This guide describes how to install and remove the Navisphere® Host
Agent, Navisphere Storage System Initialization Utility, Navisphere Server
Utility, Navisphere Command Line Interface (CLI), and admsnap software
on a Sun Solaris operating system.
For information on supported operating system revisions and server
software with a CX3–series or CX-series storage system, refer to the E-Lab™
Interoperability Navigator on the Powerlink website. For AX-series
storage systems, refer to the Support Matrix (Supported Configurations) or
the Supported Configurations link on the Install web page for your storage
Note: This document uses the term CX3-series to refer to CX3 model 10 systems,
CX3 model 20 systems, CX3 model 40 systems, and CX3 model 80 systems, and
the term CX-series to refer to CX200, CX300-series, CX400, CX500-series, CX600,
and CX700 storage systems, and the term AX-series to refer to AX150–series and
AX100–series storage systems.
Running the NavisphereHost Agent .............................................. 31
Installing and removing the Navisphere Server Utility..................... 34
Running the NavisphereServerUtility ........................................... 37
Installing and removing the Admsnap Utility.................................. 42
Running the Admsnap Utility ........................................................ 46
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide
About EMC Navisph
ere Software
The following EMC
support CD that sh
(for AX-series sy
Navisphere® Sto
Navisphere Host
Navisphere Serve
Admsnap Utility
Navisphere Comm
® server-based software is available on the server
ipped with your storage system or your upgrade kit
stems upgrading to Navisphere Manager):
rage System Initialization Utility
and Line Interface (CLI)
About the Navisphere Storage System Initialization Utility
For CX3-series and CX-series Fibre Channel storage systems, use the
utility to discover storage systems, and set network parameters (IP
address, subnet mask, and default gateway).
Note: For CX-series storage systems, an authorized service provider must
install and run the Initialization Utility.
For AX-series storage systems, use the utility to discover storage
systems, set network parameters (IP address, subnet mask, and default
gateway), and create management user accounts. In addition, for
AX150 iSCSI storage systems, use the utility to set network parameters
for the storage system’s iSCSI data ports.
You can run the Navisphere Storage System Initialization Utility from
the server support CD or you can install it on a server that is connected
to the storage system. We recommend that you install the utility on at
least one server that is connected to the storage system.
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide
Note: The Navisphere Initialization Utility runs on servers attached to
CX3-series, CX700, CX500-series, CX300-series, and AX-series storage systems.
CX3 model 10 systems must be running FLARE® OE or later.
CX3 model 20 systems, CX3 model 40 systems, and CX3 model 80 systems
must be running FLARE OE or later. CX700, CX500-series,
and CX300-series systems must be running FLARE OE or
later. AX150-series systems must be running FLARE or later.
AX100-series systems must be running FLARE OE or later.
About the Navisphere Host Agent
The host agent registers the server’s HBA (host bus adapter) with the
attached storage system when the host agent service starts. This action
sends the initiator records for each HBA to the storage system. Initiator
records are used to control access to storage-system data. For legacy
storage systems, the host agent will send the initiator records only if
Access Logix™ software is installed.
automatically at startup or when requested by Manager or CLI.
Send drive mapping information to the attached CLARiiON®
storage systems.
Monitor storage-system events and can notify personnel by email,
page, or modem when any designated event occurs.
Retrieve LUN WWN (world wide name) and capacity information
from Symmetrix® storage systems.
The host agent runs on servers attached to CX3–series and CX–series. It also
runs on servers attached to AX-series storage systems that have been upgraded
to Navisphere Manager, that is, that have the Navisphere Manager enabler
About the Navisphere Server Utility
The server ut
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide
ility allows you to perform the following three functions:
Update server information to the storage system —Thisoption
sends the server name and IP address to the storage system and,
if needed later on, allows you to update or view this data. For
Windows servers running Navisphere Server Utility version 6.20 or
higher, if the Registration Service feature remains enabled after the
installation of the server utility, the utility will automatically register
server information whenever there is a configuration change (for
example, when you mount new volumes or create new partitions).
Verify server high availability (HA) — Allows you to determine if
the server is configured for high availability (HA) by verifying that
SP, and that PowerPath or some other failover software, such as
DMP or PV Links, is running. The utility will not detect any other
native failover software, such as Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager or
Linux native multipath (MPIO).
This feature is currently supported only on CX3–series and CX-series
storage systems and is not available on Solaris iSCSI servers.
Use the snapshot feature — Storage systems running Navisphere
Express can start and stop a snapshot on the source server (server
assigned to the source virtual disk), or can allow or remove access
to the snapshot by the secondary server (server assigned to the
You can run the Navisphere Server Utility from the CD or you can
install it on the servers that are connected to the storage system. We
strongly recommend that you install the utility on each server that is
connected to the storage system.
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide
About the Admsnap Utility
Note: The server utility runs on servers attached to CX3-series, CX-series, and
AX-series storage systems. CX3 model 10 systems must be running FLARE
OE or later. CX3 model 20 systems, CX3 model 40 systems,
and CX3 model 80 systems must be running FLARE OE or
later. CX200, CX300-series, CX400, CX500-series, CX600, and CX700 systems
must be running FLARE or later.AX150-series systems must
be running FLARE or later. AX100-series systems must be
running FLARE or later.
interactively or by a script to manage SnapView® clones and snapshots.
The Admsnap Utility resides on the servers connected to the storage
system with the SnapView driver installed.
Use admsnap commands to:
Scan for new storage devices
Make storage devices inaccessible to the server operating system
Flush cache data to disk
List current snapshot devices
Map and unmap to a SnapView session
Start and stop a SnapView session
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide
About the Navisphere CLI
Note: The Admsnap Utility runs on servers attached to CX3-series and
CX-series. It also runs on servers attached to AX-series storage systems that
have been upgraded to Navisphere Manager, that is, that have the Navisphere
Manager enabler installed. If you upgraded to Navisphere Manager and
want to manage snapshots, you must use the SnapView software and the
Admsnap Utility. For more information on SnapView and admsnap, refer to
the Navisphere Manager help and the EMC SnapView Command Line InterfacesReference.
The CLI complements or can be used as an alternative to Manager. It
provides a command line interface for storage-system management,
including storage provisioning, status and configuration information
retrieval, and control. You can use the CLI to automate management
functions through shell scripts and batch files. Navisphere CLI includes
the Secure, Classic, and Java CLI functionalities. For more information,
refer to the EMC Navisphere Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference Guide.
Note: The Navisphere CLI can run on servers or remote management stations
that are attached to CX3-series and CX-series. It can also run on servers or
remote management stations that are attached to AX100 and AX150 storage
systems that have been upgraded to Navisphere Manager, that is, that have the
Navisphere Manager enabler installed.
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide
Finding current i
The most up-to-da
software is poste
that you download
To access EMC Pow
After you log in, select Support > Technical Documentation and
Advisories andfindthefollowing:
Navisphere Host Agent/CLI and Utilities Release Notes
EMC SnapView Command Line Interfaces Reference (P/N 069001181)
The latest version of this guide that is applicable to your software
revision. For information on FC4700 storage systems, refer to
revision A05 of this guide.
EMC Installation Roadmap for CX3–Series, CX-Series, AX-Series,
and FC-Series Storage Systems (P/N 069001166), which provides
a checklist of the tasks that you must complete to install your
storage system in a storage area network (SAN) or direct attach
For the most current management and security content for
AX-series, CX3–series, and CX-series storage systems, refer
to the EMC Navisphere Manager help, which is available in
the Navisphere Manager UI and in the Support > TechnicalDocumentation and Advisories section of the Powerlink website.
For FC-series management and security content, refer to the
most recent versions of EMC Navisphere Manager Administrator’s
Guide (P/N 069001125) and EMC Navisphere Security Domains,
Multi-Domains, and User Accounts (P/N 069001124).
te information about the CLARiiON® server
d on the EMC Powerlink® website. We recommend
the latest information before you install any server
erlink, use the following link:
For AX-series, CX3–series, and CX-series storage systems, refer
to the latest version of the EMC Navisphere Command Line Interface(CLI) Reference (P/N 300–003–628). For FC-series storage systems,
refer to the most recent version of the EMC Navsphere Command LineInterface (CLI) Reference (P/N 069001038).
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide
Installing and re
moving the Navisphere Storage System Initialization
EMC recommends that you install the utility on the server; however,
you can run the Navisphere Storage System Initialization Utility from
the server support CD.
Installation prerequisites
to initialize a storage system, the server must meet the following
Run a supported version of the operating system.
Be connected to the same subnet as the 10/100 management ports of
the storage system that you want to initialize. This server may also
be a server with Fibre Channel connections to the storage system.
If you have a previous revision installed, you must uninstall it before
installing an updated version.
Installing the Navisphere Storage System Initialization Utility on a Solaris server
EMC recommends that you install the most recent version of the
Navisphere Storage System Initialization Utility software that is
appropriate for your configuration. You can download the most recent
version from either the software download page on the Powerlink
website (CX3–series and CX-series) or on the support website
(AX-series storage systems). You can also install the software from the
server support CD (any storage system); however, the CD may not
contain the most recent version for your configuration.
1. Log in as superuser (root) on a Solaris server that is on the same
subnet as the storage system.
2. If any previous revision of the initialization utility is installed on
the server, remove it before continuing.
Note: To verify if the initialization utility is installed, enter the pkginfo
|grep HOST command.
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide
3. To download the software for CX3–series or CX-series storage
systems, do the following:
a. On the Powerlink website, select Support > Software
Downloads and Licensing and navigate to the Navisphere
Storage System Initialization Utility download section, which
maybeineithertheCLARiiON Navisphere Storage System
Initialization Utility section or the CLARiiON Navisphere
Host Based Agent/CLI Solaris section.
b. Select the appropriate initialization utility version to download
and select the option to save the zip file to your server.
c. At the command line prompt, navigate to the directory where
you saved the zip file and unzip the file.
where version is the version listed in the filename.
d. Enter the following command to install the initialization utility
pkgadd -d INITTOOL.pkg
4. To download the software for AX-series storage systems, do the
a. On the support website select Download for AX150 series or
Register to Download software for AX100 series.
b. Select the appropriate Navisphere Storage System Initialization
Utility version to download and select the option to save the
zip file to your server.
c. At the command line prompt, navigate to the directory where
you saved the zip file and unzip the file.
where version is the version listed in the filename.
d. Enter the following command to install the initialization utility
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide
pkgadd -d INITTOOL.pkg
5. To install the software from the server support CD (any storage
system), do the following:
a. In the server’s drive, insert the server support CD, which
shipped with the storage system or the upgrade kit (for
AX-series systems upgrading to Navisphere Manager).
b. From a console window, mount the CD:
mount /mnt/cdrom
c. Install the Navisphere Storage System Initialization Utility:
6. At the prompt to select the packages to process, enter 1 to select
7. Atthepromptaboutscriptsthatexecutewithsuperuserpermission
during the installation, enter y.
8. When installation is complete, exit the /cdrom directory.
Removing the St
For example, execute cd /.
9. If you installed the initialization utility from the CD, remove the
CD from the server’s CD drive.
orage System Initialization Utility on a Solaris server
1. At the Solaris server, log in as superuser (root).
2. Execute the pkgrm INITTOOL.pkg command to remove the
Storage System Initialization Utility and confirm if prompted by
entering y and y. If the initialization utility is not installed, you will
receive a
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide
Not found error message.
Running the Navis
phere Storage System Initialization Utility
You c an star t t he s
on which it is inst
system initializ
— a command line i
that cannot be sc
system is power
Note: Before using the Navisphere Storage System Initialization Utility, make
sure that you know the static IP addresses for the storage system SPs (for
example, and, the subnet mask, and the default
gateway address. For storage system initialization, connect the server from
which you are running the utility and the storage system to the same network
subnet, Once you have assigned an IP address to the storage system, the server
and storage system can be on different subnets.
Starting and u
Starting the initialization utility from a server
sing the storage system initialization utility on a Solaris server
This section describes the supported methods for starting and using the
storage system initialization utility.
To start the text-based or command line utility from a server , enter:
torage system initialization utility from the server
alled or from the server support CD. The storage
ation utility has two methods for executing commands
nterface that can be scripted, or a text-based utility
ed up completely.
/opt/Navisphere/bin/naviinittool and for the command line utility,
include any of the command line switches in Using the command lineinitialization utility, page 15.
Starting the initialization utility from the CD
To start the text-based or command line utility from the CD, do the
1. At the Solaris server, log in as superuser (root).
2. In the server’s drive, insert the server support CD, which shipped
with the storage system or the upgrade kit (for AX-series systems
upgrading to Navisphere Manager).
3. Navigate to the Solaris directory:
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide
cdrom /cdrom0/solaris
4. To start the text-based utility or command line utility from the CD,
enter ./naviinittool and for the command line utility, include any of
the command line switches in Using the command line initializationutility, page 15.
Using the text-based initialization utility
To use the text-based utility to initialize your storage systems, do the
1. Read the license agreement and enter y to accept it
The utility automatically scans the subnet for supported storage
systems. When this storage-system discovery operation is complete,
the utility lists, by hardware serial number, all uninitialized and
initialized storage systems it discovered. The hardware serial
number (HW S/N XXX 000NNNNNNNN) is on a label on the rear
of the chassis.
If the storage system you are installing was not discovered, verify
the cable connections between the storage system and the server
running the utility.
2. Enter the item number of the storage system you want to initialize
and press Enter.
3. Using the information in the “Storage-System Management
Ports” worksheet from the storage-system configuration planning
guide, planning worksheets document, or the “Administration
Worksheet”, follow the instructions on the screen to change the
storage system’s name, if desired, and to set the following network
parameters for the storage-system 10/100 management ports:
orage Processor A - IP
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide
address for SP A management port. For a
3–series system, this IP address cannot be
CX,,, or
12 because these addresses are reserved.
or an AX-series storage system, this IP address
annot be or because these
ddresses are reserved.
Storage Processor B - IP
Subnet MaskSubnet mask associated with the LAN to which the
Default GatewayDefault gateway address for the LAN to which the
IP address for SP B management port. For a
CX3–series system, this IP address cannot be,,, or because these addresses are reserved.
For an AX-series storage system, this IP address
cannot be or because these
addresses are reserved.
storage-system management port is connected.
storage-system management port is connected.
4. Enter the name you want for the storage system; it cannot exceed
32 characters.
5. When you have set the parameters to the values you want, apply
the values by typing a.
6. Using the information in the “Storage-System Management
Ports” worksheet from the storage-system configuration planning
guide, planning worksheets document, or the “Administration
Worksheet”, follow the instructions on the screen to change
the storage system’s name, if desired, and to set the following
management user account settings for the storage system:
7. When you have set the parameters to the values you want, apply
the values by typing a.
8. Exit the utility by typing e.
For a CX3-series storage system
If you entered an SP IP address for the first time or changed an SP IP
address, the utility reboots the storage system, and the SP fault light on
the back of each SP starts blinking. The reboot takes several minutes
to complete. When it is completed, the SP fault light (LEDs) on each
SP stops blinking and remains off.
For an AX-series storage system
If you entered an SP IP address for the first time or changed an SP IP
address, the utility reboots the storage system and the SP Boot/Fault
light on the back of each SP starts blinking. The reboot takes several
minutes to complete. When it is completed, the SP Boot/Fault light on
each SP stops blinking and remains off.
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide
Using the command line initialization utility
Use the following switches, in combination with the appropriate CLI
command, to set initialization values for the specified storage system.
eula [-language language]
Displays the EMC end-user license agreement
(EULA) in the specified language The default language is English.
Currently, the only valid language is English.
discover [-all][-xml]
Discovers and displays a list of partially initialized storage systems.
-discover with the –all switch discovers and displays a list of initialized
and partially initialized storage systems.
-discover with the –xml switch specifies that the output is in
xml format.
Specifies the network parameters for the specified storage system. In
addition, for AX-series storage systems, specifies the
storage system login credentials.
-serial serialnumber
-configure with the –serial switch specifies the serial number of the
storage system you want to initialize.
-file filename
-configure with the -file switch sets the name of the file that will
store all the network parameters.
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide
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