Emerson Alber BDS-40, Liebert IntelliSlot Relay Card, Monitoring For Business-Critical Continuity, Liebert Monitoring Solutions Brochures and Data Sheets

Monitoring For Business-Critical Continuity
Liebert Monitoring Solutions: Protecting Your Investment Against The Unknown.
Table Of Contents
Centralized Monitoring Software
Automated Shutdown
L ocal And Remote Monitoring
B attery Monitoring
L eak Detection
Ad vanced Monitoring
Page 4 Monitoring Is Designed To Protect Against The Threats You Can’t See Page 6 Seven Categories Of Liebert Monitoring Solutions Page 8 How Deep Does Your Monitoring Need To Be?
Page 10 Liebert MultiLink Software Page 12 Liebert IntelliSlot Web Card, Liebert IntelliRack, Liebert MultiPort 4 Kit Page 13 Liebert CommSure
Page 14 Liebert Uni versal Monitor, Liebert Environmental Discrete Output Interface Card Page 15 Liebert Controllers, Liebert RCM4, Liebert vEM-14
Page 16 Albér BDS-40, Albér BDS-256XL, Albér BDSi, Albér MPM-100, Albér Cellcorder
Page 20 Liqui-tect Panel, Liqui-tect 410, Liqui-tect 460
Page 22 Liebert Nform Software Page 24 Lieber t IntelliSlot Web Card, Liebert IntelliSlot Web/485 Card w/Adapter
Page 26 Liebert SiteScan Web Software
Third Party Monitoring Connectivity
Page 28 Liebert Interface Module—Modbus, Liebert Interface Module—BACnet
Liebert Site TPI-E Module—Modbus, Liebert Web Card—SNMP, Liebert IntelliSlot 485 Card, Liebert IntelliSlot Web/485 Card w/ Adapter,
Page 30 Liebert Services
Liebert has built advanced monitoring and communications capabilities into virtually every
product we make. Our monitoring and control products allow you to take full advantage of
these features. You will find a broad range of monitoring and control systems,
communications modules and other equipment designed to interface with a variety of
communication protocols, operating platforms and building management systems.
Monitoring Is Designed To Protect Against The Threats You Can’t See
Without Proper Support Vital Processes Just Cannot Function
Critical systems are the lifeblood of your operations. If something should happen to them,you are simply out of business. You need to monitor and control your entire facility protection infrastructure to ensure maximum availability and continuous productivity. Vital computing, communications and industrial process control facilities all depend on power protection and mission-critical air control systems to maintain their operations.
If a problem develops in any one of these support systems — the performance of the entire facility is at risk. These systems may be located close by…or on the other side of the world. No matter where they are located, problems can and will develop. The difference is whether or not you will be able to react to these problems before they become disasters.
The Reasons For Monitoring Are Many
Expose Unknown Threats — Leaking water, developing equipment problems and other undetected conditions can shut down critical systems without any warning.
Enable Proactive Management — A developing problem that goes unreported could signal trouble ahead for a vital piece of computer support equipment. Knowing the up-to-the minute condition of these systems allows preventive measures to be taken in the most efficient and effective manner.
Reduce Expenses — Electronic monitoring give you the ability to detect and resolve problems for a wide range of products from a central location and notify support staff anywhere in the world. It also requires less manpower, reduces downtime and provides detailed information for easier troubleshooting.
Keep Equipment Operating — The ability to eliminate previously unseen problems by graphically viewing the operation of support systems in real-time helps prevent downtime and promotes productivity.
Solve The Right Problem — Unrecorded data involving an operational event might cause you to miss the real trouble spot. Having access to the right information provides the ability to properly diagnose the source of the problem in the first place and helps to prevent repeat occurrences.
Undetected. Unrecorded. Unreported. Uncorrected.
Can You Really Afford Not To Know?
Monitoring is the key to knowing what is happening
within your facility, not knowing may cost more than
you can pay. Loss of productivity due to system
downtime and the associated costs are a direct result
of not reacting to problems within your operations.
Because of the major investment you’ve made in critical
facilities and the systems to support and protect their
operation—it just doesn’t make sense not to monitor
your investment.
If you don’t know what is happening inside your critical facilities, the end result will be loss of availability.
Liebert Monitoring Solutions Fall Into These Seven Categories:
You Have To Know There Is A Problem Before You Can Correct The Problem
Automated Shutdown Software
Protects your data from being lost or corrupted during extended power outages by initiating an orderly shutdown of your computer systems.
Local And Remote Monitoring
Provides basic monitoring and control for single or small groups of equipment either at the equipment location or to a remote site.
Battery Monitoring
Detects battery problems by continuously monitoring all critical battery parameters such as cell resistance, inter-cell and inter-tier connections, cell voltage, overall string voltage, current and temperature.
Leak Detection
Alerts facility personnel to the presence of leaking fluids before serious damage results.
There are any number of points within a critical facility where an unseen small
problem can develop—and lead to much larger and costlier disasters. These
examples show the types of occurrences that can develop—and what can happen if
they are not responded to in a timely manner.
Enclosure Systems
Racks and cabinets are a great way to consolidate and protect equipment. But by nature of a cabinet, problems developed inside can be concealed.
Critical Mechanical Systems
The good news is that you had a redundant pump so that when your primary pump failed your cooling system stayed on-line. The bad news is that you are down to one pump and you never know it.
IT Monitoring
Provides cost-efficient, centralized monitoring of various power and environmental units utilizing an existing network infrastructure.
Advanced Monitoring
Offers comprehensive, centralized monitoring, control, data analysis
and reporting for a full range of
computer support systems.
Third Party Monitoring Connectivity
The use of open protocols allows you to interface Liebert units and monitoring systems with other types and brands of control equipment including BMS, NMS, SCADA and fire alarm systems.
Automatic Transfer Switches
You have a utility power outage. Your UPS is supplying battery power to your computer equipment and your back-up generator just came on-line. Life is good, right? Wrong! If the ATS does not transfer the load to generator power, then your network is still going to go down when you run out of battery power. Too little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
UPS Systems
Your UPS has an internal fault and has been on bypass since Sunday. No one knows about it now— but they will if you lose utility power.
Battery System
You have a weak cell in your battery string. Too bad you won’t find out about it until it fails five minutes into the next power outage.
U P St ati on G XT
U P Stat i on G XT
Power Conditioning Units
A grounding problem in your power conditioning system causes small voltage disturbances. You may not even realize there is corrupt data or damage to other systems until bigger problems occur months later.
Breaker and Power Distribution
Several circuits are on the verge of overload. If one of these breakers trips, servers will crash. Too bad you are not aware of the situation.
UPS Systems
Yesterday the UPS failed its automatic battery self test. Today the UPS failed to carry the load during a momentary power interruption, halting a critical process. The problem isn’t the
UPS or the weak battery. The real problem is that you didn’t know that the UPS failed a self-diagnostic test.
Environmental HVAC Systems
High head pressure, compressor short cycling, dirty filters, pump or fan failure—these are just a few of the problems that can cause mission-critical air conditioning systems and other HVAC equipment to go down and temperatures to go up. One more problem? Not knowing that these troubles are developing in the first place.
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U P S t at i on G XT
U PS t a ti o n G XT
U P S ta t i on GX
U P S t atio n GX
U P S t a t ion G X
U PS t a t ionG X
Water Leaks
Your data cabling is lying in a growing puddle of water under the raised floor because of a plumbing leak. It is just a matter of time before that affects your operation. Who knows how long it will take to track down the cause of the problem.
Static Transfer Switches
A transfer switch fails to transfer when your primary power feed goes down in the middle of the night. You won’t know about it, though, until tomorrow morning when there are no sales reports, no e-mails and certainly no one conducting normal business.
Generator Operation
The good news is your emergency generator came on-line during a power failure last night and kept things running for several hours. The bad news is that the fuel tank is now almost empty—and no one realizes it, leaving you unprotected for the next outage.
DC Power Systems
An overvoltage condition in an essential DC power system causes an alarm to sound. Problem is, no one is there to hear it.
Surge Protection
Thank goodness you installed that surge protector. It has protected your site through many thunderstorms. Too bad it self-destructed protecting you from that last surge and you don’t know that it needs to be replaced.
Intrusion Alarm
The entrance of unauthorized personnel into a remote shelter is a big problem. The real problem is that the person who needs to know this is happening is unaware and possibly isn’t in the same building—or even the same state.
Liebert Monitoring Solutions Provide The Right Information To The Right People.
How Deep Does Your Monitoring Need To Be?
Important facility operational and status information needs
to be communicated by different means with varying levels
of importance. This is why Liebert gives you so many ways
to supervise your enterprise.
Critical Information Takes Many Forms
Monitoring can range from a simple remote panel that provides basic operating information from an air conditioning unit—all the way to full-scale monitoring and control of a critical facility including trending and data analysis.
Your requirements will vary according to the specificity of the information you need. You may require no more than a local readout of a unit’s operating status. Or you may need the ability to control its operation and receive alarms.
These information requirements may also go beyond basic monitoring and control. You may need the ability to analyze performance data in order to pinpoint trouble spots so that the same problems don’t happen again and again.
It may also be necessary to share information with an existing building management system (BMS) or other supervisory controls.
What Exactly Do You Need To Know?
You need enough information to guard against anything that can keep your critical support systems from being able to protect the operation of your computing and communications systems. Knowing where and what the problem is—that’s the first step to keeping it from becoming a disaster. No matter what you need to know about the operation of your facility and the essential systems inside, Liebert has a product that will enable you to do it.
Liebert MultiLink
Advanced Monitoring And System Shutdown For Your Liebert UPS
Liebert MultiLink software provides comprehensive UPS
status reporting and automated, orderly shutdown of
assigned computers to protect critical data during
extended power outages.
Stay In Control
Because today’s critical business applications are often spread over several computers, there is a need for UPS shutdown software capable of protecting information on multiple machines. Liebert MultiLink automated shutdown software performs the critical task of protecting your computers from costly damage and loss of data as a result of power failures—on systems ranging from a single PC to a network of workstations, running on a wide variety of operating systems.
Designed For Use With A Range Of Liebert UPS Systems
Installed on a host computer, Liebert MultiLink communicates with a variety of Liebert UPS systems to detect any loss of utility power and determine the status of the UPS battery. During an extended utility failure, Liebert MultiLink warns computer users of impending power loss and automatically shuts down computer operating systems in a smooth and orderly manner if UPS battery capacity runs low.
Liebert MultiLink offers integration to the Web Card interface, advanced action logging, enhanced unattended shutdown configurations and added support for Three-Phase UPS systems. The intuitive configuration management interface provides the user with full functionality and automated shutdown protection right out of the box, meaning virtually no configuration is required.
Liebert MultiLink can also interface with the user in one of four different languages, including English, Canadian French, Latin American Spanish and Simplified Chinese. Once the user selects a language, all text, menus and screens will appear in that language. Changing between the available languages is a simple menu option.
Liebert MultiLink supports multiple shutdown configurations that incorporate network and serial based shutdown solutions for one or many computer systems. Scalability has been designed into MultiLink’s architecture to support orderly shutdown on virtually an unlimited number of computer systems. This scalability is extremely valuable in large data centers where multiple computers could be powered by a large UPS system.
For more information go to: http://multilink.liebert.com
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