Avocent® MAtrix high perforMAnce KvM
switching systeM
Quick Installation Guide
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Connecting power
Ensure that all power to the Matrix
switching system is turned off. Depending
on your model, attach the supplied power
cord or cords to each Matrix switch and
receiver. Attach the other end of each
cord to an AC power source.
Connecting to the LAN
Attach an STP or UTP cable to the
LAN1 port on the Matrix switch and
attach the other end to your network. For
redundancy, connect both LAN1 and
LAN2 network ports.
Connecting the receiver to the
Matrix switch
Attach an STP cable to the RJ-45 port
on the receiver. Attach the other end of
the STP cable to a numbered RJ-45 port
on the Matrix switch. Repeat for each
receiver in the matrix system.
NOTE: Shielded cables must be used with
this equipment to maintain compliance with
radio frequency energy emission regula-
tions and ensure a suitably high level of
immunity to electromagnetic disturbances.
Connecting the keyboard,
monitor, mouse and audio peripheral
devices (optional)
Attach the monitor cable to the
appropriately labeled port on the receiver.
Attach a keyboard and mouse to the
USB ports on the receiver. Attach the
stereo speakers and microphone cables
to the appropriately labeled ports on the
receiver, if desired.
Connecting a computer to the
Matrix switch
Using the provided cables, insert the
connectors into the corresponding ports
on the computer. Attach the other end
of the cables to the connectors on the
corrresponding ports of the transmitter.
Attach an STP cable to the RJ-45 port on
the transmitter. Attach the other end of
the STP cable to an RJ-45 port on the the
Matrix switch. Repeat for each computer
in the Matrix system.
NOTE: Transmitter modules provide audio
connectors, which may be left unattached
from the computer if this functionality is
not required.
While the transmitter is powered by the
Matrix switch, the receiver requires its own
external power source.
Matrix Switch Configuration Example
(32-port Matrix switch shown)