EMC DL3D 1500, DL3D 3000 Administrator's Manual

EMC® Disk Library
DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000
Version 1.1
P/N 300-006-695
EMC Corporation
Corporate Headquarters:
Hopkinton, MA 01748
Copyright © 2008-2009 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
Published February, 2009
EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice.
Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable software license.
For the most up-to-date regulatory document for your product line, go to the Technical Documentation and Advisories section on EMC Powerlink.
For the most up-to-date listing of EMC product names, see EMC Corporation Trademarks on EMC.com.
All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.
EMC DL3D 1500 andDL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
Chapter 1 About the DL3D 1500/3000
Introduction to the DL3D 1500/3000............................................. 20
Advanced data de-duplication increases disk retention for
backup data .................................................................................20
Remote replication of backup data provides automated
disaster recovery protection......................................................20
Enterprise features provide secure, centralized repository..20
Data reduction................................................................................... 21
Data de-duplication....................................................................21
Hardware compression..............................................................22
Remote replication............................................................................ 23
Hardware components..................................................................... 24
DL3D 1500 components.............................................................24
DL3D 3000 components.............................................................24
Powering up the appliance.............................................................. 25
Powering up the storage system ..............................................25
Powering up the DL3D server..................................................25
Powering down the appliance ........................................................ 26
Powering down the DL3D server.............................................26
Powering down the storage system.........................................26


Chapter 2 DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Remote Management
DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 web pages.......................................... 28
Supported browser software.....................................................28
Accessing DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 web pages.................28
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
Chapter 3 Configuring DL3D 1500/3000
Accessing the configuration page .................................................. 36
Configuring the network ................................................................ 37
Viewing/editing the network configuration..........................37
Configuring the date and time ....................................................... 39
Date and time configuration.....................................................39
Configuring security ........................................................................ 41
SSL ................................................................................................ 43
Login session...............................................................................44
Configuring email............................................................................. 45
Recipients..................................................................................... 45
Server............................................................................................ 47
Configuring SNMP........................................................................... 48
Community .................................................................................49
Adding contacts information.......................................................... 52
Company .....................................................................................52
Primary/Secondary ...................................................................53
Chapter 4 Configuring and Managing Virtual Tape Libraries
Introduction....................................................................................... 56
Connecting the DL3D to the SAN............................................56
Virtual tape libraries.................................................................. 56
Other considerations.................................................................. 57
Configuring virtual tape libraries .................................................. 59
Accessing virtual tape libraries ...............................................59
Creating a virtual tape library ..................................................60
Creating media........................................................................... 62
Managing SAN clients...............................................................64
Managing targets........................................................................65
Viewing target usage .................................................................65
Adding a SAN client group ......................................................66
Single library with multiple hosts............................................67
Managing virtual tape libraries...................................................... 68
Editing a virtual tape library ....................................................68
Viewing virtual tape libraries...................................................69
Deleting a virtual tape library ..................................................69
Managing virtual tape library actions..................................... 70
Managing media actions ...........................................................72
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
Managing SAN client groups....................................................74
Configuring and managing the Path-to-Tape feature.................. 76
Setting up the Path-to-Tape function.......................................76
Configuring the Path-to-Tape function ...................................77
Discovering physical devices ....................................................77
Configuring backup application-specific users......................79
Managing backup application specific user............................80
Configuring Auto Archive............................................................... 82
Claiming media.......................................................................... 82
Setting import/export behavior of media...............................84
Configuring early tape creation................................................85
Configuring barcode filters .......................................................86
Managing auto archive..................................................................... 87
Viewing media summary ..........................................................87
Managing virtual actions on the media...................................87
Managing cartridge access.........................................................89
Managing physical actions on the media................................90
Managing pending actions ........................................................91
Managing device modes ............................................................92
Chapter 5 Configuring and Managing Disk Backup
Configuring and managing disk backup....................................... 96
Configuring and managing NAS shares........................................ 97
Configuring NAS shares............................................................97
Managing NAS shares..............................................................106
Advanced Setting......................................................................108
Configuring and managing OST................................................... 109
Configuring OST.......................................................................109
Managing OST...........................................................................113
Chapter 6 Viewing Status
Accessing status............................................................................... 118
Hardware.......................................................................................... 118
Summary................................................................................... 119
Details ........................................................................................ 119
System............................................................................................... 122
Ethernet ......................................................................................122
Disk Usage .................................................................................124
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
Fibre Channel............................................................................ 126
VTL ................................................................................................... 127
Physical view............................................................................. 127
Logical view ..............................................................................127
Performance view..................................................................... 128
Chapter 7 Managing Alerts
Alerts ................................................................................................ 130
Admin Alerts............................................................................ 130
Action Required........................................................................131
Service Tickets...........................................................................131
Chapter 8 Managing Data Services
Accessing data services.................................................................. 138
Space reclamation.....................................................................138
Space Reclamation page ..........................................................139
Configuring and implementing data replication....................... 141
Overview of the replication process......................................141
Configuring and managing data replication........................ 142
Prerequisites for replication....................................................143
Setting up the target DL3D appliance...................................144
Setting up the source DL3D appliance..................................146
Replicating to a target system.................................................149
Viewing replication status.......................................................155
Performing source role actions...............................................158
Performing target role actions................................................160
Recovering replicated data............................................................ 161
Data recovery ............................................................................161
Data failback..............................................................................163
Chapter 9 Managing Utilities
Accessing utilities ........................................................................... 166
Diagnostics ............................................................................... 168
Node management...................................................................171
License keys...............................................................................172
Chapter 10 Command Line Interface
Access to Command Line Interface ............................................. 174
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
Command Line Interface syntax conventions......................174
Virtual tape library commands ..................................................... 176
list vtl ..........................................................................................176
list library ...................................................................................176
list tapedrive ..............................................................................177
add vtl.........................................................................................177
edit vtl.........................................................................................178
del vtl ..........................................................................................178
list mediatype ............................................................................178
add media...................................................................................179
list media....................................................................................179
del media....................................................................................180
export media..............................................................................180
recycle media.............................................................................181
writeprot media.........................................................................181
offline | online...........................................................................181
list host........................................................................................182
add host......................................................................................182
edit host......................................................................................182
del host .......................................................................................183
list target.....................................................................................183
list device....................................................................................183
list sanclientgroup.....................................................................184
add sanclientgroup...................................................................185
del sanclientgroup ....................................................................185
NAS commands............................................................................... 186
list share......................................................................................186
add share....................................................................................187
del share .....................................................................................187
join workgroup..........................................................................188
join ads........................................................................................188
disjoin workgroup ....................................................................188
disjoin ads ..................................................................................189
list user........................................................................................189
add user......................................................................................189
add user......................................................................................190
del user .......................................................................................190
getstatus nfs|cifs.......................................................................190
deleteall share............................................................................190
edit share....................................................................................191
deleteall user..............................................................................191
edit user......................................................................................191
add shareadmin.........................................................................191
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
list shareadmin..........................................................................192
del shareadmin ......................................................................... 192
deleteall shareadmin................................................................192
add shareuser............................................................................192
list shareuser.............................................................................. 193
del shareuser .............................................................................193
deleteall shareuser....................................................................193
add sharehost............................................................................ 193
list sharehost..............................................................................194
del sharehost .............................................................................194
deleteall sharehost.................................................................... 194
get smbsetting...........................................................................194
set smbsetting............................................................................195
Status commands............................................................................ 196
get capacity................................................................................196
get capacity free........................................................................196
get capacity free dedup............................................................196
get capacity used ......................................................................196
get capacity used dedup.......................................................... 197
get ddratio .................................................................................197
Replication commands................................................................... 198
replicate vtl................................................................................ 198
replicate nas...............................................................................198
lock vtl........................................................................................198
lock nas.......................................................................................199
unlock vtl ...................................................................................199
unlock nas..................................................................................199
getstatus vtllock........................................................................199
getstatus naslock.......................................................................200
sync vtl .......................................................................................200
sync nas......................................................................................200
genrpt replication ..................................................................... 200
getstatus trigger........................................................................200
getstatus sync............................................................................201
OST commands............................................................................... 202
add storageserver .....................................................................202
del storageserver.......................................................................202
edit storageserver .....................................................................202
list storageserver....................................................................... 203
add lsu........................................................................................203
del lsu .........................................................................................203
edit lsu........................................................................................204
list lsu .........................................................................................204
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
Appendix A DL3D Event Codes
Appendix B Veritas NetBackup OST and LSU Configuration
Veritas NetBackup OST and LSU Configuration........................ 218
Enabling Verbose Logging............................................................. 219
Appendix C Mounting or Mapping the NAS Shares
Mounting NFS shares..................................................................... 222
Mapping CIFS shares...................................................................... 225
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
1 Optional network node fields........................................................................ 38
2 SNMP trap selections...................................................................................... 48
3 Company information .................................................................................... 52
4 Primary/secondary contact information..................................................... 53
5 Summary Information .................................................................................... 73
6 Virtual actions.................................................................................................. 74
7 Workgroup users fields................................................................................ 103
8 Add NAS share fields................................................................................... 106
9 NAS Share Summary fields ......................................................................... 107
10 Storage Server Fields .................................................................................... 112
11 LSU fields ....................................................................................................... 113
12 Administration alerts.................................................................................... 130
13 System status.................................................................................................. 132
14 Server events.................................................................................................. 206
15 Server software events.................................................................................. 209
16 RAID events................................................................................................... 212
17 Fibre Channel HBA events .......................................................................... 213
18 Compression HBA events............................................................................ 214
19 Network data management protocol events............................................. 214
20 Software events.............................................................................................. 215
21 RAS events ..................................................................................................... 216
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide


As part of an effort to improve and enhance the performance and capabilities of its product line, EMC from time to time releases revisions of its hardware and software. Therefore, some functions described in this document may not be supported by all revisions of the software or hardware currently in use. For the most up-to-date information on product features, refer to your product release notes.
If a product does not function properly or does not function as described in this document, please contact your EMC representative.
This manual introduces the EMC protection systems and discusses:
DL3D 1500/3000 enhanced data
System operations
Web interface
Audience This manual is written for DL3D 1500/3000 system administrators
and field service engineers.
Note: You should have a basic understanding of UNIX® and backup/recovery systems.
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
Organization Following is a brief description of chapter contents.
Chapter 1 Provides an overview of the DL3D 1500/3000
system and procedures to power up and power down the appliance.
Chapter 2 Describes how to use the DL3D 1500/3000 system
management pages to control the system remotely.
Chapter 3 Describes the DL3D 1500/3000 appliance
Chapter 4 Describes the DL3D 1500/3000 virtual tape libraries
Chapter 5 Describes the DL3D 1500/3000 backup
configuration - NAS configuration and OST configuration.
Chapter 6 Contains a description of DL3D 1500/3000 status
Chapter 7 Discusses the DL3D 1500/3000 alert information
such as email account configuration and SNMP configuration.
Chapter 8 Describes the DL3D 1500/3000 data services such
as space reclamation and remote replication.
Chapter 9 Describes the DL3D 1500/3000 utilities, such as
VTL state, and rebooting the system.
Chapter 10 Describes the commands used in the Command
Line Interface of DL3D 1500/3000.
Appendix A Lists the event changes associated with the DL3D
Appendix B Lists the commands required for configuring OST
and LSU on Veritas NetBackup.
Appendix C Lists the procedures required for mounting NFS
shares and mapping CIFS shares.
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
Related documents The following documents are also available for the DL3D 1500/3000
Document no. Document title Document description
300-006-697-A03 DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000
Service Reference and Troubleshooting Guide
Provides service-related reference information for DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 appliances.
Conventions used in this guide
EMC uses the following conventions for notes, cautions, warnings, and danger notices.
Note: A note presents information that is important, but not hazard-related.
A caution contains information essential to avoid data loss or damage to the system or equipment. The caution may apply to hardware or software.
A warning contains information essential to avoid a hazard that can cause severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if you ignore the warning.
A danger notice contains information essential to avoid a hazard that will cause severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if you ignore the message.
Typographical conventions
EMC uses the following type style conventions in this guide:
• User actions (what the user clicks, presses, or selects)
• Interface elements (button names, dialog box names)
• Names of keys, commands, programs, scripts, applications, utilities, processes, notifications, system calls, services, applications, and utilities in text
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
Courier •Prompts
Courier, bold •User entry
Courier italic • Arguments in examples of command-line syntax
<> [] | ...
• Book titles
• New terms in text
• Emphasis in text
• System output
• Filenames
• Pathnames
• Syntax when shown in command line or other examples
• Options in command-line syntax
• Variables in examples of screen or file output
• Variables in pathnames
Angle brackets for parameter values (variables) supplied by user.
Square brackets for optional values.
Vertical bar symbol for alternate selections. The bar means or.
Ellipsis for nonessential information omitted from the example.
Where to get help EMC support, product, and licensing information can be obtained as
follows: Product information — For documentation, release notes, software
updates, or for information about EMC products, licensing, and service, go to the EMC Powerlink
website (registration required) at:
Technical support — For technical support, go to EMC WebSupport on Powerlink. To open a case on EMC WebSupport, you must be a WebSupport customer. Information about your site configuration and the circumstances under which the problem occurred is required.
Your comments
our suggestions will help us continue to improve the accuracy, organization, and overall quality of the user publications. Please send your opinion of this guide to:
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
Supported Internet
The Internet browser software is not supplied with the DL3D 1500/3000 appliance; you must obtain and install it independently. The DL3D 1500/3000 appliance supports the following Internet browsers:
Internet Explorer (IE) 6.02 or later
Firefox 1.5 or later
JRE 1.4.2 or later
Firefox 1.5 or later
JRE 1.4.2 or later
Firefox 1.5 or later
JRE 1.4.2 or later
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
About the
DL3D 1500/3000
This chapter describes the DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 appliances and their components. It also describes the procedures to power up and power down the appliance. The chapter discusses the following topics:
Introduction to the DL3D 1500/3000 .............................................. 20
Data reduction.................................................................................... 21
Remote replication............................................................................. 23
Hardware components...................................................................... 24
Powering up the appliance............................................................... 25
Powering down the appliance ......................................................... 26
About the DL3D 1500/3000
About the DL3D 1500/3000

Introduction to the DL3D 1500/3000

The DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 appliances are enterprise disk backup solutions that integrate data de-duplication and replication technology to provide backup and disaster recovery (DR) protection across distributed corporate environments. The Data de-duplication refers to the elimination of redundant data. The DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 disk-based backup appliances use data de-duplication technology to increase disk capacities by 10 to 50 times, and make wide area network (WAN) replication a practical, cost-effective part of disaster recovery planning. Scalable to 148 TB of raw capacity, the DL3D appliance is designed for larger sites and corporate data centers.
Major features of the DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 include:
Up to 148 TB of raw capacity
Data de-duplication and multi-site remote replication
High performance for enterprise scale protection

Advanced data de-duplication increases disk retention for backup data

The DL3D 1500/3000 appliance leverages data de-duplication technology to increase the role that disks can play in the protection of critical data. With the DL3D appliance, you can retain 10 to 50 times more backup data on fast recovery disks than with conventional storage systems.

Remote replication of backup data provides automated disaster recovery protection

With the DL3D 1500/3000, you can transmit de-duplicated backup data from single or multiple remote sites to a central, secure location to reduce or eliminate media handling. DL3D replication is asynchronous, automated, and operates as a background process.

Enterprise features provide secure, centralized repository

With up to 148 TB of native capacity and 8 TB/hour of ingest performance, the DL3D appliance has active-active architecture to eliminate single points of failure. In addition, policy-based
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide

Data reduction

Data de-duplication

About the DL3D 1500/3000
de-duplication lets you select either scheduled or immediate techniques. Data storage is available in both virtual tape library (VTL) and network attached storage (NAS) formats.
Data reduction is the process of reducing the amount of storage capacity required to store data. The DL3D 1500/3000 appliances provide two techniques to optimize the storage space required on your system:
Data de-duplication
Hardware compression
The DL3D 1500/3000 appliance can reduce the amount of storage capacity required by using data de-duplication. The DL3D series disk backup and replication systems use data de-duplication technology to increase the role that disks can play in data protection. This advantage lets IT departments cost-effectively retain months of backup data on disk for faster, more reliable restores and more data recovery points. The DL3D 1500/3000 supports immediate and scheduled de-duplication policies (as well as no de-duplication) on individual shares or VTLs.
Immediate de-duplication - As the DL3D appliance ingests the
backup data, the DL3D writes the data to disk in its native format. The de-duplication process is initiated when the first 256 MB of data is received and continues during data ingest.
Scheduled de-duplication - This policy allows you to specify a
time window during which de-duplication will not occur. Typically, this time window is the backup window. It allows the backup to be ingested at maximum rates for time critical backup windows. De-duplication begins on the data (already present in native format on disk) as soon as the schedule window expires.
The de-duplication process divides the backup data into variable length blocks and creates a signature for each block. For each signature, the de-duplication process determines if any other identical signature already exists, and if not, it compresses the unique block and writes it to its data pool. If it finds any matches to these signatures, it replaces that redundant block with a pointer to the
Data reduction
About the DL3D 1500/3000

Hardware compression

unique block so that only one copy of that data block will exist on disk. This description (signatures and pointers) of the de-duplicated data is referred to as the metadata index and is stored separately from the backup data on a RAID 6 LUN on the disk array in the DL3D 3000 and on a RAID1 LUN in the DL3D 1500. A metadata index is stored for all data de-duplicated within the DL3D.
As additional backup data is written to the DL3D, its data is also broken down into variable length blocks whose signatures are compared against those for existing unique blocks. Only new unique blocks are stored along with pointers to existing unique blocks in the appropriate sequence that can be used to reconstitute the data. The sections “Configuring and Managing Disk Backup” on page 95 and
“Configuring and Managing Virtual Tape Libraries” on page 55
contain more information on enabling data de-duplication.
The DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 appliances are configured with hardware-based compression cards. These compression cards installed in your system allow unique data that has been through the de-duplication process to be further compressed at a ratio of 2:1. This enables you to maximize the storage capacity of your system as well as increase overall backup performance.
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide

Remote replication

About the DL3D 1500/3000
Most backup occurs on local devices, making it difficult to deploy disk backup when you require disaster recovery protection. DL3D series solutions combine data de-duplication with replication to decrease the bandwidth required to move backup data over networks and between sites. This solution makes it practical and cost-effective for you to replicate backup data over WANs for secure, network-based disaster recovery protection, and it lets you combine rapid, local restores with sound disaster recovery protection. With DL3D series replication, you transmit only unique data from up to 10 sites to a central location using any DL3D model. DL3D series replication is an asynchronous, automated background process that includes the option of AES-128 encryption of data in transit. This model for protecting the distributed enterprise lets you combine disk, replication, and tape for an optimal combination of performance, simplicity, and security.
Remote replication
About the DL3D 1500/3000

Hardware components

DL3D 1500 components

This section describes the hardware components of DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000.
The DL3D 1500 rack includes the following base hardware components:
One Intel-based 2U appliance engine (server) that contains the
• Four PCI-E slots and one PCI-X slot
• One compression card
• One quad port 4 Gb Fibre Channel (FC) adapter (HBA)
• One dual port GbE network interface card (NIC)
One EMC CX3-10 storage system that contains the following:
• Two 4 Gb/s Fibre Channel connections from the DL3D server to each back-end storage processor (SP A and SP B)
• One or more shelves of SATA (serial advanced technology attachment) drives.

DL3D 3000 components

EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
The DL3D 3000 rack includes the following base hardware components:
One Intel-based 2U appliance engine (server) that contains the
• Four PCI-E slots and one PCI-X slot
• Two compression cards
• Two quad port 4 Gb Fibre Channel (FC) adapters (HBA)
• One quad port GbE network interface card (NIC)
One EMC CX3-40F storage system that contains the following:
• Two 4 Gb/s Fibre Channel connections from the DL3D server to each back-end storage processor (SP A and SP B)
• One or more shelves of serial advanced technology attachment (SATA) drives.

Powering up the appliance

This section lists the steps required to power up the storage system and the server.

Powering up the storage system

Verify the following: The two power cords for the storage processor enclosure 2 (SPE2)
power supplies are plugged into the standby power supplies (SPS) and the power cord retention bails are in place.
Power cords for the first disk array enclosure (DAE3P) {enclosure
address 0 (EA 0), bus 0} are plugged into the SPSs and the power cord retention bails are in place.
The power cords for the SPSs and any other DAE3Ps are plugged
into the cabinet’s power strips.
Any other devices in the cabinet are correctly installed and ready
for powerup.
About the DL3D 1500/3000
Make sure the power switch on each SPS is turned on.

Powering up the DL3D server

Press the power button on the DL3D server. Wait for the DL3D server to power up.
Powering up the appliance
About the DL3D 1500/3000

Powering down the appliance

This section lists the steps required to power down the storage system and the server. You must power down the server before you power down the storage system.

Powering down the DL3D server

To shut down the DL3D:
1. Access the Utilities page. See Accessing utilities.
2. Click Node Management.
3. On the Node Management page, click Shutdown.
4. Click Apply. The DL3D server gracefully stops all running services and shuts

Powering down the storage system

To power down the storage system:
1. Stop all I/O activity to the SPE. Stopping the I/O allows the storage processor (SP) to destage cache data, and may take some time. The length of time depends on the size of the cache, the amount of data in the cache, the type of data in the cache, and the target location on the disks, but it is typically less than one minute. We recommend that you wait five minutes before proceeding.
2. After five minutes, use the power switch on each SPS to turn off power. This disconnects power to the SPE and the first DAE (EA 0, bus 0). You do not need to turn off power to the other connected DAEs.
Unless there is an emergency, never turn off the power to the rack, such as the cabinet door switches, or unplug any of the AC cables going to the SPE to disconnect power.
The storage system powers down within two minutes.
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000
Remote Management
The DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 appliances use a web-based interface, which lets you configure and manage the system from a remote workstation on the same network. The DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 appliances are managed through web pages (accessible using Internet browser software installed on the host computer).
DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 web pages........................................... 28
DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Remote Management
DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Remote Management

DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 web pages

Supported browser software

The Internet browser software is not supplied with the DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 appliances; you must obtain and install it independently. The DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 appliances support the following Internet browsers:
• IE 6.02 or later
•IE 7.0
• Firefox 1.5 or later
• JRE 1.4.2 or later
• Firefox 1.5 or later
• JRE 1.4.2 or later
• Firefox 1.5 or later
• JRE 1.4.2 or later

Accessing DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 web pages

To access the DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 web pages:
1. On the host computer, open the Internet browser software.
2. In the Address field, type the IP address for the system. The Log In page appears.
3. Select the login type and enter the appropriate password.
Login type Default password Description
Monitor 2JustLookin! The monitor user can view the
Administrator 2TakeCare! The administrator user can
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
DL3D 1500 and D3D 3000 management pages, but cannot change them.
both view and change the management pages.
DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Remote Management
4. Click Login. The Home page appears.
The first page that is displayed after you log in to the DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 web pages is the system Home page.
The Home page is divided into the following sections:
Data reduced by
System details
Virtual tape libraries data services
NAS data services
System status information
This section provides a menu that links to the DL3D 1500/3000 web pages. Click the menu item to view the corresponding page. This section is also referred to as the Contents frame.
DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 web pages
DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Remote Management
This section displays the system status, hostname, IP address, and provides storage capacity information.
Capacity: Total raw data capacity available in the storage system.
Free: Data capacity available for new data.
Used: Data capacity consumed by data waiting to be
de-duplicated, data that will not be de-duplicated, de-duplicated data, and metadata.
Data reduced by
This section displays the current data reduction status. The percentage reduced indicates the total amount of data reduction achieved by both hardware compression and data de-duplication.
EMC DL3D 1500 and DL3D 3000 Administrator’s Guide
+ 208 hidden pages