Completely assembled with fire pump controllers.
Firetrol® power transfer switches are available completely assembled with Firetrol electric fi re pump
controllers – full voltage or reduced voltage types.
The entire package of power transfer switch and
controller is completely factory assembled, wired,
tested and shipped as a complete unit for easy fi eld
connection to the power sources and the fi re pump
motor. The power transfer switch and the electric
fi re pump controller are assembled in separate but
connected enclosure compartments. All wiring between the two enclosures in completed by Firetrol.
The power transfer switches are listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for transfer switch service and
also meet the requirements of NFPA 20, Standard
for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection and NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. The
automatic/manual power transfer switches are
listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. under UL1008, Automatic Transfer Switches, as well as UL-508,
Industrial Control Equipment.
The construction of the FTA950 power transfer
switch includes an isolating disconnect switch/
circuit breaker assembly, designed for fi re pump
service, providing short circuit, locked rotor and
running current protection for the fi re pump con-
troller and the motor. The operating handle has a
mechanical interlock so that the enclosure door
can not be opened with the isolating disconnect
switch in the ON position. The operating handle
mechanism closes and opens both the isolating disconnect switch and the circuit breaker in the proper
sequence. When the handle is moved to the ON
position, the isolating disconnect switch is closed
fi rst and then the circuit breaker. When moved to
the OFF position, the circuit breaker opens fi rst and
then the isolating disconnect switch. The circuit
breaker always “makes” and “breaks” the load.
The transfer switch is electrically operated and
mechanically held. The electrical operator is a momentarily energized, single solenoid mechanism.
The switch is mechanically interlocked to ensure
only two possible positions, normal or emergency.
The transfer switch control panel features a 4 line,
20 character LCD display and keypad for viewing
all available data and setting desired operational
parameters. Source status screens are provided
for both normal & emergency to provide digital
readout of voltage, frequency and phase rotation
on all 3 phases.
Included on the fi re pump Mark IIXG user interface
ISOLATING SWITCH OFF. Mounted on the enclosure
fl ange are TEST and TRANSFER BYPASS selector
switches and the audible alarm.
FTA976 power transfer switches for use with Limited
Service Controllers are constructed identically as
the FTA950 except that a thermal magnetic circuit
breaker is supplied and no disconnect switch is
required. They are also available for use with singlephase Limited Service Controllers.
Short Circuit Current Rating
The short circuit current rating for the normal
power source and the emergency power source side
of the power transfer switch will be the same as the
rating of the fi re pump controller assembled with
the power transfer switch.
User Interface
ASCO Group 5 Control Panel
Separately mounted transfer
Automatic Transfer Switches are designed for use
when pump room size constraints will not allow an
integral controller/transfer switch confi guration, or
where a transfer switch is now being required on an
existing installation. They are intended for use with
Listed and Approved fi re pump controllers.
Firetrol® Separately Mounted Fire Pump Automatic
Transfer Switches are listed by Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc., for transfer switch service and also
meet the requirements of NFPA 20, Standard for the
Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection
brand Separately Mounted Fire Pump