Disk-Array Processor Enclosure (DPE)
From Model FC 55XX/57XX to
Model FC 45XX
Installation Guide
P/N 014002956-03
This document explains how to upgrade a Model 5600/5700 or
5400/5500 disk-array processor enclosure (DPE) to a Model 4500
DPE by replacing its storage processors (SPs), and by loading an
upgrade revision and a new revision of Core Software (previously
known as Licensed Internal Code, LIC).
Topic s are
• Requirements ............................................................................................. 2
• Upgrade procedure................................................................................... 4
The procedure described in this document is to be performed by an authorized
EMC service provider only.

• The DPE to upgrade, and each connected DAE enclosure, must
have two LCCs. (The upgrade assembly includes two Model 4400
SPs and two 800-watt SPS units.)
• If you want to upgrade to shared storage with the Access Logix™
option, you must have ordered the Access Logix option. Access
Logix Core Software ships on its own CD-ROM.
• Shared storage with Access Logix requires two Fibre Channel
• You must have the latest Interface kit to provide required
revisions of Navisphere Agent/CLI and ATF (Application
Transparent Failover).
• The operating system disk, Navisphere
® Agent, and Navisphere
Manager cannot reside on the storage system being upgraded;
that is, there must be a system disk independent of the storage
• The Core Software for Model 4400 SPs does not support disks
with part number 005-44614 or 005-44299. (These are Seagate
ST19171FC 9-Gbyte half-height disks.) If the storage system you
want to convert has any such disks, replace them with a
supported model before starting the upgrade. The new Core
Software will not recognize and power up any such disks. To
verify the disk model, stop and prevent I/O to the storage
system, and then remove one disk at a time and read the part
number label on the side of the disk carrier. Then reinsert the
• If the DPE to upgrade is connected to a server running HP/UX
and it is either any FC54XX/55XX or it is an FC56XX/FC57XX
that uses Core Software earlier than version 5.11.08, then the
hardware paths to the LUNs must have been redefined. The paths
must be redefined because the newer version of Core Software
you will install supports more than eight LUNs with HP-UX. The
procedure for redefining the paths to LUNs with HP/UX is
explained in CLARiiON support note S000309A.
DPE Model 54XX/56XX Upgrade to Model 45XX

Table 1 Minimum revisions of Core Software and Navisphere
SP Model Part Number Core Software revisions
Old 5400 005-045189 2.04.26
5600 118-027130 5.11.08
New 4400 118-030563 5.32.XX
Logix CD-ROM
kit CD-ROMs
Other CD-ROM
New n/a 068-090454 6.32.XX
Navisphere software Minimum revision
Agent/CLI, ATF, HBA drivers
CLARalert event monitor
Manager or Supervisor
For the latest revision information, consult the Open Systems Support
Matrix, accessible through URL
DPE Model 54XX/56XX Upgrade to Model 45XX