NetXtend™ JuiceBox® Series
Automatic Transfer Switch for Indoor and Outdoor Applications
Key Features
n Integrated design minimizes
“footprint,” maximizes system
performance and reduces
installation time
n Easy access design simplifies
upgrades or replacement
n Main disconnect switch for utility
and optional generator sources
allows easy serviceability
n Integrated ASCO
transfer switch
n Standard engine exerciser for
weekly automatic testing of engine
generator set with or without load
n Powder coat paint finish provides a
tough corrosion-resistant finish for
longer life
n UL Listed
300 Series
The NetXtend
JuiceBox® Series ATS provides a safe
and reliable means to transfer power to the permanent
generator in the event of an outage.
The Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) complements the NetXtend™ JuiceBox® Series of
integrated enclosures from Emerson Network Power, with indoor and outdoor options.
The indoor solution is ideal for shelters and huts in the wireless industry, while the outdoor solution is designed to accompany an existing manual transfer switch or stand
alone in any copper, fiber or wireless application.
Indoor Solution
The indoor ATS option is an integral part of NetXtend
solution offers AC distribution, surge protection and ATS capabilities, featuring the lowest possible clamp voltage to peak current performance characteristics available in the
market today. Instead of dispersing ATS equipment throughout the shelter or cell site,
the slim design of the NetXtend™ JuiceBox
transfer device and related equipment into a single enclosure.
The indoor solution also utilizes Silicon Avalanche Diode (SAD) or metal oxide varistor
(MOV) technology, providing state-of-the-art protection at the branch service entrance.
A combination of SAD/MOV technology is also an option.
Outdoor Solution
The outdoor ATS is designed to complement an existing manual transfer switch. This
solution can be mounted back-to-back or side-by-side with the NetXtend
PESB Series from Emerson, or it can be remotely mounted with any manual transfer
switch on site.
PDC Series consolidates load center, TVSS,
JuiceBox® PDC enclosures. The
Indoor Solution Outdoor Solution Outdoor Solution Mounted
Side-by-Side with PESB Series
Manual Transfer Switch
1128500D-ATS / 0313

NetXtend™ JuiceBox® Series
Automatic Transfer Switch for Indoor and Outdoor Applications
System Elements
Utility Main Breaker
ASCO 300 Series ATS
TVSS Modules*
Load Center
ASCO ATS Control
ATS Digital Controller
Programmable Engine Exerciser
ATS Position Contacts*
240VAC Voltage Monitoring Relays*
Isolated Ground Bar
Ground Bar
Indoor Solution Outdoor Solution
Technical Specifications
Indoor Solution
AC Cabinet Dimensions (H x W x D) 68.0" x 25.5" x 6.0"
Weight (approx.) 110 lbs. (50 kg)
Cabinet Enclosure Type NEMA 1 rated
Amperage 200A utility/standby
Voltage 120/240 VAC single phase
Safety Compliance UL 67 panel boards
For more information regarding the ATS indoor model, see the NetXtend™ JuiceBox®
PDC Series web page.
Outdoor Solution
Cabinet Dimensions (H x W x D) 43.2" x 21.4" x 9.0"
Weight 90 lbs (40.8 kg)
Cabinet Enclosure Type Type 3R
Voltage 120/240 VAC single phase
Safety Compliance UL891
For more information regarding the ATS outdoor model, refer to the NetXtend™
Series web page.
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© Emerson Network Power Energy Systems North America 2013.
Business-Critical Continuity™, Emerson Network Power™, the Emer son Net work Power l ogo, Emer son® and Consi der it Solv ed are ser vice mark s and
tradem arks of Eme rson Elec tric Co. En ergyMas ter
Netw ork Power En ergy Syste ms North A merica. A ny other pro duct, br and, or compa ny names or lo gos are the pr opert y of the resp ective o wner.
, eSure™, NetPerform™, NetReach™, NetSpan™, NetSu re™ and NetXtend™ are trad emarks of E merson
Indoor Surge Protection Specs Primary Secondary
Nominal Clamp Voltage 232 Vpk 272 Vpk
Response Time < 5 ns < 20 ns
Peak Pulse Energy Up to 800 Joules > 1920 Joules
Peak Pulse Current (8x20µs) Up to 20 kA 200 kA
Primary and Secondary
Visual Indication LEDs
Remote Indication Hardwired (form C dry contacts)
Safety Compliance UL 1449 recognized
Protection Overcurrent & overvoltage (thermal)
Ordering Information
Catalog Number Part Number Description
PDCB2KB24UG F1008990 200A indoor ATS, 42 position,
PDCBBKB24US F1008958 200A indoor ATS, 42 position,
A100C F1007034 100A outdoor ATS, stand alone module
A200C F1007035 200A outdoor ATS, stand alone module
ATS XI F1007484 Bottom for ATS when wall mounting
ATSTEMP F1007036 Pad mounting template for outdoor ATS
* Not available for outdoor ATS
SAD/MOV surge protection
MOV only surge protection, isolated ground
(remote mount)
(remote mount)
While ev ery prec aution has b een taken to e nsure accur acy and
completeness herein, Emerson Electric Co. assumes no responsibility,
and disc laims all liab ility, for da mages resul ting from u se of this
information or for any errors or omissions. Specifications subject to
change without notice.
2 128500D-ATS / 0313