Emerson ASCO 185 Series Operator's Manual

Automatic Transfer Switches
DANGER is used in this manual to warn of high voltages capable of causin g shock, burns, or death.
WARNINGisusedinthismanualtowarn of possible personal injury.
CAUTIONisusedinthismanualtowarn of possible equipment damage.
An experienced licensed electrician must install the A TS.
Series 185
Refer to the outline and wiring drawings provided with your ASCO Series 185 ATS for all installation details.
ASCO Series 185 Automatic Transfer Switches (ATSs) are Listed under Underwriter’s Laboratories Standard for Transfer Switch Equipment, UL–1008. They are intended for use only in optional standby system s in accordanc e with the National Electrical Code, NEC/NFPA 70, Article 702. This ATS is for use with 2–wire automatic–start generator s only.
Refer to Application Information 381339–292 to confirm that you have selected the appropriate product for the intended installatio n .
This automatic transfer switch is intended for standby power applications in residential / light commercial use only.
This product is not intended for emergency or life–support systems.
If you have more stringen t applicatio n requirements contact ASCO Pow er Technolog ies for other produc ts suitable for critical applications.
Rating Label
Each automatic transfer switch contains a rating label to define the loads and fault circuit withstand / closing ratings. Refer to the label on the transfer switch for specific values.
Do not exceed the values on the rating label. Exceeding the rating can cause personal injury or serious equipment damage.
INSTALLATION 1..........................
CONTROLLER 2–5........................
FUNCTIONAL TEST 6......................
100–230 ampere sizes
50 Hanover Road, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932–1591 USA For sales or service call 1 800 800–2726 (ASCO) www.ascopower.com
ASCO POWER TECHNOLOGIES CANADA PO Box 1238, 17 Airport Road, Brantford, Ontario, Canada N3T 5T3
TROUBLESHOOTING 8–9..................
INDEX 10.................................
381333–319 D
Series 185
The Transfer Switch nameplate includes data for each specific ASCO Series 185 ATS. Use the ATS only within the limits shown on this nameplate.
D 185 A 2 200 F 4 C
A –standard
clock battery
Phase Poles
2 –singleØ
Amperes Voltage Controller Enclosure
cable spacers (see INSTALLATION)
260 400
Catalog Number Identification
A typical Catalog Number is shown below with its elements explained. The example is for a D–design, 2 pole, 200 A, 220–240 V, in Type 1 indoor enclosure:
F 220--- 240
4 –standard
load power connections
C –Type1
M –Type3R
emergency power connections
neutral connections
for optional
200 ampere size in typical enclosure with location of customer connections
381333–319 D
generator control connections
harness plug
utility power connections
Series 185
Installation of the ASCO Series 185 automatic transfer switch (ATS) must be performed by a licensed electrician. It must be installed according to the National Electrical Code (NEC) and all local electrical code requirements. Remove the enclosure cover and inspect the ATS for shipping damage. If damage is evident do not install the ATS .
1 --- M o u n t i n g
Refer to the enclosure outline drawing. Mount the ATS according to details and instructions shown on this diagram. Mount the ATS vertically to a rigid supporting structure. Level all mounting points by using flat washers behind the holes to avoid distortion of the enclosure.
MALFUNCTION or SHORTENED LIFE Protect the ATS from construction grit and metal chips to prevent malfunction or shortened life.
Transfer switches rated 260 and 400 amperes are mounted on an insulator backing piece (installed behind the transfer switch). If the transfer switch is removed from the enclosure and then reinstalled, this insulator must be placed behind the transfer switch. See Figure 1.
2 --- Electrical Power Connections
Refer to the wiring diagram. The ATS must be protected by suitably sized circuit breakers feeding the utility and generator source terminals. The rating of the circuit breakers must be based on the requirements of the National Electrical Code for its nameplate ampere and short circuit withstand ratings.
ELECTROCUTION HAZARD Turn off utility power and turn off the generator to prevent electrocution when wiring the transfer switch.
Cable Spacers for 200 and 230 A
Three cable spacers are included with 200 and 230 ampere transfer switches. Run the copper power cables throughthecablespacersasshowninFigure2. Position the cable spacers approximately 1½ inches from the terminal lugs.
CABLE LOOSENING DUE TO SHORT CIRCUIT Install three cable spacers 1 1/2 inches from the power terminals to prevent the cables from loosening during a short–short condition.
FLASH HAZARD – DAMAGE Be sure that the insulator piece is installed behind the 260 and 400 ampere transfer switches.
insulator backing piece
Figure 1. Insulator for 260 and 400 A.
cable spacers
1 ½ inch approximate
use copper power cables only for 200 and 230 A
cable spacer
Figure 2. Cable spacers for 200 and 230 A.
381333–319 D
The Group 4 digital Controller is used in ASCO Series 185 automatic transfer switches. It provides the sensing, timing, and control functions for the ATS. This micro– processor–based controller includes built–in control buttons and st atus lights for control of the ATS and generator.
clock battery cover seepage3
Utility Acceptable light
Trans fer Tes t button
Bypass Time Delay button
Set Engine Exerciser button
Automatic Generator Exerciser light
Load on Utility light
Load on Generator light
Generator Acceptable light
Figure 3. Front view of controller.
1 --- P u s h B u t t o n s
On the front control display are three push buttons that control the operation of the generator and the ATS .
Before using the transfer test button, be sure that conditions are safe for running the generator and for load transfer.
Transfer Test
Use this button to test the system. This operation starts the generator and transfers the load. Be sure that conditions are safe to do this operation.
Bypass Time Delay
Use this button to cancel the active time delay or exercise period (stops the generator after cooldown).
Set Engine Exerciser
Use this button to set the automatic generator exerciser (page 3).
2 --- I n d i c a t o r L i g h t s
On the f ront control display are five lights that indicate the status of the sources and the ATS.
Utility Acceptable
This light i ndicates that the utility voltage is acceptable for connection to the load.
Generator Acceptable
This light indicates that the generator voltage is acceptable for connection to the load.
Load on Utility
This light indicates that the generator voltage is acceptable for connection to the load.
381333–319 D
Load on Generator
This light indicates that the generator voltage is acceptable for connection to the load.
Automatic Generator Exerciser
This light i ndicates the status of the generator exerciser:
--- blinks during the exercise period (including cooldown).
--- stays on when the exerciser has been set.
--- is off when the exerciser has not been set.
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