installing optional services..............................................................................................................12
2.4 Installing Push Model ASIs.............................................................................................................. 12
2.5 Completing post-installation steps.................................................................................................14
Chapter 3 Planning your system...................................................................................................17
3.1 Guidelines for planning your system...............................................................................................17
3.2 System components.......................................................................................................................18
3.3 Deployment scenarios....................................................................................................................19
3.3.1 Scenario 1: Two-server setup deployed on four levels..................................................................19
3.3.2 Scenario 2: Two-server setup deployed on three levels................................................................ 22
3.3.3 Scenario 3: One-server setup deployed on three levels................................................................ 24
3.3.4 Scenario 4: One-server setup deployed on two levels.................................................................. 28
3.4 Database deployment.................................................................................................................... 29
3.5 Internet Information Services (IIS).................................................................................................. 31
3.6 System requirements..................................................................................................................... 31
3.7 System scalability........................................................................................................................... 37
Chapter 4 Plantweb Optics security..............................................................................................39
4.1 Firewall considerations................................................................................................................... 39
4.1.1 Ports............................................................................................................................................39
4.2 SSL/TLS certificates.........................................................................................................................42
4.2.1 System components with certificates..........................................................................................44
4.2.2 Certificate installation checklist...................................................................................................45
4.2.3 Install the Plantweb Optics certificate on clients and servers........................................................47
4.2.4 Export the public key certificate for an ASI station....................................................................... 51
4.2.5 Install an ASI Station certificate on clients and servers................................................................. 55
4.3 Additional security considerations..................................................................................................57
Chapter 5 Pre-installation configurations.....................................................................................59
5.1 Configure AMS Machinery Manager before importing databases ...................................................59
5.2 Configure Plantweb Insight before joining to Plantweb Optics........................................................60
Chapter 6 Server installation procedures......................................................................................63
6.1 Install the Plantweb Optics Historian.............................................................................................. 63
6.2 Install Plantweb Optics Web Services..............................................................................................64
6.3 Acquire licenses..............................................................................................................................67
6.4 Register licenses.............................................................................................................................68
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6.4.1 Manually register an Optics Mobile license when using Azure Mobile Services............................. 69
6.5 View license summary.................................................................................................................... 69
6.6 Install the Connector Service.......................................................................................................... 69
6.7 Install the Proxy.............................................................................................................................. 71
6.8 Configure the Proxy........................................................................................................................73
6.9 Install the Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI.......................................................................................74
6.9.1 Register Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI on Plantweb Optics Server.............................................74
6.9.2 Install the Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI....................................................................................76
6.9.3 Enable secure communication with an Emerson Wireless Gateway............................................. 77
6.10 Install the AMS Asset Monitor ASI................................................................................................. 79
6.10.1 AMS Asset Monitor ASI deployment scenarios........................................................................... 80
6.10.2 Register the AMS Asset Monitor ASI with Plantweb Optics.........................................................81
6.10.3 Install the AMS Asset Monitor Data Collector.............................................................................82
6.10.4 Add an asset source to the AMS Asset Monitor Data Collector................................................... 83
6.11 Install the AMS Device Manager ASI..............................................................................................84
6.11.1 AMS Device Manager ASI deployment scenarios........................................................................85
6.11.2 Register the AMS Device Manager ASI with Plantweb Optics..................................................... 87
6.11.3 Install the AMS Device Manager Data Collector......................................................................... 88
6.11.4 Add an asset source to the AMS Device Manager Data Collector................................................89
6.11.5 Opt-In to Device Parameters..................................................................................................... 90
6.12 Install the DeltaV Control Loop ASI............................................................................................... 93
6.12.1 DeltaV Control Loop ASI deployment scenarios......................................................................... 95
6.12.2 Register the DeltaV Control Loop ASI with Plantweb Optics.......................................................97
6.12.3 Install the DeltaV Control Loop Data Collector...........................................................................97
6.12.4 Add an asset source to the DeltaV Control Loop Data Collector............................................... 100
6.12.5 Change the ControlLoopSvc Windows user password..............................................................101
6.13 Install the KNet ASI..................................................................................................................... 102
6.13.1 KNet ASI deployment scenarios...............................................................................................103
6.13.2 Register the KNet ASI with Plantweb Optics.............................................................................104
6.13.3 Install the KNet Data Collector.................................................................................................105
6.13.4 Add an asset source to the KNet Data Collector.......................................................................106
6.14 Install the Plantweb Insight ASI...................................................................................................107
6.14.1 Register AMS Plantweb Insight ASI on Plantweb Optics Server.................................................108
6.14.2 Install the Plantweb Insight ASI................................................................................................108
6.15 Install the AMS Machinery Manager ASI...................................................................................... 109
6.15.1 Install AMS Machinery Manager ASI components on separate PCs...........................................110
6.15.2 Install AMS Machinery Manager ASI components on a single PC ............................................. 110
6.15.3 Install AMS Machinery Manager ASI web application service....................................................110
6.15.4 Install AMS Machinery Manager ASI IO service......................................................................... 111
6.15.5 Register AMS Machinery Manager ASI on Plantweb Optics Server............................................113
6.16 Install CMMS Interface................................................................................................................114
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6.17 Install the Plantweb Optics OPC UA Server..................................................................................116
6.18 Configure Active Directory for Plantweb Optics..........................................................................117
6.19 Configure Plantweb Optics OIDC settings...................................................................................118
6.20 Install certificates....................................................................................................................... 119
6.20.1 Install certificates on Windows Server 2008 R2........................................................................123
6.20.2 Export a security certificate..................................................................................................... 124
6.20.3 Import a security certificate.....................................................................................................125
6.21 Connect to OPC server................................................................................................................125
6.22 Configure how emails are sent to Plantweb Optics..................................................................... 125
April 2020
Chapter 7 Client installation procedures.....................................................................................129
7.1 Install the AMS Device Manager Launcher.................................................................................... 129
7.2 Install the AMS Machinery Manager Launcher...............................................................................130
Chapter 8 Mobile installation procedures...................................................................................133
8.1 Install the Plantweb Optics Mobile App ........................................................................................133
Chapter 9 Uninstall Plantweb Optics.......................................................................................... 135
Chapter 10 Upgrade from a previous version................................................................................137
10.1 Plantweb Optics upgrade path................................................................................................... 137
10.2 Upgrade Plantweb Optics...........................................................................................................138
10.3 Upgrade AMS Machinery Manager ASI Web Service....................................................................139
10.4 Upgrade AMS Machinery Manager ASI IO Service........................................................................140
10.5 Execute Machinery Manager ASI Registration on Plantweb Optics Server................................... 140
10.6 Upgrade Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI.................................................................................... 141
10.7 Upgrade AMS Device Manager ASI..............................................................................................141
10.8 Upgrade Plantweb Insight ASI.....................................................................................................143
10.9 Upgrade Plantweb Optics OPC UA server....................................................................................143
10.10 Upgrade AMS Device Manager Launcher.................................................................................. 144
Chapter 11 User Manager.............................................................................................................145
11.1 Add a new user........................................................................................................................... 145
11.2 Delete a user.............................................................................................................................. 146
11.3 Change a user name................................................................................................................... 146
11.4 Disable a user account................................................................................................................146
11.5 Lock a user account.................................................................................................................... 147
11.6 Force a user to log out................................................................................................................ 147
11.7 Edit user login information......................................................................................................... 147
11.8 Reset a user password................................................................................................................ 148
11.9 Refresh the users list...................................................................................................................148
11.10 Export the users list to a .csv file............................................................................................... 149
11.11 Assign permissions and locations to a user............................................................................... 149
11.12 Create a user template............................................................................................................. 150
11.13 Apply a user template...............................................................................................................150
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11.14 Delete a user template............................................................................................................. 151
11.15 Display mobile tokens for a user............................................................................................... 151
11.16 Issue a mobile token.................................................................................................................152
11.17 Disable a mobile token............................................................................................................. 152
11.18 Export the mobile tokens list for all users..................................................................................152
11.19 Register licenses.......................................................................................................................153
11.20 Request a license proposal....................................................................................................... 153
11.21 View Guardian information.......................................................................................................154
11.22 Change user settings................................................................................................................154
11.23 Change password settings........................................................................................................155
11.24 Change lockout settings...........................................................................................................155
11.25 Change OIDC settings.............................................................................................................. 156
11.26 Change language settings........................................................................................................ 157
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Chapter 12 Asset Explorer............................................................................................................ 159
12.1 Join an Emerson Wireless Gateway to Plantweb Optics............................................................... 159
12.2 Add locations to your site........................................................................................................... 161
12.3 Add assets to your site................................................................................................................161
12.4 Add asset source locations......................................................................................................... 162
12.5 Bind an asset source location to a device on the network............................................................162
12.6 Unbind an asset source location from a device on the network...................................................163
12.7 Join an AMS Machinery Manager system to Plantweb Optics...................................................... 164
12.8 Import AMS Machinery Manager databases to Plantweb Optics................................................. 164
12.9 Join a Plantweb Insight system to Plantweb Optics..................................................................... 166
12.10 Rebuild the Plantweb Insight hierarchy ....................................................................................166
Chapter 13 Launch Plantweb Optics utilities.................................................................................169
Chapter 14 Asset View................................................................................................................. 171
14.1 Plantweb Optics Mobile App.......................................................................................................172
14.1.1 Claim a mobile token for Plantweb Optics Mobile App on your device..................................... 172
14.1.2 Set up on-premises mobile service.......................................................................................... 173
14.1.3 Switch Plantweb Optics mobile device relay between Microsoft Azure and on-premises
connection.................................................................................................................................... 174
Chapter 15 Event Viewer utility....................................................................................................175
15.1 View events................................................................................................................................176
15.2 Archive events............................................................................................................................176
Chapter 16 Plantweb Optics OPC UA server ................................................................................. 177
16.1 Manage certificates.................................................................................................................... 177
16.2 Connect an OPC UA client...........................................................................................................177
16.3 Security settings on an OPC UA Server........................................................................................178
16.4 Hierarchy filtering.......................................................................................................................179
16.5 OPC tag information and data tree structure ............................................................................. 180
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Chapter 17 CMMS Interface..........................................................................................................183
17.1 Configure CMMS Interface settings............................................................................................ 183
17.2 Map assets to CMMS Interface individually................................................................................. 184
17.3 Map assets to CMMS Interface in bulk.........................................................................................185
17.4 Create CMMS Interface work notifications manually...................................................................185
17.5 Create CMMS Interface work notifications automatically............................................................186
17.6 View CMMS Interface work notifications.....................................................................................187
17.7 Manage undelivered work notifications......................................................................................188
Chapter 18 Plantweb Optics Historian..........................................................................................189
18.1 Plantweb Optics Historian user interface.................................................................................... 189
18.2 Use Latest Values for quick trend charts......................................................................................192
18.3 View asset health using Health Details charts............................................................................. 192
18.4 Enable history collection for multiple assets............................................................................... 192
18.5 Disable history collection for an asset......................................................................................... 193
18.6 Back up trend data..................................................................................................................... 194
Chapter 19 Databases.................................................................................................................. 197
19.1 Back up and restore....................................................................................................................197
19.2 Automatic backup for Tier-1 installations................................................................................... 198
Chapter 20 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................ 199
Appendix A Requirements for separate server (Tier-2) installations...............................................205
A.1 Separate server (Tier-2) installation ............................................................................................. 205
A.2 Set up a separate SQL server for a Tier-2 installation.....................................................................205
A.3 Set up the Plantweb Optics server before a Tier-2 installation.......................................................208
A.4 Tier-2 post-installation setup .......................................................................................................208
A.5 Set up the ASI server before installing the ASI on a Tier-2 system..................................................211
Appendix B Internet Information Services (IIS) Reference..............................................................213
Appendix C Windows services...................................................................................................... 215
Appendix D Device compatibility.................................................................................................. 217
Appendix E Component and system compatibility........................................................................ 219
Appendix F Security compliance................................................................................................... 221
Index .................................................................................................................................. 223
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viii Plantweb™ Optics System Guide
System Guide Introduction
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April 2020

1 Introduction

Plantweb™ Optics
Plantweb Optics is the Emerson software application for managing asset health across the enterprise. Plantweb Optics combines the data from multiple applications into asset­centric information, then delivers persona-based alerts and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for improving the reliability of your rotating equipment, instruments, and valves.
The Plantweb Optics asset performance platform improves reliability and availability by enhancing the visibility to the health of your assets. Experts in your facility are always connected to assets they care about most. Through open protocols, operational data is centralized and contextualized from disparate data sources. The data is delivered to your experts with personalized content and dashboards. Plantweb Optics provides the information you need in a collaborative environment to enhance your workflow and drive corrective actions.
Plantweb Optics supports receiving data from a number of asset sources including AMS Device Manager, AMS Machinery Manager, Emerson WirelessHART gateways, and Plantweb Insight. In addition, Plantweb Optics interfaces with enterprise CMMS systems and data can be read from the system via the OPC UA server.
Configuration and interaction with Plantweb Optics happen through these utilities, which can be launched from a web browser:
Asset Explorer—access and manage assets in your plant.
Asset View—send, receive, and view messages in Plantweb Optics.
You can access the same messages from a mobile device by installing the Plantweb Optics Mobile App.
User Manager—control and monitor access to various areas of Plantweb Optics.
Event Viewer—view system generated events.
About this manual
The Plantweb Optics System Guide is intended for system administrators to help plan, install, and set up the software. Emerson recommends that system administrators reference this document when setting up the Plantweb Optics system.
Installing AMS Machine Works? AMS Machine Works installation information has been removed from the Plantweb Optics System Guide. Please contact Emerson Product Support for details.
Other relevant documents
Plantweb Optics Online Help—provides instructions and reference information for
using Plantweb Optics after installation. This is built into the software and accessed by
clicking in the user toolbar.
Release Notes—contains what is new and notes pertaining to the release.
Plantweb™ Optics System Guide 9
Introduction System Guide
April 2020
MHM-97911, Rev 10
Knowledge Base Articles—documents released to address known issues, frequently
asked questions, history traces, system requirements, how-to information, and application-specific content.
10 Plantweb™ Optics System Guide
System Guide Quick start
MHM-97911, Rev 10
April 2020

2 Quick start

For an optimum system, follow this recommended installation order for a new system.
Some components must be installed, and some are optional depending on the user's needs and licensing.
Emerson recommends that all applications that will be connected to the system should be configured and running before starting your installation.

2.1 Preparing for installation

1. Design and plan your system. See
2. Ensure all of the system requirements are met for the Plantweb Optics server,
Plantweb Optics Asset Source Interface server, and any other required components. See System requirements.
3. Ensure all security requirements have been met. See Plantweb Optics security.
4. Acquire your Plantweb Optics licenses prior to installation. See Acquire licenses.
Planning your system.

2.2 Installing Plantweb Optics

These steps are required for every Plantweb Optics installation.
1. Complete pre-installation steps required before obtaining data from other systems.
See Pre-installation configurations
2. Install Plantweb Optics Historian. Run the Plantweb Optics installer (A48OPTICS-
SYSTEM0.Plantweb_Optics.1.5.X.X) on the Plantweb Optics Server. See Install the
Plantweb Optics Historian.
3. Install Plantweb Optics Web Services by running the Plantweb Optics Installer
(A48OPTICS-SYSTEM0.Plantweb_Optics.1.5.X.X) on the Plantweb Optics Server. See Install Plantweb Optics Web Services.
4. Register your Plantweb Optics License from the Plantweb Optics User Manager
utility. See Register licenses.
5. View License Summary from the User Manager. See View license summary.
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2.3 Installing optional services

Each of the services below are available within Plantweb Optics. Only licensed services should be installed. Licensed components are displayed in the Plantweb Optics User Manager utility under the
Licenses tab.
1. Register and install all licensed push model ASIs. See
quickly get started. Push model ASIs include:
AMS Asset Monitor ASI
AMS Device Manager ASI
DeltaV Control Loop ASI
2. Install the Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI on the ASI server and proceed using the
default settings. See Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI.
3. Install the Plantweb Insight ASI on the ASI server and proceed using the default
settings. See Plantweb Insight ASI.
4. Install the AMS Machinery Manager ASI Web Service on the ASI server. See Install
AMS Machinery Manager ASI web application service.
5. Install the AMS Machinery Manager ASI IO Service on the AMS Machinery
Manager server with default settings. During MMASI IO Services installation, when prompted for MM Admin Password, enter Emerson#1 or the password set by the Administrator. See Install AMS Machinery Manager ASI IO service.
6. Install the
7. Install the Plantweb Optics OPC UA Server by running the Plantweb Optics
installer on the Plantweb Optics Server and selecting Plantweb Optics OPC UA Server. Proceed using the default settings. See Install the Plantweb Optics OPC UA
CMMS Interface on the CMMS Server. See Install CMMS Interface.
Installing Push Model ASIs to

2.4 Installing Push Model ASIs

Push model ASIs consist of a Data Collector, a Connector Service, and an optional Proxy to provide asset source data to Plantweb Optics.
Plantweb Optics is installed and licensed for the ASIs you want to install.
Run registration scripts on Plantweb Optics
1. On the Plantweb Optics server, run the installer for the Data Collector you want to
connect to Plantweb Optics and select the registration option in the installer.
2. In Plantweb Optics, verify the Data Collector folder is listed in the Network tab.
3. Export the Plantweb Optics self-signed security certificate bound to port 443
(configurable default) in IIS: Export a security certificate.
12 Plantweb™ Optics System Guide
System Guide Quick start
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April 2020
Install the Connector Service
4. On the server where the Connector Service will be installed, import the Plantweb
Optics self-signed certificate that was previously exported: Import a security
certificate. After importing a certificate, close any open browsers to ensure that the
certificate is applied to your browsing session.
Ensure that the connection to Plantweb Optics is secure by navigating to https://
<OpticsServerMachineName>/AssetExplorer in your web browser.
If the connection is secure, Asset Explorer will appear – proceed to the next step. If the connection is not secure, a warning will display in your browser – complete the certificate export-import process again.
6. Install the Connector Service.
7. Ensure the Connector Service is running by navigating to https://
<ConnectorServiceMachineName>/ConnectorService in your web browser
on the Connector Service PC. A web page displaying Connector Service indicates the connector service is running.
8. Export the Connector Service self-signed certificate bound to port 443
(configurable default) in IIS: Export a security certificate.
(Optional) Install a Proxy and connect it to a Connector Service
9. On the server where the Proxy will be installed, import the Connector Service self-
signed certificate that was previously exported: Import a security certificate. After importing a certificate, close any open browsers to ensure that the certificate is applied to your browsing session.
10. Ensure that the connection to the Connector Service is secure by navigating to
https://<ConnectorServiceMachineName>/ConnectorService in your
web browser. If the connection is secure, Connector Service will display in the top left corner of the web page – proceed to the next step. If the connection is not secure, a warning will display in your browser – complete the certificate export-import process again.
11. Install the Proxy.
12. Ensure the Proxy is running by navigating to https://<ProxyMachineName>/
Proxy in your web browser.
The Proxy UI will appear, indicating the Proxy is running.
13. Export the Proxy self-signed certificate bound to port 443 (configurable default) in IIS:
Export a security certificate.
(Optional) Install a Proxy and connect it to another Proxy
On the server where the new Proxy will be installed, import the Proxy self-signed certificate that was previously exported: Import a security certificate. After importing a certificate, close any open browsers to ensure that the certificate is applied to your browsing session.
15. Ensure that the connection to the existing Proxy is secure by navigating to
https://<ExistingProxyMachineName>/Proxy in your web browser.
If the connection is secure, the Proxy UI will appear – proceed to the next step. If the connection is not secure, a warning will display in your browser – complete the certificate export-import process again.
16. Install the Proxy.
Plantweb™ Optics System Guide 13
Quick start System Guide
April 2020
17. Ensure the new Proxy is running properly by navigating to https://
<NewProxyMachineName>/Proxy in your web browser.
The Proxy UI will appear, indicating the Proxy is running.
Export the Proxy self-signed certificate bound to port 443 (configurable default) in IIS: Export a security certificate.
19. Configure the new Proxy. You must change the routing table of this Proxy to route incoming requests to point to the next Proxy. In the Proxy user interface, modify the destination route to https://<ProxyDestinationIP>/Proxy/
ConnectorService/API as described in Configure the Proxy.
Install a Data Collector and connect it to a Connector Service
Multiple Data Collectors can connect to a single Connector Service
20. On the server where the Data Collector will be installed, import the Connector Service self-signed certificate that was previously exported:
certificate. After importing a certificate, close any open browsers to ensure that the
certificate is applied to your browsing session.
21. Ensure that the connection to the Connector Service is secure by navigating to
https://<ConnectorServiceMachineName>/ConnectorService in your
web browser. If the connection is secure, Connector Service will display in the top left corner of the web page – proceed to the next step. If the connection is not secure, a warning will display in your browser – complete the certificate export-import process again.
22. Run the Data Collector installer.
Install a Data Collector and connect it to a Proxy
23. On the server where the Data Collector will be installed, import the Proxy self­signed certificate that was previously exported: Import a security certificate importing a certificate, close any open browsers to ensure that the certificate is applied to your browsing session.
24. Ensure that the connection to the Proxy is secure by navigating to https://
<ProxyMachineName>/Proxy in your web browser.
If the connection is secure, the Proxy UI will appear – proceed to the next step. If the connection is not secure, a warning will display in your browser – complete the certificate export-import process again.
25. Run the Data Collector installer. When prompted for the Connector Service IP address or PC name, enter the IP address or PC name of the Proxy.
MHM-97911, Rev 10
Import a security
. After

2.5 Completing post-installation steps

Next, complete some configuration and setup changes before wrapping up your Plantweb Optics installation.
1. Make post-installation configuration changes. These may include: a) Configure Active Directory for Plantweb Optics. See Configure Active
Directory for Plantweb Optics.
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b) Configure Plantweb Optics OIDC settings. See Configure Plantweb Optics
OIDC settings
c) Configure the AMS Device Manager ASI. See Opt-In to Device Parameters.
2. Install certificates. See Install certificates.
3. Launch Asset Explorer and select Add Emerson Wireless Gateway Asset Source
(1420 Wireless Gateway). See Launch Plantweb Optics.
4. Launch Asset Explorer and select Add AMS Machinery Manager ASI Asset Source
to the Plantweb Optics server. See Launch Plantweb Optics.
Launch Asset Explorer and select Add Plantweb Insight Asset Source using IP
Address or Machine Name. See Launch Plantweb Optics.
Run OPC Client (UaExpert) and select Connect to OPC Server. See Connect to OPC
Congratulations, you are now ready to start using Plantweb Optics.
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16 Plantweb™ Optics System Guide
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3 Planning your system

Plantweb Optics is comprised of different components, and each component has its own installation that may be deployed on separate computers. Deployment depends on your network requirements and setup.
Before you install any of the system components, plan your installation using the system requirements, recommended system deployment scenarios, and the guidelines provided in this chapter.
Planning your system
April 2020
After designing and planning your system, return to Step 1 topic and continue your installation.
of the Preparing for installation

3.1 Guidelines for planning your system

1. Determine the data that you want to bring into Plantweb Optics.
Data can be brought in by the installation of asset source interfaces (ASIs). See
2. Evaluate the systems and assets that you want to integrate into Plantweb Optics. a) Check if these systems are compatible with Plantweb Optics. See page 217.
b) Check the number of assets, databases, and parameters in the system. See
page 37.
3. Determine your network setup.
Your network setup affects the deployment of the Plantweb Optics components. See page 19.
4. Determine any network architecture restrictions in your network.
Your network architecture affects whether you can receive messages outside of your plant's network or not. See page 172 and page 39.
5. Determine your database requirements.
The Plantweb Optics database can either reside on the Plantweb Optics server (Tier-1) or on a separate server (Tier-2). See page 29.
6. Check the system requirements and system capacity recommendations. See page
31 and page 37.
7. Check IIS requirements. See page 31.
8. Plan to integrate security certificate installation with software installation. See page
9. Ensure any systems you plan to interface with Plantweb Optics are ready. a) Before interfacing with AMS Machinery Manager databases, see page 59 for
important instructions for the system administrator.
10. Determine if you need to read data from Plantweb Optics using an OPC UA client. There are prerequisites in Asset Explorer before installation. See page 116.
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3.2 System components

Plantweb Optics must be installed on a computer with a server-class operating system. Typically, an ASI installation consists of two parts, installation of the Web Application and the Service. The Web Applications are recommended to be deployed on a separate server referred to as the ASI server station.
Client stations access Plantweb Optics utilities from a web browser. They are optionally installed with AMS Machinery Manager Launcher and AMS Device Manager Launcher.
On a mobile device, the Plantweb Optics Mobile App can be installed to enable users to send and receive alerts from a mobile device.
Plantweb Optics is comprised of many components, described in the table below.
Follow the recommended installation and setup order on page 11.
Table 3-1: System components
Component Description
System GuidePlanning your system
MHM-97911, Rev 10
Plantweb Optics Web Services The main software application.
Plantweb Optics is always installed on the Plantweb Optics server.
Install Plantweb Optics Historian and then Plantweb Optics Web Services before installing and integrating all other system components. This is a prerequisite to all other component installations.
Connector Service Facilitates communication between Plantweb Optics and
Data Collectors.
Proxy Provides secure communication between Data Collectors
and the Connector Service across an arbitrary number of networks.
Data Collector Gathers data, such as parameter values, asset health, and
events, from a configured asset source to provide to Plantweb Optics.
Data Collector ASIs:
AMS Asset Monitor
AMS Device Manager
DeltaV Control Loop
Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Interface
Plantweb Optics Historian Allows you to view the assets' historical data so that you can
18 Plantweb™ Optics System Guide
Allows you to work with other applications, such as IBM's Maximo or SAP's Plant Maintenance Module, to keep track of assets, schedule and track maintenance tasks, and keep records of the maintenance tasks.
analyze trends in the data.
System Guide
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Planning your system
April 2020
Table 3-1: System components
Component Description
Plantweb Optics OPC UA server Allows you to read Plantweb Optics data from an OPC UA
Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI Allows you to connect and display information from an
AMS Machinery Manager ASI Allows you to bring AMS Machinery Manager alerts, data,
Plantweb Insight ASI Allows you to connect and display analytics from Plantweb
AMS Device Manager Launcher Launches AMS Device Manager in context from the Asset
AMS Machinery Manager Launcher Launches AMS Machinery Manager in context from the Asset
Emerson Wireless Gateway and from devices on the gateway.
KPIs, and hierarchy into Plantweb Optics. The AMS Machinery Manager ASI has two components: the
Service and the Web Application (Web App).
Insight assets.
Explorer utility when AMS Device Manager is installed on the computer. AMS Device Manager Launcher must only be installed on an AMS Device Manager client station.
Explorer utility when AMS Machinery Manager is installed on the computer. AMS Machinery Manager Launcher must only be installed on a computer where an AMS Machinery Manager client is installed.
Plantweb Optics Mobile App Allows you to display, send, and receive Plantweb Optics
messages and notifications from your mobile device. Install this on your mobile device.
Emerson recommends installing only the components you are licensed to use.
If you install nonessential components, it will unnecessarily use system resources.

3.3 Deployment scenarios

When determining the type of deployment, equipment, and components for your system, Emerson recommends these guidelines for performance and scalability:
Use recommended hardware.
Use a separate ASI server.
Install only the components you need.
Use server-class operating systems.

3.3.1 Scenario 1: Two-server setup deployed on four levels

Emerson recommends using a two-server setup for best system performance and high system capacity.
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In this deployment, the Plantweb Optics Server is located on Level 4 and the ASI server is located on Level 3. Note that components such as SQL Server 2017 Express, OPC UA Server, NLINK Server, and Plantweb Optics Historian are co-deployed with Plantweb Optics Server. However, these components can be deployed in a separate machine depending on the overall system asset count or load. The system diagram and certificate installation notes are shown below.
Figure 3-1: Scenario 1: Two-server setup deployed on four levels
System GuidePlanning your system
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Table 3-2: Scenario 1: Two-server setup deployed on four levels
Station Component Certificate installation notes
Message Service
Mobile Device – Off Site
Plantweb Optics Server
20 Plantweb™ Optics System Guide
Microsoft Azure off premises
Asset View Mobile Application
Plantweb Optics AMS Machine Works NLINK Server Plantweb Optics Historian OPC UA Server SQL 2017 Express
You can deploy mobile devices either on premises or off-site, but not both.
Plantweb Optics server certificate with private key is automatically generated during software installation.
Plantweb Insight ASI certificate allows communication to Plantweb Insight ASI. Install from a file.
AMS Device Manager ASI certificate allows communication to AMS Device Manager ASI. Install from a file.
AMS Machinery Manager ASI certificate allows communication to AMS Machinery Manager ASI. Install from a file.
Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI certificate allows communication to Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI. Install from a file.
AMS Machine Works certificate allows communication to AMS Machine Works. Install from a file.
System Guide
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April 2020
Table 3-2: Scenario 1: Two-server setup deployed on four levels
Station Component Certificate installation notes
Mobile Device – On Premises
Plantweb Optics ASI Server/ Connector Service
Plantweb Insight
AMS Machinery Manager Server
AMS Machine Works Historian Server
AMS Device Manager Server
6500 Data Import Server (optional)
ATG Interface
Plantweb Optics Asset View Desktop
AMS Machine Works Vibration Analyzer
Mobile Application: Asset View
Connector Service AMS Machinery Manager
ASI Web Application Emerson Wireless
Gateway ASI Plantweb Insight ASI Web
Plantweb Insight None.
AMS Machinery Manager Network Server
AMS Machinery Manager ASI Service(s)
AMS Machine Works Historian
AMS Machine Works Interface Services (Interface Router for ATG and OMHM)
AMS Machine Works Wireless Interface
AMS Device Manager AMS Device Manager
Data Collector
Modbus Data Import Server Online Servers/ATG Service
AMS Machine Works ATG Interface
Plantweb Optics server certificate allows communication to Plantweb Optics. Install from a web browser.
You can deploy mobile devices either on premises or off-site, but not both.
Plantweb Optics server certificate allows communication to Plantweb Optics. Install from a web browser.
AMS Machinery Manager ASI certificate with private key is generated during ASI installation.
Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI certificate with private key is generated during ASI installation.
Plantweb Insight ASI certificate allows communication to Plantweb Insight ASI. Install from a file.
Plantweb Optics server certificate allows communication to Plantweb Optics. Install from a web browser.
AMS Machinery Manager ASI certificate allows communication to AMS Machinery Manager ASI. Install from a file.
None. AMS Machine Works certificate with private key is generated during ASI installation.
Install from a file.
Data Collector certificate with private key is generated during Data Collector installation. No action required.
Connector Service certificate allows communication to Connector Service. Install from a file.
AMS Machine Works certificate allows communication to AMS Machine Works. Install from a file.
The ATG Interface server typically does not require the Plantweb Optics certificate since it does not communicate directly with any aspect of Plantweb Optics. However, if the ATG Machine Works Wireless Interface is on the same server, then it does require the Plantweb Optics certificate.
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Table 3-2: Scenario 1: Two-server setup deployed on four levels
Station Component Certificate installation notes
AMS Device Manager Client(s)
DeltaV Pro+ or Application Station
Proxy Server
None. None.
DeltaV Control Loop Data Collector
Control Performance Statistics Hotifx (Pro+ only)
Data Collector Proxy Connector Service certificate allows communication to Connector Service. Install from a
Data Collector certificate with private key is generated during Data Collector installation. No action required.
Proxy certificate allows communication to the Connector Service. Install from a file.

3.3.2 Scenario 2: Two-server setup deployed on three levels

In this deployment, the Plantweb Optics Server is on network Level 4 and the ASI server is located on network Level 3. Note that components such as SQL Server 2017 Express, OPC UA Server, NLINK Server, and Plantweb Optics Historian are co-deployed with Plantweb Optics Server. However, they can be deployed in a separate machine depending on the overall system asset count or load. The system diagram and certificate installation notes are shown below.
Figure 3-2: Scenario 2: Two-server setup deployed on three levels
22 Plantweb™ Optics System Guide
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MHM-97911, Rev 10
Table 3-3: Scenario 2: Two-server setup deployed on three levels
Station Component Certificate installation notes
Message Service
Mobile Device – Off Site
Microsoft Azure off premises
Asset View Mobile Application
You can deploy mobile devices either on premises or off-site, but not both.
Planning your system
April 2020
Plantweb Optics Server
Mobile Device – On Premises
Plantweb Optics ASI Server/ Connector Service
Plantweb Insight
AMS Machinery Manager Server
AMS Machine Works Historian Server
Plantweb Optics AMS Machine Works NLINK Server Plantweb Optics Historian OPC UA Server SQL 2017 Express
Plantweb Optics Asset View Desktop
AMS Machine Works Vibration Analyzer
Mobile Application: Asset View
AMS Machinery Manager ASI Web Application
Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI
Plantweb Insight ASI Web App
Connector Service
Plantweb Insight None.
AMS Machinery Manager Network Server
AMS Machinery Manager ASI Service(s)
AMS Machine Works Historian
AMS Machine Works Interface Services (Interface Router for ATG and OMHM)
AMS Machine Works Wireless Interface
Plantweb Optics server certificate with private key is automatically generated during software installation.
Plantweb Insight ASI certificate allows communication to Plantweb Insight ASI. Install from a file.
AMS Machinery Manager ASI certificate allows communication to AMS Machinery Manager ASI. Install from a file.
Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI certificate allows communication to Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI. Install from a file.
AMS Machine Works certificate allows communication to AMS Machine Works. Install from a file.
Plantweb Optics server certificate allows communication to Plantweb Optics. Install from a web browser.
Plantweb Optics server certificate allows communication to Plantweb Optics. Install from a web browser.
You can deploy mobile devices either on premises or off-site, but not both.
Plantweb Optics server certificate allows communication to Plantweb Optics. Install from a web browser.
AMS Machinery Manager ASI certificate with private key is generated during ASI installation.
Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI certificate with private key is generated during ASI installation.
Plantweb Insight ASI certificate allows communication to Plantweb Insight ASI. Install from a file.
None. AMS Machinery Manager ASI certificate allows communication to AMS Machinery Manager ASI. Install from a file.
AMS Machine Works certificate with private key is generated during ASI installation. Install from a file.
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Table 3-3: Scenario 2: Two-server setup deployed on three levels
Station Component Certificate installation notes
AMS Device Manager Server
AMS Machinery Manager Secondary Servers (optional)
ATG- Interface
DeltaV Pro+ or Application Station
AMS Device Manager AMS Device Manager
Data Collector DeltaV App Station
Modbus Data Import Server Online Servers/ATG Service
Database Servers
AMS Machine Works ATG Interface
DeltaV Control Loop Data Collector
Control Performance Statistics Hotifx (Pro+ only)
Data Collector certificate with private key is generated during Data Collector installation. No action required.
Connector Service certificate allows communication to Connector Service. Install from a file.
AMS Machine Works certificate allows communication to AMS Machine Works. Install from a file.
The ATG Interface server does not require the Plantweb Optics certificate since it does not communicate directly with any aspect of Plantweb Optics. However, there is one exception to this. If the ATG Machine Works Wireless Interface is on the same server, then it does require the Plantweb Optics certificate.
Data Collector certificate with private key is generated during Data Collector installation. No action required.
Connector Service certificate allows communication to the Connector Service. Install from a file.

3.3.3 Scenario 3: One-server setup deployed on three levels

In this deployment, Plantweb Optics and one or more ASIs are installed on one server on Level 3. When using only one server, ensure it has a server-class operating system and the recommended hardware specified in the system requirements. The system diagram and certificate installation notes are shown below.
24 Plantweb™ Optics System Guide
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Figure 3-3: Scenario 3: One-server setup deployed on three levels
Planning your system
April 2020
Table 3-4: Scenario 3: One-server setup deployed on three levels
Station Component Certificate installation notes
Message Service
Mobile Device – Off Site
Mobile Device – On Premises
Microsoft Azure off premises
Asset View Mobile Application
Plantweb Optics Asset View Desktop
AMS Machine Works CMMS GUI OPC UA Client(s)
Mobile Application: Asset View
You can deploy mobile devices either on premises or off-site, but not both.
Plantweb Optics server certificate allows communication to Plantweb Optics. Install from a web browser.
You can deploy mobile devices either on premises or off-site, but not both.
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System GuidePlanning your system
MHM-97911, Rev 10
Table 3-4: Scenario 3: One-server setup deployed on three levels
Station Component Certificate installation notes
Plantweb Optics Server
Plantweb Insight
AMS Machinery Manager Server
AMS Machine Works Historian Server
AMS Device Manager Server
AMS Machinery Manager Secondary (optional)
ATG Interface
Plantweb Optics AMS Machine Works AMS Machinery Manager
ASI Web Application Emerson Wireless
Gateway ASI Plantweb Insight ASI Web
App NLINK Server Inmation Historian Server OPC UA Server SQL 2017 Express Connector Service
Plantweb Insight Server None.
AMS Machinery Manager Network Server
AMS Machinery Manager ASI Service(s)
AMS Machine Works Historian
AMS Machine Works Interface Services (IOD Router for ATG and OMHM)
AMS Machine Works Wireless Interface
Plantweb Optics Asset View Desktop
AMS Machine Works CMMS GUI OPC UA Client(s)
AMS Device Manager Server
AMS Device Manager Data Collector
Modbus Data Import Server Online Servers/ATG Service
Database Servers
AMS Machine Works ATG Interface
Plantweb Optics server certificate with private key is automatically generated during software installation.
AMS Machinery Manager ASI certificate allows communication to AMS Machinery Manager ASI. Install from a file.
Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI certificate allows communication to Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI. Install from a file.
Plantweb Insight ASI certificate allows communication to Plantweb Insight ASI. Install from a file.
AMS Machinery Manager ASI certificate allows communication to AMS Machinery Manager ASI. Install from a file.
AMS Machine Works certificate with private key is generated during ASI installation. Install from a file.
Plantweb Optics server certificate allows communication to Plantweb Optics. Install from a web browser.
Data Collector certificate with private key is generated during Data Collector installation. No action required.
Connector Service certificate allows communication to the Connector Service. Install from a file.
AMS Machine Works certificate allows communication to AMS Machine Works. Install from a file.
The ATG Interface server does not require the Plantweb Optics certificate because it does not communicate directly with any aspect of Plantweb Optics. However, there is one exception to this. If the ATG Machine Works Wireless Interface is on the same server, then it does require the Plantweb Optics certificate.
26 Plantweb™ Optics System Guide
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Planning your system
April 2020
Table 3-4: Scenario 3: One-server setup deployed on three levels
Station Component Certificate installation notes
DeltaV Pro+ or Application Station
DeltaV Control Loop Data Collector
Control Performance Statistics Hotifx (Pro+ only)
Data Collector certificate with private key is generated during Data Collector installation. No action required.
Connector Service certificate allows communication to the Connector Service. Install from a file.
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MHM-97911, Rev 10

3.3.4 Scenario 4: One-server setup deployed on two levels

In this deployment, the Plantweb Optics server is installed on network Level 3 and one or more ASIs are installed on network Level 2. When using only one server, ensure it has a server-class operating system and the recommended hardware specified in the system requirements. The system diagram and certificate installation notes are shown below.
Figure 3-4: Scenario 4: One-server setup deployed on two levels
Table 3-5: Scenario 4: One-server setup deployed on two levels
Station Component Certificate installation notes
Message Service
Mobile Device – Off Site
Mobile Device – On Premises
28 Plantweb™ Optics System Guide
Microsoft Azure off premises
Asset View Mobile Application
Plantweb Optics Asset View Desktop
Mobile Application: Asset View
You can deploy mobile devices either on premises or off-site, but not both.
Plantweb Optics server certificate allows communication to Plantweb Optics. Install from a web browser.
Plantweb Optics server certificate allows communication to Plantweb Optics. Install from a web browser.
You can deploy mobile devices either on premises or off-site, but not both.
System Guide
MHM-97911, Rev 10
Planning your system
April 2020
Table 3-5: Scenario 4: One-server setup deployed on two levels
Station Component Certificate installation notes
Plantweb Optics Server
Plantweb Insight
AMS Device Manager Server
AMS Machinery Manager Server
AMS Machine Works Historian Server
DeltaV Pro+ or Application Station
Plantweb Optics AMS Machine Works AMS Machinery Manager
ASI Web Application Emerson Wireless
Gateway ASI Plantweb Insight ASI Web
App NLINK Server Inmation Historian Server OPC UA Server SQL 2017 Express Connector Service
Plantweb Insight Plantweb Optics server certificate allows communication to Plantweb Optics. Install from
AMS Device Manager Server
AMS Device Manager Data Collector
AMS Machinery Manager Network Server
AMS Machinery Manager ASI Service(s)
AMS Machine Works Historian
AMS Machine Works Interface Services
AMS Machine Works Wireless Interface
AMS ATG-interface
Plantweb Optics Asset View Desktop
AMS Machine Works CMMS GUI OPC UA Client(s)
DeltaV Control Loop Data Collector
Control Performance Statistics Hotifx
Plantweb Optics server certificate with private key is automatically generated during software installation.
AMS Device Manager ASI certificate allows communication to AMS Device Manager ASI. Install from a file.
AMS Machinery Manager ASI certificate allows communication to AMS Machinery Manager ASI. Install from a file.
Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI certificate allows communication to Emerson Wireless Gateway ASI. Install from a file.
Plantweb Insight ASI certificate allows communication to Plantweb Insight ASI. Install from a file.
a web browser. Plantweb Insight ASI certificate allows communication to Plantweb Insight ASI. Install
from a file.
Data Collector certificate with private key is generated during Data Collector installation. No action required.
Connector Service certificate allows communication to the Connector Service. Install from a file.
Plantweb Optics server certificate allows communication to Plantweb Optics. Install from a web browser.
AMS Machinery Manager ASI certificate allows communication to AMS Machinery Manager ASI. Install from a file.
Plantweb Optics server certificate allows communication to Plantweb Optics. Install from a web browser.
AMS Machine Works certificate with private key is generated during ASI installation. Install from a file.
Plantweb Optics server certificate allows communication to Plantweb Optics. Install from a web browser.
Data Collector certificate with private key is generated during Data Collector installation. No action required.
Connector Service certificate allows communication to the Connector Service. Install from a file.

3.4 Database deployment

During installation, the system databases are configured and the user performing the installation is set up as the SQL database administrator.
By default, the user installing the software is set up as the SQL administrator for the EmersonCSI instance. As a best practice, immediately after installation, work with your IT
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department to add a second SQL administrator for the EmersonCSI instance. If there is only one administrator, and their Windows account becomes deactivated, it will not be possible to perform maintenance or make changes to the database instance.
The two database installation choices are described in the sections below.
Tier-1 installation
In a Tier 1 installation, the databases are deployed on the same server as the software and Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express is automatically during installation. Tier-1 is the default configuration and represents the typical network server system. Automatic backup processing is available for this installation. See page 198 for more information.
Check Windows Programs and Features to verify that Microsoft SQL Server is not
currently installed. During default installation, Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express is automatically installed and configured for Plantweb Optics.
There is a 10 GB database limit on Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express. Consider this limitation when deciding your database setup.
The EmersonCSI named instance is automatically created with the Plantweb Optics
installation when there is no existing Microsoft SQL Server installation.
If Microsoft SQL Server is currently installed, create the EmersonCSI named instance
before beginning the Plantweb Optics installation. The user installing Plantweb Optics should be a system administrator for the EmersonCSI named instance.
The EmersonCSI named instance needs to be set up for mixed authentication—
Windows and SQL accounts.
If you are manually installing SQL Server 2017 Express, make sure the account running
the SQL Server setup has rights to back up files and directories, rights to manage auditing and security log, and rights to debug programs. See Troubleshooting.
Tier-2 installation
In a Tier 2 installation, the databases are deployed on a separate server where Microsoft SQL Server 2017 is already installed. A Tier-2 installation requires specific server configuration and database management by a database administrator. Automatic backup processing is not available for this installation; the database, including backups, should be managed by a database administrator. See page 205 for more information.
The database must be Microsoft SQL Server 2017.
Create the EmersonCSI named instance before beginning the Plantweb Optics
installation. The user installing Plantweb Optics should be a system administrator for the EmersonCSI named instance.
The EmersonCSI named instance needs to be set up for mixed authentication—
Windows and SQL accounts.
Enable TCP/IP protocol for EmersonCSI SQL Server Network Configuration.
Ensure the SQL Browser service is running and set it to auto-start.
30 Plantweb™ Optics System Guide
+ 196 hidden pages