Emerson MicroCEM User Manual

Instruction Manual
748467-A January 2002
Model MicroCEM
Continuous Emissions Monitor


Rosemount Analytical designs, manufactures and tests its products to meet many national and international standards. Because these instruments are sophisticated technical products, you MUST properly install, use, and maintain them to ensure they continue to operate within their normal specifications. The following instructions MUST be adhered to and integrated into your safety program when installing, using, and maintaining Rosemount Analytical products. Failure to follow the proper instructions may cause any one of the following situations to occur: Loss of life; personal injury; property damage; damage to this instrument; and warranty invalidation.
Read all instructions prior to installing, operating, and servicing the product.
If you do not understand any of the instructions, contact your Rosemount Analytical repre-
sentative for clarification.
Follow all warnings, cautions, and instructions marked on and supplied with the product.
Inform and educate your personnel in the proper installation, operation, and maintenance of the
Install your equipment as specified in the Installation Instructions of the appropriate Instruction
Manual and per applicable local and national codes. Connect all products to the proper electri­cal and pressure sources.
To ensure proper performance, use qualified personnel to install, operate, update, program,
and maintain the product.
When replacement parts are required, ensure that qualified people use replacement parts speci-
fied by Rosemount. Unauthorized parts and procedures can affect the product’s performance, place the safe operation of your process at risk, and VOID YOUR WARRANTY. Look-alike substitutions may result in fire, electrical hazards, or improper operation.
Ensure that all equipment doors are closed and protective covers are in place, except
when maintenance is being performed by qualified persons, to prevent electrical shock and personal injury.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Logos, trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
Emerson Process Management
Rosemount Analytical Inc. Process Analytic Division
1201 North Main Street Orrville, Ohio 44667-09012 T (330) 682-9010 F (330) 684-4434 e-mail: gas.csc@EmersonProcess.com
Model MicroCEM
Definitions ...........................................................................................................................................P-1
Intended Use Statement.....................................................................................................................P-2
Safety Summary .................................................................................................................................P-2
General Precautions For Handling And Storing High Pressure Gas Cylinders .................................P-5
Compliances .......................................................................................................................................P-6
1-0 DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS..............................................................................1-1
1-1 Overview................................................................................................................................1-1
1-2 Typical Applications...............................................................................................................1-1
1-3 Theory Of Operation..............................................................................................................1-1
a. Chemiluminescense NOX................................................................................................1-1
b. Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) CO ...............................................................................1-1
c. Paramagnetic O2.............................................................................................................1-2
1-4 Detector Methodologies.........................................................................................................1-2
a. Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR)......................................................................................1-2
b. Paramagnetic Oxygen Method .......................................................................................1-6
c. Electrochemical Oxygen Method ....................................................................................1-7
1-5 Central Processing Unit.........................................................................................................1-9
a. Embedded Enhanced Bios .............................................................................................1-9
b. Specifications ..................................................................................................................1-9
1-6 Analog/Digital I/O Board ........................................................................................................1-10
a. Automatic Calibration......................................................................................................1-10
b. Analog Inputs ..................................................................................................................1-10
c. Programmable Input Ranges ..........................................................................................1-11
d. Enhanced Trigger and Sampling Control Signals...........................................................1-11
e. Analog Outputs ...............................................................................................................1-11
f. FIFO and 16-Bit Bus Interface ........................................................................................1-11
g. Specifications ..................................................................................................................1-13
1-7 PCMCIA Adapter ...................................................................................................................1-14
a. Features ..........................................................................................................................1-14
b. Software ..........................................................................................................................1-14
1-8 Modem...................................................................................................................................1-15
a. Features ..........................................................................................................................1-15
1-9 Flash Drive.............................................................................................................................1-16
a. Specifications ..................................................................................................................1-16
1-10 Pocket PC..............................................................................................................................1-18
a. Specifications ..................................................................................................................1-18
1-11 Wireless LAN Adapter ...........................................................................................................1-19
a. Specifications ..................................................................................................................1-19
1-12 500 Watts Power Supply .......................................................................................................1-20
a. Features ..........................................................................................................................1-20
1-13 MicroCEM Specifications.......................................................................................................1-21
a. Analyzer ..........................................................................................................................1-21
b. Probe/Sample Handling ..................................................................................................1-22
Instruction Manual
January 2002


Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Contents i
Instruction Manual
748467-A January 2002
2-0 INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................................2-1
2-1 Overview................................................................................................................................2-1
a. Limitations .......................................................................................................................2-1
b. Mounting Options ............................................................................................................2-1
2-2 Location .................................................................................................................................2-1
2-3 Gases ....................................................................................................................................2-3
a. Connection ......................................................................................................................2-3
b. Conditioning ....................................................................................................................2-3
2-4 Electrical Connections ...........................................................................................................2-6
a. AC Power ........................................................................................................................2-8
b. Circular Connector Assembly Instructions......................................................................2-8
c. Interface Connections .....................................................................................................2-11
2-5 Analytical Leak Check ...........................................................................................................2-14
a. Flow Indicator Method.....................................................................................................2-14
b. Manometer Method.........................................................................................................2-15
3-0 OPERATION .........................................................................................................................3-1
3-1 Startup Procedure .................................................................................................................3-1
3-2 Pocket PC User Interface ......................................................................................................3-1
a. Connecting Pocket PC to MicroCEM ..............................................................................3-1
b. Main Display....................................................................................................................3-3
c. MicroCEM Menu .............................................................................................................3-4
d. MicroCEM Alarms ...........................................................................................................3-4
e. MicroCEM Login..............................................................................................................3-6
f. MicroCEM Login-Current User Indication .......................................................................3-6
3-3 MicroCEM Settings................................................................................................................3-7
a. Range..............................................................................................................................3-7
b. Auto Calibration...............................................................................................................3-8
c. Auto Calibration Time and Frequency ............................................................................3-8
d. Manual Calibration ..........................................................................................................3-9
e. Limits...............................................................................................................................3-10
f. Calibration Gas ...............................................................................................................3-10
g. Maintenance Mode .........................................................................................................3-11
3-4 MicroCEM Factory Settings...................................................................................................3-12
a. PID Control Loop Factory Settings .................................................................................3-15
3-5 MicroCEM Administration ......................................................................................................3-17
a. User Settings...................................................................................................................3-17
b. Auto Logoff......................................................................................................................3-17
3-6 MicroCEM Data Logs ............................................................................................................3-18
a. Maximum Log File Size...................................................................................................3-18
b. Maximum Number of Log Files .......................................................................................3-18
c. Log File Name Format ....................................................................................................3-18
d. Measurement Log File Format........................................................................................3-18
e. Calibration Log File Format.............................................................................................3-19
f. Alarm Log File Format ....................................................................................................3-20
3-7 View Data Logs .....................................................................................................................3-21
3-8 Viewing MicroCEM Data with a Web Browser ......................................................................3-23
a. Real-Time Page ..............................................................................................................3-23
b. Emissions Page ..............................................................................................................3-24
c. Download Page ...............................................................................................................3-26
3-9 Viewing MicroCEM Data with MS Excel................................................................................3-27
3-10 Auto Calibration .....................................................................................................................3-28
Model MicroCEM
ii Contents Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
Model MicroCEM
4-0 SOFTWARE ..........................................................................................................................4-1
4-1 Overview................................................................................................................................4-1
4-2 MicroCEM User Interface Software .......................................................................................4-1
4-3 MicroCEM Web Server Software ..........................................................................................4-1
4-4 Software Development Management ....................................................................................4-2
5-0 MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE ..........................................................................................5-1
5-1 Overview................................................................................................................................5-1
5-2 Converter ...............................................................................................................................5-3
5-3 Ozone Generator...................................................................................................................5-4
5-4 Personality Modules ..............................................................................................................5-4
5-5 Chemiluminescense Detector Assembly...............................................................................5-5
a. Reaction Chamber ..........................................................................................................5-5
b. Photodiode ......................................................................................................................5-5
6-0 TROUBLESHOOTING ..........................................................................................................6-1
6-1 Troubleshooting Leaks ..........................................................................................................6-1
6-2 Pocket PC Connection Failure ..............................................................................................6-1
6-3 Trouble LED ..........................................................................................................................6-1
Instruction Manual
January 2002
7-0 REPLACEMENT PARTS ......................................................................................................7-1
8-0 RETURN OF MATERIAL ......................................................................................................8-1
8-1 Return Of Material .................................................................................................................8-1
8-2 Customer Service ..................................................................................................................8-1
8-3 Training..................................................................................................................................8-1
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Contents iii
Instruction Manual
748467-A January 2002
Figure 1-1. Absorption Bands of Sample Gas and Transmittance of Interference Filters ....... 1-3
Figure 1-2. Opto-Pneumatic Gas Detector............................................................................... 1-4
Figure 1-3. Overall NDIR Method............................................................................................. 1-5
Figure 1-4. Paramagnetic Oxygen Analysis............................................................................. 1-6
Figure 1-5. Reaction of Galvanic Cell ...................................................................................... 1-7
Figure 1-6. Electrochemical Oxygen Sensor............................................................................ 1-8
Figure 1-7. CPU ....................................................................................................................... 1-9
Figure 1-8. ADIO Board.......................................................................................................... 1-10
Figure 1-9. ADIO Block Diagram............................................................................................ 1-12
Figure 1-10. PCMCIA Interface................................................................................................ 1-14
Figure 1-11. Modem................................................................................................................. 1-15
Figure 1-12. 128MB Flash Drive .............................................................................................. 1-16
Figure 1-13. Pocket PC............................................................................................................ 1-18
Figure 1-14. Wireless LAN adapter.......................................................................................... 1-19
Figure 1-15. 500 Watts Power Supply ..................................................................................... 1-20
Figure 2-1. MicroCEM Outline and Mounting Dimensions....................................................... 2-2
Figure 2-2. MicroCEM Gas Connections ................................................................................. 2-4
Figure 2-3. MicroCEM Flow Diagram....................................................................................... 2-4
Figure 2-4. MicroCEM Installation and Test Setup Configuration............................................ 2-5
Figure 2-5. MicroCEM Electrical Connections ......................................................................... 2-6
Figure 2-6. MicroCEM Wiring Diagram .................................................................................... 2-7
Figure 2-7. Leak Test Flow Method ....................................................................................... 2-14
Figure 2-8. Leak Test Manometer Method............................................................................. 2-15
Figure 3-1. Pocket PC .............................................................................................................. 3-1
Figure 3-2. MicroCEM Front Panel .......................................................................................... 3-2
Figure 3-3. MicroCEM Pocket PC Display (Main Display Shown) ........................................... 3-3
Figure 3-4. MicroCEM Menu .................................................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-5. Pocket PC Alarms Screen ..................................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-6. MicroCEM Login .................................................................................................... 3-6
Figure 3-7. Current User Indication.......................................................................................... 3-6
Figure 3-8. Range Settings ...................................................................................................... 3-7
Figure 3-9. Auto Calibration Settings ....................................................................................... 3-8
Figure 3-10. Auto Calibration Time and Frequency ................................................................... 3-8
Figure 3-11. Manual Calibration................................................................................................. 3-9
Figure 3-12. Manual Calibration Results.................................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-13. Limit Settings ....................................................................................................... 3-10
Figure 3-14. Calibration Gas Settings...................................................................................... 3-10
Figure 3-15. Maintenance Mode Settings ................................................................................ 3-11
Figure 3-16. User Settings .......................................................................................................3-17
Figure 3-17. Auto Logoff........................................................................................................... 3-17
Figure 3-18. View Data Logs.................................................................................................... 3-21
Figure 3-19. View Data Logs Table.......................................................................................... 3-22
Figure 3-20. Real-Time Web Page .......................................................................................... 3-23
Figure 3-21. Emissions Selection............................................................................................. 3-24
Figure 3-22. Emissions Table .................................................................................................. 3-24
Figure 3-23. Calibration Table.................................................................................................. 3-25
Figure 3-24. Download Web Page ........................................................................................... 3-26
Figure 3-25. New Web Query .................................................................................................. 3-27
Figure 3-26. Auto Calibration ................................................................................................... 3-28
Figure 4-1. MicroCEM Software Block Diagram ...................................................................... 4-1
Figure 5-1. MicroCEM Component Location............................................................................ 5-2
Model MicroCEM


iv Contents Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
Model MicroCEM
Figure 5-2. Converter Assembly .............................................................................................. 5-3
Figure 5-3. Personality Modules and Backplane. .................................................................... 5-4
Figure 5-4. Chemiluminescense Detector Assembly ............................................................... 5-6
Figure 5-5. Chemiluminescense Detector Assembly – Exploded View ................................... 5-7
Table 2-1. Interface Connections.......................................................................................... 2-11
Table 2-2. AC Power Connection Terminal Assignments..................................................... 2-11
Table 2-3. Analog Output Terminal Assignments ................................................................. 2-11
Table 2-4. Digital Output Terminal Assignments .................................................................. 2-12
Table 2-5. RS-232 Interface Terminal Assignments............................................................. 2-13
Table 2-6. RS-485 Terminal Assignments............................................................................ 2-13
Table 2-7. LAN Interface Terminal Assignments .................................................................. 2-13
Table 2-8. Phone Line (Modem) Terminal Assignments ...................................................... 2-13
Table 2-9. Antenna (Peltier Power) Connection Terminal Assignments .............................. 2-14
Table 3-1. Status Values.........................................................................................................3-3
Table 3-2. Alarm Summary ..................................................................................................... 3-5
Table 3-3. Factory Settings – Calibration.............................................................................. 3-13
Table 3-4. Factory Settings - General................................................................................... 3-14
Table 3-5. PID Settings – Section Names ............................................................................ 3-15
Table 3-6. PID Settings – Sections Descriptions .................................................................. 3-16
Table 3-7. Measurement Log File Format............................................................................. 3-18
Table 3-8. Calibration Log File Format ................................................................................. 3-19
Table 3-9. Alarm Log File Format ......................................................................................... 3-20
Table 3-10. Average Period Selection .................................................................................... 3-21
Instruction Manual
January 2002


Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Contents v
Instruction Manual
748467-A January 2002
Model MicroCEM
vi Contents Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
Instruction Manual
Model MicroCEM


The purpose of this manual is to provide information concerning the components, functions, in­stallation and maintenance of the MicroCEM.
Some sections may describe equipment not used in your configuration. The user should become thoroughly familiar with the operation of this module before operating it. Read this instruction manual completely.


The following definitions apply to DANGERS, WARNINGS, CAUTIONS and NOTES found throughout this publication.
Highlights the presence of a hazard which will cause severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if the warning is ignored.
January 2002
Highlights an operation or maintenance procedure, practice, condition, statement, etc. If not
strictly observed, could result in injury, death, or long-term health hazards of personnel.
Highlights an operation or maintenance procedure, practice, condition, statement, etc. If not strictly observed, could result in damage to or destruction of equipment, or loss of effectiveness.
Highlights an essential operating procedure, condition or statement.
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Preface P-1
Instruction Manual
748467-A January 2002
Model MicroCEM


The MicroCEM Continuous Emissions Monitor is intended for use as an industrial process meas­urement device only. It is not intended for use in medical, diagnostic, or life support applications, and no independent agency certifications or approvals are to be implied as covering such applica­tions.


If this equipment is used in a manner not specified in these instructions, protective systems may be impaired.
To avoid explosion, loss of life, personal injury and damage to this equipment and on-site property, do not operate or service this instrument before reading and understanding this instruction manual and receiving appropriate training. Save these instructions.
Do not open while energized. Installation requires access to live parts which can cause death or serious injury.
For safety and proper performance this instrument must be connected to a properly grounded three-wire source of power.
Do not operate without covers secure. Ensure that all gas connections are made as labeled and are leak free. Improper gas connections could result in explosion and death.
P-2 Preface Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
Instruction Manual
Model MicroCEM
This device may contain explosive, toxic or unhealthy gas components. Before cleaning or chang­ing parts in the gas paths, purge the gas lines with ambient air or nitrogen.
This unit’s exhaust may contain hydrocarbons and other toxic gases such as carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is highly toxic and can cause headache, nausea, loss of consciousness, and death.
Avoid inhalation of the exhaust gases at the exhaust fitting.
Connect exhaust outlet to a safe vent using stainless steel or Teflon line. Check vent line and con­nections for leakage.
Keep all tube fittings tight to avoid leaks. See Sections 2-5 for leak check information.
January 2002
Any addition, substitution, or replacement of components installed on or in this device, must be certified to meet the hazardous area classification that the device was certified to prior to any such component addition, substitution, or replacement. In addition, the installation of such device or devices must meet the requirements specified and defined by the hazardous area classification of the unmodified device. Any modifications to the device not meeting these requirements, will void the product certification(s).
Tampering with or unauthorized substitution of components may adversely affect the safety of this instrument. Use only factory approved components for repair.
Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not perform any unauthorized modifi­cation to this instrument.
Return the instrument to Rosemount Analytical Customer Service Center. See Section 8.
This unit requires periodic calibration with a known standard gas. It also may utilizes a pressur­ized carrier gas, such as helium, hydrogen, or nitrogen. See General Precautions for Handling and Storing High Pressure Gas Cylinders, page P-5.
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Preface P-3
Instruction Manual
748467-A January 2002
Use two persons or a suitable lifting device to move or carry the instrument.
Model MicroCEM
P-4 Preface Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
Instruction Manual
Model MicroCEM
January 2002
Edited from selected paragraphs of the Compressed Gas Association's "Handbook of Compressed Gases" published in 1981
Compressed Gas Association 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, Virginia 22202 Used by Permission
1. Never drop cylinders or permit them to strike each other violently.
2. Cylinders may be stored in the open, but in such cases, should be protected against extremes of weather and, to prevent rusting, from the dampness of the ground. Cylinders should be stored in the shade when located in areas where extreme temperatures are prevalent.
3. The valve protection cap should be left on each cylinder until it has been secured against a wall or bench, or placed in a cylinder stand, and is ready to be used.
4. Avoid dragging, rolling, or sliding cylinders, even for a short distance; they should be moved by using a suitable hand-truck.
5. Never tamper with safety devices in valves or cylinders.
6. Do not store full and empty cylinders together. Serious suckback can occur when an empty cylinder is attached to a pressurized system.
7. No part of cylinder should be subjected to a temperature higher than 125°F (52°C). A flame should never be permitted to come in contact with any part of a compressed gas cylinder.
8. Do not place cylinders where they may become part of an electric circuit. When electric arc welding, precautions must be taken to prevent striking an arc against the cylinder.
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Preface P-5
Instruction Manual
748467-A January 2002
Model MicroCEM


The following MicroCEM instruction materials are available. Contact Customer Service Center or the lo­cal representative to order (See Section 8).
748467 Instruction Manual (this document) 748468 Instruction Manual, MicroCEM Sample Handling System


This product may carry approvals from several certifying agencies. The certification marks appear on the product name-rating plate.
CSA (Pending)
P-6 Preface Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
Model MicroCEM



The MicroCEM Analyzer Module is designed to continuously determine the concentration of
, CO, and NOx in a flowing gaseous mix-
ture. The concentration is expressed in per­cent (%) or parts-per-million (PPM).
Instruction Manual
January 2002
and oxygen (O2). Some of the NO
molecules produced are in an electroni­cally excited state (NO
* where the * re-
fers to the excitation). These revert to the ground state, with emission of photons (essentially, red light). The reactions in­volved are:
The sampled gas is collected from the stack and prepared by the Probe/Sample Handling System for analysis and processing by the Analysis Enclosure. The Analysis Enclosure shall be a standalone, computer-controlled unit, utilizing PC/104 as the system bus.
The MicroCEM is enclosed in a rugged NEMA 4X, IP65 type enclosure, for harsh environ­ment. The analysis enclosure utilizes convec­tion cooling with no air intake and air vents. The analysis enclosure is modular, general purpose and easily expandable. It utilizes in­dustry standard components such as PC/104 boards, and modular signal conditioning mod­ules.


SCR Emission Compliance per EPA 40 CFR Part 60 Gas Turbines Natural Gas Fired Boilers Process Heaters
NO2 + O3 NO2* + O
NO2* NO2 + red light
The sample is continuously passed through a heated bed of vitreous carbon, in which NO
is reduced to NO. Any NO
initially present in the sample passes through the converter unchanged, and any NO
is converted to an approximately
equivalent (95%) amount of NO.
The NO is quantitatively converted to NO by gas-phase oxidation with molecular ozone produced within the analyzer form air supplied by an external source. During the reaction, approximately 10% of the NO
molecules are elevated to an elec-
tronically excited state, followed by imme­diate decay to the non-excited state, accompanied by emission of photons. These photons are detected by a photo­multiplier tube which produces an output proportional to the concentration of NOx in the sample.


To minimize system response time, an internal sample bypass feature provides
a. Chemiluminescense NO
high-velocity sample flow through the
analyzer. The NOx analyzer continuously analyzes a flowing gas sample for NOx [nitric oxide (NO) plus nitrogen dioxide (NO
)]. The
sum of the concentrations is continuously reported as NOx.

b. Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) CO

The optical bench can selectively meas-
ure multiple components in a compact
design by using a unique dual optical The MicroCEM NOx Analyzer Module uses the chemiluminescense method of detection. This technology is based on NO’s reaction with ozone (O
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Description and Specifications 1-1
) to produce
bench design. Depending on the applica-
tion, any two combinations of NDIR chan-
nels can be combined on a single
chopper motor/dual source assembly.
Instruction Manual
748467-A January 2002
Model MicroCEM
Other application-dependent options in­clude a wide range of sample cell materi­als, optical filters and solid state detectors. The NDIR Microflow detector consists of two chambers, measurement and reference with an interconnected path in which an ultra low flow filament sensor is mounted. During operation, a pulsating flow occurs between the two chambers which is dependent upon: sample gas ab­sorption, modulation by the chopper mo­tor and the fill gas of the detector chambers. The gas flow/sensor output is proportional to the measured gas con­centration. The optical bench is further enhanced by a novel “Look-through” de­tector technique. This design allows two detectors to be arranged in series --- ena­bling two different components to be measured on a single optical bench. The optical bench contains a unique eddy cur­rent drive chopper motor and source as­sembly. This design incorporates on board “intelligence” to provide continuous “self test” diagnostics.

c. Paramagnetic O2

measured. The gas-specific wavelengths
of the absorption bands characterize the
type of gas while the strength of the ab-
sorption gives a measure of the concen-
tration of the gas component being
An optical bench is employed comprising
an infrared light source, two analysis cells
(reference and measurement), a chopper
wheel to alternate the radiation intensity
between the reference and measurement
side, and a photometer detector. The de-
tector signal thus alternates between con-
centration dependent and concentration
independent values. The difference be-
tween the two is a reliable measure of the
concentration of the absorbing gas com-
Depending on the gas being measured
and its concentration, one of two different
measuring methods may be used as fol-
Interference Filter Correlation (IFC)
The determination of oxygen is based on the measurement of the magnetic sus­ceptibility of the sample gas. Oxygen is strongly paramagnetic, while other com­mon gases are not. The detector used is compact, has fast response and a wide dynamic range. The long life cell is corro­sion resistant, heated and may be easily cleaned. It has rugged self-tensioning suspension and is of welded non-glued construction.


The MicroCEM can employ up to three differ­ent measuring methods depending on the configuration chosen. The methods are: NDIR, Paramagnetic O and Chemiluminescense.

a. Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR)

The non-dispersive infrared method is based on the principle of absorption of in­frared radiation by the sample gas being
, Electrochemical O2,
With the IFC method the analysis cell is
alternately illuminated with filtered infrared
concentrated in one of two spectrally
separated wavelength ranges. One of
these two wavelength bands is chosen to
coincide with an absorption band of the
sample gas and the other is chosen such
that none of the gas constituents ex-
pected to be encountered in practice ab-
sorbs anywhere within the band.
The spectral transmittance curves of the
interference filters used in the MicroCEM
analyzer and the spectral absorption of
the gases CO and CO
ure 1-1. It can be seen that the absorption
bands of these gases each coincide with
the passbands of one of the interference
filters. The forth interference filter, used
for generating a reference signal, has its
passband in a spectral region where none
of these gases absorb. Most of the other
gases of interest also do not absorb within
the passband of this reference filter.
are shown in Fig-
1-2 Description and Specifications Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
Model MicroCEM
The signal generation is accomplished with a pyroelectrical (solid-state) detector. The detector records the incoming infra­red radiation. This radiation is reduced by the absorption of the gas at the corre­sponding wavelengths. By comparing the measurement and reference wavelength, an alternating voltage signal is produced. This signal results from the cooling and heating of the pyroelectric detector mate­rial.
Instruction Manual
January 2002
Transmittance (%)
0 15 30 54 60 75 90
Transmittance (%)
0 18 36 54 72 90
3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 5400 5600
Wave Length (nm)
Absorption Band
Figure 1-1. Absorption Bands of Sample Gas and Transmittance of Interference Filters
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Description and Specifications 1-3
Instruction Manual
748467-A January 2002
Opto-Pneumatic Method
Model MicroCEM
In the opto-pneumatic method, a thermal radiator generates the infrared radiation which passes through the chopper wheel. This radiation alternately passes through the filter cell and reaches the measuring and reference side of the analysis cell with equal intensity. After passing another filter cell, the radiation reaches the pneu­matic detector.
The pneumatic detector compares and evaluates the radiation from the measur­ing and reference sides of the analysis cell and converts them into voltage sig­nals proportional to their respective inten­sity.
The pneumatic detector consists of a gas­filled absorption chamber and a compen­sation chamber which are connected by a flow channel in which a Microflow filament sensor is mounted. This is shown in Fig­ure 1-2.
In principle the detector is filled with the infrared active gas to be measured and is only sensitive to this distinct gas with its characteristic absorption spectrum. The absorption chamber is sealed with a win­dow which is transparent for infrared ra­diation. The window is usually Calcium Fluoride (CaF
When the infrared radiation passes
through the reference side of the analysis
cell into the detector, no pre-absorption
occurs. Thus, the gas inside the absorp-
tion chamber is heated, expands and
some of it passes through the flow chan-
nel into the compensation chamber.
When the infrared radiation passes
through the open measurement side of
the analysis cell into the detector, a part
of it is absorbed depending on the gas
concentration. The gas in the absorption
chamber is, therefore, heated less than in
the case of radiation coming from the ref-
erence side. Absorption chamber gas be-
comes cooler, gas pressure in the
absorption chamber is reduced and some
gas from the compensation chamber
passes through the flow channel into the
absorption chamber.
The flow channel geometry is designed in
such a way that it hardly impedes the gas
flow by restriction. Due to the radiation of
the chopper wheel, the different radiation
intensities lead to periodically repeated
flow pulses within the detector.
The Microflow sensor evaluates these
flow pulses and converts them into elec-
trical pulses which are processed into the
corresponding analyzer output.
Absorption chamber
Flow channel with Microflow sensor
CaF2 Window
Compensation chamber
Figure 1-2. Opto-Pneumatic Gas Detector
1-4 Description and Specifications Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
Model MicroCEM
Instruction Manual
January 2002
Overall NDIR Method
In the case of dual-channel analyzers, the broadband emission from two infrared sources pass through the chopper wheel. In the case of the Interference Filter Cor­relation (IFC) method, the infrared radia­tion then passes through combinations of interference filters. In the case of the opto-pneumatic method, the infrared ra­diation passes through an optical filter
Light Source
Chopper Blade
depending on the application and need for
reduction of influences. Then the infrared
radiation enters the analysis cells from
which it is focused by filter cells onto the
corresponding detector. The preamplifier
detector output signal is then converted
into the analytical results expressed di-
rectly in the appropriate physical concen-
tration units such as percent volume,
ppm, mg/Nm
, etc. This is shown in Fig-
ure 1-3.
Duplex Filter Disc
Adapter Cell (high measuring range)
Analysis Cell
(measuring side)
Analysis Cell
(reference side)
Filter Cell
Gas Detector
Analysis Cell (undivided)
Filter Cell
Pyroelectric Detector (solid-state detector)
Chopper Blade
Figure 1-3. Overall NDIR Method
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Model MicroCEM

b. Paramagnetic Oxygen Method

The paramagnetic principle refers to the induction of a weak magnetic field, paral­lel and proportional to the intensity of a stronger magnetizing field.
The paramagnetic method of determina­tion of oxygen concentration utilizes nitro­gen filled quartz spheres arranged at opposite ends of a bar, the center of which is suspended by and free to rotate on a thin platinum wire ribbon in a cell. Nitrogen (N
) is used because it is dia-
magnetic or repelled by a magnet.
A small mirror that reflects a light beam coming from a light source to a photode­tector, is mounted on the platinum ribbon. A strong permanent magnet specifically shaped to produce a strong, highly inho­mogeneous magnetic field inside the analysis cell, is mounted outside the wall of the cell.
When oxygen molecules enter the cell, their paramagnetism will cause them to
be drawn towards the region of greatest
magnetic field strength. The oxygen
molecules thus exert different forces on
the two suspended nitrogen filled quartz
spheres, producing a torque which
causes the mirror to rotate away from its
equilibrium position.
The rotated mirror deflects the incident
light onto the photodetector creating an
electrical signal which is amplified and fed
back to a coil attached to the bar holding
the quartz spheres, forcing the suspended
spheres back to the equilibrium position.
The current required to generate the re-
storing torque to return the quartz bar to
its equilibrium position is a direct measure
of the O
concentration in the sample gas.
The complete paramagnetic analysis cell
consists of an analysis chamber, perma-
nent magnet, processing electronics, and
a temperature sensor. The temperature
sensor is used to control a heat ex-
changer to warm the measuring gas to
about 55 °C. Refer to Figure 1-4.
Permanent Magnet
Platinum Wire
Quartz Sphere(s)
Wire Loop
Figure 1-4. Paramagnetic Oxygen Analysis
1-6 Description and Specifications Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
Model MicroCEM
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January 2002

c. Electrochemical Oxygen Method

The electrochemical method of determin­ing oxygen concentration is based on the galvanic cell principle shown in Figure 1-5.
The electrochemical oxygen sensor (Fig­ure 1-6) incorporates a lead and gold gal­vanic process with a lead anode and a gold cathode, using an acid electrolyte.
Oxygen molecules diffuse through a non­porous Teflon membrane into the electro­chemical cell and are reduced at the gold cathode. Water is the byproduct of this reaction.
On the anode, lead oxide is formed which is transferred into the electrolyte. The lead anode is continuously regenerated and, therefore, the electrode potential remains unchanged for a long time. The rate of diffusion and corresponding response time (t90) of the sensor is dependent on the thickness of the Teflon membrane.
The electric current between the elec-
trodes is proportional to the O
tion in the sample gas being measured.
The resultant signal is measured as a
voltage across the resistor and thermistor,
the latter of which is used for temperature
compensation. A change in the output
voltage (mV) represents oxygen concen-
The electrochemical O2 cell requires a
minimum internal consumption of
oxygen. Sample gases with an oxygen
concentration of less than 2% could
result in a reversible detuning of sensi-
tivity and the output will become un-
stable. The recommended practice is
to purge the cell with conditioned am-
bient air between periods of measure-
ment. If the oxygen concentration is
below 2% for several hours or days,
the cell must be regenerated for about
one day with ambient air. Temporary
flushing with nitrogen (N
) for less than
one hour (analyzer zeroing) will have
no effect on the sensitivity or stability.
(Red) V out (Black)
Thermistor (5) Resistor (6)
(-) (+)
Gold Lead
Cathode (2) Anode (1)
O2 + 4 H + 4 e → 2 H2O2 Pb + 2 H
Electrolyte (3)
(ph 6)
Summary reaction O
+ 2 Pb → 2 PbO
O → 2PbO + 4 H + 4 e
Figure 1-5. Reaction of Galvanic Cell
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Lead Wire (Anode)
Lead Wire (Cathode)
Anode (Lead)
Plastic Disc
Model MicroCEM
Plastic Disk
Acid Electrolyte
Sponge Disc
Cathode (Gold Film)
Teflon Membrane
Figure 1-6. Electrochemical Oxygen Sensor
1-8 Description and Specifications Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
Model MicroCEM
Instruction Manual
January 2002


The CPU is an Embedded Pentium-like AT Computer in 5.75” x 8” form factor. The pe­ripherals integrated on board are: SVGA, 4 serial ports and one parallel port, Fast Ethernet ctrl., IDE, Keyboard, Mouse, 2 USB. The module is built around the Intel Tillamook processor and is equipped with 64MB SDRAM. The module also integrates one socket for SSD that performs like an HDD unit and can be used to store the operating sys­tem, the user’s programs and the data files. Other peripherals available on board are the Floppy disk controller, the parallel port. The CPU is shown in Figure 1-7.

a. Embedded Enhanced Bios

Award, 256KB Flash Bios.The Bios is
immediately activated when you first turn
on the system. The Bios reads system
configuratio information in CMOS RAM
and begins the process of checking out
the system.
Figure 1-7. CPU

b. Specifications

Architecture: ................................. PC/AT Compatible
Dimensions: .................................. 5.75” x 8”
Processor: .................................... Intel Tillamook processor - 266MHz
Memory: ........................................ 64 MB SDRAM
Ram/Rom disk: ............................. 1 x 32 pin socket (max. 288MB)
Operating System: ........................ WinNT
BIOS: ............................................ Standard with embedded extensions
Interfaces: ..................................... IDE ctrl
Floppy ctrl SVGA-CRT 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet 2 USB ports 4 RS232 serial ports (one can be 485) Parallel port (bi-directional EPP-ECP) Keyboard PS/2 Mouse PS/2
Bus: .............................................. AT bus according to PC/104 spec.
Power Supply: .............................. AT/ATX
Connectors: .................................. COM1-4, SVGA, USB 1 and 2, PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard, ATX Power,
Parallel, IDE, Floppy, and Fast Ethernet
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Description and Specifications 1-9
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The Analog/Digital IO (ADIO) Board is an off­the-shelf, complete data acquisition system in a compact PC/104 packaging. The analog section contains 32 input channels, multi­plexed A/D converter with 16 bit resolution and 10uS conversion time. Input ranges are +/-5v or +/- 10V. It also includes on-board DMA support. The analog output section in­cludes two 12 bit D/A converters. Both sec­tions features simplified calibration using on board programmable digital potentiometer. The digital I/O section provides 24 digital I/O lines, which feature high current TTL drivers. The board requires only +5V from the system power supply and generates its own +/-15V analog supplies on board. The board operates over the Extended Temperatures range of -25 to +85C. Figure 1-8 depicts the ADIO board and Figure 1-9 depicts the ADIO block dia­gram.
Model MicroCEM

a. Automatic Calibration

The ADIO board features automatic cali-
bration of both analog inputs and outputs
for enhanced accuracy and reliability. The
potentiometers, which are subject to tam-
pering and vibration, have been elimi-
nated. Instead, all A/D calibration
adjustments are performed using an octal
8-bit DAC. The DAC values are stored in
an EEPROM and are recalled automati-
cally on power up. The board includes
three precision voltage references for
negative full scale, zero, and positive full-
scale. A calibration utility program pro-
vided with the board allows you to recali-
brate the board anytime, in both unipolar
and bipolar modes, and store the new
settings in EEPROM.
Autocalibration applies to the 4 D/A chan-
nels as well. The full-scale D/A range is
selected with a jumper block. The analog
outputs are fed back to the A/D converter
so they can be calibrated without user in-
tervention. Again, calibration settings are
stored in EEPROM and automatically re-
called on power-up.
Figure 1-8. ADIO Board

b. Analog Inputs

The ADIO board provides split configura-
tion capability, with more total input chan-
nels than any other PC/104 analog I/O
board. The board can be user-configured
in any of three ways:
Channels Format
32 32 single-ended 24 8 differential, 16 single-ended 16 16 differential
1-10 Description and Specifications Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
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Instruction Manual
January 2002

c. Programmable Input Ranges

A programmable gain amplifier, pro­grammable unipolar/bipolar range, and programmable 5V/10V full-scale range combine to give the ADIO board a total of 10 different possible analog input ranges. All range settings are controlled in soft­ware for maximum flexibility.
Unipolar 10V 1 0-10V 0.153mV Unipolar 5V 1 0-5V 0.076mV Unipolar 5V 2 0-2.5V 0.038mV Unipolar 5V 4 0-1.25V 0.019mV Unipolar 5V 8 0-0.625V 0.0096mV Bipolar 10V 1 ±10V 0.305mV Bipolar 5V 1 ±5V 0.153mV Bipolar 5V 2 ±2.5V 0.076mV Bipolar 5V 4 ±1.25V 0.038mV Bipolar 5V 8 ±0.625V 0.019mV
d. Enhanced Trigger and Sampling Con-
trol Signals
The ADIO board has an extra A/D trigger and sample control signals in the design. Seven auxiliary digital I/O lines on the analog I/O connector provide a sam­ple/hold output signal, A/D trigger in and out lines (to enable synchronization of multiple boards) and external A/D clock­ing.

e. Analog Outputs

The ADIO board contains 4 12-bit analog
outputs with autocalibration capability. Up
to 5mA of output current per channel can
be drawn from all channels simultane-
ously. Both unipolar and bipolar output
ranges are supported with jumper con-
figuration. And on power up, all outputs
are reset to 0V automatically.
Unipolar 10V 0-10V 2.44mV Unipolar 5V 0-5V 1.22mV
Bipolar 10V ±10V 4.88mV
Bipolar 5V ±5V 2.44mV

f. FIFO and 16-Bit Bus Interface

An on-board 1024-byte FIFO enables the
ADIO board to work with Windows 95 and
NT by dramatically reducing the interrupt
overhead. Each interrupt transfers 256 2-
byte samples, or half the buffer, so the
interrupt rate is 1/256 the sample rate.
FIFO operation can be disabled at slow
sample rates, so there is no lag time be-
tween sampling and data availability. The
16-bit interface further reduces software
overhead by enabling all 16 A/D bits to be
read in a single instruction, instead of re-
quiring 2 8-bit read operations. The net
result of this streamlined design is that the
ADIO board supports gap-free A/D sam-
pling at rates up to 200,000 samples per
second, twice as fast as our previous
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Model MicroCEM
+15V -15V
1K X8
16-BIT A/D
12-BIT A/D
10 MHZ
0-31 SE 0-15 DI
Figure 1-9. ADIO Block Diagram
1-12 Description and Specifications Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
Model MicroCEM

g. Specifications

Analog Inputs
Number of inputs ................... 32 single-ended, 16 differential, or 16 SE + 8 DI; user selectable
A/D resolution ........................ 16 bits (1/65,536 of full scale)
Bipolar ranges ....................... ±10V, ±5V, ±2.5V, ±1.25V, ±0.625V
Unipolar ranges ..................... 0-10V, 0-5V, 0-2.5V, 0-1.25V, 0-.625V,
Input bias current................... 100pA max
Overvoltage protection .......... ±35V on any analog input without damage
Nonlinearity............................ ±3LSB, no missing codes
Conversion rate ..................... 200,000 samples/sec.max
On-board FIFO ...................... 1K x 8(512 16-bit samples)
Calibration.............................. Automatic;values stored in EEPROM
Analog Outputs
Number of outputs ................. 4
D/A resolution ........................ 12 bits (1/4096 of full scale)
Output ranges........................ ±5, ±10, 0-5, 0-10
Output current........................ ±5mA max per channel
Settling time........................... 6µS max to 0.01%
Relative accuracy .................. ±1 LSB
Nonlinearity............................ ±1 LSB, monotonic
Reset ..................................... All channels reset to OV
Calibration.............................. Automatic; values stored in EEPROM
Digital I/O
Main I/O ................................. 24 programmable I/O
Input current........................... ±1µA max
Output current........................
Logic 0 ................................... 64mA max per line
Logic 1 ................................... -15mA max per line
Auxilary I/O ............................ 4 inputs, 4 outputs, optional use as trigger/control lines
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January 2002
A/D Pacer clock ..................... 32-bit down counter
(2 82C54 counters cascaded)
Clock source.......................... 10MHz on-board clock or external signal
General purpose.................... 16-bit down counter (1 82C54 counter)
Power supply ......................... +5VD±10%@200mA typ
Operating temperature .......... -25 to +85°C
Weight.................................... 3.4oz/96g
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Model MicroCEM


The PCMCIA adapter board (Figure 1-10) supports Type I, II and III PCMCIA cards. The board is in full compliance with Microsoft FFS­II, PCMCIA V.2 and JEIDA 4.1 specifications. The PCMCIA socket accepts The following PCMCIA cards:
Type I Memory, Flash/SRAM/ROM
Type II Fax, Modem, LAN, Wireless LAN,
and SCSI
Type III ATA mass storage

a. Features

Compliant with the PC/104 standard Compatible with AT PC/104 CPU mod­ules
Functions on board
2 PCMCIA slots
Optional remote socket
PCMCIA features
Supports PCMCIA V.1.0 and V.2.0 Supports PCMCIA types I, II and III Supports both I/O and Memory Card Supports Hot insertion
Operating Systems
DOS and Windows and any other RTOS that supports PCMCIA
J1 : PCMCIA 2 slots connector J3: PC/104 8 bit connector (XT compati­ble) J4 : PC/104 16 bit extension (AT exten­sion compatible).
Figure 1-10. PCMCIA Interface

b. Software

Software mappable memory windows and one I/O window.
Jumperless interrupt steering from PC Card to system.
Complete set of device drivers complying with PCMCIA V2.1 /JEIDA V4.1, running under MS-DOS or MS-WINDOWS:
PCMCIA socket & card services drivers
Flash File System
1-14 Description and Specifications Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
Model MicroCEM


Instruction Manual
January 2002
The PC/104 Modular Modem is a self­contained modem module that provides the flexibility to include modem functionality into embedded system, with minimal engineering resources. The PC/104 Modular Modem is full featured including high-speed data and fax transmission. The PC/104 Modular Modems support both dial-up and 2-wire leased-line. Figure 1-11 depicts the Modem.

a. Features

V.90, 56 kbps data (560PC/104) V.34, 33.6 kbps data (336PC/104)
14.4 kbps fax Voice playback and record DTMF decode
-40oC to 85oC operation
3.775" x 3.550" x 0.568" (with modular phone jack)
3.775" x 3.550" x 0.435" (without modular phone jack)
8 bit PC/104 bus type V.42 and MNP 2-4 error correction V.42bis, and MNP-5 data compression FCC Part 68 registered FCC Part 15 compliant 2 wire leased-line and dial up support Industry Canada CS-03 certified
Figure 1-11. Modem
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Model MicroCEM
Figure 1-12. 128MB Flash Drive

a. Specifications

System Performance
All values quoted are typical at ambient temperature and nominal supply voltage unless otherwise stated.
All performance timing assumes the controller is in the default (i.e., fastest) mode.
Start-up Time
Sleep to Write................................ 2.5 msec max.
Sleep To Read .............................. 2.5 msec max.
Reset to Ready.............................. 50 msec typical, 400 msec max.
Data Transfer Rate
to/from host............................ 16.0 MB/sec burst
Active to Sleep Delay .................... Programmable
Controller Overhead
Command to DRQ ................. <1.25 msec
Power Requirements
All values quoted are typical at ambient temperature and nominal supply voltage unless otherwise stated.
DC Input Voltage
Commercial ................................... 3.3 V ± 5%, 5 V ± 10%
Industrial ........................................ 3.3 V ± 5%, 5 V ± 5%
1-16 Description and Specifications Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
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