Emerson ASCO User Manual

ASCO™ Redundant Control System (RCS)
Fully assembled pilot valve system providing high process safety and reliability
High process reliability while maintaining required plant safety levels.
• Solenoid valve availability is enhanced through automated on-line testing and diagnostic feedback from pressure switches or GO™
Switches t for use in SIL 3 applications
The RCS has been assessed per IEC 61508:2010 Parts 1-7 and meets requirements providing a level of integrity to:
- Systematic Integrity: SIL 3 Capable
- Random Integrity: Type A Element
• No single point of failure that could result in an unplanned closure of the process valve
Automated on-line testing of solenoid valve and partial stroke tests. Full functional testing all the way through the RCS vent port
Easy on-Line maintenance allows for quick,
easy replacement of solenoid valves, coils, and
pressure switches without process interruption
2oo2 and 2oo3 congurations available with or without diagnostics
SIL 3 Capable
The RCS in 2oo2 and 2oo3 congurations is t for use in SIL 3 applications per IEC 61508:2010 for low demand mode applications. Third party certied by Exida. For more information, consult the
RCS safety manual.
The industry’s best choice for process valve diagnostics and actuation
Typical process industry applications:
• Emergency Shut-down Systems
• Burner Management Systems
• Isolation and Venting Systems
• High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems (HIPPS)
• Flaring Systems
RCS achieves a higher level of process safety and reliability by
using a redundant, fault tolerant architecture, high diagnostic
coverage, and automated testing.
A pneumatic maintenance bypass allows for on-line
maintenance of the RCS without process interruption.
The RCS is available in a variety of constructions with and without
valve diagnostics.
Click Here to use the online RCS configurator.
RCS Specifications
2oo2D - 75 lbs (standard unit)
Total weight:
Filtration Requirement:
Ambient Temperatures: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C)
Wiring: Maximum wiring size 14 awg
2oo2D - 120 lbs (unit w/stainless steel internals) 2oo3 Basic - 65 lbs 2oo3D - 106 lbs
Dry instrument air
Dry instrument air, filtered to 40 microns (5 micron particulate and .3 micron coalescing filtration recommended)
2oo2D: 2.0 2oo3 Basic: 3.0 2oo3D: 2.3 (typical Cv for NC constructions, Process to Exhaust)
For more information: www.Emerson.com/ASCO
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