ASCO™ Redundant Control System (RCS)
Fully assembled pilot valve system providing high process safety and reliability
High process reliability while maintaining required plant safety levels.
• Solenoid valve availability is enhanced through
automated on-line testing and diagnostic
feedback from pressure switches or GO™
Switches t for use in SIL 3 applications
• The RCS has been assessed per IEC 61508:2010
Parts 1-7 and meets requirements providing a
level of integrity to:
- Systematic Integrity: SIL 3 Capable
- Random Integrity: Type A Element
• No single point of failure that could result in an
unplanned closure of the process valve
• Automated on-line testing of solenoid valve and
partial stroke tests. Full functional testing all the
way through the RCS vent port
• Easy on-Line maintenance allows for quick,
easy replacement of solenoid valves, coils, and
pressure switches without process interruption
• 2oo2 and 2oo3 congurations available with or
without diagnostics
SIL 3 Capable
The RCS in 2oo2 and 2oo3 congurations is t for use in SIL 3 applications per IEC 61508:2010 for low
demand mode applications. Third party certied by Exida. For more information, consult the
RCS safety manual.
The industry’s best choice for process valve diagnostics and actuation
Typical process industry applications:
• Emergency Shut-down Systems
• Burner Management Systems
• Isolation and Venting Systems
• High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems (HIPPS)
• Flaring Systems
RCS achieves a higher level of process safety and reliability by
using a redundant, fault tolerant architecture, high diagnostic
coverage, and automated testing.
A pneumatic maintenance bypass allows for on-line
maintenance of the RCS without process interruption.
The RCS is available in a variety of constructions with and without
valve diagnostics.
Click Here to use the online RCS configurator.
RCS Specifications
2oo2D - 75 lbs (standard unit)
Total weight:
Ambient Temperatures: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C)
Wiring: Maximum wiring size 14 awg
2oo2D - 120 lbs (unit w/stainless steel internals)
2oo3 Basic - 65 lbs
2oo3D - 106 lbs
Dry instrument air
Dry instrument air, filtered to 40 microns
(5 micron particulate and .3 micron coalescing filtration
2oo2D: 2.0
2oo3 Basic: 3.0
2oo3D: 2.3
(typical Cv for NC constructions, Process to Exhaust)
For more information:
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