Mounting Posts
Outside Plant for
Business-Critical Continuity
The mobile home post (MHP) is a heavy-gauge three position U-shaped channel post on
which a 3.5 x 20.0-inch adjustable multi-position mounting plate is attached. The mounting plate provides universal mounting slots that will accept a variety of Network Interface
Devices and station protectors. The elongated oval service wire holes help eliminate any
sharp bending of service wires as they exit from behind the mounting plate to the protector unit. The slots provided in the channel posts are used for cable ties to help secure
service wires inside the U-shaped channel.
The PMP posts are designed for mounting one or two-pair station protection. The posts
are manufactured of heavy gauge mill-galvanized steel, treated with a unique gray-green
finishing process for longer life.
Mobile Home Post
Protector Mounting Post
The MHP is designed for mounting one or more Network Interface Device or station protector in mobile home parks or anywhere a mobile home trailer is used and buried service
wires are used to provide telephone or CATV service. This design replaces our two current
mounting posts.
Ordering Information
MHP F602202 Multi-position mobile home post, adjustable to 36.5", 42.5" and 48.5"
MHP36 F602190 36" fixed position mobile home post
MHP48 F602200 48" fixed position mobile home post
PMP38 F604370 Protector mounting post, 38", 3" x 5-1/2" mounting plate
PMP50 F604380 Protector mounting post, 50", 3" x 5-1/2" mounting plate
Note: MHP will mount one and two pair station protectors and the following network interface devices
(NIDs): Keptel Series SNI 1100/1200. 2100/2200, 4300, 4600, 4600xl - Seicor Series SNI CAC900, 7600,
9600, MLP600, NI2006, ONI200 - Joslyn Series 7005, 7032, 7090 - TII Series 3610H, 3710H
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