Emerson AMC-S402 User Manual

Installation and Use
March 2009
© 2009 Emerson
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PREFACE....................................................................................................................................... IV
SAFETY SUMMARY............................................................................................................................. IV
EMI CAUTION ...................................................................................................................................V
SAFETY STATEMENT............................................................................................................................V
CE NOTICE (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY) ....................................................................................................V
ABOUT THIS MANUAL ................................................................................................................... VI
HOW THIS MANUAL IS ORGANIZED .......................................................................................................VI
CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL................................................................................................... VI
HARDWARE PREPARATION AND INSTALLATION............................................................................VIII
UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................... VIII
ANTISTATIC PRECAUTIONS ................................................................................................................ VIII
1 AMC-S402 OVERVIEW........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 FEATURES OF THE AMC MODULE............................................................................................. 1
1.2 PICMG STANDARDS COMPLIANCE........................................................................................... 1
1.3 PRODUCTS SUPPORTED BY THIS MANUAL .................................................................................. 1
1.4 PART NUMBER, SERIAL NUMBER LABELS .................................................................................... 2
2 AMC-S402 INSTALLATION...................................................................................................... 4
2.1 INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF THE AMC-S402 MODULE .......................................................... 4
2.2 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR CHASSIS ....................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Safety Statement ............................................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 Observe Maximum Module Current Requirements.............................................................. 4
2.3 BEFORE YOU INSTALL OR REMOVE THE AMC .............................................................................. 4
2.3.1 Observe ESD Precautions.................................................................................................... 5
2.3.2 Watch for Bent Pins or Other Damage................................................................................ 5
2.4 USE CAUTION WHEN INSTALLING OR REMOVING AMC................................................................. 5
2.4.1 Preserve EMI Compliance.................................................................................................... 5
2.4.2 Understand Hot Swap........................................................................................................ 6
2.5 VERIFY SLOT USAGE ............................................................................................................. 6
2.6 MODULE HOT-SWAP ............................................................................................................ 6
2.7 INSTALLING THE AMC MODULE............................................................................................... 7
2.8 REMOVING THE AMC MODULE ............................................................................................... 8
3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................... 9
3.1 OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 AMC-S402, TOP LEVEL BOARD LAYOUT .................................................................................. 9
3.3 SERIAL STORAGE I/O INTERFACES .......................................................................................... 10
3.3.1 SAS Port Isolation Multiplexor Circuit................................................................................ 10
3.4 POWER REGULATOR ........................................................................................................... 11
3.5 IPMI SUBSYSTEM............................................................................................................... 11
4 CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS.......................................................................................... 12
4.1 AMC-S402 PORT ASSIGNMENTS .......................................................................................... 12
4.2 AMC CONNECTOR, “FINGER ASSIGNMENTS ........................................................................... 12
6806800H60A AMC-S402 Installation and Use i
5 SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................................................15
5.1 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................. 15
5.1.1 AMC Module Height Exceptions ........................................................................................15
5.2 HARD DRIVE OPERATION AND STORAGE SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................ 16
5.3 POWER REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................... 17
5.4 EMC COMPLIANCE............................................................................................................. 17
6 FRONT PANEL INDICATORS.................................................................................................. 19
7 IPMI FUNCTIONS LIST........................................................................................................... 20
7.1 IPMI AND MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (IPMC)........................................................................ 20
7.2 SENSOR DATA RECORDS...................................................................................................... 20
7.2.1 AMC Port Assignments .....................................................................................................21
7.3 SUPPORTED IPMI COMMANDS.............................................................................................. 22
8 IPMI FIRMWARE UPGRADE PROCEDURE ............................................................................... 24
8.1 THE IPMITOOL UTILITY ......................................................................................................... 24
6806800H60A AMC-S402 Installation and Use ii

List of Figures

Figure 1. AMC-S402 Module Top View, Front Panel........................................................................... 2
Figure 2. AMC-S402 Identification Labels .......................................................................................... 3
Figure 3. AMC Module Injector / Ejector Latch .................................................................................. 7
Figure 4. AMC-S402 Functional Blocks.............................................................................................. 9
Figure 5. AMC-S402 Top Level Board Layout................................................................................... 10
Figure 6. AMC Front Panel Indicators .............................................................................................. 19

List of Tables

Table 1 Conventions Used In This Manual.......................................................................................... vi
Table 2 AMC-S402 Identification Labels............................................................................................ 2
Table 3 Max AMC Module Current Requirements.............................................................................. 4
Table 4 I/O Ports Available On AMC Connector................................................................................ 10
Table 5 AMC-S402 Port Assignments.............................................................................................. 12
Table 6 AMC-S402 Module Edge, Pin Assignments ......................................................................... 13
Table 7 AMC-S402 Module Height Details, No Heat Sink................................................................. 15
Table 8 Environmental Specifications, Sas Disk Drives .................................................................... 16
Table 9 Power Requirements.......................................................................................................... 17
Table 10 EMC Emission Compliancy................................................................................................ 18
Table 11 LED Function.................................................................................................................... 19
Table 12 Sensor Data Records ........................................................................................................ 20
Table 13 Example FRU Data Records............................................................................................... 21
Table 14 AMC-S402 E-Key Port Assignments .................................................................................. 21
Table 15 Supported IPMI Commands ............................................................................................. 22
Table 16 Ipmitool Options Relevant to Firmware Upgrades............................................................. 24
6806800H60A AMC-S402 Installation and Use iii
Safety Summary
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this equipment. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual could result in personal injury or damage to the equipment.
The safety precautions listed below represent warnings of certain dangers of which Emerson is aware. You, as the user of the product, should follow these warnings and all other safety precautions necessary for the safe operation of the equipment in your operating environment.
ROUND THE INSTRUMENT. To minimize shock hazard, the equipment chassis and
G enclosure must be connected to an electrical ground. If the equipment is supplied with a three-conductor AC power cable, the power cable must be plugged into an approved three-contact electrical outlet, with the grounding wire (green/yellow) reliably connected to an electrical ground (safety ground) at the power outlet. The power jack and mating plug of the power cable meet International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) safety standards and local electrical regulatory codes.
War nin
O NOT OPERATE IN AN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE. Do not operate the equipment in any
D explosive atmosphere such as in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of any electrical equipment in such an environment could result in an explosion and cause injury or damage.
K remove equipment covers. Only Factory Authorized Service Personnel or other qualified service personnel may remove equipment covers for internal subassembly or component replacement or any internal adjustment. Service personnel should not replace components with power cable connected. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cable removed. To avoid injuries, such personnel should always disconnect power and discharge circuits before touching components.
U (CRT) causes a high-velocity scattering of glass fragments (implosion). To prevent CRT implosion, do not handle the CRT, and avoid rough handling or jarring of the equipment. Handling of a CRT should be done only by qualified service personnel using approved safety mask and gloves.
O NOT SUBSTITUTE PARTS OR MODIFY EQUIPMENT. Do not install substitute parts or
D perform any unauthorized modification of the equipment. Contact your local Emerson representative for service and repair to ensure that all safety features are maintained.
BSERVE WARNINGS IN MANUAL. Warnings, such as the example below, precede
O potentially dangerous procedures throughout this manual. Instructions contained in the warnings must be followed. You should also employ all other safety precautions which you deem necessary for the operation of the equipment in your operating environment.
6806800H60A AMC-S402 Installation and Use iv
To prevent serious injury or death from dangerous voltages, use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting this equipment and its components.
All Emerson PWBs (printed wiring boards) are manufactured with a flammability rating of 94V-0 by UL-recognized manufacturers.
EMI Caution
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate electromagnetic energy may cause or be susceptible to electromagnetic in installed and used with adequate EMI protection.
. It
terference (EMI) if not
The AMC-S402 is designed to comply with UL60950-1, and is intended to be used with similarly tested ATCA and MicroTCA prod user installation of AMC module accessories.
ucts tha
t have a user’s guide detailing
tice (European Community)
Emerson products with the CE marking comply with the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC). Compliance with this directive implies conformity to the following European Norms:
EN55022 “Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference
Characteristics of Infor to Equipment Class A
EN50082-1:1997 “Electromagnetic Compatibility–Generic Imm
Standard, Part 1. Residential, Commercial and Light Industry”
System products also fulfill EN60950 (product safety), wh requirement for the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC).
Board products are tested in a representative system to show compliance with the above mentioned requirements. A proper installa maintain the required EMC/safety performance.
In accordance with European Community directives, a “Declaration of Conform has been made and is on file within the European Union. The “Declaration of Conformity” is available on request. Please contact your sales representative.
mation Tech
nology Equipment”; this product tested
ich is essentially the
tion in a CE-marked system will
6806800H60A AMC-S402 Installation and Use v
About This Manual
The AMC-S402 Advanced Mezzanine Card SAS Hard Drive (HD) Carrier Installation and Use includes an explanation on how to configure and install the product, and also includes programming information. Readers will also find functional descriptions of the major components, pin assignments for the major connectors and headers on the AMC-S402.
How This Manual is Organized
This manual is divided into the following chapters and appendices:
Chapter 1 AMC-S402 Overview
features, I/O interfaces, a block diagram, a list of other equipment required; dip switch settings, and installation instructions.
Chapter 2 AMC-S402 Installation
Chapter 3 Functional Description
capabilities of the AMC product. It includes a detailed list of features, I/O interfaces, a block diagram, and configuration options.
Chapter 4 Connector Pin Assignments
major headers and connectors on the AMC-S402
Chapter 5 Specifications
specifications for this product.
Chapter 6 Front Panel Indicators
Chapter 7 IPMI Functions List
by the carrier board and Standard and OEM commands.
Chapter 8 IPMI Firmware Upgrade Procedure
includes a description of the product, a list of
provides detailed instructions for installing the
describes the major functional features and
includes pin out descriptions for all of the
contains basic environmental and mechanical
contains the descriptions of the Front Panel LED
contains a listing of current IPMI functions supported
describes the utility to upgrade the
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following typographical conventions are used in this document:
Table 1 Conventions Used In This Manual
Convention Is used for
bold User input that you type just as it appears; it is also used for
commands, options and arguments to commands, and names of programs, directories and files.
6806800H60A AMC-S402 Installation and Use vi
Names of variables to which you assign values, for function parameters, and for structure names and fields. Italic is also used for comments in screen displays and examples, and to
introduce new terms.
courier System output (for example, screen displays and reports),
examples, and system prompts.
The carriage return or Enter key. <Return> or <CR>
CTRL The Control key. Execute control characters by pressing the
CTRL key and the letter simultaneously, for example, Ctrl+D.
6806800H60A AMC-S402 Installation and Use vii
Hardware Preparation and Installation
Unpacking Instructions
If the shipping carton is damaged upon receipt, request that the carrier’s agent be present during the unpacking and inspection of the equipment.
Unpack the equipment from the shipping carton. Refer to the packing list and verify that all items are present. Save the packing material for storing and reshipping of equipment.
d touching areas of integrated circuitry. Static discharge can damage circuits.
After removing the product from the packaging:
Check for obvious physical damage. Make sure that you disconnect the chassis from the main power supply
before you continue.
Antistatic Precautions
Emerson strongly recommends that you use an antistatic wrist strap and a conductive foam pad when installing or upgrading a system. Electronic components, such as disk drives, computer boards, and memory modules, can be extremely sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). After removing the component from its protective wrapper or from the system, place the component flat on a grounded, static-free surface (and, in the case of a board, component side up). Do not slide the component over any surface.
If an ESD station is not available, you can avoid damage resulting from ESD by wearing an antistatic wrist strap (available at electronics stores) that is attached to an active electrical ground. Note that a system chassis may not be grounded if it is unplugged.
Dangerous v extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting.
oltages, capable of causing death, are present in this equipment. Use
Avoid touching areas of integrated circuitry. Static discharge can damage these circuits.
6806800H60A AMC-S402 Installation and Use viii
1 AMC-S402
The AMC-S402 is an Advanced Mezzanine Card (AMC) module which incorporates an enterprise class dual port SAS disk drive onto the module. The module boasts several unique features intended to help embedded systems designers address both thermal and signal integrity design challenges associated with in-chassis ATCA and MicroTCA applications.
The AMC-S402 includes new signal integrity ‘tuning’ circuits to adjust and optimize the high speed SAS serial links to best match the electrical routing environment of your specific ATCA or microTCA backplanes. These signal wave-shape parameters are stored in non-volatile memory installed on the module.
The AMC-S402 was developed as single-width AMC, with ship options for mid or full height panels. All hard drives are 2.5” small form factor, and spin at a minimum 10,000 rotations per minute (RPM). The AMC-S402 also includes a module management controller (MMC).

1.1 Features of the AMC Module

The AMC-S402 is an AMC module with the following major features:
Accommodates a single 2.5" SAS hard drive Dual path SAS support, AMC Port 2 primary, AMC Port 3 secondary Drive over-current protection General Advanced Mezzanine Card Features Ejector switches for hot swap Wave shape capability, for SAS transmit signals One blue hot swap LED OOS (Out-of-Service) LED ACT LED indicates in-service state and I/O activity
Refer to Chapter 5 Specificationsfor additional details regarding env mechanical, power specifications, as well as reliability and compliance statements.

1.2 PICMG Standards Compliance

The AMC-S402 is fully compliant with the following PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group (PICMG) specifications:
PICMG AMC.0 Rev2.0 (See section 5.1.1 for height exceptions) AMC.3 Re
vision 1. storage signaling option

1.3 Products Supported by this Manual

The information in this manual applies to the following Emerson products:
AMC-S402-M-146G AMC-S402-M-300G
6806800H60A AMC-S402 Installation and Use 1
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