Emerson Dixell XC645D Installing And Operating Instructions

(v. 3.4)
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1.1 Check the sw rel. of the XC645D
1. Look at the SW rel. of XC64D printed on the label of the controller.
2. If the SW release is 3.4, proceed with this manual otherwise contact Dixell to get the right manual.
2.1 Please read before using this manual
This manual is part of the product and should be kept near the instrument for easy and quick
The instrument shall not be used for purposes different from those described hereunder. It
cannot be used as a safety device.
Check the application limits before proceeding.
Dixell Srl reserves the right to change the composition of its products, even without notice,
ensuring the same and unchanged functionality.
Safety Precautions
Check the supply voltage is correct before connecting the instrument.
Do not expose to water or moisture: use the controller only within the operating limits avoiding
sudden temperature changes with high atmospheric humidity to prevent formation of condensation
Warning: disconnect all electrical connections before any kind of maintenance.
The instrument must not be opened.
In case of failure or faulty operation send the instrument back to the distributor or to “Dixell
S.r.l.” (See address) with a detailed description of the fault.
Consider the maximum current which can be applied to each relay (see Technical Data).
Ensure that the wires for probes, loads and the power supply are separated and far enough
from each other, without crossing or intertwining.
Fit the probe where it is not accessible by the end user.
In case of applications in industrial environments, the use of mains filters (our mod. FT1) in
parallel with inductive loads could be useful.
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3. General description
The XC645D is designed to manage both compressors and fans in a condensing system such as a pack. The compressors can be digital scroll or Stream, simple, multistage. Control is by means of a neutral zone and is based on the pressure or temperature sensed in the LP suction (compressors) and HP (condenser) circuits. A special algorithm balances the run hours of the compressors to distribute the work load uniformly. The controllers can convert both LP and HP pressures and displays them as temperatures.
The front panel offers complete information on the system’s status by displaying the suction and
condenser pressure (temperatures), the status of the loads, possible alarms or maintenance conditions. Each load has its own alarm input that is able to stop it when activated. To guarantee the total
system’s safety, there are also two inputs for low and high pressure switches: when these are
activated, the system is stopped. By means of the HOT KEY the controller can be easy programmed at power on. The controller can be connected to the X-WEB, controlling and monitoring system, thanks to the RS485 serial output, using the standard ModBus RTU protocol.
Part number
4-20mA suction pressure transducer
PP11 (-0.5÷11bar)
BE009302 07
4-20mA condenser pressure transducer
PP30 (0÷30bar)
BE009302 04
Hot key for programming
4.1 PP07, PP11, PP30 PP50: 4÷20mA pressure transducers
PP07 2,0MT -0,5+7 bar rel FE cod BE009302 00 PP11 2,0MT -0,5+7 bar rel FE cod BE009302 07 PP30 2,0MT 0+30 bar rel FE cod BE009302 04 PP50 2,0MT 0+50 bar rel FE cod BE009002 05
4.2 NP4-67: pipe mounting temperature probe
The NP4-67 temperature probe
can be used on the discharge line to monitor the discharge temperature of the Digital Scroll compressor.
NP4-67 1.5MT NTC probe Measurement range: -40+110°C, Cable 1,5mt Code BN609001 52
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5.1 General warnings
Before connecting cables make sure the power supply complies with the instrument’s requirements.
Separate the probe cables from the power supply cables, from the outputs and the power connections. Do not exceed the maximum current allowed on each relay 5A resistive, in case of heavier loads use a suitable external relay.
5.2 Wiring connections
NOTE 120V version: use terminals 47-48 for power supply: Terminals 44-45-46 operate at 120V 90-260V version: use terminals 47-48 for power supply: Terminals 44-45-46 operate at the same
voltage 24V version: use terminals 47-48 for power supply; Short circuit terminal 1-2.
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5.3 Remote keyboard connection – Only for XC645D -7x0xx- or
XC645D -7x2xx-
The VC660, remote keyboard for XC600D series, can be connected only to the models with the above part numbers. Use shielded 2 wires cable AWG 20, max allowed distance between controller and keyboard: 30m. Respect the polarity indications: as for the following table
XC645D -7x0xx- or XC645D -7x2xx-
Terminal:29 (+)
Terminal: 1 (+)
Terminal:30 (-)
Terminal: 3 (-)
5.4 Probes connection
5.4.1 General warnings
Pressure probe (4 - 20mA): respect the polarity. If using terminal ends be sure there are no bear parts which could cause short circuiting or introduce noise disturbance at high frequencies. To minimize the induced disturbances use shielded cables with the shield connected to earth. Temperature probe: it is recommended to place the temperature probe away from direct air streams to correctly measure the temperature.
5.4.2 Probe wirings
Low voltage side: Keep the cables away from the power cables. Use shielded cable to lengthen the cables.
NOTE1: The PIN 38 is the common line for the temperature probes NOTE2: The PIN 37 gives a 12Vdc supply for the 4-20mA pressure transducers
PP07 PP11, PP30, PP50 4÷20mA pressure transducers respect the polarity.
Suction (P1C = Cur)
Brown (+) to terminal 37; white (-) to terminal 40
Condenser (P2C = Cur)
Brown (+) to terminal 37; white (-) to terminal 41
Temperature probes (NTC 10K) Suction: 38-40 (P1C = NTC) Condenser: 38-41 (P2C =NTC) Pb3 (P3C = NTC): 38-42 Pb4 (P4C = NTC): 38-42
Ratiometric transducers (0.5÷4.5Vdc) Suction (P1C = 0-5)
40 (In); 38(+); 39 (gnd)
Condenser (P2C =0-5)
41 (In); 38(+); 39 (gnd)
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!!!WARNING: Digital Scroll valve coil can operate at main voltage (230Vac or 115Vac) or 24Vac. In case of 24Vac short circuit terminals 1-2.
5.5.1 Connections for models at 230V or 115V and coil of digital valve at
115 or 230V.
5.5.2 Connections for models at 230V or 115V or 24V and coil of digital
valve at 24V.
5.6.1 Load safety inputs
Controller has 7 configurable digital inputs, free voltage. Each digital input can be set by the related parameter iF01,.. iF07. The first 4 digital inputs are factory pre-set to operate as safety input for loads. Each input must collect the status of the safety devices related to the compressor such as thermistors, pressure switches etc, when this input is activated the correspondence load is switched off and not considered for the regulation. The correspondence between loads (compressors or fans) and safety inputs is the following
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Load 1 (digital)
iF01 = oA1 Load 2
iF02 = oA2
Load 3
iF03 = oA3
Load 4
iF04 = oA4
5.6.2 Additional Configurable digital inputs.
The controller XC645D is provided with 3 additional configurable digital inputs, one of them can operate also as probe. Their functions are set by the parameter iF05, iF07 and iF08 respectively. They can be used for liquid level monitoring, activate the energy saving function or silence mode from a external devices. The digital input connection is explain in the following table
Digital input
Related parameter
Digital input 5
iF05: function iP05: polarity
First configurable input/Probe 4
22-23 (i1F/Pb4)
iF07: function iP07: polarity
Second configurable d.i.
22-24 (i2F)
iF08: function iP08: polarity
5.7 HP – LP Pressure switches connection
!!!WARNING: controller is provided with both free voltage digital inputs, and main voltage inputs.!!!!
The main voltage inputs are designed for HP and LP pressure switches. The low pressure switch has to be connected to the terminal 44 (line)and 45 (common) The high pressure switch has to be connected to the terminal 45 (common) and 46 (line) as shown on the following wiring diagram.
NOTE: the main voltage is related to the voltage supply of the controllers.
Models at 115V or 230V the inputs operate at 115 or 230V. Models at 24V the inputs operate at 24V.
5.8 Analog output connection
The controller supply up to 2 analog outputs, terminals, kind of output and functionality are shown in the following table
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Related parameter
Analog output 1
25[+] – 26[-].
AOC: Kind of signal (4-20mA/0-10V) AOF: function
Analog output 2
27[+] – 28[-].
2AOC: Kind of signal (4-20mA/0-10V) 2AOF: function
5.9 How to connect monitoring system - RS485 Serial line
The Adr parameter is the number to identify each electronic board. Address duplication is not permitted, in this case the communication with monitoring system is not guaranteed (the Adr is
also the ModBUS address).
1) Terminals [31] [+] and [32] [-].
2) Use shielded twisted cable. For example Belden® 8762 o 8772 or cat 5 cables.
3) Maximum distance 1Km.
4) Don’t connect the shield to the earth or to GND terminals of the device, avoid accidental contacts by using insulating tape.
6. Mounting & installation
The instruments are suitable only for internal use. Instrument XC645D shall be mounted on an omega DIN rail The ambient operating temperature range is between -10÷60°C. Avoid locations subject to heavy vibration, corrosive gases or excessive dirt. The same applies to the probes. Ensure ventilation around the instrument.
Keyboard VC660 shall be mounted on vertical panel, in a 72x56 mm hole, and fixed using screws 3 x 2mm. To obtain an IP65 protection grade use the front panel rubber gasket (mod. RGW-V).
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7. First installation
At first installation, it’s necessary the following:
1. Select the kind of gas.
2. Set the range of the pressure probes.
In the following paragraph a short cut for the above operations. Chapters 11 Parameters programming and 17 will show in detail these operations.
7.1 How to set the kind of gas
The kind of gas is set by the parameter FtyP. The controller has memorized the relation between temperature and pressure for some gases.
The pre-set gas is: r404A. (FtyP=r404)
If another gas is used, act as in the following:
1. Enter the Programming mode by pressing the Set and DOWN key for 3s.
2. Select the “Pr2” parameter. Then enter the password 3 2 1 0.
3. Select the FtyP, kind of gas, parameter.
4. Press the “SET” key: the value of the parameter will start blinking.
5. Use “UP” or “DOWN” to change the gas among the following: r22= R22; r134=134, r404=R404A; - 407A = r407A; 407C= r407C; 407F= r407F; 410= r410; 507=R507; CO2=
CO2; r32 = r32; r290 = r290; r448 = r448A; r449 = r449A, r450 = r450A, r513= r513; 1234 = r1234ze Press “SET” to store the new value and move to the following parameter.
To exit: Press SET + UP or wait 30s without pressing a key. NOTE: the set value is stored even when the procedure is exited by waiting the time-out to expire.
7.2 How to set the range of the pressure probes
If an instrument with the following part number is used: XC645D – xxxxF, it is pre-set to work with pressure probe with the following range: Suction Probe : -0.5 ÷11.0 bar (relative pressure); Discharge Probe : 0÷30.0 bar (relative pressure)
If the probes you’re using have a different range act as in the following: To set the pressure range of the Probe 1 (suction probe) use the parameter:
PA04: Adjustment of read out corresponding to 4mA (0.5V) PA20: Adjustment of read out corresponding to 20mA (4.5V)
To set the pressure range of the Probe 2 (Condenser probe) use the parameter: FA04: Adjustment of read out corresponding to 4mA (0.5V) FA20: Adjustment of read out corresponding to 20mA (4.5V)
Practically these parameters have to be set with the start and end scale of the probe range.
How to do:
1. Enter the Programming mode by pressing the Set and DOWN key for 3s.
2. Select the “Pr2” parameter. Then enter the password 3 2 1 0.
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3. Select the PA04, adjustment of read out corresponding to 4mA (0.5V), parameter.
4. Press the “SET” key: the value of the parameter will start blinking.
5. Set the lower value of the probe range.
6. Push the SET key to confirm the value. The PA20: adjustment of read out corresponding to 20mA (4.5V) parameter will be displayed.
7. Set the higher value of the range.
8. Push the SET key to confirm the value. Next parameter will be displayed.
Do the same things for the Probe 2, FA04, FA20 parameters.
8. User interface
8.1 Displaying
Suction temperature or pressure
Discharge temperature or pressure
- Working loads
- Measurement unit
- Alarm or status Icons
8.2 Keyboard
Standard visualization: to see or modify the set point. In programming mode it selects
a parameter or confirms an operation.
Alarm menu: By holding it pressed for 3s, the current alarm is erased.
In programming mode: it browses the parameter codes or increases the displayed
With Hot key inserted: it starts the Hot key programming procedure. To access the INFO menu: push and release it to access the INFO menu.
n (DOWN)
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In programming mode: it browses the parameter codes or decreases the displayed value.
Manual restart of loads: By holding it pressed for 3s, it switches on again loads
previous locked by a safety digital input alarm.
MAINTEINANCE/CLOCK: To display the loads running hours
By holding it pressed for 3s the Maintaining menu is entered
To enter the Alarm menu
o + n
To lock and unlock the keyboard.
SET + n To enter the programming mode. SET + o To exit the programming mode.
8.3 Icons
Celsius degrees
Fahrenheit degrees
bar displaying
PSI displaying
KPA displaying
Digital scroll compressor (DGS) on
DGS is waiting to start (1HZ) or digital input alarm for DGS (2Hz). or DGS in maintenance status (2Hz).
Load 2 on
Load 2 is waiting to start (1HZ). or digital input alarm for Load 2 (2Hz). or Load 2 in maintenance status (2Hz).
Load 3 on
Load 3 is waiting to start (1HZ). or digital input alarm for Load 3 (2Hz). o Load 3 in maintenance status (2Hz).
Load 4 on
Load 4 is waiting to start (1HZ). or digital input alarm for Load 4 (2Hz). o Load 4 in maintenance status (2Hz).
The valve of the Digital scroll compressor is energized
The Maintenance menu has been entered
One or more loads have been placed in maintenance status
Low pressure switch alarm
High pressure switch alarm
Alarm is happening
All the stored alarms have been seen.
A new alarm has happened
Energy saving activated
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9. How to see and modify the set point(s)
9.1 How to see the set point of compressors and/or fans
If the controller is managing both compressors and fans, both the set points are displayed in sequence, otherwise only the set point of the enabled section will be displayed.
1) Push and release the SET key;
2) The Lower display will show the “SEtC” label, will the Upper display will show its value.
3) To see the fan set point, push again the SET key.
4) The Lower display will show the “SEtF” label, will the Upper display will show the fan set point.
To exit: push the SET key or wait for 30 without pressing any keys.
9.2 How to modify the set point of compressors and/or fans
******WARNING: before setting the target set points for the first time, check and, if necessary, modify the type of refrigerant gas (par. FtyP) and the default unit of measurement (par. dEU) for compressors and fans **********
1. Set the kind of refrigerant by means of the FtyP parameter (see 7.1 How to set the kind
of gas)
2. Set the measurement unit (dEU par.).
3. Check and if necessary modify the set point limits (LSE and HSE par.).
1. Push the SET key for more than 2 seconds;
2. The Lower display will show the “SEtC” label, will the Upper display will show its value flashing.
3. To change the Set value, push the o or n within 30s.
4. To memorize the new value and pass to the fan set point, push the SET key.
5. The Lower display will show the “SEtF” label, will the Upper display will show the fan set point flashing.
6. To change its value, push the o or n within 30s.
To exit: push the SET key or wait for 30 without pressing any keys.
10. The INFO menu
The controller can display some information directly from the main menu. The INFO menu is accessible by pushing and releasing the UP key:
Here below the list of the information that can be displayed: NOTE: this information is displayed only if the related function is enabled
P1t: temperature value of the P1 probe
P1P: pressure value of the P1 probe
P2t: temperature value of the P2 probe
P2P: pressure value of the P2 probe (if P2 present)
P3t: temperature value of the P3 probe (if P3 present)
P3P: pressure value of the P3 probe (if P3 present)
P4t: temperature value of the P4 probe (if P4 present)
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LInJ: status of the injection output (“On” – “OFF”), This information is available only if one relay, oA2 ÷oA4 is set as “Lin”.
SEtd: value of the Dynamic Set point. This information is available only if the Dynamic set point function is enabled (par. dSEP nP)
dStO: percentage of the PWM output driving the valve of the Digital Scroll compressor.
dSFr: value of temperature or pressure when the regulation filter of Digital Scroll compressor is enabled (par. dFE=YES). The “regulation filter” function calculates the average value of the pressure/temperature during a PWM cycle, and uses this value for the control algorithm
AO1 Percentage of the analog output 1 (4-20mA or 0-10V).
This information is always available
AO2: Percentage of the analog output 2 (4-20mA or 0-10V).
This information is always available
SSC1: Supervising Set for circuit 1, if supervising system is sending the set point
to the controller
SSC2: Supervising Set for circuit 2, if supervising system is sending the set point to the controller
SStF: Supervising Set for fan, if supervising system is sending the set point to the controller
SH: Superheat
EXIT: push the SET+UP keys together.
11. Parameters programming
11.1 How to enter the “Pr1” parameter list
To enter the “Pr1” parameter list, user accessible, operate as follows:
1. Hold pressed the SET and DOWN key for 3s.
2. The controller displays the name of the parameter in the Lower display, its value on the Upper display.
3. Press the “SET” key: the value of the parameter will start blinking.
4. Use “UP” or “DOWN” to change the value.
5. Press “SET” to store the new value and move to the following parameter.
To exit: Press SET + UP or wait 30s without pressing a key. NOTE: the set value is stored even when the procedure is exited by waiting the time-out to expire.
11.2 How to enter in parameters list “Pr2”
The “Pr2” parameter list is protected by a security code (Password).
To access parameters in “Pr2”:
1. Enter the “Pr1” level.
2. Select “Pr2” parameter and press the “SET” key.
3. The flashing value “0 ---” is displayed.
4. Use o or n to input the security code and confirm the figure by pressing “SET” key.
5. Repeat operations 2 and 3 for the other digits.
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