Emerson AMS Data Sheet

Reliability Solutions
AMS Machinery Manager
Dashboard overview for status at a glance
Analysis tools for diagnosis and prognosis
of machinery health
Real-time asset health integration with
process automation systems
Integration with multiple predictive
maintenance technologies for a complete picture of mechanical asset health
AMS Machinery Manager provides you with the tools that you need to determine your plant’s machinery health.
Product Data Sheet
January 2021

A Comprehensive View with Accurate Diagnosis

At some point, mechanical equipment will break down. With luck, the breakdown won’t occur at the peak of your production schedule or be caused by an out-of-inventory part.
By knowing the health of your rotating mechanical assets, you can plan for repairs rather than react to failures. You can also share the information between maintenance and operations so that repairs are anticipated and production schedules are adjusted accordingly. Your facility can achieve increased availability and performance from production assets, rather than experience expensive downtime and costly repairs.
AMS Machinery Manager combines predictive maintenance techniques with comprehensive analysis tools to provide easy and accurate assessment of the machinery health in your facility.

Integrated Solution

AMS Machinery Manager can integrate with multiple predictive diagnostic technologies to monitor different types of mechanical assets and identify unique failure symptoms.
The modular technology applications incorporate diagnostic and reporting sources into a common database for analysis of machinery health across the entire plant.
Through this integration, you gain a comprehensive view of each monitored machine and more accurate diagnosis of developing problems. Correlation from multiple technologies
allows you to identify and x the root cause of issues once, instead of xing the symptoms over and over again.
Integrated Technology Solutions Include:
 Portable vibration analysis
 Continuous online machinery monitoring
with the AMS 6500 Machinery Health Monitor
 Wireless vibration analysis with the
AMS 9420 Wireless Vibration Transmitter
 Lubrication analysis
 Infrared thermography
 Laser alignment
 AC motor diagnostics
 Dynamic balancing

Easy to Understand for Users of All Levels

January 2021AMS Machinery Manager
While maintenance personnel may specialize in different monitoring technologies, the centralized dashboard, common user interface, and database administration tools in AMS Machinery Manager modules make the integration of asset health information easy to understand for all users.
Users have a shorter learning curve with each new technology, and some technology modules include different levels of functionality, to give both the beginner and advanced user the experience and information they need.

Simple to Install

Information Technology personnel appreciate the ease of installation and the self-contained database tools that allow a software administrator to handle any issues that may arise, from granting user access to managing the database.

Report, Track, and Trend in a Central Location

AMS Machinery Manager provides a central location for all current and historical reporting, shareable across the organization. Graphical representation from equipment problem trends, work order status, cost savings, and management style reporting are easily generated through an established case history repository.
The dashboard allows you to quickly assess the status of your machines and reliability program, then launch directly to areas of importance.
A web-based Machine History Viewer allows diagnostics to be viewed from any computer with Internet Explorer access to your intranet or internet. Management and maintenance personnel can access machinery health status and historical information to make informed decisions.
Machine History Viewer allows the user to select the elds to display for fast review of critical asset information. You can also search on specic items, lter by dates, and print detailed reports. In addition, the Machine History Viewer is an array of web parts. Each web part can be minimized, maximized, moved, closed, and reopened. This functionality provides added exibility to arrange the web application in any manner desired.
The case history module is a multi-technology asset information repository, so it allows you to view case history information from many different technologies. This allows you to be well informed on the status of your assets through information logged by oil analysts, vibration analysts, infra red analysts and others. The inclusions of asset images, diagnostic plots, Windows audio and video les, and Microsoft les such as Word and Excel give you the complete information you need in order to make the best diagnosis.
Interactive reports allow you to customize what information will be included and how it will appear.
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January 2021AMS Machinery Manager
Machine Train

Interactive Reporting

The Reporting Application allows you to generate interactive reports from their databases. You can sort, expand and collapse asset results, and select parameter data in the report to be viewed in the vibration plot. Print and customize the reports with company logos and export reports to Word, Excel and or .pdf for further edits. This Reporting application allows you to dene exactly what types of parameters to view within a report as well as to share ‘your setup’ with other AMS Machinery Manager users.

Deployment Options to Fit Any Organization

Whether you are a small organization or a global multi-plant operation, AMS Machinery Manager’s platform offers a wide
variety of licensing and deployment options to t your needs.
From a standalone system to wide area networking capabilities,
AMS Machinery Manager provides efcient and reliable storage
and analysis of data that can be accessed from anywhere in your organization.
Single-user, standalone systems operate on a single PC. If you operate two or more single-user PCs, a keyed version will allow you to run AMS Machinery Manager based on the computer with the key. The keyed version is great for consultants or co-workers.
CSI Technologies
Vibration Analysis
AMS Asset Portal
AMS Machinery Manager Server
Process Automation System
Citrix or
Terminal Server
Machinery Monitoring
Additional Facility
Vibration Monitoring
A wide area network allows communication and analysis of machinery health information around the globe.
Local Area Networks (LAN)
Local area networks are perfect for organizations that need to share their data internally. The network license has read access capability for up to 249 users. This allows other plant personnel to access and view the data concurrently. Write seats, database access, analysis, reporting, and communications are controlled by the user’s job responsibilities.
Wide Area Network (WAN)
For a global environment, a wide area network license allows for communication around the world. Data transfer can be completed by simply uploading a route by ethernet
or intermediate le transfer. In addition, route denition
information can be emailed to personnel and uploaded to an analyzer at any time without having access to a client or server software application.
Analysis and other tasks can be performed globally as if you were at the server site. Read access for up to 249 users
and congurable write access customized to a user’s job
responsibilities are a part of the WAN environment.
Cloud based installations can reduce maintenance costs and provides an alternative to wide area network installations.
To better enable digital transformation, AMS Machinery Manager can also be deployed in the Microsoft Azure cloud, removing the need to install software locally. The supported architectures in the cloud can support single servers, as well as client/server architectures including data lockers, and allow for up to ten concurrent users. Please note, cloud deployment is supported for AMS 2140 users only.
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Quickly build a predictive maintenance database through the step-by-step, graphical, drag-and-drop wizard application.
January 2021AMS Machinery Manager
Within a network environment, you can communicate with other AMS Machinery Manager users logged into the system through the Collaboration Tool. See which other users are currently available online and exchange messages on problem assets with appropriate personnel. These messages can contain
les and images related to the asset, including vibration plots
and thermographic images. The tool also displays current conversations between users, allowing others to participate in the conversation as needed.

Build Databases in Minutes and Access Predictive Diagnostics Immediately

Setting up your database can be one of the most challenging parts of building a predictive maintenance program. Gathering and organizing the appropriate asset information is a daunting task, especially for novice users.
With AMS Machinery Manager, a database wizard eliminates the guesswork by stepping you through the entire process with a graphical drag-and-drop interface. You can set up everything you need – from individual machine components to machine trains.
Drag-and-drop your route to upload and download your data.
Automatically Setup Alarms, Analysis Parameters, and Measurement Points
Simply choose assets from an extensive library of motors, bearings, gearboxes, belts, and other components.
A knowledge engine compiled from years of eld analyst
experience automatically creates multi-technology measurement points, analysis parameter sets, and alarm
limit settings along with congurations for the automated
diagnostic system.
With a few simple keystrokes, you can build the database, download route information, analyze data, and report your
machinery health ndings.
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January 2021AMS Machinery Manager
Efficient Route Setup
A route is an ordered list of asset data collection points that
can be used to efciently acquire data. Route collection options
allow you to determine the type of data you wish to store, along with when and how to store the data.
Choose the assets you want to include in the route by simply right-clicking on the navigator and selecting Create Route. Then drag-and-drop the routes to the portable analyzer or folder on your computer. Once you have collected your data, drag-and-drop the route information back to AMS Machinery Manager for analysis.
Flexible Analysis Interface
Dynamic display controls allow you to adjust the angle of the plot display.
View a complete machine at one time and customize your plot view by selecting what you want to see on the screen. This view shows spectrum, waveform, and trend plots.
With AMS Machinery Manager, you can view data more
efciently because you don’t need to constantly switch screens.
All plots can be displayed as full screen or several plots can be combined in a single window. With multiple monitor support, separate plots can be displayed on up to three monitors.
Common applications of this powerful exibility include:
Looking at three directions: the X, Y, and Z plot in a
single screen
Viewing the complete machine component:
all measurement points on a motor in a single screen
 Viewing a complete machine
 Viewing similar machines from more than one database
 Selecting how many and what types of plots will appear
in your view
 Identifying changes in data from month to month
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